Monday, August 31, 2009

It LIst: Monday

(List by DL)

A couple of things to accompany the list today:

1. I was surprised to find out that director Spike Jonze gave praise to Austin-based photographer and video artist, Ben Aqua, on his "We Love You So-Where The Wild Things Are" website, where Jonze is promoting his much anticipated next film and describes the site as being "established to help shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive project a reality," which makes this all the more impressive.

For some perspective and bias, Aqua has shot some of my favorite musicians; everyone from members of Finally Punk, to Daniel Francis Doyle, and Yellow Fever.

2. Sober tipped me off to a project (via FB post) I was not aware of, but am now very interested in; an upcoming documentary release about the late, great East Coast MC, Big L. Entitled "Street Struck: The Big L Story," the documentary features rare footage, promos, and interviews with friends, family, and associates like Doug E. Fresh and DJ Premier. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's an official release date set, however you can find more info here.

The List:

Cool Out with and Schwa/Clever Monkeys (The Cavern): Before you head out tonight, take a minute to read the new Cool Out blog, which gives some intelligent insight on some of the diverse musical interests that have made this Monday night weekly such a success. Read about Fela Kuti, jazz violinists, Brazilian funk artists, and of course, more detailed info than you're likely to find elsewhere on the Cool Out guest for that night. In fact, he has a little writeup posted just today on tonight's guests, Sex And Fury, from the three-city-strong collective, The Broken Teeth Crew, who seemed to be everywhere this past weekend.

Bad Sports/Drug Mountain/The Uptown Bums/Fred Xeppelin and The Meatles (Rubber Gloves): Bad Sports are such an impressively forceful yet catchy band, that they have even done well in Dallas, not an easy feat for a bunch of Denton punks. I caught Fred Xeppelin and The Meatles at a cramped, A/C-free house show earlier this summer, where the group combined performance art, noise, and acrobatic vocal improvisations in a way that even caught the attention of a bunch of sweaty, uncomfortable people waiting to see a band literally called BFF. At the beginning of the performance, vocalist Sarah Alexander implored audience members to submit requests which she jotted down on paper. I asked for "Moon River" and was treated to some top 40 radio country hit. Brilliant. The always dependable Uptown Bums and Drug Mountain round out a very entertaining bill.

Sleepy Sun/True Widow (City Tavern): Though the Sleepy Sun bio claims their fans have a chant "Let's Get Weird!" at the group's shows, there is actually very little "weird" about the group's use of stoned, psych-folk hallmarks littered throughout the deliberate plodding music, where the speed, or the lack thereof, are used as a weapon. Dead Meadow is an admitted influence, and you can take a lot from that previously drawn comparison. Here's hoping they don't do what many of these groups do, and just go straight for the all jamming/all the time aesthetic hazard that some of these groups fall prey to. That just ensures you'll nurture a fan-base either too stoned to care or too bored to listen. It's funny how often that works though, I have to say. The somehow more direct, yet still methodically slow True Widow open.


Stranded/Rest If Us/Negaduck/Collick (1919 Hemphill)

Photo By Ben Aqua.

Monday Morning Rock


MON: Sleepy Sun/True Widow (City Tavern)
MON: Bad Sports/Drug Mountain/The Uptown Bums/Fred Xepplin & The Meatles (Rubber Gloves)
TUE:Fruit Bats (Good Records)
TUE: Rival Gang/Drink To Victory/RTB2/Violent Squid (Rubber Gloves)
WED: Elvis Costello (Nokia)
WED: Nervous Curtains/Florene/Lychgate/Phantastes (Rubber Gloves)
FRI: Sleep Whale/Dust Congress/Fergus & Geronimo/New Science Projects/Emil Rapstine (Rubber Gloves)
FRI: Angelus/Tre Orsi/The Hope Trust (Double Wide)
SAT: This Will Destroy You/Sleep Whale/Matthew And The Arrogant Sea (The Granada)
SAT: Absu/Solitude Aeturnus/Averse Sefira/Hod/Violent Intentions (Ridglea Theater)
SAT: Bridges & Blinking Lights/Tre Orsi/History At Our Disposal/Teenage Cool Kids/Starhead/The Polycorns (Rubber Gloves)
SAT: Leathwerwood/The Bad Press/Giggle Party and more (The Schoolhouse)
SAT: Fab Deuce/Playdough w/DJ Sean P/Juicy The Emissary/Matt P/Yeah Def (Hailey's)

Friday, August 28, 2009


Before we start:

Os Mutantes is playing La Zona Rosa (Austin) in October. I thought some of you might be interested in that.

Speaking of Austin, a lot of people have been asking what we think about the Fun Fun Fun Fest Lineup, do we think it's worth going etc. Well, am I supposed to be shocked that there's a festival in Austin with a lot of big names? I also saw The Jesus Lizard and Mission Of Burma when most of you were still listening to Everlast. Whatever. So, the short answer is yes, this will definitely be worth attending.


Select & AV (Murray Street Coffee located at 103 Murray St. in Dallas): Live stream here while it lasts.

Back To School Weekend Part I featuring Yeahdef/Left/Right/Vega/Fizzy Dino Pop w/Sore Losers/Sleepreader/Of Mars/Bangs/Cartright/Corporate Park/Super Puppy Faces!/Peopleodian/Peligro (Hailey's): One of many big "back to school" themed lineups in the next week, with tonight's highlights both being ex-members of Ghosthustler, oddly enough. Sometimes people still throw Ghosthustler around as an insult to any band that might use a synthesizer, and I don't have an especially mature response other than to say, "I'm sorry you grew up on Saddle Creek and I can't help you." Anyways, Corporate Park bears a slight resemblance to brainy early 80's and unlikely dance floor pioneers Crash Course In Science, and I'm glad to be able to say that any local artist reminds me of them. Whatever you may think of the music, this seems like a decent spot to hangout tonight, which is kind of the point.

Sounds of Seattle 2009 Tour Featuring Ten/Badmotorfinger/Facelift (House Of Blues): I once walked out of a North Dallas bar specifically because there was just a lone dude with a keyboard serenading the large douche population with a very mournful version of "Rooster," featuring nothing more than the rather introspective bro and the spare cheesy keyboard sound. It was probably set to "cello." This show is just like that times a million, which almost makes it cool. I will add this to my list of "nightmare first date ideas" along with the Frulatti at any area hospital or the "Cafe" at Fry's. And in case you didn't get it, yes these are Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice In Chains cover bands, respectively.

Broken Teeth crew with Sex & Fury/Vice Versa/Prince William/Anna Love (Zubar)

Stereo On Strike Atomic Party featuring Nervous Curtains/Akkolyte/Juan Solo/Blixaboy (Fallout Lounge): For those that may not know, Juan Solo is John Durbin of Thorazine Dreams, The Falcon Project, and more recently Personal Victories.

Red Animal War/Record Hop/The Timeline Post/Sunrise Cemetery (The Prophet Bar): This is the first of Red Animal War's two shows this weekend, a rather rare occurrence for the one-time Deep Ellum not to mention Deep Elm, favorite.

The Goldfish Girls (Absinthe Lounge): Two eleven year old girls spinning old school records.


The Missoula Oblongata presents "The Fifty Greatest Ladies and Gentlemen" (A Play) featuring music Sam & Shea/The Shortest Distance/New Science Projects (1919 Hemphill)

Depeche Mode/Peter Bjorn and John (Superpages Center):I'm not a big Depeche Mode fan, but I would never deny their legend and stature, and I just don't know if Peter Bjorn and John are appropriate touring partners. Case in point (from the Peter Bjorn and John Myspace page):

Influences: Most of all each other. Love & life. Girlfriends, movies, food, books, travelling (sic), relationships etc.

