It List: Thursday
Indian Jewelry/Zanzibar Snails/Followed by Static (The Lounge): We've said a lot about this show this week, but we'll just add that Zanzibar Snails will be selling new CDs at the show tonight, and their performance with feature a guest appearance from Dust Congress' bassoon player, who was the inspiration for the best joke I've ever told on here. Ask your friends!
Jeremy Enigk/Sarah Jaffe/Kris Youmans/Omoreka (House of Blues): It really pisses me off that they named this place "Pontiac Garage," like it's some dingy little practice space where poor geniuses go to toil in obscurity. Those places usually don't have gift shops, but whatevs. Honesty time: I've never heard one single Jeremy Enigk solo song in my entire life, although I hear that much of it is considerably more adventurous than anything Sunny Day Real Estate ever did. I really used to like Sunny Day's Sub Pop debut until I realized one day that it was the one record that made it ok for punks to cry. And don't say the Descendents did that, because Milo would totally kick Enigk's ass.
Jack with One Eye/Sean Kirkpatrick/Silk Stocking (Club Dada): Jack with One Eye is a pretty quality group that hardly ever plays shows. Hey shitty local bands-- write that down please.
Parachutes/Starhead/Grassfight (Rubber Gloves)
Queensryche (Nokia Theater): "Silent Lucidity" is probably the absolute lamest song I like.
80's Night with DJ G (Hailey's)
sean kirkpatrick (full band)
jack with one eye
silk stocking
@ club dada
apparently i cant read.
thats already posted.
I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
Been waiting to post this here.
What happened to Denton Rock City? Did they have their balls lopped off? They used to be bitchy and annoying, but they had some bite. Now that the big stupid fight between Virden and Baish settled down, everyone's playing all nice and shit. BORING. Come on, Denton. I know you can do better than that. Someone please at least tell Schmancy how lame she is. She doesn't even live in Denton. Come on. Adub, make some shitty comments about noise metal. Hime, pretend you know anything. DENTON, PLEASE GET IN A FIGHT. I don't hate you enough right now.
I'm with SR.
If you go out and see a band tonight instead of watching Barack Obama's speech, you should be ashamed. This is history.
80's night is history dude, barack obama is just like, temporary.
what the fuck is denton rock city?
Barack speech then 80's
fuck off mike, sr, et al..
any live band trumps political garbage, besides, what's the point when mccain's going to win anyway, huh?
wsjr can't shut up about sports, right?? then watch the fuckin' cowboys, ya fucks.
tis rare that a convention makes an election anymore. this will be decided in the debates.
the return of the thin white duke...
throwing darts in lovers' eyes!
haha barack's speech is history. yeah looks like greek history
check it out, a bunch of country boy downing electro:
go figure huh.
check it out, a bunch of country boys downing electro:
go figure huh.
hey 5:01
President Barack Obama
get used to it.
Just keep saying it over and over and over again.
you'll get the hang of it.
Barack Obama will fuck you too.
when you pull your head out of sean hannity's ass, meet your bros up the bone club to go check out a tribute band.
how the fuck do you know?
what happened to Denton Rock City?
John McCain is WAY too old to be the next President.
He's almost as old as Tom Petty.
Hi, haters.
Just thought I'd let you know that The Toadies new album is Number 1 in sales at Waterloo Records here in Austin this week. Same goes for Newberry Comics in Boston... just the two most influential indie stores in the country.
So are you guys gonna suspend the Top 20 at Good Records when The Toadies hits Number 1 there too? 'Cause, you know, numbers don't mean anything and all that.
Ha ha. The two most influential indie stores in the country? Wrong.
A Bob Schneider album was also number one at Waterloo for a very long time.
Hey, where is the new Good Records Top 20?
The Toadies new album is #2 on the current Good Records Top 20, right behind the Walkmen.
After the show at the Palladium this past weekend, I bet it's #1 next week.
Bob Schneider is from Austin, that's why he was number one at Waterloo there.
but you see the toadies aren't from austin and they are number 2 going on number 1 at waterloo there.
Bob Schneider cant even get on the good records top 20 list much less number two or one.
you're comparing good to waterloo? zeus help us all...
amazon is the most influential record store in the country
damn bookman, to think i was giving you props. oh well, it only goes to show..
president mccain, methinks. oh, and suck my dick, m'k!
hey momo, yea you 6:13, you don't need no education...
7:22 speaks the truth
6:57 that Toadies album was recorded in Austin
Obama 08!
7:20 PM is i am, but Austin has nothing else so u just have to go with waterloo.
bob schneider's dad was my teacher in elementary school.
7:47 they have cheapos too
8:15 PM of course they do but dallas also has Bill's Records too.
the radioheads are live on the internets right now
why do people in bands move from denton to austin and not the other way around? or do they?
Anybody who thinks that John McCain is going to win after Obama's speech tonight is delusional.
McCain may as well give up now.
barack is from denton right?
For his sake,I hope not.
Dwight Eisenhower was from Denison.
The best Dentonian was Meat Loaf.
What's wrong with Tara? She rules.
all austin has is waterloo?!
what about end of an ear, sound source, snake eyes, backspin, and (dare i say) encore?
waterloo has a shit selection. good records wins hands down.
it was a joke. joke.
Nothing is wrong with Tara. It wasn't a Tara joke, it was a bassoon joke.
Waterloo and Newbury Comics are great and I'll always love them, but Other Music and Amoeba are probably more influential when it comes down to it. Also, Sound On Sound and Mystery Train are better and are in Austin and Boston respectively.
Snake Eyes closed down, which sucks.
Ahahaha Mystery Train has been closed for like 8 years. Wow.
