
Faux Fox/Telethon/Hello Lover (Hailey's):
Forgot to add this earlier. John Freeman's last Telethon show as a local.
Denton Deluxe Players Present "Graveyard Love"/Rival Gang/Kaboom/The Faith (Rubber Gloves): This is the third and final night of the Denton Deluxe Players live theater in a rock setting and I hope to actually see it tonight. The performances have started much earlier than a band would, and I think that more people would have a chance of seeing it with a regular band set starting time. I still want to see Sloan act, but I have little doubt about his abilities as a singer, and his stage banter is impeccable. How come I've never heard a band make a shaky set joke about RGRS being a rehearsal studio in ten years plus of attending shows there? I'm sure it's been done, but it was the first time that I had heard it. Genius.
Judas Priest/Heaven And Hell/Motorhead/Testament (Starplex):
The Toadies/The Crash That Took Me/Riverboat Gamblers/Dead Twins (Palladium): Sometimes the comments on our site are so stupid, I feel like becoming a republican. Then I remember that friends of mine used to frequent "The Toadies Bulletin Board," in that overly publicized and epic lull between records. Now that was stupid. Come to think of it, the old Rubber Gloves message board was also ridiculous, though I still miss lurking on that old thing. What, did you actually think I was going to try to talk about The Toadies?
Calhoun/Monahan/Doug Burr/Telegraph Canyon (Lola's)
The Great Tyrant/Spindrift/Restavrant (Chatroom)
Melvins/Big Business (House Of Blues): I saw this exact same show a few months ago at the Granada (it was a WSJR sponsored show, as a matter of fact), and I'll tell you that some Melvins fans really come out of the woodwork for their shows. Like, dudes who look like they haven't left their houses since the great hash explosion of 1996. of course, once the Melvins take the stage, you'll see just how not insane these dudes actually are: the two drummer Melvins attack is a site to be seen for sure, and Buzz dorks out on guitar like no one else playing today. If you've ever had even a remote interest in the Melvins, then you need to see them at least once. I know I know, House of Blue(s) Balls sucks, but I'll put it to you this way: The Melvins live make Big Business look a little weak, and Big Business fucking rules.
My Morning Jacket (Palladium): Every time I hear people talk about My Morning Jacket, I can't help but think they are sort of like the "weirdo indie" band that dude brahs can get into so they can show their girlfriends that they're artsy and shit. That's cool I guess, but since I spend pretty much all my time trying to show girls how artsy I am, I figure I should help the brahs out a little bit-- the group has been around since the early 90s, starting off doing a reverb dominated take on Neil Young songs that came off as music made by people who had just started building their record collections based on what sounded good when they were high. However, with the release of 2005's Z, MMJ took a more experimental turn, highlighted by the Hype Machine topping blog single "Wordless Chorus." The track is actually a pretty good example of what this band is all about in a nutshell-- easily digestible? Yes. Totally chill, man? Yep. Atmospherics and doses of experimentalism that often mask pretty standard blues based rock songs? Of course. Still pretty good though? Sure, I suppose so. In fact, I usually have a hard time turning them off when I hear them, even if their brand of smoke and mirrors is pretty identifiable right off the bat. But you'll have to like them a bit more than that to sit through what will apparently be a 2 hour plus performance. I guess that's the price you'll have to pay, bro. Get high first.
Melissa's Pool Party with She-Dick/The Party/Schwa (Backyard Beach Bar, 7530 E. Grand): Well this will certainly be the Dallas hipster/scenester party of the weekend, and say what you want about that, but I have to give these people props for trying out a show at a place where most people reading this blog would never dream of venturing. For those who don't know, Backyard Beach Bar is kind of on the way to another hipster destination, the Goat, and it might be the perfect place to see what will end up being She-Dick's last ever performance. I never really dug these, uh, people, but I'm in the minority amongst most people I know, so I guess I'll just have to give in. The Party, coming of a massively successful performance at the Granada last night, will be on their game for sure, and Schwa might actually be the best summer time BBQ party DJ in Dallas, so be sure to catch him.
Yells At Eels/Silk Stocking/Darktown Strutters (Rubber Gloves): This is a great lineup, though I'm still never clear on whether or not Silk Stocking is still active. I think I'll go to this just to make sure. Yells At Eels works impresses in so many ways, that it is almost frustrating if you've ever tried to learn an instrument. In fact, these guys probably depress virtuosos as well.
I can't make it out to the Spindrift show in Ft. Worth, but I HIGHLY recommend them. They are SOOO fucking fabulous.
The House Harkonnen at Double Wide tonight performing both Weezer's Blue Album and Pinkerton in their entirety.
Oooooooooooooo, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezer!!! listen: how's about i just kick you in the nads, michael, and we'll just call it even. m'k??
the ace of spades
the ace of spades...
Melissas Deluxe = Herpes Deluxe
god spindrift are so awful. see the other bands, but stay out on the patio during their set so you can actually breathe.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
hey potato..
1.. you have 3 of the same ip's in a row..
