Fungi Girls/Electric Vengeance/Scoff (Cleburne Skate Center): I know you probably aren't going to drive to Cleburne for this, but considering that Fungi Girls have received more national press than any other local band so far in 2009, we had to put this up here, right? Apparently these dudes got played yesterday afternoon on XM satellite radio, which is just the latest in crazy things that have happened to them over the past couple weeks. Anyway, if you're interested, Fungi Girls go on at 715 PM apparently.
Akkolyte/Vorvadoss/Fighting Change/Scumrush/Enemies of Inertia/Blood OV (Reno's): Pretty brutal show at a pretty brutal venue. In the first instance, brutal means fierce, harsh and fun. In the second, it means "Why am I in Deep Ellum on a weekend night? Get me the fuck away from this rockabilly convention." JK guys, Akkolyte and Vorvadoss are worth braving most shitty crowds in order to see.
Genova/Panda Toes/Van Damme/Females (the Cavern)
Matthew and the Arrogrant Sea/RTB2/The Beaten Sea (1207 Annex Ave., Dallas): Now that Swiss House is more or less gone, Dallas pretty much has a total of zero regular locations for house shows. Maybe this could end up being the first.
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Stag Film/The Me Thinks/Bastardo de Sancho (Doublewide)
Awkquarius (Rubber Gloves)
Aquarius Party with Big J and Select (Fallout Lounge)
Drug Mountain/Fungi Girls/No Babies/A Smile Full Of Ale (1919 Hemphill): Great local and kind of local lineup along with a band I've heard great things about: Mobile, Alabama's No Babies. -DL
Some Jerk Off/Orange Coax/Geistheistler (Majestic Dwelling of Doom): You know what the best part about being me is? I can tell you that two really great bands are playing at Majestic Dwelling of Doom on Sunday, and then I can just ignore the other crap that may or may not be occuring at the same place around the same time. Way to go Potato, your publicity scheme worked like a charm!
Aquarius Party with Big J and Select (Fallout Lounge)
Drug Mountain/Fungi Girls/No Babies/A Smile Full Of Ale (1919 Hemphill): Great local and kind of local lineup along with a band I've heard great things about: Mobile, Alabama's No Babies. -DL
Some Jerk Off/Orange Coax/Geistheistler (Majestic Dwelling of Doom): You know what the best part about being me is? I can tell you that two really great bands are playing at Majestic Dwelling of Doom on Sunday, and then I can just ignore the other crap that may or may not be occuring at the same place around the same time. Way to go Potato, your publicity scheme worked like a charm!
upstairs; genova, whack-a-tone (pandatoes blog), van damme + live party filming
downstairs; females
WTF? I pay to get into everything.
no babies is also playin majestic dwelling of doom, their really good,kinda similiar to xbxrxo r harry pussy, and their from oakland so bring them some donations....thanks
Any DIY action this weekender?
dude I totally want to go rave and do coke until my dick goes limp.
Marcus' peen smells like MOLD!
someone say coke? I'M THERE!
1914 Greenville Ave, DALLAS 75206
I heard they're going to be projecting tits on the wall?
DL is so stoked about the 1919 show on Saturday that he posted it twice
these godammed bands play far too often. why not just fucking wait, and see the same exact line-ups on any given wednesday?
or not. cos i'm fucking SICK TO DEATH of them.
saturday @ rubber gloves
pinebox serenade & the slow burners
nevermind. its at haileys. not rubber gloves
Super serial business.
Vice is the rotten.com of Web 2.0
Hey Alex can you bring my comic book to the show Sunday thanks!
4:34pm- Some time these bands don't last too long so you gotta go see them as many times as you can before they evaporate. How else are you gonna name check them when you go to see the new band one of the members started.
You're being a real prick SR. You're going to slag off a whole band not because of the music but because of how one member may or may not have offended you in this ANONYMOUS comments section. boohoohoo. Stop taking yourself and the internet so goddamn seriously.
one of dallas' own is on there
Take's ya right back to fourth grade, eh SR? personal agenda my third eye
stop taking the internet so seriously? tell that to the people that hype themselves and act like total pricks constantly
who has the best pizza in denton?
James Maynard sells it by the slice and it's fucking amazing. You can't find him though. You have to let him come to you...
