Mount Righteous-- When the Music Starts

Everything about this photo propagates Mount Righteous' image as a group of "young at heart" band dorks sitting in the back of the school bus fussing with their instruments. People who have a soft spot for Napoleon Dynamite and Say Anything will love this stuff for sure, and come to think of it, anyone who has a soft spot for pretty much anything is probably supposed to like this band, because Mount Righteous is all about soft spots. For example, take their "songbook" style CD insert that encourages listeners to sing and play along to their music as if it were an album of children's Christian tunes. Or how about their "joyful" audience participation shtick during live shows? There's also the bright, child-like art work on their album cover, the "sunny optimism" and "all together now" pseudo religious zeal scattered throughout their lyrics sheet, as well as the overtly "zany" collectivist vibe that the group projects at all times. All of these traits come together as part of Mount Righteous' overwhelmingly positive image-- one that is seemingly designed to wow people with the sheer audacity of happiness while warming their hearts with cuddly cuteness. This kind of hyper-positivity can either be grating or refreshing, depending on who you ask and who you're asking about, but when you consider the excited manner in which this group presents itself to the outside world, you might be inclined to believe that cute is the new punk rock. At least in Dallas.
Of course, the problem is that cute HAS been the new punk rock. Time and time again. Since, like, 1979. From Swell Maps to Shop Assistants to Television Personalities to The Pastels to Beat Happening, cute naivety and tongue in cheek innocence have existed as long standing image options for arty underground kids who didn't mesh with the perceived machoism that existed within a musical subculture that they weren't quite willing to separate themselves from completely. There isn't anything wrong with this approach on its face, of course, and it's true that all of the aforementioned artists have emerged as subculture legends, beloved by critics and fans alike for decades. And rightly so.
Beat Happening, for example, boldly embraced lo-fi recording techniques as an artistic choice while allowing the outward cuteness of their collective persona to cleverly but not fully hide a darker and more complex emotional and sexual undertone that secretly went home and listened to Cramps records after self aware sock hops in Olympia. Swell Maps experimented in punk rock, noise and the avant garde with the unbridled enthusiasm of children, and Television Personalities took innocence to a whole new level as they basically invented the concept of twee with their poppy take on early English post-punk. Oh, and one more thing-- all of these bands wrote and performed incredibly groundbreaking music, rendering their precious images just one part of their overall appeal-- an intriguing backstory rather than the whole story.
Mount Righteous are clearly tapping into this three decade old twee/cute/whatever aesthetic to craft an image for themselves as a group of zany outsiders, and although it certainly isn't a common choice for north Texas bands, it's really nothing new in the grand scheme of things. Again, there isn't necessarily anything wrong with recycling or building on images of underground rock's past, and a relatively new local band can't be expected to start a revolution the way the aforementioned groups did. But if the group isn't breaking any new ground with their militantly positive outlook, then what is it about Mount Righteous that has so many Dallasites excited? After listening to When the Music Starts, the band's debut full length, it's pretty clear that the selling point couldn't possibly be the music. Could it? Really? Ok, fine. We'll talk about it.
The most simple way to put it is that Mount Righteous basically sounds like a marching band with singers. The obvious reference points here are Danielson Family, Sufjan Stevens and Polyphonic Spree (not to mention locals Teenage Symphony), but unfortunately, nothing Mount Righteous does is nearly as subversive, thought provoking or intellectually developed as the bands mentioned in the previous paragraph, nor is their work as proficiently poppy as that of the groups mentioned in this one. The record kicks off with "The Feeling You Bring," and its clearly the album's high point, delivering a kind of Latin/African High Life infused rhythm via a mariachi-like arrangement with hand claps and chaotic choral singing that declares "when the music starts we all get together/and we dance and sing and love one another." Whatever. It certainly sounds quite a bit different from just about any other local act currently performing, and it's catchy and messy enough to work rather well as an opener. The next track, "Sea Man," is probably supposed to be the album's first "single," and it's another fairly solid example of what the group does right, melding a catchy vocal melody with a somewhat charming lyrical narrative and a mostly effective, polka-like arrangement from Casey Colby and Joey Kendall.