This sounds like very much like language heard in your average ad, which only means, however counter-intuitively, that it must be sincere. I think this band has improved past their whistling novelty hit of a few years ago, but probably not enough to be opening for Depeche Mode at up to eighty nine dollars a ticket.

Telegraph Canyon/Matthew Delves Into The Humanity Pools/Baruch The Scribe/Sans Soleil/Seryn/The Hand Combine (Hailey's)
I stumbled across a pretty interesting Pegasus News article on the concept for this show while doing some research today. Check it out.

Shaolin Death Squad/The Invincible Czars/Jungle Gym/New Magnetic North (Boiler Room)

Drink To Victory/Hawk VS Dove/Kaboom/Dear Human (Rubber Gloves): Featuring visual art by Terry Horn, Michael Little, Taylor McClure, Kris Swenson, Hank St. John.

Unit One Presents Sex and Fury/Anna Love/Select/Keith P (Fallout Lounge): Disco, Electro funk, Post Punk, Reggae, and Goth.


Night Of Progress: Division Of Power/Ill Factors/ko49 (1919 Hemphill): With a Haymarket Puppet Show, tables by local organizations, and free vegan food.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Art List

I've been enjoying the new free 10" from And/Or Gallery's Paul Slocum's Tree Wave. You too can have the free recording -- get you it here. The image at the right is by Dallas artist John Alexander Taylor, entitled Wheat House (6'x4', vinyl on etched plexiglass). More details about his opening this weekend are below.


Say Anything
Ruben Nieto
Gabriel Dawe
T.J. Griffin
Jill Hoes
[among up to a 15-person-group of "emerging young artists"]
Visual Art Building at University of Texas at Dallas
800 West Campbell Road, Richardson, Tx 70080
August 28 : 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

"The work ranges from hybrid forms of painting to digital video, installation art to new forms of graphic design. The varied use of materials and the range of visual diversity is highly reflective of today’s young emerging artists."

Fuck I hate "young emerging artists". (It just sounds so groaty.) But if you're looking for "sweet young artists", I can definitely hook you up.


Still Lifes and Tables
Mary Vernon
Valley House Gallery and Sculpture Garden
6616 Spring Valley Road, Dallas, Tx 75254
August 28 : 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This one is amazing: Hedgehog (by Mary Vernon).



2009 Arts Faire
Lakewood Summer Arts Faire
2443 Abrams Road, Dallas, Tx 75214
August 29 : 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (cost $2.00)

Can't tell if this is pretty much the same thing as the Cottonwood Arts Festival, but hipper?


TVAA Citation 2009
Art Centre of Plano
1039 East 15th Street, Plano, Tx 75074
August 29 : 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

No artists listed. Lucky me!


The Whole Show
Kettle Art
2714 Elm Street, Dallas, Tx 75226
August 29 : 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

No artists listed. Lucky me! Evidently this is going to be a silent auction "featuring a whole lotta Artists you should know and Love". Kettle Art is a quality organization down in the middle of it.


John Alexander Taylor
Haylee Ryan Yale
Mokah Gallery
2803 Taylor Sreet, Dallas, Tx 75226
August 29 : 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

There is something definitely titillating about Haylee Ryan Yale's web site. Maybe it's that when combined with her name, the front page looks more or less like a porn profile. But from looking at her portfolio, she can definitely draw. She just needs to escape the shadow of recent art school graduation. This exhibition features Ms. Yale's paintings along with installation material by John Alexander Taylor. There is some really cool stuff here. His "work deals with high-contrast images of the industrial world made into black vinyl. His work is a journal of images that he has collected off the highways of North Texas". He seems to be a (n unknown?) local master of printmaking.

Image (sort of) courtesy of John Alexander Taylor.

It List: Thursday

Darktown Strutters/I Was A Lover, Delorean Was A Dealer/Transistor Tramps/Dj Baby Ruthless (the Lounge): Sort of a spotty line up at the Lounge tonight. I was a Lover.... has been compared in style to David Bowie in some of their press mentions, but in reality they kind of just sound like a more synth pop oriented Muse, and the results are fair at best, reminiscent of a band that would have sounded much more exciting much earlier in the decade. Transistor Tramps might have a slightly more coherent sound but are exactly like you'd think they are based on their name, and you'll probably be able to take it or leave it at most, although a few of their songs are, well, downright terrible. Darktown are unquestionably the highlight of this bill.

Weedeater/Dixiewitch/Blood Of the Sun (Doublewide): Southern Lord's Weedeater are an absolutely ferocious stoner metal that can easily be said to exist at the very top of that often confounding genre. Metal bands influenced by Pot isn't exactly the most brilliant sounding proposition of all time, obviously (says a guy with the dumbest stoner pen name ever), but with groups like Weedeater, the simplicity of the concept is a bonus, as the group does away with almost any sort of pretension in the interest of simply being punishing through and through. Austin's immensely respected Dixiewitch opens the show along with Blood of the Sun, a group that produces some interestingly theatrical yet rather effective metal that comes close to being over the top, even though the fact that that's kinda the point means that it mostly just rules.

Damaged Goods/Sober (the Cavern): Expect this to be a pretty packed party.

80's Night with DJ G (Hailey's)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It List: Wednesday

Melvins (House of Blues): I don't know if I'm just a moron for missing this one all together, or if the show was just underpromoted. Either way, its immaterial, because even the "Stonebriar Mall" feel of the House of Blues' lobby won't take away from the power of King Buzzo and company's performance, which is consistantly amazing. Last time we caught them live at the Granada, Buzzo shared the stage with Dale Crover, duh, and newly permanent members Big Business, who are pretty incredibly loud and rude in their own right. The result was a punishing two drum attack and a flawless display from Buzzo, who seems to acquire more and more critical acclaim as each day goes by, especially over the past four years, which have seen quite a resurgence in interest in the band. Anyway, not sure if Big Business will play their own opening set, but even if they don't, anyone with even a passing interest in heavy guitar music of almost any kind would serve themselves well seeing this legendary group play this evening.

The Weight/The Heelers/Spooky Folk (Rubber Gloves): I saw some strange quotes today as I was reading some of the press material for The Weight's last record, Are Men. First came this phrase:

"Are Men reveals a sound and feel very much different from 2004’s 10 Mile Grace, which found the group working within the framework of earnest alt-country executed by post-punk kids"

And next came this one:
"For the similarly post- jaded kids, and honest fans of Americana, Are Men sounds like the record you actually enjoy listening to."

Now maybe its just me, but its hard to think of something more smug than "earnest alt country executed by post-punk kids," especially when you consider the built in implication that they've somehow become "more mature" as a result of their adventure into the oh-so-respectable "alt country" field. Second, what the hell is a "post jaded kid?" Like does that mean someone who's totally over being jaded? Or someone who's jaded by the idea of "post" genres? Either way, both sentences come of as describing a band that seems very calculated and is neither earnest nor something I would "actually enjoy listening to," which isn't surprising considering that this comes from Brooklyn (by way of Athens) and I'm supposed to think its cool. As you listen to The Weight's music and read some of their reviews, you'll see and even think of names such as Waylon Jennings and David Allen Coe, but its hard to escape the fact that these guys come off as Am Appy clad scenesters who started having fantasies about outlaw country once they got bored of 80's dance parties or whatever. Even the above pictured album cover seems to scream out for an audition for Vice Records, an appeal to the label's "tough guy," ironically patriotic blend of punk rock and politically incorrect self awareness thats become just as tired as whatever the hell it was supposed to be a reaction to in the first place. Sometimes the band's approach works reasonably well, no matter how much you might not want it to, and you'll find some easily enjoyable tunes mixed in their catalogue. However, at the end of the day, as merely a casual fan of classic country music, I can't for the life of me figure out why this music is needed or why I'd ever want to listen to it, especially when I can just as easily seek out the real thing and get better songwriting and way less fashion baggage as a result.