Dude, I'm gonna be at Cleburne Skate park. See you there, SR.
Dude, I'm gonna be at Cleburne Skate park tonight. See you there, SR.
Is it true that there is a dolphin petting pool at the Cleburne Skate Park?
no vorvadoss 2nite :(
i wanna know who this lady is....maybe i can even be part of her hall of shame!
She is the bug-eyed,dreaded,skinny black lady that sits outside the bathrooms in the subway asking everyone to listen to her sing beatles songs.
the worst part about denton? no good pizza AT ALL. and if you shitbirds wanna get on here and try an tell me J+J's is great, then you're an embarrassment to my pepperoni dick.
this chick must have herpes on her genital wart's crabs bleeding anuses.
whatta fuckin skag.
hey pal, i'm a ding dong, get your rage on, get paid.
hey pal, i'm a rim-ram, get your rage on, get laid.
uh, uh, uh-uh-uh.....................................
pizza inn!!!
vagina brothers
drug mountain where you from?
hey daivd corti, u go to plano west?
jesus, when did 10 yr old boys from broken homes take over these anons?
when the site started jizzing over fungi girls
that should be directed at almost every prick whining about everything and anything on this blog, not JUST sr.
waaaaaaaah! wanz talks too much during his set and plays too many shows...
boohoohooo!!! john of flesh is an asshole and won't book my band!
maahahaha! *pout* *pout* liles is a fakin' jamaican who actually made some money doing music 20 years ago!!!
stfu and get a maxi pad for your fucking bleeding asshole.
"Where is the love???"
Saturday, 1/24
History at our Disposal
Matthew and the Arrogant Sea
Bridges and Blinking Lights
10ish (after the 1919 show is over)
nah man, y'all got it all wrong man, music is about grooving and freeing yourself, it ain't about this or that man, you know what I am saying man.......woah man look at my hand....
yeh man i agree. some of this music doesnt groove though. its just loud and annoying for no reason but so they can sound like their favorite band.
Finally applied for NX35 last night!
Gawd this fungi girl shit is really depressing. This is all dfw has now? Its like a gimmick band with age as their main tool. I guarantee you if a 24 yr old were making that music no one would give a shit.
Other bands that were really young: Slint, Redd Kross, guitarist from Flock Of Seagulls, Teenage Jesus And The Jerks, Husker Du, Stevie Wonder, Lil Stevie Winwood, Teen Idles, The Boxtops and really...
Who gives a shit? If nobody had told you their age, you would have never thought about it and YOU WOULD STILL BE BITCHING. Can't wait to go to 1919 2nite. Kiss my old ass, motherfucker.
hurt feelings prompts teenager to make silly comment
fungi girls = the hipster Jonas Brothers(Or Hanson for the older crowd)
i sperm on that music
i heard darktown's playing LfuckingA.
I shit on that child music.
can someone upload some hot guy porn for me?
Hate implies you care Peter. Funny
Daivd corti drinks new born cum
my crew saw daivd corti at the chatroom last night, we beat his ass in the parking lot
slow burners tonight!
457, you're the one getting all mad and shit.
You're the one acting like a 14 year old on her period.
adub wants your cock
new t-shirt, it says...
"we shot jr drama is the best drama"
I am doing nothing right now.
I could be doing worse than I am doing.
we shot daivd corti
daivd corti, you gonna get your junk stuck in a bear trap when you be dipping your hush puppy in that tartar sauce
daivd corti fucked my sister
fuck you man fuck you.
extra crispy and a side of mac n cheese please
shit just got weird and stupid. i quit.
nows its david not daivd...fool dont even know how to spell your own name...
24 piece dark meat with family fries. HEY JEALOUSY
all this daivd corti business makes me hate my diet
herta herta herta
It would be nice if the Majestic Dwelling Of Doom had an address listed somewhere.
Found it. Man, the mapping is at the point where I could see The Eighth Continent written on the fence and a blue car in the drive. This is fuckin creepy man.
Show last night at 1919 was awesome. Thanks to everybody who came.