After these first two mostly solid tracks, however, When the Music Starts takes a rather unfortunate turn for the worst, and it never really recovers. Everything starts blending together in a rather unpleasant way beginning with track 3, "Christmas Accordion," which actually contains the lyrics "You're a Christmas Accordion, according to me/counting your calories accordingly/pumpkin pie means something to me." Shit, I hope no one ever says that shit to me. As the bad lyrics, Fa La Las and handclaps continue to annoyingly overwhelm throughout the album's progression, it starts to become clear that Mount Righteous, at this point, is little more than a one trick pony. One or two cutesy, horn dominated happy pop songs are one thing, but 11 of them stacked back to back is more than a little much, especially considering the fact that John Congleton's ultra-clean, big room production permits the group no room to attempt anything even remotely sonically interesting. The only break comes in the form of "About the Things You Are," a relatively calm, quite love song that would come off as charming if you didn't have to sit through the seven tracks that proceed it.
Again, the problem isn't really with Mount Righteous' intentions, but rather with their execution. The group has borrowed heavily from the past to create their group persona, and that is fine. They're super positive, and that's fine too. Christ, even the marching band set up could work with the right songs and the right production. But as things are now, Mount Righteous is a band that has garnered respect due mostly to their eventful live shows, and their debut provides very little to add to their resume. If the music is grating and the imagery breaks no new ground, then you're left with something that could fairly be called gimmicky. And the only thing positive about that is that it leaves Mount Righteous a lot of room for improvement.
(1.5 of 5)
(1.5 of 5)
great review. anytime i hear any of their stuff it takes about an hour and a half of big black or motorhead to get the nauseating saccharine taste out of my mouth. blech.
It's a really great album.
great review / great band
Please get rid of DL.
im glad someone agrees with me about this band
this is exactly how i feel about the album. the show is a whole different story. some things just can't be captured and put in a media format.
how can you be so critical of something so cute! your heart must be what is stoned.
we gots some fun comments gunna happen come mornin
I don't wanna go to a FEMA work camp!!
I don't wanna go to a FEMA work camp!!
hey, at least they're all white people.
mount righteous is a good substitute for a high fiber diet.
the redhead is fuckin hot. fiyaaa!!
yeah well the only hot one left is the blonde one.
Mt. Overrated
a few years from now you'll read this review again and be embarrassed by your own pretension
never heard of the band
Mt. teabag
Girl, you got a piano in your mouth. her mouth.
drum and tuba
hey now it's the sun and it makes me shine all around!
I try to be a tolerant person who is respectful of others views, tastes and opinions but I can't let up on this one.
Let's glorify high school white suburbia by adapting a marching band into a pop group!.....horrible, disgusting, perverse,twisted, borderline sociopathic idea. Who the fuck is this supposed to resonate with? The Zach Braff fan club?
Remember the scene in Fear and Loathing when Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo wonder into Bazooko Circus and Duke says something to the effect of, "Bazooko circus is what America would be doing Saturday Night's if the Nazis would have won the war, this is the fourth Reich"? well if that's the case Mount Righteous would be the fucking house band.
This is the deformed afterbirth of indy rock. Ironically (and I'm sure these kids are hip to irony) the baby isn't cute anymore. This is what it has come to. Only in this great country of ours where consumption is the last redeeming American value (RIP George Carlin) can a band like this come into frutition. Fuck me. Fuck Mount Righteous. Fuck us all we're all fucked.
Bands like this destroy hope.
Mt. Righteous... THE WHITEST BAND... ON EARTH!
who gives a shit , who gives a fuck.
another band that falls right in line with we shot jr's taste for douche rock.
"who gives a shit, who gives a fuck?"