Hip Hop Night with Yeahdef (Hailey's)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It List: Tuesday

Anavan/Dazzler/Sydney Confirm/Blixaboy (Fallout Lounge): First of all, forgive us for overlooking the fact that Anavan also played Hailey's yesterday, and tonight at Fallout will probably be a much different set than last night when you consider the differences in atmosphere, size, and crowds between the two clubs. In short, this will be a much more "intimate" affair. Tuesdays at this venue often ride on the strength of Disqo Disco, but tonight will be a little different due to the mostly live bands that will certainly be pushing the limits of the often small sound setup (compared to many clubs), though that's not a complaint. In fact when I saw Stefan Gonzalez spinning an excellent set of hardcore music here recently, I wasn't exactly straining to hear anything.

Anavan tours constantly and it seems like I just previewed them last week. They are often written off as "one of those Smell bands," and they perhaps live up to the stylistic description more than most artists that might be written off as such, though it's hard to tell if people mean that as an insult or a compliment sometimes. I prefer them to touring mates, Dazzler, which is the project of Neil Schuh, formerly of Totally Radd!!. This project is not all that different from his former, and I am often reminded of the oft-overlooked contributions of breathtakingly annoying and now defunct cartoon act, Bis, when I hear some of this stuff. Here is a funny story about Schuh getting in a fight with the lead singer of Les Savy Fav. I love wimpy indie fights.

I'm not sure if it's his debut with the group, but I do know that artist and musician Fred Holston recently joined Sydney Confirm on keyboard duties, so give him a warm welcome tonight.

90's Night with Yeah Def and Ian Bangs (Hailey's)

Monday, August 24, 2009

It List: Monday

Nothing but the usual stuff going on today, other than our announcement of the Neon Indian show, which you can find below. I guess this is a good thing because I have other shit going on tonight, alright people? Anyway, be sure to check out Cool Out at The Cavern, excellent Jazz at the Amsterdam or Mayhem Mondays at Fallout, featuring Stefan Gonzalez and friends spinning crust, grindcore, death metal and more.

We Shot J.R. Presents-- Neon Indian

The debut of

Neon Indian

Live, Thursday, Sep. 10th at J&Js Pizza in Denton

Show starts @ 9PM

Full Line up and details to be announced soon

Monday Morning Rock


TUE: Anavan/Dazzler/Sydney Confirm (Fallout Lounge)
THU: Darktown Strutters/I Was A Lover, Delorean Was A Dealer/Transistor Tramps/Dj Baby Ruthless (the Lounge)
THU: Weedeater/Dixiewitch/Blood Of the Sun (Doublewide)
THU: Damaged Goods/Sober (the Cavern)
FRI: Back to Coooool with Vega/Bangs/Yeahdef/more.... (Hailey's)
SAT: Depeche Mode/Peter Bjorn and John (Starplex)

Friday, August 21, 2009


There are a few good shows this weekend, but shit... not a whole hell of a lot seems to be going on. That's ok because I feel like garbage. Hope I'm not too mean with my short little weekender today:


Church of the Apocalypse/Divorce/Lil Foot/wu fru de lu/Welby/Colossi (Wasted Words Collective, 2404 S. Fielder Rd, Arlington): Still haven't had a chance to travel out to Arlington to the Wasted Word Collective, but there's something so right about harsh noise, drone and avant garde at a DIY space in Arlington that I'm seriously going to give it my best effort this evening. If you go, you'll hear harsh noise, drone, field recordings and all other kinds of stuff.

Tolar/Akkolyte/Nibru/Dissent/Till Death (Rubber Gloves): Nice grind/crust show tonight.

Keith P/Young Adult Fiction/Redsean (Fallout Lounge)

Uptown Friday with Select (Zubar)

Slobberbone/Macon Greyson/Danny Balis (Granada): It's Granada's 5th anniversary, and they're celebrating like its 1992 up in this! Still haven't heard the Danny Balis record, but I'm such a Ticket fan that I'll have to give it a listen at some point, right? Sorry sensitive thugz, I like sports, ok?


Dungen/Woods/Matthew and the Arrogant Sea (The Loft): When Dungen's first record was released back in 2004, it somehow took on an "instant classic" status in a lot of circles, and I remember the first conversation I ever had with DJ Nature revolved around how amazing that record was. After several years and several more releases, Dungen's image hasn't been tarnished, even if some of the later material has been less than perfect, and if the two previous times I've seen Dungen live serve as any indication, this will be a very good show. And Woodsist's much buzzed about Woods might kinda come off as hipster Neil Youngs at first, but many subsequent listens to their 2009 release Songs of Shame have revealed it to be one of the more exciting releases of the year. Featuring members of Meneguar and Wooden Wand, as well as the founder of Fuck It Tapes, their underground credentials are excellent, and their music is even better, as long as you can hang with that high pitched voice, which you probably can if you know what's good for you.

Convextion/Blixaboy/Fur/Ops (Rubber Gloves): This FREE show is certainly one of the more challenging and rewarding electronic bills you'll see in Denton, and despite the seeming lack of interest in tasteful electronic/dance music in DFW, Convextion is way more well known and respected around the world than like Matthew and the Arrogant Sea or something, ok? All jokes and insults aside, however, this is a great line up well worth checking out, and I didn't even think about the fact that Fur, AKA Bryce Isbell, used to be in Matthew and the Arrogrant Sea until after I wrote that.... anyway, if Basic Channel or Detroit techno or general minimalism appeal to you at all, be sure to to stay for local unsung hero Convextion.


Lil Wayne/Young Jeezy/Soulja Boy (Starplex): Um, do I really have to explain how fun this show will be? And as an FYI to the friends I was discussing this with last night, YES, this show is tomorrow... not last week. I should drink less.

For Your Pleasure with DJ G (Hailey's)

Free Dungen and Woods Tickets

The folks at Palladium were nice enough to give us three pairs of tickets to see Dungen, Woods and Matthew and the Arrogant Sea this Saturday night at the Loft, and since we're on such short notice, we'll give them away to the first three people who email us at We'll let you know when the contest is over. Good luck!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

It List: Thursday

First off, some bad news. Apparently, all of Vega's equipment was stolen in Sacramento. That's unbelievably bad news for the group, which still has an upcoming date in Vancouver, as well as a couple of festival appearances in Europe next month, and a big show in New York with Grizzly Bear. Best of luck to them on either tracking it down or replacing what can be replaced; that's an absolute nightmare, especially to a group with such an esoteric arsenal. Full list of what was taken and more info here. Donations to help get the band home and to start the recovery process can be made here.

Please read our two new interviews below. Onto the list:

HALFLINGS/Weak Sisters/Concrete Violin/Mistress/Geronimo/Lychgate/ (House Of Tinnitus): Big show in name and volume and lineup. HALFLINGS have a live set on this current tour that I've been hearing good things about for weeks now, apparently surpassing the expectations of even the most difficultly impressed fans in all of music. It was exactly two years ago today that HALFLINGS first played House Of Tinnitus, with Cathode Terror Secretion, as well as Concrete Violin, who are the lineup again.

Another highly notable act is the minimally epic Geronimo, featuring a member of beloved underground act, Bastard Noise, Bill Nelson, who is also a master craftsman of noise-generating devices which he sells through his own Trogotronic Audio Electronics. Go to the page and you'll see an assortment of unwieldy handmade valve units, analog units, push-button and joystick controls. These boutique devices are not your average Guitar Center shit; you just have to prepare yourself for the unpredictable and highly independent analog phantom sounds that this equipment spews. I highly recommend trying it to anyone who might have a hard time understanding the appeal of noise as a genre. Tonight you'll have a chance to purchase a limited edition modulator (Model 86) that Geronimo is selling on tour for the unusually low price of $60. I think that's a great idea, and I wish more bands were creative enough to bring this kind of uniqueness to the merch table, instead of another shitty bathtub silkscreen on orange T-shirt that will undoubtedly be wasted on some unlucky overnight guest.