I love Amoeba. That place is like a museum. Lots of great instore performances. Saw Norah Jones there...
12:23, I hadn't been back in a long, long time. Sorry.
John McCain is older than Israel
what about soundwaves in houston circa 2002? i dare you to tell me bucky didn't recommend something to you that you still listen to
Amoeba,Rasputins,Aquarius,Streetlight,but then,these are all in the Bay Area.Haight Street alone has(or at least had)so many hidden away little shops that each had there own niche,white label dj stuff one block,old blues and jazz lps and 78s the next,you could spend days exploring that area.I got spoiled living in that area ...ah,record store memories.
the tenderloin!
"It [the bassoon] is a bass instrument without proper bass strength, oddly weak in sound, bleating blurlesque"
Thomas Mann - novelist/critic.
wake and bake
Wow, so John McCain is hoping that all vagina's are interchangeable. Going with a VP choice that is just about the opposite of Hillary Clinton trying to get her voters. McCain must have a hard time walking with such big balls dangling around his ankles.
dear Garza...
who gives a fuck?
i do. i give a fuck.
66 comments of nothing.
Anonymous posters
Spineless idiots
this thread is radical
Had a chance to interview The Party after their last big blow out at The Loft
Here's a snippet...
Me: What's up ya'll? You guys are off the chain!
Them: Oh, we know. We're just keepin' it real, yo.
Me: So you guys opened up for Vanilla Ice, huh?
Them: We got mad respect for Robbie, yo.
Me: That must have been straight bozo.
Them: Well, we didn't actually perform with him.
Me: Wow. It says on Wikipedia that you did.
Them: Yeah, we gotta change that shit.
Me: What was it like being on the Mickey Mouse Club?
Them: Say what?
Me: You guys were on the Mickey Mouse Club Show, right?
Them: Well, shit gets all Mickey Mouse in the biz, ya know.
Me: So you worked with Dr. Dre. That must have been the bomb.
Them: No, we ain't never met Dre.
Me: It says on Wikipedia that you did.
Them: Hmm. We gotta change that shit.
Me: Yeah, it also says that you broke up in 1993.
Them: Nigga, I wasn't even born in 1993.
Me: What's up, yo? I thought you were keepin' it reals, yo
Them: We 're off on that throwback shit, man!
Me: I thought you weren't even born in 1993.
Them: That's just how we roll. Fuck "My Dougie".
Me: You ever heard of Jay Z?
Them: Ain't he Beyonce's dood?
Me: Yeah, and he told me that he was gonna crush your skulls.
Them: Why? What did we do?
Me: He doesn't like the Mickey Mouse Club.
Them: Aw shit, I better stash this dookie chain.
Me: What's up with that Member's Only Jacket?
Them: Shit is fly, yo.
Me: Shit looks stupid. You DO know what year this is, right?
Them: We just keepin' it real.
Me: Yeah, real stupid.
Them: Girl, I thought you were here to promote our shit.
Me: I thought you could hook me up with Biz Markie.
Them: Beeotch, Biz is old enough to be your grandpa.
Me: I don't give a fuck. Where is he?
Them: We don't know. You think we got a Biz Markie GPS or some shit?
Me: What about EPMD? Ya'll know them niggas?
Them: We heard of 'em, but we ain't never met them or nothin'.
Me: So when is your next gig?
Them: We gonna be turnin' it out at the Hooters in Duncanville.
Me: Yo, can you get me one of them dope t-shirts?
Them: Girl, you ain't got what it takes to fill out one of them shirts.
Me: Not yet, but when I turn 14 I'll be headin' in that direction.
Them: You wanna help us load up our gear?
Me: Nope. Do it yourself.
Don't all of you know that in Bush's State of the Union he is going to declare marshal law and the election is going to be postponed indefinitely? We are in a state of crisis with the whole Iraq/Iran thing.
i heard snake eyes is re-opening soon! but in a shitty strip mall.
and i mentioned sound source up there and meant sound on sound.
sound source was a sweet store in bedford a few years back. WOAH!
it's called martial law, not marshal law.
... and that ain't gonna happen.
12:29, we the anonymous community, are sick of your fake interviews.
barack rocks, sarcasm is a novel idea.
no one would make a joke about tara.. that would be completely tarable.. and we all know she's tarafic!
12:43, speak for yourself.
12:40 made me laugh.
If I had missed Obama's speech for a show I would want to kill myself.
Wish I could have seen Tara last night. She blows that bassoon like a mutha fuckin' riot.
what's more interesting - fake interviews with real people, or real interviews with lame people for the benefit of fake readers?
magically. . .I am real.
All v-jay-jays are created equal
Gotta agree with ya about the "Pontiac Garage" at HOB. Do we really need to plaster a fucking corporate logo on every single name of every single place on the planet?
Plus the sound in that room actually sounds like a garage.
As Chuck Barkley would say, "that place is turrible..."
Bassoon blows 2
I know Barack will will fuck you too because he will be the President of the United States. That's just how the shit works.
like Bill Clinton fucked us?
get a grip
Who is playing at Fuel City on Saturday night?
I have to check this place out!!!
It sounds amazing...
Ten Hands is getting back together for a big gig at Fuel City.
Get your mullet on.
basSOONer or later. hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahha (or jajaja....)
Put on your kneepads and go blow Ralph Nader.
That makes a lot of sense and is also constructive. -11:15am.
I'm going to Fuel City right now. Meet me there.
Just got back from Fuel City. Oh my God... I want to live there.
think it's pointless to even deal with politics, but if that dude getting elected makes people a little happy for a bit, fuck it i guess
I know some wow gold in wow.
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