9:55 that's who! I bet you attend Mount Righteous's movie nights
Please tell me all of those assholes live together....they deserve their own fucking hell
Mt Who Cares
i am surprised DARK MEAT/VOMIT LASERS FAMILY BAND/GALAXY (from athens?) wasn't mentioned in the review. They almost have the same novelty going on as Mt. Righteous.
john of flesh
did the observer review this cd? just curious.
Mt. Go Fuck Yourself
Another bunch of goofy awkward white kids trying to be just as goofy or zanny as can be.
Havent we had enough of this shit? At least their nitch isn't writing songs about street fighter all the time.
This just in: local anonymous noise-rock blog hates acoustic pop band, says "happy music has been done before."
i don't understand all the hate for something so unassuming and innocent. its like hating children playing on a playground because all the cool middle school kids want to go there and smoke on the jungle gym.
This sounds like the worst music ever, not even worth patronizing with a free download. I hope they march their asses into oncoming traffic.
10:36 you bring up an interesting point.......I fucking hate little kids but even more than that I hate adults pretending to be little kids, embarassing and pathetic. I like happy music too, but this shit makes me want to put Minor Threat on repeat.
headline news, you are an idiot. "noise-rock blog"? have you ever even read anything on weshotjr before?
I thought we shot j.r was a dance music blog. Oh wait, I thought it was an indie hipster blog. Oh wait, I thought it was a party picture blog. Oh wait I thought it was just about house shows and DIY. Oh wait.
WSJR is all of that... and more! Thanks for reading!
10:48 - nah brah, they won't even post house show info if they don't have picture perfect lineups anymore. just read the post before this one! we shot jr is a shit throwing blog.
I have a sense they are secretly mass murderers and this is just a cover up for their cult.
sorry hows this?
This just in: local shit-throwing music blog hates acoustic pop band, says "happy music has been done before," and throws some more shit.
I like how having an opinion equals "shit throwing." Lighten up you fucking cry babies.
this just in: we have more positive reviews then negative... however everyone just ignores the positive ones..
one example: headline news dood
sorry, let me fix that:
This just in: local opinionated music blog hates acoustic pop band, says "happy music has been done before," tells comment section to "lighten up" and compares them to babies who fuck and cry.
ahem.. frankly, these assholes get enough luv from the observer. here's a tip: just get to the fuckin' shit nobody else covers, for cliff's sake!
retard may be a trend, but that does'nt make it hip.........
in a daze cuz i found GOD
haha, yea blogs need to stop being so "opinionated" these days!
I saw their show and absolutely loved every minute of it! I love that it is one of the few cds I own that I can listen to with my four year old. Yes it's happy pop... but it's ridiculous that the comments seem to be too busy maintaining their 'cooler than the rest of you' attitude to enjoy it. The cd makes me fucking happy, sorry if the rest of you didn't get it.
The Cavern in Dallas - August 13th.
See you there.
i wonder if their music is a product of drugs, or simply accepting jesus christ as their lord and savior
THAN to be joey kendall.
1147 thats because the music is MADE for a 4 year old. its the DFW equivalent of the wiggles.
anyone seen space chimps yet? i hear its better than dark knight
casey colby.......casey colby, perfect name. perfect name. joey kendall.....fuck, its all too perfect. Even their names are cute. they are just a nice widdle cwoot easter basket of cwoot fun!
11:58.....the DFW equivalent to the wiggles.....jesus christ that's good
11:58.....the DFW equivalent to the wiggles.....jesus christ that's good
The Cavern in Dallas - August 13th.
See you there.
a band full of sparkling
The Cavern in Dallas - August 13th.
See you there.
Here is a band with similar instrumentation that may be more to your liking...from the ashes of Crash Worship...rises...this...
hahahaha you can keep pimping your gig but we aint goin. i think i have to wash my hair that night.
so rude!
scarlett johannson's voice>mt righteous>tom waits
I bet you guys have done crazier things for free beer.
Ps...I think my name is pretty cute too.
casey colby is a good dude even if i don't like mt. righteous. thats what sucks. some of these guys do way better things outside of this band. they just need to ditch jk.