"The internet, it's better than myspace".
is where majestic dwelling of doom can be found
Have you guys seen the new "We Shot We Shot JR" t-shirts?
you know if you Google Daivd Corti, this website is the first to pop up...
ghost dad is pretty funny. this bear trap, she be my master...
careful with that trap in tow................................
im fucking up right now
wu fru's set tonight fucking slayed. SLAYED.
great local band
When do the shows usually start at the house of DOOM?
right before the cops get there.
wu fru was ridiculous
fungi girls did good at 1919
wu fru was ridiculous
10:09...an honest question there. Most all of you sound like the Desperate Housewives "reality tv show" I saw recently. I know there are some real people around here and I'm gonna find them. "The revolution will not be televised."
wu fru ruled!!!
wu fru ruled!!!
the cops have yet to be called at the dwelling. so um, where in the hell did that claim even come from?
do people even try to think anymore?
what think is?
fuck wu fru, they suck
jeez SR or DL which ever of you thats posting as anonymous. youre the only ones that don't like wu fru, get over it losers.
nope. i've seen them twice, and they fucking suck.
and potato can suck my numnuts.
7:58am...you are absolutely right. Sometimes you gotta drink and type like a little bitch
i thought that all wsjr does
wu fru really is awful
wu fru isn't awful.
They are a lot better than fucking fungi girls.
Though, I know that they are friends with those guys and won't go slagging them off, because believe it or not, they are really cool people, though people want to discredit wu fru for whatever reason.
And on top of everything, there's another member in that band who I feel doesn't deserve flack from you guys just because you don't like Thomas.
oh, really?
yo, give em' they space.
First of all, I've NEVER POSTED ANONYMOUSLY on this blog for any reason whatsoever (other than as Stonedrager, of course). I guess you can believe whatever you want, but we aren't THAT lame, ok? If we have something to say, we'll say it, and I covered my thoughts on Wu Fru thus far in the original post. I didn't make any comment about the music, btw.
so i guess what you're saying is that posting under a fake name is lame, but not THAT lame.
got it.
i heard stonedranger likes to get high and hit the gym.
this is what living in dallas will do to you: turn you into the bargain basement patrick bateman.
Did Patrick Bateman smoke pot? I honestly can't remember.
no, that's where the "basement" part comes in.
the whole description is making less sense to me now, but it was never meant as an insult. just something you'd say while really high.
(You keep on knocking but you can't come in
the door is locked, its you.-congos)
there are many diffrent ways to play the master and servent game..
not just side b of depeche modes great reward..
and many of us get thrown into the fire..
forced to play mans never ending monopoly of the senses..
as a child you feel..
but when time to try new things are upon us..
the whip lashes..
and the cycle continues..(it never ends-the residents)
a vail we claim as justice covers the faces of many masters..
fradulent prophets of right or wrong, good or bad, up or down..
*Satori's flower; where there is no up or down..
ideals vansished until a new boris album..
for those who know..
The hand of "THE LAW" comes crashing...
"Just ask dimond rio about being high on pcp and havein' to run from the cops. "man i just wanted some caned whip cream to catch a buzz mannnn"-D.R.
for those who know..
shit i'm lost..
this happens alot..
the druged mt. clan..
still recovering from thier show..
shits intense..
almost like Jodorowsky Holy..
a need for illusion is in the mist of being..
for those who know..
i dont know how many people feel..
but i've always been so grean..
for those who know..
art is deeper than a blog..
but since this reality sucks..
comunicating is vast..
or not..
in the words of xenakis..
musicans tend to be the plague that hold back true expression with sound..
Reed said it critics are just spinless half wits; to worried about what people are thinking of to acctully create..
or fess up to thier creation that is..
few rock n roll animals ever work up the never to creat coney island..
heres something on shoting jfk's side of the spectrum
Because theres 40 diffrent shades of black
so many fortresses and ways to attack
so why you complaining? ta!- pavement
5:41pm... is that what you're doing these days? because im quite out of the loop with what little bitches such as yourself do while drunk. AND anonymous 7:45pm people become guilty by association...
7:43- I am confused and also what is your deal?
was lame. this really was the end. But in the end a rebirth ...
its all wsjr knows how to do
i hate reno's. total shame all the good metal shows are going there.
what are you talkin bout? pimpadelic plays ridglea every thurs night
afP7jH xdicaazqjgcs, [url=http://dfkfzowkdtrj.com/]dfkfzowkdtrj[/url], [link=http://vgziwntsrgev.com/]vgziwntsrgev[/link], http://hevejobyagts.com/
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