LATE ADD: Fizzy Dino Pop/Dj Ops/Blue Fabric (408 Ponder, Denton)
Yo Majesty/Natalie Stewart (Hailey's): You might be tempted to lump Yo Majesty in with some of that other hipster hop bullshit (am I the only one who tried real hard but couldn't ever get into that Cool Kids record?), but I've seen the women of Yo Majesty twice and they are pretty much the real deal. By the way, I recently rediscovered Queen Latifa's "Just Another Day." Remember that jam from back in the day? It rules. There is also a picture of a topless memeber of Yo Majesty somewhere on WSJR. Post the URL to win a free prize!
ADD: Teenage Cool Kids/Unicorn Basement/MC.Vl/Division of Power (Exploding House)
Cartright/Circlebirds/RTB2/Heartstring Stranglers (Fra House): DL once called Cartright the worst local band, and I had to laugh at that a lot because even though I actually don't mind Cartright much, I can totally see why someone would say what DL did. Fortunately for society at large, however, most people in the world are not like us, and in fact, Cartright, during their time in Denton, had one of the most loyal local followings of any band I've seen around these parts, especially when they played at their home base, the Yellow House. Yeah, I can see how they are a Cetro-matic and Replacements rip off, but I've seen several of their shows over the years and I've never NOT had fun. That might have been due to the settings more than the band, but isn't context EVERYTHING these days?
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Nervous Curtains/The Make Believers/Followed By Static (Doublewide)
Baptist Generals/Robert Gomez/Doug Burr/Dust Congress (Sons of Hermann Hall): Sons is an appropriate setting for this show for sure, and in my not-so-humble opinion, Dust Congress are the highlights here, although to quote a WSJR associate, Baptist Generals DID get like an 8.5 in Pitchfork six years ago. JK guys!
ADD: Violent Squid/Sarah Ruth/Echo-Toll (Knight House)
Tame...Tame and Quiet/Shiny Around the Edges/Kaboom (Chat Room): If you haven't been to the Chat Room yet, it's a pretty great place to see a show, so check it out. Oh, and you just lost Ft. Worth Vegan Scene points. Bummer.
Hot Flash (Fallout Lounge): The Hot Flash crew tonight will also feature Genova. Should be the usual hipster meat market at Fallout if you're looking for some, uh, meat. But if you're in the mood to dance, Hot Flash is always fun and relatively douche free compared to the rest of the dance clubs in Dallas.
Three on Sunday with Martin Iles (Dan's Silverleaf): Martin will be bringing you the following:
Hooliganship (Peter Burr and Christopher Doulgeri), 2006 (6 min.)
In this animated short, band practice is interrupted by “Donald Trumpet”, who tells the musicians about some of his problems. These problems include pizza, hot dogs, soft serve ice cream, and more.
Hooliganship is the Northwest’s answer to the visual culture of Fort Thunder, Forcefield, Paper Rad, and Dear Raindrop. Using music, animation, installation, and performance, the duo “revel in a hypnotic abundance of digital information”. LINK
TVTV (Top Value Television), 1974 (60 min.)
He was the 16-year-old Guru Maharaj Ji and, as the Millennium approached, he promised to levitate the Houston Astrodome. It was the early Seventies and anything was possible so thousands flocked to his gathering. Follow him from his mansion in New York to the limousines in Houston, listen to his followers and watch the spectacle unfold just as the guerilla documentary collective TVTV did in this long out of print Alfred I. DuPont award winning documentary.
“If this guy is God, then this is the God the United States of America deserves.” - Abbie Hoffman
VARA/GRANADA, 1965/1968 (60 min.)
Featuring performances in Holland on December 25, 1965 and on England’s Granada TV on September 14, 1968.
Songs include... Brown Baby, Four Women, The Ballad of Hollis Brown, Tomorrow is My Turn/Images, Go Limp, Mississippi Goddam, Go To Hell, Ain’t Got No/I Got Life, Backlash Blues, I Put a Spell on You, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood, Why? (The King of Love is Dead). LINK
VARA/GRANADA, 1965/1968 (60 min.)
