you wanna have an internet fight bitch? thats what i loved about the devils tho was that i thought spencer when he got on stage in front of the mic was the scrawny guitar tech dude but then he howled and changed before the audience and they lit the stage on fire (literally). and eddie vedder is a nice guy and i bet thats the biggest gig they ever played champ. and if i were a band id prolly open even for the foo fighters just cuz. ps albini produced lots of crap because he'll do anything for thousands of dollars and admits it (i would too but that guys a tool)
you wanna have an internet fight bitch? thats what i loved about the devils tho was that i thought spencer when he got on stage in front of the mic was the scrawny guitar tech dude but then he howled and changed before the audience and they lit the stage on fire (literally). and eddie vedder is a nice guy and i bet thats the biggest gig they ever played champ. and if i were a band id prolly open even for the foo fighters just cuz. ps albini produced lots of crap because he'll do anything for thousands of dollars and admits it (i would too but that guys a tool)
Yeah. Bring it. So You like Spencer because he looked like a "scrawny guitar tech dude" and then transformed before the audience. You just described Albini's stage presence for the past 24 years. As for "literally" lighting the stage on fire, Big Black was also doing that decades ago by lighting fireworks all over the stage. So even though you admit you'd do exactly what Albini does (take major label money to record bands that work for them) he's a tool. So is Eddie Vedder a tool for making an entire career of shit funded by corporate money? Or is the Murder City Devils label Sub Pop exempt from "tool" status even though they let the corporate majors basically gang rape their label for a few years? Remember Sub-Sire? Oh, but you still fall for the shit they market to you as "indie". Who's the tool?
murder city devils were a rock and roll band pure and simple dude. it doesn't matter shit to me about their label status. they never claimed to be fugazi. i can hear alot of murder city in big black, sure. a big influence no doubt. ok, so, i won. ps i live for the album ten
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ive never heard big black before! that was some holy shit... thanks jr
There nothing to do around in this town. I think Im gonna pour gasoline on myself and set myself on fire.
I have Big Black on tape.
steve albini looks like troy duncan without a bow tie.
steve albini looks like your mom's cooter without the landmine
hi, I'm an anthroapologist.
Bad Ass.
that kind of explains the Murder City Devils too
yeah except for the murder city devils are the greatest bar band of all time and less geeky!
Dear 7:20
The "greatest bar band of all time" opened for Pearl Jam. Get a clue. As for less geeky, I invite you to Google Image Search for Spencer Moody.
you wanna have an internet fight bitch? thats what i loved about the devils tho was that i thought spencer when he got on stage in front of the mic was the scrawny guitar tech dude but then he howled and changed before the audience and they lit the stage on fire (literally). and eddie vedder is a nice guy and i bet thats the biggest gig they ever played champ. and if i were a band id prolly open even for the foo fighters just cuz. ps albini produced lots of crap because he'll do anything for thousands of dollars and admits it (i would too but that guys a tool)
you wanna have an internet fight bitch? thats what i loved about the devils tho was that i thought spencer when he got on stage in front of the mic was the scrawny guitar tech dude but then he howled and changed before the audience and they lit the stage on fire (literally). and eddie vedder is a nice guy and i bet thats the biggest gig they ever played champ. and if i were a band id prolly open even for the foo fighters just cuz. ps albini produced lots of crap because he'll do anything for thousands of dollars and admits it (i would too but that guys a tool)
Yeah. Bring it. So You like Spencer because he looked like a "scrawny guitar tech dude" and then transformed before the audience. You just described Albini's stage presence for the past 24 years. As for "literally" lighting the stage on fire, Big Black was also doing that decades ago by lighting fireworks all over the stage. So even though you admit you'd do exactly what Albini does (take major label money to record bands that work for them) he's a tool. So is Eddie Vedder a tool for making an entire career of shit funded by corporate money? Or is the Murder City Devils label Sub Pop exempt from "tool" status even though they let the corporate majors basically gang rape their label for a few years? Remember Sub-Sire? Oh, but you still fall for the shit they market to you as "indie". Who's the tool?
both of you guys.
You're right. And I'm one of these "guys".
Hardest workin' drum machine in rock and roll!
murder city devils were a rock and roll band pure and simple dude. it doesn't matter shit to me about their label status. they never claimed to be fugazi. i can hear alot of murder city in big black, sure. a big influence no doubt. ok, so, i won. ps i live for the album ten
btw albini is addicted to online poker
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