It List: Wednesday

Lost Generation/Rooftop Vigilantes (The Lounge): Tonight's show is scheduled to run from eight until midnight, to make it easier on those who have a hard time going out during the week. The guest DJ is Gabe from Lollipop Shoppe, though I'm told he'll be playing punk, post-punk, no wave, and soul as opposed to the more 60's-oriented psych and pop etc. he usually plays. Lawrence, KS residents, Rooftop Vigilantes, are this edition's live music act, and they were once described in a lucky appearance on Stereogum's "Band To Watch" as a "drunken Fugazi." I really don't know about that. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that Fugazi would sound like that if they were drunk. My guess is drunken Fugazi would still sound pretty great, and not so emo-pop. I have to stop myself though, I'm starting to sound like the Superfans discussing "Little Ditka." Band is scheduled for ten o'clock.
Get Fucked Wednesdays (Fallout Lounge): This is a new weekly at Fallout Lounge and the lineup is Mikey Rodge, Killtron, and Whack-A-Tone. Wait, was Killtronix shortened to Killtron? I know I'm one to talk, but it's hard to keep up with all this nickname shit. Harder than remembering all the profiles in "Stryfe's Strike File."
The Killers/M83 (Nokia): ADD: I apologize for forgetting that M83 is opening for The Killers. Forgive me. If you forgot every other watered-down, shoegaze-pop, caricature of a band, I would forgive you.
Detour with Giggle Party/Van Damme/featured artist: Jason Kauzlarich (The Cavern)
Cut Loose with Yeah Def/Females (Hailey's)
hey, i fucked that chick in the mouth! wow!
yes, but did she "stay true"?
no detour this evening?
Man, I like that Rooftop Vigilante stuff. Don't really hear the Fugazi, but it's still good. I like that there are bands that haven't succumbed to the psychedelia trend.
Detour has giggle party live. Van damm disco dj. Not sure who the artist is. FREE!!!! Cavern. 2 dolla beers/wells
dwight is really big on Fugazi.
what did i tell you about david corti?
Myspace him here:
Pete Freedman is a bad ass. Check out his latest piece about what it has been like covering this scene for a year now. You guys better watch out!
Yeah, Freedman. Ha. I bet their numbers quintupled because everyone really wants more info on the stanky leg. what the fuck is that guy talking about "back-and-forth" bantering and shit? no comments on most of the shit over there. boring.
m83 is not a band, it's a person.
Was once a band, is now a person, still has others help here and there. But let's not deviate from the overall theme here, okay?
pete freedman is a dumb twat and i told him so. now he hates the band i'm in, but has never heard us.
the moral of this story: i was right.
I have a penis.
pete declared punk is dead.. no wonder he has quadroopled the blog readership..
CUT LOOSE w/ yeahdef + females @ haileys tonight
disco / house / electro / bangers / sitcom laugh tracks
punks definately not dead
it faded out for a little while but its coming back
look at 1919 some badass punk bands play there
I have a penis.
gigle party are playing out too much
like fungis girl
so is every night at fallout lounge going to be the same shit?
yep pretty much
Lux Interior passed away today. R.I.P
Yeah, I just read that. Last time the Cramps came through I was going to go to the show until hours before when I was like "eh, I can skip it, they'll come through again."
I was wrong.
Rest In Pieces spooky guy.
what???????? no more lux???
that's fucking depressing!
1. well, why don't you cry about it?
2. looks like psychedelia's doing just fine on that chick's chest.
3. freedman is a dumb cunt. just ask widner, or sam m.
4. steelers rule. fuckers.
5. punk is punk.
"Stryfe's Strike File"
i get it.
about something
Punk can still live as an idea like it's always been. Punk, as in a bunch of jackasses that look like road warrior extras, can fuck off and die. It so fucking tired. Fuck all the crust punk pieces of shit around here. Die of a cheese overdose already. Fucking clowns.
i am a solo project you anon!
ive always been a form of releasing ones upper class collar pent up aggression as a natural backlash upon the culture of consumerism i am about to go to school and enviably take part in. i also have a fantastic trust fund, my grandpee is an exec for yoohoo. all those spikes and leather jackets took almost half of my weekly allowance btw.
sssssshyeah whatever, m83. I'm a fuckin' solo project. Suck it.
whoops. sorry.
nx35 - cause gas is too expensive to go see locals play in austin.
hey 4:02
how do you know david corti?
daivd koresh
i'm so tired of seeing ink...its like pogs for 18-30 year olds. Its about as bad as fohawk fashion mullets 3 years ago...
no more lux? whaaaaaat? and i'm reading this a day late. that SUCKS!
the fallout lounge plays the same music every night
Hah. The best night at Fallout doesn't play the same music. But underaged cokehead brats aren't really welcome.
I know Lux Interior died of heart problems, but I would like to assume he died while having crazy sex with a three eyed furry devil cannibal woman complete with fishnets and pointy boots while he was wearing a space suit.
...It thing hard on.
i love pogs
Man that girl is ugggggggggggggggggggggleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
that girl is beautiful
Let me guess... you don't like M83 because his music got popular.
We are aware we are playing out allot. We really like playing live and think our music is best heard live. But I can't say I disagree with Anonymous. Giggle Party really does play out allot. FUCK!
We are aware we are playing out allot. We really like playing live and think our music is best heard live. But I can't say I disagree with Anonymous. Giggle Party really does play out allot. FUCK!
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