Featuring performances in Holland on December 25, 1965 and on England’s Granada TV on September 14, 1968.
Songs include... Brown Baby, Four Women, The Ballad of Hollis Brown, Tomorrow is My Turn/Images, Go Limp, Mississippi Goddam, Go To Hell, Ain’t Got No/I Got Life, Backlash Blues, I Put a Spell on You, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood, Why? (The King of Love is Dead). LINK
The Spectacle CD Release
Saturday Night Rubber Gloves
Exploding House Tonight $5 please
Teenage Cool Kids
Unicorn Basement (Minneapolis)
MC.VL (Minneapolis)
Division of Power
this weekend is poor to say the least
prize winner<<<
come on!
sorry, we're stupid and we forgot those shows. I'll add em now
prize winner<<<
Posted.... you'll see them up there in a few minutes.
and email us for your prize!
whats your email again? WSJ@yahoo.com?
JnJs Saturday,
Warren J. Hearne,
Sabra Laval,
Mauve X
with Warren and Sabra performing some duets... will be a treat before the other shows.
not sure what time,though, and not sure what order
frahouse sunday
burning bush
all day (probably)
lots of bands, and shit
this may be robby's last show w/ hss tonight at fra house. if you've enjoyed his work come by and tell him so, eh?
gonna go check out Binary Sunrise and Cocky Americans tonite at City Tavern, anyone heard anything about them?
cocky americans are great
black tie dynasty, what made milwaukee famous, pvc street gang, the boxing lesson @ granada saturday
cool, wanna see Binary too. Heard they're both good.
cool, wanna see Binary too. Heard they're both good.
408 Ponder St.
408 Ponder St.
Sun Club in spinning at 408 ponder
awol one at choke cough toppers !!? in choke cough watagauga choke cough sunday. i dont get it did what?
where the hell is city tavern
Cocky Americans are the worst local band (in my humble opinion)... I saw them a few months ago, and i was tempted to actually step out until they were done. They reminded me of a crappy highschool band. BTD is not fun either. Boxing Lesson's manager emailed me recently and sent me the album but i just couldn't get into it... Baptist Generals are a good bet this weekend!
what the hell? couldn't even give glen campbell some love?
i guess they were good while you were stepping out...
I feel bad for saying that Cartright was the worst local band. There were worse bands when I think back on it now. The guy's voice just grated on me.
(in regards to 12:50's comment) nah, i endured their entire set (i was at the very front and i couldn't give up that spot)... i said "tempted"
Binary Sunrise was great last night. That name is fucked though. I have passed on seeing them before thinking that it was going to be fratish. Good stuff. Will see them again for sure.
mentioning black tie dynasty makes you a complete fucking loser. i can't believe pvc is playing with them. you want money, chris? come suck my dick. don't play the fucking granada.
i can't BELIEVE the tiki lounge was closed.
SHIPS was better, anyway.
i love you guys.
8:26, weird. I've seen em a few times at the cavern and they killed.
maynards dick!
Dood, that hot pepper corn in a cup stuff they sell out front is incredible.
Thanks for adding my shiz on there, sarah alexander is fucking cool, i can't wait
sarah alexander is the chicken lady.
Cocky and binary show was good and probably the only reason I'll ever go to city tavern.
9:29 - Worst local band? Come on. Just cuz you didn't like them doesn't mean that.
why is sarah alexander the chicken lady? it just doesn't make sense
Who is the worst local band?
like anyone could ever know that
whatever afterlife there is
be it 47 virgins
be it sleeping peacefully
be it infinite anal rape by blazing whale harpoon
all i ask
Giggle Party is playing with Happy Bullets Sunday at Club Dada. It's a benefit for a theater troop. Sound at Dada is decent so it should be a good show.
yes i consider them to be the worst local band... i did say "my humble opinion" (tongue in cheek, i know but it is my opinion). I just found them hard to sit through... i have a cd of theirs as well and it just comes off as completely boring to me... plus that was a return to the post about Cartright... i do think BTD is close to worst though haha
really all i care about is fuel city.
see, the thing about fuel city is, it's bright. and there's lots of beer. and tacos. and gas.
bob seger
12:16 - lol if they sucked so bad why did you take a cd from them?
so what's going on at fra house tomorrow?