I read the first paragraph, rolled my eyes, then scrolled to the bottom and cracked the fuck up.
I bet you guys have done crazier things for free beer.
Ps...I think my name is pretty cute too.
what else are you going to do as a recent high school graduate waiting out your brook mays tuba rental contract? start an awesome band!
free beer? i'm there.
just because he can't remember your name doesn't mean you should get your panties in a wad.
what? his own friends cant stand him.
No wires, no complaints.
you go to one mount righteous show, you have been to them all.
you hear one mount righteous song, you have heard them all.
&im glad their niche isn't writing songs about street fighter, because theres only one band who can do that the best...
(p.s.-the person that wrote this review should never write a review again.)
11:54 - Wes Anderson uses Futura fonts, not Helvetica.
fuck this. POOL PARTY
1:12 pm, the following quote is from the same article you just sent me:
"Interestingly, it is usually in connection to someone or something outside the Tenenbaum family and is usually Helvetica:"
Followed by examples of Helvetica. So he uses both. But thanks for the info.
it's a sousaphone!
fuck cute
Oh wow a bunch of white people from suburbia playing music.
Thats different.
you go to one mount righteous show, you have been to them all.
you hear one mount righteous song, you have heard them all.
&im glad their niche isn't writing songs about street fighter, because theres only one band who can do that the best...
(p.s.-the person that wrote this review should never write a review again.)
you go to one mount righteous show, you have been to them all.
you hear one mount righteous song, you have heard them all.
&im glad their niche isn't writing songs about street fighter, because theres only one band who can do that the best...
(p.s.-the person that wrote this review should never write a review again.)
Oh wow a bunch of white people from suburbia playing music.
Thats different.
i agree with carl sagan on almost every point, except that i think SR
did a great job.
fuck these band geeks. i hate their "love us coz we love us" attitude and their stupid faces.
MOUNT RIGHTEOUS YAY!...hate on haters you're making them on mount righteous!!!
ps...joey rules!!!
i guess i shouldnt have knocked SR's review, because he can probably shit out a review better and faster than i ever could.
woops, sorry.
i guess i shouldnt have knocked SR's review, because he can probably shit out a review better and faster than i ever could.
woops, sorry.
I want you to throw that fuckin radio into the tub with me
let me go on...
famous? oh my..
i guess i shouldnt have knocked SR's review, because he can probably shit out a review better and faster than i ever could.
woops, sorry.
God didn't do that! You did it!
carl sagan: learn to use your web browser, and quit double posting...
... you're a fucking narcotics agent, I knew it.
And also, 214-- post of the day!
the division over this topic is really interesting. its like, where's the beef?
blame it on the cosmos.
although it does'nt matter, you and me got plenty of time.
people who have no friends and read music blogs all day rather than having an opinion of their own shouldnt be allowed to comment. I think the majority of you are just pissed you werent asked to be in on the band and play something awesome like the didgeridoo.
Fat? Bald? Got a beard? Can't get laid?
Lips locked firmly around Tim DeLaughter's vienna sausage?
Meet Mt. Righteous.
Hahaha, I bet joey is so pissed right now.
time won't give me time...
people who have no friends and read music blogs all day rather than having an opinion of their own shouldnt be allowed to comment. I think the majority of you are just pissed you werent asked to be in on the band and play something awesome like the didgeridoo.
we're having MORE FUN now.. than HUMANS should be allowed...
hey 2:41,
so you keep saying, HITLER!!
whip it.. WHIP IT GOOD.............
The band is cool. There seem to be some pretentious pricks on here. Its cool to like or not like something, but why is everybody so worried about what's been done before? Show me something that isn't 98% shit that has been done before, and I will be surprised, and it is probably also something that sucks. At least this has been done fewer times.
big bands i know you're the one
I don't think anyone who dislikes this band is "jealous" that they aren't a part of it.