In short, this show is basically the pinnacle of artists currently playing in the noise and repetition disciplines, both national and underground.

Fungi Girls/Davila 666/Bad Sports (Double Wide): Good lineup at Double Wide tonight. Sometimes I almost second guess myself when I read the comments of countless cynics telling us how wrong we are, especially with an overly flogged topic like The Fungi Girls and their ages and would we still like them if they were forty etc. etc. Well, I caught them recently and their live show was definitely impressive and had noticeably improved since I last saw them. They aren't just good for being teenagers. They got through a set with a focus that I wish more thirty year olds had, and caused me to admire their guitar heroics, something I never care about. Being right all the time really is a curse. You have no idea.

El Paso Hot Button/PVC Street Gang/Gentle Ghost (The Cavern)

Top Notch Thursday With Sober (The Cavern)

80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's)

New Science Projects
/Sabra Laval/Dear Human (City Tavern)

Broadcast Sea/Hands In The Honeypot/A Revolution Of Kings/The Phuss (Andy's Bar)

"Heroes of Woodstock" featuring Edgar Winter/Ten Years After/Country Joe McDonald/Canned Heat etc. (Bass Performance Hall)

ADD: Shakes/The Walk Home/Genius Party/Baconator (1919 Hemphill)

Art List

Benjamin Rogers of Metrognome Collective was nice enough to see down with us for some hard-hitting questions.

Richardson Heights: What is Metrognome Collective? What/how is your relation to Mission Co Op?

Benjamin Rogers: The Metrgonome Collective is an artist co op founded by Fort Worth artists and musicians such as Aaron Bartz (Tame, Tame & Quiet), Clint Niosi and photographer Paul Leicht (Managing Director for the Firehouse). James Watkins later incorporated the group under the name Mission Co-Op, and successfully applied for non-profit status. Mission Co-Op allows us to operate several different projects (including Metrognome, Firehouse, and One Hundred Second Dash), as DBAs while maintaining adherence to our mission statement. Metrognome is still a name for an artistic think tank comprised of an indefinite number of contributors who are willing to CARRY OUT their ideas.

I'm the Executive Director for Mission Co Op. Exec Direc is like the non-profit equivalent to a for-profit CEO or President. I've reluctantly resigned myself to dissecting corporate structure in detail to make this young non-profit work. It's a depressing study, but I'm hoping that a collective integrity (between staff, board members, sponsors, patrons etc...) will allow us do something good through our economic system. So far, so good, and fair enough.

RH: Can you describe your physical location (if any)?

BR: Well, right now I'm soaking up rays inside of the lurid fun-time dungeon known as the Chat Room Pub, but as for the collective 'your'... The Firehouse Gallery is our only physical location, and it's a quaint little building in the Meadowbrook neighborhood of Fort Worth (Eastside). Inside are two rooms, the Engine and Studio galleries, where we rotate one month exhibits every two weeks. We have received an incredibly generous donation of darkroom equipment which is being installed in a room adjacent to the Engine Gallery. Assembly of the darkroom is taking sweet sweet time, but I suppose that's to be expected. A merch shop serves as a place where we sell consignment goods from local and touring artists, including cd/cassette/vinyl, clothing, artisan crafts and fine art reproductions. The restroom is a spacious one-seater which features a rotation of art from our permanent collection.

RH: From your website, it looks like you've got some pretty unique events. The phrase "drink and draw" more or less sums up my artistic career. What do you guys have coming up?

BR: The exhibit I'm most excited about right now is scheduled for mid-September, and features an anonymous British photographer. The show utilizes legos, injustice and a confusing stab from humor to unmask recent brutalities. It's a neat one. Paul Leicht has been doing a stand-up job bringing great art to our walls. The performances for that evening are also cool.

The opening musical act on October 2nd will be Zeitmorder, a solo project by John Teague (drums for Great Tyrant). Nathan Brown's The Dead Media will be releasing a Zeitmorder 8-track at that show. Zeitmorder opens for Norway's Mural. James Talambas is ultra excellent at managing the music. Rad. More at !

RH: What is a day in the life of Ben Rogers of Fort Worth, Texas more or less like?

BR: I've started to answer this question a couple of times, but the answer is just so long, and ends up making me feel so self important. I...I...I...Me...I've this...I'll that. There is no typical day. I'm a really busy guy, and I like it that way. I guess this sums up the way I feel about some days, although most of them are incredibly fulfilling.

RH: Tell us anything else interesting.

BR: The last 10 years of Nepal's history are fairly interesting... Note recent progress regarding death penalty and LGBT communities under 'Govt and Politics'.

Also, anyone who's met me knows that I chain-smoke. If we can raise $5,000 for Mission Co-Op by the end of October, I'll quit. Donate HERE


Flight Patterns
Ryann Rathbone
Magnolia Theater
3699 McKinney Avenue, Suite 100, Dallas, Tx 75204
August 20 : 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

"Her current series focuses on the spiritual and mystical symbolism of birds and life." Possibly a little monotonous, but really pretty stuff.


Sally Taylor
The Filter Building at White Rock Lake
One night only!
August 21 : 6:00 PM - 9:00PM

It seems that Sally Taylor likes cattle, cowboys, and Texas. Really beautiful landscapes, too, if a little conventional overall.


Reflections of Our Past, Visions of Our Future
Too many artists to list.
Ice House Cultural Center
1004 West Page Street, Dallas, Tx 75208
August 22 : 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Ice House Cultural Center's last show before moving to be the Oak Cliff Cultural Center in 2010.

George Fowler
Cameron Gallery
1414 Dragon Street, Dallas, Tx 75207
August 22 : 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

With a Little Help From My Friends
The Public Trust
One night only!
August 22 : 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

"The much-loved Art Prostitute will have a hardcover relaunch in November! To celebrate and support the occasion, The Public Trust/Art Prostitute guys are presenting a print suite by featured artists Steven Hopwood-Lewis, Misty Keasler, Margaret Meehan, M, and Brent Ozaeta."

SUNDAY Firehouse Gallery
Video installation from Thoriffic in the Engine Gallery.
August 23 : 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (FREE)
9PM - 11PM : Music by Twigs and Yarn ($5)

Image sort of courtesy of Metrognome Collective.

Nardwuar Interview

(The following interview was conducted and transcribed by Rick Vandeveerdonk of 1919 Hemphill)

Nardwuar the Human Serviette is a Canadian radio show host who has been interviewing bands and famous people for over twenty years. The amazing thing about him is he always knows wild obscure facts about whoever he's interviewing which usually shocks and/or over impresses the interviewee. He also brings them presents and incorperates different props with his questions. But not in that bad Carrot Top way. If you do a google search of "Nardwuar vs. _________", there's a 1 out of 5 chance he's interviewed whatever band you put in the ___________. He's been mocked up in a Korn video and theres a rumor that Heath Ledger studied Nardwuars interviews for his role in Dark Knight. Nardwuar also just did a split 7" with Andrew WK with his band The Evaporators.
I interviewed Nardwuar over the phone and I was horribly nervous. In my defense I was interviewing one of the most popular interviewers in the DIY universe. Feel free to listen to the forty minute extended interview where he also talks about Henry Rollins, Gene Simmons' love for Fresca, Alice Cooper, mor about Snoop Dogg and lots and lots of musical trivia. You can also hear me embarrassingly mumble out questions and try to be funny. The pitch is slightly fucked up which adds to the embarrassment. HERE

Who are you?

