The Pharmacy/Raggedy Anns/Drug Mountain/Trifle Tower (Exploding House, Ft. Worth): Big show tonight. Fort Worth, you're lucky to have something this good to do on a Monday night. We're pretty pumped about seeing the official debut of Ft. Worth's Drug Mountain this evening, as they sound like they might end up being one of the harshest and most interesting local groups you'll encounter this year. Featuring members of Orange Coax and Nouns Group, among others, Drug Mountain's sax dominated rhythmic attacks remind me of bits and pieces of everything from Savage Republic to Maximum Joy to DNA, with the added distinction of sounding simultaneously precise and highly chaotic. Shit's stressful, and it's good. Highly recommended. Headliners The Pharmacy are a solid pop group that sound like so many different things all at once that it's almost stupid to attempt to describe them in terms of influences. Maybe that's what "indie rock" is now. I don't know. But I like it, so I know that couldn't be right. Anyway, The Pharmacy sounds like one of those bands who could play Exploding House in January and pack a "legit" venue three times its size in March.
The Donkeys/Orange Peel Sunshine/League of Fucking Decency (The Lounge): League of Fucking Decency have this one song on their Myspace page called "Old Timers" that's basically a really shitty cover of "Head Like a Whole" by Nine Inch Nails, and it's annoying enough to be kind of funny. Otherwise, I don't know why I'm listening to this group. San Diego's Donkeys are sort of like a country doo wop group for hipsters (we're talking like Gram Parsons and Exile on Mainstreet stuff here), but they are actually pretty good too. Go figure.
the pharmacy are touring maniacs. they'll probably be back in march. i hope so anyhow, whether its at a big venue or not.
maximum joy? dna?, its pretty much blank blank with saxaphones , wich is awesome! so off mark with the comparisons.
not everyone grew up with blank blank, dumbass. What does blank blank sound like? you punk rock shits are so fucking arrogant sometimes. I'm glad dance music took over and marginalized some of you idiots. and I love punk rock, but people like you fucking ruin it for everyone, getting all scientific about every little comparison. when you do something like add saxophones, you are altering its overall effect. DUH.
drug mountain hype
it like when someone references 5 bands youve never heard of, even if you are somewhat informed. just tell us does it sound more like kenny g or chuck mangione?
yes, I realize that they don't literally sound like either DNA or Maximum Joy all on their own (I don't think anyone who's heard these three bands would make that claim)... but I hear elements of both of those bands in what they do, as in the dissonance of DNA and some of the groove, albeit abstract and harsh, of Maximum Joy. Perhaps there are more accurate references to make that I either couldn't think of or don't know about, and if that's the case, so be it. But if you can think of them, great job! You should do yourself a favor, sweetheart, and come work for me.
Details on Fort Worth train-hopping legend Cadillac Fraf
Fraf had a scooter accident on 9/25/08, and had been in a coma until Saturday, 1/10/09 when he passed away.
There will be both an early and a late memorial service in his honor on Saturday, Jan 24th. We are told to visit the above link for updates on location and time.
Fraf has been missed sorely over the past months, and we can only replace the hope we felt that he might wake up with the relief of knowing that he's free. An organ donor, Fraf will leave his mark once more as his body will go on to aid the health of a potential 50-80 people in need.
right on 3:53
they sound more like pippin gock from wales actually. but you wouldnt know that because thats some uk underground from early 80s.
drugg mowntan
Can anyone tell me if NX35 is a festival for sentimental cowboy rockers?
yes, 3:53 I feel good about that statement mostly. Now let me get back to reading V, eating brown rice, and drinking sake bombs.
ah jeeeeeeeeez!! fraffacino anyone?
It's basically the same thing that Dallas Observer or We Shot Gaydar does every week. Except it's all Denton.
fort worps was badass tonight. tarrant county. love it live.
who cares if someone mentions a band name youve never heard of, so much fucking aggression towards your shallow concept of the one or two music nerds that pissed you off that now make up an entire scene to you. I like when a band im not familiar with is mentioned along the with the likes of something that peaks my interest.As long as its not in a condescending way, who cares. Thats how i find out about music sometimes.Id rather have someones opinion than just not discuss it at all. Its human to catalogue and compare, its also human to want to be free of labels and just enjoy, but i dont know anyone thats free of both of those sides.
who cares if someone mentions a band name youve never heard of, so much fucking aggression towards your shallow concept of the one or two music nerds that pissed you off that now make up an entire scene to you. I like when a band im not familiar with is mentioned along the with the likes of something that peaks my interest.As long as its not in a condescending way, who cares. Thats how i find out about music sometimes.Id rather have someones opinion than just not discuss it at all. Its human to catalogue and compare, its also human to want to be free of labels and just enjoy, but i dont know anyone thats free of both of those sides.
the entire exploding haus show was badass, but the raggedy anns were the highlight for me (go figure).
they were like a western swing take on that whole british art/post/punk whatever thing they got goin on. like if babyshambles, good shoes, or art brut really got into bob wills.
it may be lame, but i'm really into that british crap these days. so fuck you. v-neck undershirts and porkpie hats. eat shit!
we would never shoot anyone's gaydar, PS.
Nobody Grew up with Blank Blank, you tard.
i think it's about time someone mentioned 'real music' again. so here it goes...I NEED SOME REAL MUSIC
I wish I had some way to find out about Exploding House shows more than a few hours in advance... Without having to be on gay-ass myspace...!
i think they kind of sound like a fucked up maximum joy with a dude singer
hey I grew up with blank blank, asshole.
so what if myspace is a good way to find about new music or shows. get over yourself fuck face.
