
Daniel Folmer/Dust Congress/Nervous Curtains (Good Records In-store, 7pm)
Tapes N Tapes/Wild Light/Les Americans (Club Dada): I believe there was a time when Tapes N Tapes would have to play a bigger venue when they'd come through town, but that's how things go in the current cannibalistic world of the blog/indie/record industry; a sinking ship where one day you're all the rage with the stay-at-home journalists, only to wakeup and find you can't even get a lousy Myspace message returned. Don't sweat it, dudes. We're all in this together!
The Party (Zubar)
BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE@ HOUSE OF BLUES IS CANCELED: When you tour with ten people and one of them gets a cold, you're fucked.
My Son My Executioner/Era/Out To Sea/Fighting Chance/Choices (Molly's Hamburgers located at 4720 Little Rd. In Arlington): I love hardcore names. I really do. They either sound really epic and cool, or like a Saturday afternoon movie about an abusive relationship on the Lifetime Network.
The Hex Dispensers/Fungi Girls/Occult Detective Club/Bad Sports (Bunker Hill, 2614 N. Elm St., Denton): The Hex Dispensers are an Austin garage rock band that sound like a less-quirky version of The Spits. Their sped-up, dumbed-down version of paranoid Waver classic "Down In The Park" is definitely fun. Somehow missed Fungi Girls last weekend even though I went to the show, as I forgot that some venues actually operate in a timely fashion. Better luck this time.
Mount Righteous/Drug Mountain/Fishboy/Mr. Troll (Rubber Gloves): Hats off to whoever added Mr. Troll to this show. I hadn't heard any of this man's music until today, and was surprised at the plain, unaffected vocal delivery improbably emanating from behind this snow-white beard and sunglasses. I hear a lot of singers on a weekly basis, and it's a rare occurrence when I actually stop what I'm doing and sit thinking to myself, "That's it. That guy's definitely not faking or trying to shove some forced sentimentality or sensitivity down my throat. Finally." Some of his arrangements also have a nice torch singer quality that you rarely hear from today's song-writer. A very good addition to an already healthily diverse lineup.
Los Campesinos/Titus Andronicus (Club Dada): Los Campesinos sometimes sound like the Wedding Present after they signed to Island, only that band managed to retain some of their charm whereas this group might not have any to lose. Sounds pretty harsh, but you could do a lot worse than to be compared to The Wedding Present. Extra points for making their accents so prominent.
Titus Andronicus is the kind of group you're just ready to despise after reading over some gushing press blurbs (Cobain and GBV comparisons?), but they redeem themselves by coming off as a pretty believable take on the kind of impassioned blue-collar rock that The Reigning Sound, The Replacements, and The Rock*A*Teens made famous, if not in sound then at least in effort.
hey stoner, remove the bold. its hard on the eyesssss.
also, titus is playing at good records on sat.
anyone playing at j&js on sat?
secret bangs are also playing the bunker hill show, and i think we're on second or third this time, sr.
I can't wait for Fungi Girls to fail 9th grade so we can start seeing less and less of them.
woops. it's actually bad sports playing. my bad.
Who the hell put out or distributed Rock*A*Teens? I'd really like to get a copy of that shit- can't seem to find it anywhere..
what time is daivd corti playing in the parking lot at rgrs saturday?
Most Rock*A*Teens records were on Merge, who still sell them. The first two were on Daemon.
man, fuck all a yall.
i'll be there at 9PM sharp then i'm going to fuzzy's, all you grapevine assholes can smell my fish tacos
god, die of an overdose already, you attention-starved loser.
Dwight breaks it down for the beet farmers.
Saturday at 1919 see:
STATIC RADIO (lifetime style punk rock from NJ)
NEGADUCK (nerdy hardcore ala scholastic deth)
BIG FICTION (giant amped band)
It will start promptly at 8:pm so we can all drive to Dallas and see Ghostbusters at midnight.
And I'm %100 serious about Ghostbusters.
we love you daivd corti. will you open for us?
So in a city of 1.5 million people.. the venues on the IT LIST include an in store and a burger joint?
creep creep
For some reason, certain songs fuse with other songs when I hear them in my head. For instance, the first verse of "Down in the Park" always leads into the ascending piano part from Paul McCartney's "Maybe I'm Amazed" when I think of it.
ah hahahaha stonedranger drove all the way out to cleburne and didnt see the fungi girls play!!! thats what you get for driving out tothe sticks just to ignore the other bands that played
That's how it is when the venues in the city of 1.5 million people don't really care about music.
i dont think stonedranger was talking about the cleburne show dumbass he was talking abot the 1919 show
yeah, he was talking about the 1919 show.