Nardwuar the Human Serviette from Vancouver British Columbia Canada.\par

Of What?

From CiTR UBC Radio and I also do freelance interviews for different publications like Razor Cake fanzine and Roctober Fanzine and Chart Magazine in Canada. And I also like videotaping interviews when I do them in person and I put them on my website or give them to various cable access sort of TV stations. And the word "sort of" is because there aren't too many left of the cable access variety. And also I play in a rock n roll band The Evaporators and in a mysterious band Thee Goblins.

Not to be confused with Goblin or the other The Goblins..

Interestingly enough there's a Goblin in every town. There's the legendary Italian band called Goblin, there's The Goblins from Chicago... Interestingly about that too, is that Jake from The Goblins in Chicago runs Roctober fanzine and that's how basically I met him. He came to a gig in Chicago to see a band and it turned out this band called Thee Goblins were opening and he was in a band called The Goblins and so he ended up befriended us and next thing you know we are doing an 8 track release with Jake from The Goblins. Then he invites me to write for Roctober Fanzine. So he's The Goblins from Chicago. We're Thee Goblins from Vancouver and there's also Goblin Cock and another band called Goblins. I just encourage the more Goblins the better. The more confusion the better.

So you've been interviewing people for how long?

The first interview I did was in high school on September the 26th 1985 and it was with a guy called Art Bergmann who played in a band at that time called Poisoned. Not Poison. Although Vancouver has had a great history of recording heavy metal from hair metal bands like Bon Jovi who recorded Slippery When Wet in Vancouver. And we recorded Motley Crue and Def Leopard as well. But Art Bergmann was in the band Poisoned at the time playing our high school but previously he played in a punk band in Vancouver called The Young Canadians. Who believe it or not had thanked our high school Hillside Secondary in Vacouver in the liner notes to their 12" record "This is Your Life". So when I got his band to play our high school, I negotiated the price of his band playing from $1,400 to $1,398. I was president of the student council so I was really good at negotiations then. I thought "They're playing our high school I gotta do an interview!" So that's captured on video. I have not uploaded that yet on youtube. But hopefully someday I will.

How long have you been doing things for CiTR?

I got my show on CiTR UBC radio in October of 1987. But I joined CiTR Radio in September of 1986. So it took me about a year to get the courage to do a radio show. I was just happy to do announcements. We called them "carts" now I guess you play them off a computer. I remember doing one for Spike Lee's movie "She's Gotta Have It!" and we did public service announcements and ads for giving blood and that sort of stuff. And that was just awesome because you could make these announcements and they would be played at all times during the day and people would recognize you from the announcements. So that's what I did for one year and then eventually I decided "Hmm, well..I know how to use the equipment. Maybe I could do a radio show.". So originally they were gonna give me fifteen minutes but then they said you gotta have a minimum half an hour. So it was 2:30 to 3:00. Now it is 3:30 to 5:00. However I still only have a half hour interview so I fill the other stuff up with music or spoken word or something like that.
And who was the first band you interviewed? Was it DOA? Am I wrong?

Wow! Exactly you are right! That is the first band I interviewed with. I did not think I was going to do interviews on CiTR. I just thought I would be playing music. But because I got so crazy after my first show I had records everywhere I had to kill the time somehow with half an hour. So DOA were in the studio and I asked if I could do an interview with them and they said yes! And it was Dave Greg the bass player of DOA. What's weird about that show is that Randy of Mint Records in Vancouver said that was my best show and that's when I peaked and I should have quit right after then. Because it was really great that Dave Greg came into CiTR. And we had him playing a bass and I think he did a live Madonna song on the air and it sounded amazing. And Randy from Mint just thought that was the best thing ever and it's been downhill ever since then. So my first show, my best show. And that's the great thing about CiTR radio there's always people offering encouragement. That's basically what I think I sorta stand for. If this idiot can play in a band, if this idiot can do a radio show then anybody can do a radio show and that's what I really love about CiTR is that there's always people offering comments or listeners phoning in. Just a couple of weeks ago somebody was phoning in and said "When did you get a show on CiTR you suck!" I didn't say to the guy "22 years ago" because that was unfair. But that keeps you on your toes. I've been with some other commercial radio stations as a guest and I'm scared, I'm shaking because there might be someone phoning in to criticize me. I think people on commercial radio, they're too complex. They're not thinking about people criticizing because they cut them off. But we at not commercial campus radio we don't cut anybody off

Do you ever get nervous while interviewing people? Have you ever been terrified while interviewing somebody?

I'm nervous right now, Rick.

Yeah me too!

I'm nervous every time when I speak, when I interview, when I go to a store to buy milk I'm nervous. I'm just a constantly nervous person. I think sometimes it helps but sometimes it doesn't help. I guess it doesn't help when your in front of a cop and you've done nothing wrong and you start to sweat and they think you've done something wrong. Or it does help when your thinking of an interview or preparing for a gig or something like that. You think "Oh, we gotta have songs to play in a band!". Well that's obvious. Write the songs down. "I gotta question to ask". I think it kinda drives me in that way. I do drink chamomile tea to bring me down though to make me relax.

Well, you seem very chill in most your interviews. When Sonic Youth was beating up on you I was like "Wow, he's taking it very nicely"..

Well as long as the tape is recording the interview I'm happy. The tape is your friend. Thankfully my friend Scott who is the Evaporators drummer and also in Thee Goblins was recording that and did a great job of recording it so we were able to play it back to you. Sometimes tapes have been destroyed. Like when I interviewed heavy metal band Skid Row the tape was destroyed. When I interviewed Quiet Riot the tape was destroyed. When I interviewed Tom Green, he ordered the tape destroyed. All three of those people all at intervals of five years. So there has been quite a few things you haven't seen that have gone horribly wrong. I don't mean horribly wrong like being arrested. I just mean you don't see how it turns out.

So Quiet Riot physically destroyed your tape or just ordered it destroyed?

Yes, they physically destroyed it. They finished the interview and I did "Doot doola doot doo?...Doot Doo". And afterward they surrounded me in the club and said "We're calling the cops".
And I was like "Why you calling the cops!?"
"Because you're trespassing."
"Why am I trespassing?"
"Because you haven't handed over the tape"
"What tape?"
"The tape of the interview. Hand it over right now!"
"No, I don't hand over the tape!"
So they called the cops. And they called in a description of me. They said "There's a guy here dressed head to toe in plaid and he has this buddy with him filming wearing a Jason hockey mask here at Graceland Club in Vancouver come arrest them, they're trespassing".
And I'm like Oh god, I don't want to be involved with the cops. So I said "okay" and handed over the tape. And then they chased us down the street. They thought I was embarrassing them. I was just joking with the guy. Kevin Dubrow. And rest in peace because he's dead now.

Have people been this rude to you recently? Because I've watched your Welcome to My Castle DVD with some of the older interviews and everyone's a dick to you. Like Sonic Youth and Jello Biafra..

Yeah Jello is on there drawing with a black marker on my face and then years later we're on his record label. So I guess if you stay in the game long enough, you can work on these people. I guess I've had the luxury that it only took me about fifteen years to win over Jello Biafra.

It looks like you've won over alot of people. The people I've seen you interview back in the day are complete dicks to you. And now, like when you interviewed Jello Biafra and the Melvins. Jello's not doing anything to you. He's just looking at you. Did he just get old? And the newer interview with Sonic Youth they're being respectful to you. Have they grown to love you and respect you?

Well, I tried to interview Sonic Youth when they played the Virgin Music Festival in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago but they blew the interview off. So I said okay, what about doing a phoner the next week and they said it might be possible. Then they blew that off as well. So, I'm having trouble with them. But that's the great thing.I don't think they've changed. They're still the same people and I wouldn't want them to change. Chris Noveselic, I interviewed him on the phone a couple of months ago and he was exactly the same way he was years ago.