And why is it pretentious to not like Mount Righteous?
you would think they would be pretty happy about the review, considering its spawned over 100 comments now
I'm all for hating on some dumb, happy, gay shit but sometimes I wish you'd just ignore the crap that gets attention for little more than being a novelty void of depth, character or talent.
It's only getting them more undeserving attention... although still a funny read.
Oh and please cover more late-coming Animal Collective sound-alikes. Those are all the rage up here in Denton. What with the acoustic guitars and the pedals and the expensive laptops and hoo-ha.
Hot. Sports. Opinions.
Those cyberbullying PSAs are clearly not working.
The band is cool. There seem to be some pretentious pricks on here. Its cool to like or not like something, but why is everybody so worried about what's been done before? Show me something that isn't 98% shit that has been done before, and I will be surprised, and it is probably also something that sucks. At least this has been done fewer times.
hey, at least they can count pete freedman as a fan, hes a pretty cool guy isnt he?
the king is gone, but he's not forgotten.
hey 2:52!! you get that fuckin' head back in that cubicle before i send yer eyes back into yer skull.........
2:51 ---- for real
uh-huh.. hmmm.... o.k. sure, yeah. nope.
i support Mt righteous and you should too.
I couldn't have moved the island without Mount Righteous playing on my Ipod.
Driveshaft might have put me in a wheelchair, but Mount Righteous made me walk again.
thom yorke's a feeeeeeeeeeeg
It's like a shimmery rainbow of irony in here.
I just want to know if anyone is going to top "mt teabag"... It's my favorite so far.
It's like a shimmery rainbow of irony in here.
is it just my imagination or did some of the comments repeat a whole bunch of times throughout?
Oh wow a bunch of white people from suburbia playing music.
Thats different.
"Latin/African High Life infused rhythm"
is it just my imagination or did some of the comments repeat a whole bunch of times throughout?
"Latin/African High Life infused rhythm"
That's the worst band I ever heard Charlie
Not one minority- black, hispanic or asian in the bunch. There sure are a diverse bunch aren't they? They must play white music. Yep, they sure do.
Not one minority- black, hispanic or asian in the bunch. There sure are a diverse bunch aren't they? They must play white music. Yep, they sure do.
this thread is so ridiculous
The line "Shit, I hope no one ever says that shit to me." made me laugh out loud.
shit, he's gonna shit when he sees it's shit!
carl sagan fucking sucks at this blog
i bet they use a lot of febreze in their van
up the punx
up the punx
you just wanna be on the side that's winning..
though I like the fake schmancy more than the real one, you should stop impersonating her.
ooooooo-aye! up scumbag, up scumbag. see here, teddybear! come 'ere!
yeah.. well why don't you take yer musical fruit town appraisals and yer yellow lemony sour vibes and take 'em outta here. cuz we don't need that stuff at this time on this blog..
SR - I think you're just afraid to express your love for Mount Righteous because the world would obviously end if your hip readers were to roll their eyes at you.
This just in: Members of Mt. Righteous visit wsjr for the first time and don't realize that if you refresh after posting, their comment posts again.
You guys are so fucking annoying. Get outta ya mom's basement and stop being the biggest stuck-up pricks on the internet. Hipster you on the cutting edge of everything and everyone should be like, but, alas, they would never understand your complicated self. Plus everyone else is beyond retarded, especially if they don't wear Chuch Taylor's with some dorky 70 reject glasses or something even crazier that they got at a thrift store, are a member of a failing band that is just waiting to be discovered, and listen to Jay Reatard and Boris before they were "cool."
OK? YOU ARE THE COOLEST SHIT SINCE COOL SHIT. At least in your own head. And your mom's.
weshotjr needs to review more avril lavigne albums
we're not hip, fucktard. we just hate your SHIT-GRANOLA HIPPIE BAND.
fuck this band. white people music sucks. this is yalls response to motown soul? get the fuck outta here. you make me embarrassed to be from the dfw. man i cant believe this tripe shit. you all have no soul. get some some and get fucked bro.