Sup bRos
try cd source, they have a sense of humor. or humour, if you prefer..
Hot Coycheese playing @ the argo sat.
So there is pretty much nothing going on in Denton on sat night?
yeh because im not playing
fuck you
yeah, he was talking about the 1919 show.
titus andronicus FREE SHOW at good records today at 4 pm
titus andronicus FREE SHOW at good records today at 4 pm
so who wrote that stoner or defensive listening?
mr. troll has 16 points of articulation and comes complete with rocket assault grabber and dinobuddy.
its because the fungi girls didnt play last weekend
it was only ever a possibility that they would play
if yall didnt have such a hard on you might have realized that
It was me, DL, that wrote that. If you read the top of the page, it actually says "Written By Defensive Listening." Oddly enough, that means it was written by Defensive Listening.
Remember those educational horror stories your teachers would tell you about worksheets they were forced to fill out in college, only to find that after completing all the given tasks there was a sentence in the instructions about not being required to do any of the work on the page? Read the instructions.
Also, I was going to 1919 Hemphill because I wanted to watch all of the bands, and I wanted to see them all equally. I missed two of them (Fungi Girls and most of No Babies) because I had an overly long meal at Spiral Diner. It's not that I feel I should explain myself to any of you, it's just that some of you are so unbelievably dense, you need all the help you can get. You're welcome.
Dwight also wants you to know that he's the Assistant to the webmaster, not the Assistant Webmaster.
Keep up the modern TV references. My parents will enjoy that if they ever read the site.
What is goin down in Dallas tonight?
What is goin down in Dallas tonight?
fuck the shitty punk scene here. it's gotten out of hand
eat shitty vegan food
miss good bands
its karma
oh man It could be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse.
Also hey are you saying the food's shitty because it's vegan or not really all that good food that is vegan or both? JAY DUBS
oh! i seem to have inadvertently diddled myself with the tip of my thumb!
i dont think the food is any good at spiral, period. it gets a must eat here rep just because it is vegan, but it actually is just mediocre food
i dont think the food is any good at spiral, period. it gets a must eat here rep just because it is vegan, but it actually is just mediocre food
i think you're wrong twice.
Daivd, man, I nearly lost you when you busted out that Mad Season cover!
Love the blog name that references a 70's TV show. My dead great grandparents get it, trust me.
I have to agree with 10:27 ( and the refresh at 10:48 ).
the food at spiral is just ok. Its not horrible, or nasty, but its by far not great either. the only thing it really has going for it is that its one of the very few vegan restaurants in the metroplex. It didn't even impress me enough to drive out from arlington more than once.
I work at Spiral and I think the food is really good. I get excited about eating there when I'm not working.
And DL, I think the fact that you missed bands at 1919 means that you truly do have better luck at the other Spiral.
spiral food is good. fuck you all.
i heard daivd corti is the new busboy at Spiral
He is. He's surprisingly doing a good job. That boy's management material.
And he kinda looks like Morgan Spurlock.
He Schrutes, he scores!
He Schrutes, he scores!
hey rick, ill be coming in to the spiral tomorrow. Do you know if daivd corti works tomorrow? i want him to make me the jerk.
I heard Undoing of Daivd Corti rocked pretty hard at rgrs lastnight!
u people make me want to commit murder...
please do. i feel like stabbing out my eyeballs after reading this stupid shit.
how does spiral compare to cosmic cafe?
yeah, the nail in the coffin, 10:17. you do realize it's made by gutterth, don't you? do those guys do anything right or like ANYTHING that doesn't suck?
first....what do you consider not sucking? lets answer that first before we continue you anal fuck tard.
cosmic cafe has literally FILTHY kitchen conditions. if that doesn't bother you, then their shitty, inconsistent food will.
i've never eaten at spiral diner, but it's got to be better.
i ate at spiral diner once.
i ate at cosmic once and it wasn't bad. Food without meat just doesn't satisfy my craving for flesh and blood.
no, nail in the coffin, you told me everything I need to know. Thanks.
nail in the coffin makes a good point. what if you want to know what show to go to sometime BEFORE 6 p.m.?
Would rather have quality than promptness myself.
Get a job 9:44!
fer real, 9:44?