2.. we're at least smart enough to protect our own names..
3.. we'll have logins, and passwords for those that want them soon..
4.. your band sucks..
5.. have a nice weekend..
thanks, and fuck off
we got salami sticks at work that are fucking fabulous.
Your band blows ass my man. Check this out-- we'll leave the above comments up as examples of shit that gets DELETED! Thanks! Potato is banned.
is doing this what potato meant? i'll let you people know if anything awesome happens
-fake sr
Thanks to everyone who has made it to the show so far. It will start promptly at 8:30pm tonight, hopefully Sloan will be awake and drinking by then.
We also have a special opportunity for the weshotjr readers. Anyone who can post two lines of honest critique of the play AND post their emails as the poster name will be in the running for a free copy of the denton Deluxe v. 4, coming out Sept. 1st, delivered right to their house! Good or bad just as long as it is a honest opinion showing you saw the play and it is a valid email address.
HA! now that's funny
-fake sr
we are playing tonight at Hailey's. Get on it and get off!
RIP potato.
elvis, we gotta win this race!!
elvis: we gotta win this race..
i found this on craigslist:
"Huge jazz band need new trumpet,bass and drummer
We are a trio that plays traditional jazz in free new age form. We are planning a tour with BELA FLECK!!! Please catch us on our myspace if you are indeed up to OUR standards, if not, don't waste out time, we are very much too busy for anyone with less than 15 years experience. Good luck! www.myspace.com/asstabula"
I was TeamSlack on the Toadies board. Hi Mom!
Does anybody else here know anything about Eek-A-Mouse's live shows? He's playing Palm Beach Club next Saturday. His lp "Wa-Do-Dem" gets a lot of play with me and I'm wondering if his shows are now more along the lines of his later harder style or more of the original sing-jay variety with the awesome heavy sparse beats.
I've been around this block twice now. Looking for something. A clue. I've been looking for clues and something led me back here. Yeah. So here I am. It could have been me, the one who was at Ringo's place when the shit went down. Hey. I know how it is. I've been there. We've all done bad things. We've all had those guilty feelings in our heart. I'm going to take your brain out of your head and wash it and scrub it and make it clean. I don't know. But I'm going to have to settle this. First we're going to check the hole and see what we can find. We're going to get nice and wet, and you're going to spread your legs. Oh, that's good. So you know me. You know my reputation. Thirteen inches of tough load, I don't treat you gently. That's right. I'm Brock Landers. So I'm going to be nice. So I'm going to be nice. So I'm going to be nice, I'm going to ask you one more time. Where the fuck is Ringo?
I am a star. I'm a star, I'm a star, I'm a star. I am a big, bright, shining star. That's right.
you missed a great show @ 1919 on saturday, dudes.
Mose Giganticus, The Emotron, Death To the DoomRiders, Alex Atchley and a traveling freak show. Gonna be a goodin'.
Denton vs Dallas breakdown : women addition
Denton - aloof and sexy but there is something behind those eyes
Dallas - fashionably dressed but look ten years older than actual age
You know what? The new Toadies album is actually really fuckin' good. I know everybody around here is obligated to slag 'em because they've been around forever, but if this album had been released by somebody else, you'd be diggin' the shit out of it.
They're not about to crash and burn. Get used to it.
"Song I Hate" and "I Am A Man of Stone" are as good as anything the Pixies ever released, and the title track owes as much to AC/DC as ZZ Top, but fuck it... the Toadies have never been ashamed to admit their music is derivative of their favorite shit. (Are they're any bands out there that aren't derivative of something?) "One More" is just killer; and "I Want Your Love" is the only weak moment on the album.
It's a short record- 10 songs, recorded nice and raw, with little or no gated reverb or effects. I don't a fuck what any of you guys say, this album is better than 90% of the stuff coming from anywhere in North Texas these days. (And I realize that is subjective, it's just my opinion.)
And, no, I never posted anything on their blog or whatever. I just really like this record and I'm happy for them for getting to play in front of 40,000 at Lollapalooza two weeks ago. We could use a little good news around here.
The success of the new Toadies album is supposed to be good news for us? That sounds like bad news.
exactly i agree with Prison Mike "this album is better than 90% of the stuff coming from anywhere in North Texas these days. "
FTW gets left out so often, and 12:53's post tells why:
Fort Worth - bottomless and drooling in laser-disk chain mail.
Chat is neat.
Keep Austin there.
