Sunday, February 07, 2010

Monday Morning Rock

WED: H.O.T. Presents: Fucked in the Basement with Swamp Tease/Ancestral Diet/Taboo/Nite Shadez (J&J's Pizza)
WED: Worn In Red/Decades/Dark Forces/Big Fiction (1919 Hemphill)
THR: Stew!/Drink to Victory/Captain Incredible (Rubber Gloves)
THR: Unfun/Stymie/No Heroes/Serious Business (1919 Hemphill)
FRI: Nouvelle Vague/Shock of Pleasure/Chameleon Chamber Group (Granada)
FRI: Joe Jack Talcum (The Dead Milkmen)/Lord Grunge/The Bassturd (Rubber Gloves)
FRI: Retribution Gospel Choir/The Rainhorses/New Science Projects (The Cavern)
SAT: True Widow/Great Tyrant/Darktown Strutters (The Chat Room)
SAT: The English Beat/Fishbone (Granada)
SUN: RJD2/Kenan Bell/Happy Chichster (Hailey's)


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