Mt. goblin wang
this threat made me puke up the chicken tenders i ate for lunch.
thanks a lot weshotjr.
i sweat cum
I would go see them live with one caveat. If they agreed to douse themselves with diesel fuel and light themselves on fire during the performance......then and only then would I go see them. The smell of burning flesh would be an interesting contrast to the "cute" image they are going for. Provacative? Yes indeed!
mount virgin fuck you dude. i'll eat your children.
you just wanted an excuse to say caveat. EAT SHIT
pieces of white shit
pieces of gay white shit
I actually just wanted an excuse to say "burning flesh"
bagpipes are the new acoustic guitar
i just wanted an excuse to say "flaccid cock".
flaccid cock.
so are there any denton hipster blogs where girls get naked instead of this bullshit?
Kind of a beat around the bush, name drop assed way to dis a band. Yeah the band sucks but... cry about it already.
you wish.
duhhh you can't have a legitimate opinion if you don't name drop.
defensive listening is hot and i hear she likes mount righteous. too bad she didn't write the review.
c'mon porterhouse! chop chop!!
1:18 pm,
You're welcome for the info. If you want to associate a font with Wes Anderson, it's Futura. Yes, he uses Helvetica now and then, but 90% of the time, if you see something written on-screen in his movies, it's Futura.
Point is - if MR is a Helvetica-using band (not very distinctive since it's one of the most common), they're not taking their cue from Wes Anderson. So your insult was flawed from the start.
Thanks again.
no seriously, like every other post there could be some emo girl's tits? or vag, i'm not gonna be picky.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrre's JOHNNY!!!!
what's everyone's thoughts on girls with six-packs? i like em fit but thats a little gross you know
haha yeah and doesn't it suck when you can see their pubes poking out above their pants?
or maybe we could just see DL naked, that'd do it for me.
Mount Righteous made me fall in love with kate
1:18 pm,
You're welcome for the info. If you want to associate a font with Wes Anderson, it's Futura. Yes, he uses Helvetica now and then, but 90% of the time, if you see something written on-screen in his movies, it's Futura.
Point is - if MR is a Helvetica-using band (not very distinctive since it's one of the most common), they're not taking their cue from Wes Anderson. So your insult was flawed from the start.
Thanks again.
i've seen DL naked. IN MY DREAMS!
but ass pimples are so gross i don't think it gets worse than that
DL naked would be one hell of a weshotjr promo, just THINK ABOUT IT!
hey, who gives a FUCK about FONTS?? it's you're shitty band i'm interested in trashing, not some faggoty director's form of typescript!
their primary songwriter lists him as an influence on his solo project page and their fliers and artwork have a distinct look that seems swiped from his work. who the fuck cares if he doesn't ALWAYS use Helvetica, he still uses it. In fact, I'm sure MR mean to use Futura, they just haven't figured it out.
Wow, you are one annoying font enthusiast. Is there any other kind?
Man fuck that stupid geek com d font bullshit. It's like arguing about anime hair.
i heard SR only started blogging here because he wanted to impress DL.
i hear DL's got some epic tits.
"Man fuck that stupid geek com d font bullshit. It's like arguing about anime hair."
1:17 - that's the best idea i've heard all day.
Hey 3:54--what's up with all the racist talk? Maybe it's just hard to find a brother that plays a melodica in Grapevine.
DL'S got his nipples pierced. he's embarrassed to show them b/c they're all puffy and sore.
he's cute, though. i'd hit it.
Hey 3:54--what's up with all the racist talk? Maybe it's just hard to find a brother that plays a melodica in Grapevine.
it took me 45 minutes to scroll back up to 117.
pool party in the rain!
hey what do you guys think of the 12 year old girl that drums for Stymie?
I Post on this site I drink Soooo Much CUM!!!!!!!!
the all caps helvetica is obviously a Flaming Lips rip.
they sound like solid players. i'd much rather that than a bunch of conceptual noise bull shit.
"girl you've got a piano in your mouth"
that post totally redeemed this blog. i wish that would've been the review and they could have left it at that.
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