Yeah, "fer real." you want we shot gutterth to tell you what's up? Really?
the NTXshowlist thing looks pretty cool.
it doesnt seem to be gutterth biased.
how is it a bad thing?
oh, it doesn't? look again. and where is anything non-rock and folk-related?
so send them the good non-rock and non-folk shows to be added
naw, fuck that. We already have enough shit around here: dallas observer, pegasus news, we shot jr, DRC, etc. these little show lists pop up all the time. What do we need yet another one for? To stealthily promote the interests of the people behind it? the people that run all the other websites already do that. Support local music, dudez!
besides, how is a parata fan supposed to understand what bmore is when it's written on a flier?
gutterth are dipshits! if i need to know about the next time joey kendall is playing a show at a christian coffee house or some shit, i'll just kill myself and go to hell and i'll magically end up there anyway
this is the end. face it.
and why do you care so much whether this is the end or not? do you have some vested interest? do you have stock in gutterth? or do you just really relate to them with similarly bad taste in music?
I didn't know a google calendar could be the end of all websites previewing shows. Who knew?
fact of the matter is that gutterth people don't know shit about dj's, dance music, any sort of punk or noise etc. The only time they ever like punk is if it's a screamo band, so good luck with that. if you submit to that shit, you're putting more stock into clueless people that don't know shit about music. they don't even like slow burners, who are obviously better than almost all of the folk shit they put out.
This is not meant to be "the end" of anything, just another resource to try to help more people find out about shows. The goal is simply to try and get more people out to see live music in the area.
Feel free to help out and submit any dance music/dj shows, etc. Thanks.
And we do like the Slow Burners.
well, it looks like one of the gutterth soldiers is out of line. how typical.
one of the gutterth dudes is in a pretty good noise project, so 1:33 is off base again
"pretty good."
adj: solid, blue chip, rewarding
i hate roman numerals and i love 1:24's comment
psssh that is not up to date
still trust it more. anything to fuck up nail in the coffin's day. i wonder what gutterth band nail is in. maybe it's a new fair to midland or roger waters solo cover band called Nail In The Coffin. Rock on, little dude!
please, if someone could get through to those gutterth guys, i mean, WE NEED TO KNOW when some lil dipshitz are spinnin on their macbooks and playin mad DJ sets because thats REAL ART. i mean, when i got my mac book after hearing girl talk the first time, i was like "this is it." DUB HIP HOP ELECTRONICA I MEAN THERE IS SO MUCH OF ALL THAT AROUND HERE THAT IS SOOOOO GOOOD, lets make sure every local music information outlet cramms it down all of our throats ensuring the deskilling of all and any craft that was once associated with musical creation. please. more dj sets.
"fact of the matter is that the gutterth guys dont know shit about djs, dance music, punk of any kind"
-i totally agree, when i go out to listen to music, basically i wanna dance to some shit at hailys that i can get drunk and puke on my girlfriends tits to. i mean, who do gutterth boys think they are leaving us out of their local music art report? i mean, how, i repeat how, am i going to know when its time to look cool at hailys with all of my favorite scene peens? oh wait, thats right, they have shitty theme nights! easily coded by night, for maximum populace appeal! shame on gutterth for not letting me know what is going on at the inferno, or the drink or the tavern. shame on gutterth for paying attention to their own definition of art.
(fuck you 1:33 punk in this town is fucking trash, this is the 70s, television WAS cool. drink beers! look cool! PUNK!)
but how will i know when ian bangs is playing another mean dj set? oh wait thats right no one cares unless youre friends with him.
but how will i know when ian bangs is playing another mean dj set? oh wait thats right no one cares unless youre friends with him.
who gets bonerz for macbooks raise your hands.
you guys are just proving my point for me. the people that record for gutterth are one-dimensional and the people that support them are the same kind of close-minded malcontents.
if a showlist is to be informative, then it should include EVERYTHING. It's just a list. It's not supposed to be someone's "definition of art." What the fuck. Who the fuck are you to say what real art is? Strumming an acoustic guitar and crying like a little bitch about your stupid upper middle class life? Spare me.
The fact that you guys are limiting dance music to being nothing more than garbage, just proves my point that the gutterth supporters have always been the most ignorant bunch of fucking people that this area has ever had to suffer through. A bunch of privileged brats that can do nothing more than whine and moan about their "love lives" over the most unimaginative music imaginable.
And is Nail In The Coffin a new band? Do they do Fair To Midland or Roger Waters covers?
nostradamus predicted that NTXSHOWLIST would replace WSJR by the end of 2009. prepare yourself to witness the fall of the last great holy roman blogcast.
all you people have purple pussies.
are you gonna let dwight light the wsj offices on fire and not do anything about it?
3:20 - all you ladies pop your pussy like this.