Did he rub pizza on the phone?

No, he didn't rub pizza. But he suddenly had to go and that sort of stuff. That sort of craziness. Which is something you should exactly expect. You kinda gotta understand what the situation is. So I'm glad people haven't changed. Plus remember those video interviews on the Welcome to My Castle DVD were just a little sampling. When you do your radio show every week like I have for 22 years. There's going to be some interviews that are crazy or a bit more rude. But generally it's pretty much just boring. That's why folks are calling in to complain. Not to complain because swearing, not to complain because it's too rowdy but to complain because it was boring.
What's neat though about what your saying about people being rude or different peoples reactions for everything. I posted an interview I did with Kathy Griffin and there's also an interview I did with Slipknot that's on the internet. And the Kathy Griffin fans hate me as much as the Slipknot fans. Which I think is amazing! Because do you think the Kathy Griffin fans think they have anything in common with the Slipknot fans? No way! Do you think the Slipknot fans have anything in common with the Kathy Griffin fans? No Way! So I'm uniting Kathy Griffin and Slipknot! So I think I must be doing something good there.

You've interviewed all these people. Have you ever turned down an interview? Because you've interviewed just about everybody. Every terrible band.

I learned this from the Canadian band Sloan who were signed around the same time Weezer was signed. They had that saying "G.G.B.B.". Good Guys, Bad Band. So if they are a bad band I'd probably interview them because they are good guys. I have missed out on different sort of stuff that's happening. I remember Alanis Morsette as a teenager was performing in Vancouver. I didn't wanna check that out.

What about You Can't Do that On Television!?

Yeah exactly. This was before she had the hits. It would have been good to talk to her about You Can't Do that On Television. But I was like nah, I don't wanna do that, that's silly. There's stuff I regret everyday that I could've done that was interesting. But there's always somebody new to interview so it's hard to have any regrets.

And when you do interview those people you find out stuff about them before you see them. Like when you interviewed that guy from Lord of the Rings and the Good Son.\

Elijah Wood?

How did you run into him and how did you know he likes sandwiches?

Well he was shooting a movie in Vancouver called "Try Seventeen". And a friend of mine was working on the movie and said "well, why not come town to the wrap party and talk to Elijah Wood?". I had actually dropped by a tape to Elijah Wood ahead of time at his Hotel wherever he was staying, So he had checked out my tape and at the cast party I went right up to him and he was totally into it. He had actually been familiar with a bit of my stuff and that sometimes helps... when someone at least approaches it with a positive attitude. Sometimes people are ticked off like "This guy's an asshole!". And if they're told that right before an interview its gonna make them clam up just a bit. It's pretty hilarious though. You can't tell like a gangster rapper such as Snoop Dog "Oh watch out for this guy. He's an asshole, he's really tough. He's gonna try to trick you!".
Gangster Rappers like Snoop will be like "C'mon bring it on!". So that's kinda funny.

Did Snoop Dog every give back the stuff he stole from you?

No and I'm quite upset about this. He just played in Vancouver two weeks ago and I went down the gate and they said he would do an interview. I came back later and he blew off the interview. I've tried to interview Snoop eight times and I've only gotten to him four times. This is especially disheartening because the last time I talked to him in 2007 he said "The next interview we were gonna do is at my house and you can have all your stuff back". Here we are in Vancouver and I can't get an interview set up with him. And the three interviews I've tried to do since then he blew me off. He has a Cassius Clay Muhammad Ali record of mine. And he also has a Whispers record and a Blowfly record too.

All the information you get before you talk to these people you get in an amazing short amount of time. Are you willing to mention how you get this information?

Usually through connections and stuff like that.

That's what I assumed. The DIY punk rock connection.

Totally! And that's usually what's the best! For instance, when I interviewed Glen Danzig. I was thinking how could I get some good questions for Glen Danzig? I talked to Mike LaVella from Gearhead Magazine. And he used to live in Pittsburg and he'd been a big Misfits fan. In fact he had been over at Glen's house. So he had tons of information. Then Mike LaVella said I should talk to Tim Kerr of the Big Boys.

From Austin.

Yes, and another connection actually regarding Texas and all that. When I interviewed Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols I found out through my friend Grant Lawrence from rock n roll band the Smugglers that when the Smugglers were on tour they played with a band called The Sons of Hercules from Texas! Whose lead singer Frank was in a band called The Vamps. Who actually opened up for the Sex Pistols! So I was able to ask Frank of the Sons of Hercules about the Sex Pistols show in America. So yes, it's just from the indy rock connections that exist.

That's what I actually hoped and figured. I actually asked somebody who did interviews how they prep and they told me just to check the interviewee's Wikipedia page. But your asking things people already know about!

Wikipedia is useful because it shows you what not to ask.

All your interviews usually end with the "Doot Doola Doot Doo" thingy. What is the weirdest reaction you've gotten with that? The Michael Moore one terrified me.

The best one was probably James Brown. Because I went "Doot doola doot doo" and he went "I'm not gonna go Wop Bobba Loo Bop a bim bam boom!". I was like "No. Doot doola doot doo.." and his back up singers went "Doo Doo.". But I was totally wrong because that was incredible. Because he totally did it! He basically did the best one. The worst one of all time pretty much was and the one that "got me" was Rob Zombie. At the end of the interview I went "Doot doola doot doo" and he just walked away from the speaker phone he was doing the interview on backstage at a giant Korn gig! He just walked out of the room and I kept going "Doot doola doot doo. Doot doola doot doo..." and seriously like twenty minutes later somebody came over and said "What going on there?"
"Well I'm waiting for Rob Zombie to go 'doot doo'."
"He left the room like twenty minutes ago"
"Well, can you go 'doot doo'?"
"Okay..doot doo."
And it ends right there.
So that was quite amazing, As much as that was kind of maddening it was kinda genius of him just to walk away and i just kept on going and going and going.

I guess I'm basically done. Unless there's anything you'd like to add.

Well, thanks so much for caring. I really appreciate the interest in all things Nardwuar the Human Serviette. And if people are interested and confused about what I said cause god knows I am, please check out also you can check out Nardwuar on Twitter and there's also clips on Youtube. But everything is linked from my own website there. And keep on rocking in the free world and doot doola doot doo...

...uhh doot doo?

For an audio recording of the interview featuring extra material, click here.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It List: Wednesday

Paul McCartney (Cowboys Stadium): I can't think of a worse place to see Paul McCartney than this giant fucking Jerry Jones shrine in Arlington, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. The other day, DL and I were talking about our favorite Beatles songs and who wrote them. You can check out a full list of Beatles songs and writing credits here, which really got me thinking about my favorite Paul songs. Out of all the songs attributed just to McCartney, not to Lennon/McCartney, I'd have to go with "I've Just Seen A Face," "Martha My Dear," "Eleanor Rigby," or "Helter Skelter," I guess depending on what kind of mood I'm in (there is some argument as to whether "Eleanor Rigby" is really just a Paul song). What are some of your favorites? I'd start a Beatles vs. Stones thing too, but I've had that argument enough in person already, and I bet most people reading this would hate my answer. Anyway, McCartney always seems to play at least a few Beatles hits whenever he performs, so you can look forward to that if you're actually willing to shell out this kind of money for a ticket. And if you are, I'm guessing you're probably an ex-hippie baby boomer who thinks "free markets are totally groovy."