If they posted their shit on you can find out that way as well. They have a whole calendar deal on there.
everyone on this board are crybabies, except my anonymous self.
you fools are still bitching about the way drug mountain has been described?
They melted my fucking dick off of yr face, that's all you need to know.
7:10, The exploding house calendar is on the internet, and it's on myspace. Check it, or don't go. I bet you bitched about W and didn't even vote...
fort worth needs more good shows and more good bands.
listen to us promote our crappy music all day!
ahhh your music isnt that crappy. now play more shows in fort worth for those of us who missed it.
I like 10:32. Good post.
it's fort worth not compton
does drug mountain represent the fort worth sound?
I want to thank my friend Cris (defensive listening) who also sings for my other band (nouns group) for writing a nice little article about us.
10.32 and 11.42 were both me BTW
also i forgot i want to thank my friend cris for promoting white music. takes a lot of guts.
David Hill of the late-80's Dallas noise rock group NCM died this morning.
He was an amazing guitarist. NCM was doing SY/Branca type stuff before anybody else around here.
Great guy, inventive musician. He will certainly be missed.
thnx for the heads up Liles.
Hill (under the aka John Miller) was also a painter as well. You can see some of his stuff here:
If you're going to try to attack me, please take some time to spell check and do some research. I appreciate your participation and your effort.
Oh that must be good old "Potato." You fucking idiot that spells mountain as "mountian." check it out right here:
Same shit. You seriously are a dumb piece of fucking shit.
chris promotes white music? I thought he was a mexican.
maybe he is coconut
marilize legajuana
Hey 10:32... Responding to your comment that Exploding House's calendar is on myspace- no it's not.
The profile is above. No calendar.
Where else on the internet is it? I can't find it?
even worse!
12.35 , 1.26 , and 1.35 , all same person. sorry i spelled your name wrong chris.
thanks for promoting me!
thanks for promoting me!
4:03 is a racist piece of shit
oh yea, new videos and grammy winning album for free download . split ep with nouns group coming out tommorrow!!
4.12 is a texan
anyone else notice whenever people from grapevine are involved, an army of retards come out of the woodwork? My guess is these people are all in mt. righteous.
hey 4:14! i was born n raised in texas, how dare you speak of my pretty dead land with a great commercialized culture that way! i fought i the cold war for our state! you best be apoligizing with a quickness!
the cold war? what fucking fighting did you do you fucking idiot!
i built barracades , dug trenches, ran 15 miles a day always looked down in the showers, if that aint fighting i dont know what the fuck is. plus ave you ever been to fort hood? they got the meanist bingo parlor in the entire world you beechnees! then in desert storm i was shipped off to fort brad which was a constant party full of jello body hair shots and so much dancing, i met so many brads there but i never got the last name teehee.
2:43, That url looks perfect, and so does the calendar on the page (only not many shows posted)
no, take the out of it. just: explodinghouseftw
Yr right, that is convoluted. New kids living there=new page?
Everybody that knew the password to the old exploding house myspace page forgot it. So yeah.
The Pharmacy was awesome.
Everybody that knew the password to the old exploding house myspace page forgot it. So yeah.
The Pharmacy was awesome.
rick is a refresh-clicking moron
all further posts from Potato spamming about his or her music will be deleted completely. Try being funnier my man.
and yes, the members of mount righteous and their little friends can suck it.
Now, I'm a moron in many aspects but in no way did I click refresh. I swear it.
I've always prided myself on not doing that.
As you can see I'm also pretty neurotic.
potato's war stories rule
How is the Pharmacy good? They're pretty terrible. I guess if you like Rooney they are pretty badass.
drug mountain wins most under-rated award; they did a badass job and didn't get enough credit. but the pharmacy and the raggedy anns just tore it up, so i can kind of see why they got over looked. great night.
just kidding rick, you're not a moron
underrated? they played their first show and everyone is sucking their wattage...
underrated? they played their first show and everyone is sucking their wattage...
sax sax sax sax.... screaaaaaaaaaaam..... sax sax sax sax ..... screaaaaaaaaaam..... sax sax.... scream scream... sax sa.... scream..... crazy drum fill crazy drum fill.... silence.... sax ... screaaaaaaaaaam.... sax ..... silence.... choppy drums.... crazy drum fill.... sax sax.... scream.
yeah, everyone is sucking their wattage alright. some fucking blog comments. BIG DEAL.
Yeah, dude, don't you know? Whenever at least 6 people mention a band on a blog, they're HUGE? YEAH! SERIOUSLY! HUGE! AND OVERRATED TOO!
you gotta realize no matter what negative comment you could put up about my band drug mountain, it will be slandered against by many other pro my band comments or pointless comments clogging any truth behind what you say making you anti-me opinion pointless. our singer(for nouns group)chris is defensive listening and he is the defender of wsjr. He loves us so much he constantly post as someone different just to slightly back up what he just said in the post before that. So stop trying, there is really no point at all. In fact he or me or one of our friends will probaley post something pretty close after this, and if we dont, its cause we already won.
who's nouns group?
who cares? they broke up. FUCK THEM.
whoa 12:11 is right. That totally blew my mind. I hope you are in a good band and I can listen to your music .
Haha... does being a little pussy also make you paranoid? Because the conspiracy theories never end around here.
that league of fucking decency show was fucking awesome! they sound like the who meets sonic youth, and their fans boo them, bring instruments to mock them, and they sell sketchy jewelry and autographed baseballs for merch. fun stuff.
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