It List: Tuesday

Zaireeka 12th Anniversary Party (Good Records): This is an actual Halloween Party with a costume contest and everything, and I'm pretty sure I'll be more than sick of writing about Halloween-themed shows by the end of the week. This holiday has seriously gotten worse and worse over the years, making Fall even more seasonally bloated and drawn out than the original offender, Christmas; there are parties for about three weeks solid, exploiting Dia De Los Muertos into becoming some shitty Halloween Hangover Day (Parts One and Two), and to top it all off, some clubs have the nerve to charge thirty bucks to watch a shitty local band, or even worse non-local band as if it were New Years Eve. Thanks a lot, Joe Businessman, but I really appreciate free shows on Halloween or not milking these rowdy drunks for all they're worth; they'll be in enough trouble as it is. Candy Corn is shit and should just be there on the table when I walk into a club, I shouldn't have to pay over twenty bucks for the "privilege."
Back on topic, this little event is one of the free ones, with free drinks for those who are of responsible drinking age. Though I have rolled my eyes in at least two different countries upon being invited to a "Zaireeka Party," the music is pretty good actually, and I'm sure some people would be surprised that I would say that. I prefer the b-side tracks where the songs, such as "Thirty Five Thousand Feet Of Despair," have already been combined, because I'm lazy and I dare you to find five fucking cd players in any one house now-a-days, or even one for that matter.
Disqo Disco (Fallout Lounge)
90's Night With Yeah Def (Hailey's)
Sea Wolf/Port O'Brian/Sara Lov (The Cavern): Just about all I can say about this show is that Sea Wolf is better than Silversun Pickups, and also that the vaguely nautical themes on both Sea Wolf's and Port O'Brian's music pages are really...aesthetically grating. Are you trying to sell me tartar sauce, get me to buy an abandoned lighthouse on Hyannis Port, or convince me that Neil Young and Bright Eyes or Will Oldham and Pavement aren't all that different from each other? Come on, which is it sea-hipsters? I'm waiting.
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