Darktown Strutters/Archibald Adams/No Mas Bodas (Rembrant's Dallas): Maybe I'm dumb for not knowing what Rembrant's is, but even though their website appears to no longer be functioning, I was able to ascertain that its some sort of "European cafe" downtown that serves beer, and is located at 703 McKinney Ave, Ste. 150, at McKinney and Houston. All three bands are interesting for sure-- I wonder how this will play out? Sounds worth checking out to me.
Hip Hop with Yeahdef (Hailey's)

Tile/Boy Tap/TraDemarx (the Cavern)

Ear Pwr/Toro Y Moi/Giggle Party (Good Records): This Parade of Flesh show was moved to Good Records from Pastime Tavern after Pastime up and canceled all remaining Parade of Flesh shows there. ADD: Or, to be more accurate, Pastime Tavern said they wouldn't do any all ages shows there anymore, citing some statute, and Parade of Flesh decided to move his shows to other locations as a result. Pretty lame, and certainly makes you wonder why-- do hipsters only buy set ups or something? Anyway, this is BYOB, all ages and starts at 8pm.

not new music...

The Raincoats - Live, Effenaar, The Netherlands, March 20, 1980

Hey dudes. It's been a while. Sorry.

I don't really have much in the way of details for this particular recording, other than it was recorded in March of '80 and subsequently broadcast on Holland's VPRO Radio in 2002. It's possible that it was also broadcast shortly after it was recorded, but I have not confirmed this. I'm also going to assume that drummer Palmolive had already been replaced by Ingrid Weiss by this point, but again, I cannot say this with certainty.

This recording is heavy on material from the Raincoats' self titled 1979 debut, with a few tunes from their then forthcoming sophomore release, Odyshape, which makes it drastically different from the group's official live album, 1982's The Kitchen Tapes. The girls sound pretty relaxed and deliver performances that are somehow both more laid back AND intense than their studio recorded counterparts.

I love the first two Raincoats records, but in the several years that this recording has been in my possession I have listened to it more than both of those albums combined. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It List: Tuesday

Harlem/White Drugs/The Frustrations (Rubber Gloves): There's an interesting cover by Harlem on their page of the Royal Trux classic, "Junkie's Nurse." I call every song made before 2005 a classic now, because it really pissed someone off the other day. Anyways, it got me to thinking that the original was made by actual junkies, and that's why they decided to cover the whole thing with a weird, noisy, wash. Now even though that kid in the picture is wearing a junkie's pancho, I'm going to guess that these guys aren't real junkies. For the sake of argument, even if they are, there is no way they are as into heroin as Royal Trux once were. Not only is that probably humanly impossible, but it's really for the best. Some days that's how I feel about the current crop of highly stylized and willfully vague recording practices in "current music." Many times I'm glad that the music is recorded or treated in a certain way, because I am afraid that it might be terribly uninteresting if it were recorded clearly or without the layers of static between artist and listener. It often seems as if we are running away from the efficiency and clarity of modern technology. Don't run so fast, fellas! I like things that suck.

The Frustrations seem like a group that would be pretty effective no matter what circumstances they play or record under, and their successful melding of psyche-wah sounds with punk rock rhythms and hysterics are likely to prove very entertaining tonight. Throw in White Drugs, who I haven't seen on many bills of late, and this looks like a good show on several levels.

90's Night With Yeah Def (Hailey's)

Mos Def/Jay Electronica (House Of Blues)

Andrew Jackson Jihad/Excretion/County Lines/O'Pioneers (1919 Hemphill) Speaking of covers, I thought it was totally forbidden to cover Neutral Milk Hotel.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It List: Monday

Best Fwends/Zwounds/Casy and Brian (1919 Hemphill): Great show tonight at Hemphill. I'm not sure what else I can say about Best Fwends that I haven't already said at some point in the past 3 and a half years. I mean, we covered the Bacardi commercial and how they're more famous in Europe and the Death Set split 7 inch from forever ago and all that stuff already, didn't we? I still think they're one of the funniest and shittiest (in a good way) bands around, and since 1919 Hemphill is kinda where they got their start, I'm sure they'll have a good number of fwends out to see them tonight, especially since the Onion recently referred to them as "iPod-backed synth-strangling naifs." That's always a big draw. San Francisco's Casy and Brian are actually pretty similiar in many respects, with a feel-good, hyperactive Casio/synth pop sound that is often dizzying in speed, harshness and happiness, although probably a little poppier and closer to something like old Yacht or the Blow. Things will apparently get started around 8Pm this evening.

Cool Out (the Cavern)

Bad Ass Jazz (Amsterdam)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday Morning Rock


TUE: Harlem/White Drugs/The Frustrations (Rubber Gloves)
WED: Paul McCartney (Cowboys Stadium)
WED: Ear Pwr/Toro Y Moi/Giggle Party (Pastime Tavern)
THU: Halflings/Geronimo/Xrin Arms/Lychgate/Psychic Violence (House of Tinnitus)
THU: Bat For Lashes (the Loft)
FRI: Church of the Apocalypse/Divorce/Lil Foot/wu fru de lu/Welby/Colossi (Wasted Words Collective, Arlington)
SAT: Dungen/Woods/Matthew and the Arrogant Sea (The Loft)
SUN: Lil Wayne/Young Jeezy/Soulja Boy (Starplex)

Friday, August 14, 2009



Blixaboy/Anthony Stanford/Personal Victories/H...N (Fallout Lounge): Wanz Dover is hosting a new bi-weekly "variety show"-themed event at the Fallout Lounge, that will include a mix of DJs and bands, with Dover (Blixaboy) himself closing out the night. Acts this week include DJ Anthony Stanford, as well as the open-ended wash of twin guitar duo H...N. Finally, Personal Victories work as conveyors and collaborators of George Quartz, and I'm told that the group acts as a separate entity in addition to this collaboration. Farah had to cancel but should be back next month. Like Pooh Bro said, "Oh, bother."(DL

AV/Select/VMB (Zubar): This serves as DJ AV's birthday party, and if you show up you'll hear a lot of hip hop, reggae, and latin dance stuff, and a good time is almost a guarantee.

Hockey (Granada): This is, for some reason, a FREE show, and you can get on the guest list or whatever by RSVPing to I mean, I can think of a lot of reasons why I wouldn't pay to see this band, but I imagine there are a lot of people around here that wouldn't mind paying at all, so I'm puzzled. Either way, though, Capitol Records' Hockey are from Portland, OR, and you'd be surprised by that, actually, because they don't really sound like they're from anywhere. I mean, shit-- they just sort of sound like The Killers, MGMT, Passion Pit, IMA Robot (remember THAT crap?) and a bunch of other vaguely "indie" stuff, and its so bland, streamlined and marketable that it won't even piss you off, because its clearly meant for people ages 12-16 that really haven't heard anything released before 2004. Hockey also pulls one of my favorite lame band moves-- they have a song where they accidentally make fun of themselves. Check out their track "Too Fake" on their Myspace page. The line in the chorus where the main bro says "I'm just too fake for this world" is particularly humorous.

Slow Roosevelt/Element 80/System Overload/Hardway Down (Trees): It will be interesting to see how this ultimately turns out, booking wise anyways. Just because this show isn't exactly the Trees I have any fond remembrances of, that's okay. I think it's more honest. Some of my best memories from Trees aren't from watching the big national acts in a small setting, but rather from laughing at the barrage of bad Dallas bands that unjustifiably opened for said acts. Does anyone remember Pluto? The acoustic heavy band with a lead singer going off in an Vedder-voice about how his dad "thinks he's a pussy." What an uncomfortable lyrical era that was. Honesty is overrated. (DL)

Matthew Gray/Western Giants (All Good Cafe)

The Slow Burners/Record Hop/Polycorns (Dan's Silverleaf)


Los Campesinos/Girls/Smith Westerns (the Granada): First of all, the packed show at Mable's in Denton last night was pretty fantastic all the way through, and Chicago's Smith Westerns were probably the highlight, although Fergus and Geronimo played an extremely well received set that I enjoyed quite a bit. I did kinda like some of the noisier stuff that the much buzzed about Girls did last night, but all any of us could seem to focus on was the fact that the lead singer reminded all of us of Dave Pirner from Soul Asylum. Even people who are way too young to actually remember Soul Asylum were saying so, and the fact that some of Girls' songs actually sounded like The Replacements meets doo wop didn't help matters. They are one of those bands that sound much better live than on record. Anyway, headliners Los Campesinos are sort of a strange band actually-- stylistically, their material is all over the place, everything from Yo La Tengo/Built to Spill influenced indie pop mixed with a distinctly British brand of pop punk. Not the most amazing thing you'll ever hear, but fun and mostly solid. But really, don't miss Smith Westerns-- I know they're like teenagers or whatever, but trust me.