2:23- lol cause they handed it to me. What should I have done? "Oh hell no, don't you give me that CD. You guys sucked!" haha. i tried to give it away but no one would take it... so i listened to it to see if there was anything worth listening too that i somehow missed at the show, turns out nothing there either... sorry
2:23- lol cause they handed it to me. What should I have done? "Oh hell no, don't you give me that CD. You guys sucked!" haha. i tried to give it away but no one would take it... so i listened to it to see if there was anything worth listening too that i somehow missed at the show, turns out nothing there either... sorry
where you from david corti?
cocky americans are responsible for 2 of my top 5 or so cavern nights ever. i dont get all the hating unless it is just your typical local bands anonymously trashing other local bands shit. i wanted to hate them at first but i just can't. and they are really friendly dudes too
i like how jason of giggle party is commenting on Dada's sound as if they get offers to play at House of Blues and they are taking a step down to play a benefit.
yeah bitch
where you from daivid corti?
worst local band? fishboy (by default)
i take the cocky americans being the worst band remark back... Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights are by far the worst... what was i thinking? haha
oh and i really wanted to like cocky americans, they just bored me... maybe thats why i dislike them so much... from utter disappointment.
repost off of myspace from lance...
fra house
burning bush fest today.
grilling and chilling commences at 6.
featuring the wonderful noises of:
drink to victory
teenage bees
dust congress
red faced laughter
come eat and drink and listen and look at things with us.
2127 west oak street. byob.
8:29 - So they handed it to you and you HAD to take it but then you couldn't give it away? People exhibited the behavior you couldn't bring yourself to exhibit. SO you contradict yourself. I think you should head back upstairs and make your mom dinner. Having my cock in her mouth isn't filing her up.
8:29 - So they handed it to you and you HAD to take it but then you couldn't give it away? People exhibited the behavior you couldn't bring yourself to exhibit. SO you contradict yourself. I think you should head back upstairs and make your mom dinner. Having my cock in her mouth isn't filing her up.
Burning Bush fest tonight at the Fra House.
stop by if you want.
knight house fucking ruled
Cocky Americans should have shoved that CD right up your lame ass.
cartright was torture
steelers, fuckers. that is all...
Cartright are just a Replacements rip off? How DARE you say that!
sloan is a genius , one day be will be my lawyer
haha 3:18 are you a member of the band? nice conclusion btw
We don't get offers to play at House Of Blues it's true! But we do get offers to play inside your mom's vagina.Dick.
No seriously Club Dada had great sound. Thanks to the sound guy over there. It was fun and kids danced. So I can't be any more appreciative.
no, 3:18 was not one of us. all of our members know that the word "filling" has two L's. and the one-L'd "filing" implies some form of manual labor and we fastidiously avoid manual labor where possible.
no, 3:18 was not one of us. all of our members know that the word "filling" has two L's. and the one-L'd "filing" would imply some form of manual labor and we fastidiously avoid manual labor where possible.
but for the record we have only passed out CDs at one show, and we only had like 50 of them and only gave them to people who stuck their hands out for one. so whomever said we made him take one can go upstairs and cook for their mom or something. Filling.
I like this Cocky Americans guy. He's got class. I do all the filing at work.
Burning Bush fest tonight at the Fra House.
stop by if you want.
he's also got a weird voice. HEH.
i am 3:18 and not a member of any band. I'm a pre-modernist sculptor with a knack for poor grammar and message board combat.
could be...let's try and keep this an adult discussion. ANyone started on their taxes?
hell no i haven't started on my taxes!!! go fuck yourself
i have, i claim every single receipt i ever obtained since i was 12 each year
This is the comment for last weekends bullshit:
It was dah Bomb..the Shiznana... straight up Diggity Fo Rizzeal!
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