3:20 - all you ladies pop your pussy like this.
i play macbook sets. i am deskilling and making worse by proxy the very thing that makes me look cool to appear to stand in support of. we are disproportionately disconnected from our meal! YAY!
stop drooling on me
i make lists! i make the rules for lists! all lists must be made according to my standards, and all lists must actually qualify for my list approval process! im sure NTX showlist is a work in progress, how long did it take wsjr to become "cool"? dont be a nigger.
aric stopped being funny a long time ago. so did morgan spurlock.
ah, the N word. just another example of how classy these gutterth scene kids are.
3:20 pm - even you pay attention to your own definition of art. all people have some invisible line in their own eyes that seperates art from trash man, who do you think you are? what moves you asshole? i happen to beleive that the fucking gutterthboys, while being all to positive, all the time, about stuff even i dont like, are genuinely moved by the art they support. how fucking dare you bring your negative shitstains to something that at least has some positive fucking energy for once. how much of a goddamned asshole do you have to be to rain on a parade that you want nothing to do with?
nigger nigger nigger
maybe if the gutterth pussies weren't doing the same thing, 343, you'd have a case.
nigger nigger nigger
Why are people mean to me, I just want to make cool music and chill out with my bro's? oh, and WOMEN LIE.
3:54 - Anonymouse
who the hell do you think you are to tell someone to "think twice" about who they surround themselves with? are you gonna break some virtual kneecaps? chances are you dont actually know shit. about anything. the level of reckless hate and abandon you've put on display for this whole peanut gallery, and for your entire north texas music community, is a fervent testimony to it as well. if you knew those guys in the least, you would see that they are genuine people, backing, what do you know? other genuine people. if you must lambast someone, why not go with the grain and choose matthew and the arrogant spray? they didnt even cut the mustard for gutterth.
all you ladies pop your pussies like this.
telling someone to think twice is not a threat. it just means to think about something more than once.
Backing genuine people? HA. Trying to make your point by ripping on Matthew and The Arrogant Sea is not helping your case. Please, don't preach positivity to me, what a load of shit. If you don't know that those people are bunch of hateful fuckers themselves, well, whatever.
YEah, remember Phil Collins told everyone to OH, THink twice? Another day for you and me in Paradise and shit.
all you ladies pop your pussies like this.
I just think its funny that "Nail in the Coffin" thinks he's tricking everyone into believing he is a "voice of the people" or something. Let's see here.... he (or she) posted a link to a site that hadn't even been promoted or completed yet... a site basically under construction that absolutely no one had heard of yet. Hmmm.... I guess that means that Nail in the Coffin was a person with inside information about Gutterth, meaning a friend of theirs or an artist on their label, or someone who received a press release or email about it. Based on all the actions I've ever seen from the Gutterth dudes themselves, I don't think for a second that they would get on here and talk shit like that idiot, but I know for a fact that some of the little pussies on their label would do exactly that, and have done exactly that, time and time again on here. So basically, Nail in the Coffin is a self serving little cunt who's trying to start some "buzz" about a website that won't make him cry because they'll post shows that he or she is involved with. Way to go pal!
4:20 -Anonymous
go smoke some weed and chill out dude. youre all wound up, youve lost control of your facetiousness detector, and your dropping slick ones all over the place bro. are you ALT?
4:20 -Anonymous
go smoke some weed and chill out dude. youre all wound up, youve lost control of your facetiousness detector, and your dropping slick ones all over the place bro. are you ALT?
Voice of reason.
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
im actually kyle from canada
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
"deus ex machina"
hey, literary critic for the NYT Blog: go fuck yourself, you immature little cunt.
4:46 nobody would even believe you if it were true.
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
stoned ranger = deus ex machina
thanks for clearing all of this up dad.
So, what did we decide?
Is it cool to be cool, or just informed, or not?
So, what did we decide?
Is it cool to be cool, or just informed, or not?
Post of the day!
Maybe if someone had come to JnJs and seen the clusterfuck that happened, you might have actually been amused, been able to drink some Mr. Special Bottle Jim Beam, enjoyed some good music, AND laughed at the fucking ridiculousness of 100% Bitches Like Shannon Doherty. So there. Wahhhhh...
make fun of me now. I WANT IT, I NEED IT (IT GETS ME OFF)
you guys are right about Titus.
"ANDREW WK MIXED WITH GBV" is a stupid comparison because its completely off base. I Would like to hear a band that actually sounds like that though. heh.
wIii73 cqefhbkimcue, [url=http://ugypnsnldvqc.com/]ugypnsnldvqc[/url], [link=http://rgqoiubfftqr.com/]rgqoiubfftqr[/link], http://ymizdyhcaqcr.com/
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