ADD: Buzzer/Impediments/Uptown Bums (Cool Beans Roof): I haven't been in years, but I remember really loving Cool Beans' roof. San Francisco's Impediments remind me of a lot of first wave west coast punk, and the few songs I've been able to listen to were all fantastic, and truly sound like they could have been made way back then-- translation: not a shitty hipster rip off that just ends up sounding like indie garbage (which seems to be the case more often than not with bands who are supposed to sound like this). Tourmates Buzzer are quite similar in style and quality, and are maybe slightly more reminiscent of British groups with a touch of the Saints and Flying Nun thrown in for good measure-- this should be a great show, especially with the solid Uptown Bums opening. Kind of sad that I missed this yesterday, but I fucking work for a living you assholes. JK luv u mean it!

Dani Deahl/Disqo Disco/Passenger Panda (Fallout Lounge): The guys from Disqo Disco brought Dani Deahl to Fallout Lounge a few months ago and it was one of the better times I've had there in quite a long time-- the music was great and the place was packed. Deahl apparently had so much fun that she decided to come back and spend her birthday in Dallas, and we're lucky she did. You can stop by Disqo Disco's blog for a post on Deahl and a link to her latest mix, and we can tell you for sure that she knows what she's doing-- she runs Calamity Jane Records, an off shoot of the highly respected Rhythm, and she writes for URB and BPM magazines, among others. You might want to get to Fallout early on Saturday if her previous performance is any indication in the interest level people will have, and especially if you like house music, which is what she'll likely be focusing on.

Marilyn Manson/Slayer (Starplex): The only portion of this show that's even worthy of discussion will take place for one hour, starting at 827 PM on the "Rockstar" Main Stage, when Slayer will play. Every other horrible band on this rather large bill sounds like fucking Paul Simon's Graceland compared to them. Duh.

Fishboy/Iji/Watercolor Paintings (Hailey's): Kinda running out of time to write here, but Iji's naive indie pope sounds at least moderately interesting.


For Your Pleasure with DJ G (Hailey's)

Dallas Record Convention (Westin Park Central Hotel Dallas located at 12720 Merit Drive in Dallas (located just south of 635 exit# 19 B aka Coit): This is apparently Dallas' first record convention in three years, and it's not a moment too soon. I have had to do a lot of shopping out-of-county, out-of-state, and even overseas if I can*, so this comes as a very welcome surprise. I have had a lot of "expert's luck" at these conventions, especially considering some rare scores like a Pere Ubu live record featuring a killer cover of The Seeds' "Pushing Too Hard," and a VHS tape featuring the odd pairing of Clan Of Xymox 4AD promos with a Bedhead live show. It's the kind of place where you can get a good estimate on the value of your Moe Tucker solo project t-shirt. True story. More info here (*I know I sound like an asshole, but I hate ordering records online. BORING.)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It List: Thursday

Smith Westerns/Fergus And Geronimo/Teenage Cool Kids (Mable Peabody's): Somebody please tell me we weren't just arguing about math rock versus punk rock on here the past couple of days. Somebody please tell me we aren't arguing about the definition of lo-fi. Come on, I can't do this again guys. I'm not seventeen anymore and it's not 1997. I had to grow up and start listening to João Gilberto solo albums and ordering Americanos instead of espresso shakes. It's like all late 90's up in here lately. Anyways, I'm going to avoid delving into such philosophically treacherous subject matter, and just tell you that this will be a very good show, sure to satisfy pop-defending squares and snotty seven-inch collectors alike.

Smith Westerns are from Chicago and they mix in slower glam grooves and rhythms than you would typically find on a typical power pop/garage rock record these days. A Marc Bolan resemblance is often mentioned in reviews, and the group has validated that by citing him as an influence. The band seems more memorable as a result of sounding more like T-Rex than The Standells or Mystic Tide, as is often found with acts lumped into this category. And speaking of being seventeen, these guys are all like eleven or something. You know that WSJR loves middle school-core.

Fergus and Geronimo are back from a string of successful New York City dates and this is the kickoff show for what will basically be three months of touring if you consider the amount of time spent on the road between F&G and shared-member act Teenage Cool Kids all the way into the end of October. That's three months of excruciatingly hard work for most of these guys, but it's also three months away from this petty and semantically obsessive music "scene." Fellas, wait up! TAKE ME WITH YOU!

Juicy The Emissary/Listener Project/Yeahdef/Opsespenja/CS Rucker (Rubber Gloves)

Judas Priest/Pop Evil (Nokia)

DI/Spector 45/Scary Cherry And The Bang Bangs (Somewhere in Lakewood): Look it up, I refuse to type the name of this place since they refused entry to my friends and I once based on our appearance. Also: beware of reunited punk bands with Myspace pages done in comic sans.

80's Night With DJ G (Hailey's)

Top Notch Thursday With DJ Sober (The Cavern)

Art List


Waxy 100
The Encaustic Center
580 West Arapaho, Suite 271, Richardson, TX 75080
August 14 : 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

I'm actually going to go to this because A) it's literally in "The Richardson Heights" and B) encaustic has really grown on me over the last year. It's a really old art form dating back several thousand years, some pieces of which still exist. Jasper Johns used it for his Flag paintings. Evidently, "the event will include a demonstration by Bonny [Leibowitz] on Painterly Techniques and Deanna [Wood] on Painting and Collage." Featured image in encaustic by Deanna Wood.

5 x 7 On The Road
Dunn and Brown Contemporary Gallery
5020 Tracy Street, Dallas, TX 75206
August 14 : 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

5 x 7 is a fundraising road show from Austin's Arthouse. They're peddling 5" x 7" boards with original art on them for $100 each. The coolest part, though, is that "All pieces are displayed anonymously – only when you purchase a work of art will you discover who created it."

Gail Delger
Carrie Kersey
Jean McComas
Natalie Prikhodko
Visual Arts Coalition of Dallas
2902 Maple Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201
August 14 : 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Borderline vanity gallery. Well, after reading the definition again, I guess it's really an "artist-run initiative".


Home Grown Emerging Young Artists
Melissa Archer, Thomas Colley, Maria Cortes, Alex Hamrick, Rudy Jacoby, Huy Nguyen, Zeke Raney and Olivia Rodriguez
Upper Room Gallery of Unity Church of Christianity
3425 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206
August 15 : 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Young enough that none of them seem to have any web presence whatsoever, except Alex Hamrick, whom you've seen here before.

A Memorial Celebration for the life of Andrew F. Sie
Stan's Eye
Light & Sie
129 Leslie Street, Dallas, TX 75207
August 15 : 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Evidently Andrew Sie died at the beginning on July due to "long-term" illness. The first half is the memorial, then the second half is going to be a selection of works from Stanley Light's personal collection.

Gary Perrone Gallery
5840 Alpha Road, #B, Dallas, TX 75240
August 15 : 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Image courtesy of Deanna Woods