WHISKEY FOLK RAMBLERS with trapper jon and wayne floyd at BRONCOS on SATURDAY.
theyre not vegans but they can eat my meat anytime.
if you can't understand why someone would think the word "addition" is the same as "edition", you just might be too old for this blog. :(
I saw the Toadies play when I was 17. They played for like... 2 fucking hours. I never need to see them play again. It never hit me how much "Tyler" was like "Where Is My Mind" until that night, I'm pretty sure they played them back to back. I still like their music, but I can't imagine dragging my self out to another one of their shows.
toadies suck
they have always sucked
they shall never cease sucking
their fans suck
i do not suck
you may suck
if you considering their new album
suck suck suck suck
suck off
keep posting the negative comments - - - - i am sure it will effect their album sales
another minute or two wasted reading comments and posting this. thaaaanks everybody
keep fort worth somewhat more interesting than dallas
The price you will pay to see My Morning Jacket is $36.00
Who can afford to get high after that?
true dat. i'd see em if it werent so fucking expensive.same with the melvins. i am curious to see them live but not at that cost. i've never listened to any of their albums, soooo..... i'm just gonna scope THE DARKTOWN STRUTTERS!!
that new MMJ disk is awful, and i liked the last record. The song "highly suspicious" is one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my life.
"You know what? The new Toadies album is actually really fuckin' good."
the fact that the toadies are even being discussed makes me scratch my head. they sucked at mad hatters, they suck now.
Oh my god stop talking about the toadies.
correct. next thing you know, the fags behind tripping pansies will resurrect that thing. ...ugh...
and just to think the fact that the toadies represent dfw's best and you all think they suck, must make the bands you all are in, around here, even worse.
i don't get the joke about sloan saying rgrs = rehearsal studios, because, in fact, rgrs does = rehearsal studios. and a bar. and a live music venue.
fucking overachievers and shit.
telethon blows :(
1127, i agree w/ you that theres a lot of crappy bands around here, but theres a fundamental flaw in your logic- just because a band panders to the lowest common denominator and gets picked up in the big label grab of '93, doesnt mean they represent the best.
Let's see... the toadies sold out ridglea theatre two months ago, sold out the palladium last night, played at lollapalooza, sold out two straight nights in austin, sold out two upcoming shows in nyc, got positive coverage in spin and on pitchfork, is touring all over the country, etc...
and you guys think that some wanky goofball shit like fight bite or flourene is better?
well, at least i guess you can make friends with the other six or seven people in their audience.
i'll bet that most of you people dissing the toadies have never even heard their new record... so i guess you're a clairvoyant too then, huh?
btw, i know everybody here wears backlash like a badge of honor, but the toadies beat you to the fuckin' punch 18 years ago. when everybody in town was all over the new bohemians, the toadies released a tape that included a song called "i hope you die" written specifically about edie brickell. back then nobody did shit like that. so yeah, while the majority of you twerps hide behind anonymous posts or fake names, this band wasn't afraid to put their own name behind their beliefs.
mr garza, see above comment about 'pandering to the lowest common denominator'.
are you forgetting how 'awesome' hell above stars below was?
hey everybody, welcome to the negativity-blog
"hell above" wasn't the best album in the world (ok, it sucked), but the songs "doll skin" and "pressed against the sky" are still great songs.
as far as pandering to the lcd, i guess brutal juice and rev. horton heat (who were signed to the same label at the same time) are guilty too?
in the early 90's signing to a major label meant the difference between being able to make a living as a musician, or having to keep your shitty day job. maybe you like working a dead-end job in a dead-end city, but if i were in the same position as the guys in any of those bands, i would have done the same thing.
Lisa is that you (in response to 1:03)?????????
10:31 above -- I couldn't agree more about My Morning Jacket's "Highly Suspicious". It's kind of a daring song because it's so uncomfortably weird, but in the end it's just kind of annoying and makes you feel sort of embarrassed for them. MMJ is much better on tape, though that recent album has been a little hard to stomach. The show at Gypsy Tea Room a couple of years back was pretty much the worst live music experience I've ever endured, and I specifically haven't been to a band show since. They jam waaaaay too much at the end of their songs, and you could buy all three of their good albums for $36 instead.
please stop talking about my morning jacket
darktown strutters rulz
Your opinion about toadies "pandering to the lowest common denominator" is a transparent -Différance- mechanism that helps you more properly deal with the fact that whatever kind of "denominator" you deal with and or preference isn't successful. You gonna keep crying about it? Yeh it's too bad the majority of the world doesn't give a shit about your suppose "good music" right? Keep fighting that good old preference fight about whats good and bad music and making yourself feel better by feeling that your preference in music is legit you snob. Preference issues are territorial tactics of the cliques, in the streets of scensters, hipsters an music snobs. Enjoy your pious life. Enjoy being a dime a dozen wanker. Get fucked bro.
watch the comeback!
You know, just for kicks, let's everybody drop the pseudo-comedic bullshit for a minute and chime in with our individual barometer for what makes a musician or artist valid.
don't be afraid. i know that actually having to think about something specific- and then specifically articulating your perspective could be somewhat of a challenge for some of you.
i am trusting that you can set aside your arrested emotional development long enough to show everybody that there is a justified intellectual foundation to your perspective.
show us what you are made of. and convince us that your opinion actually means something to someone other than you.
I don't feel any sort of soul comin' from the Toadies. They do make lots of bucks, though, so they should be proud of that or something.
hush it up, mike, or it's back to the bighouse for big boys...
I just want to say this again, my band rulz and fools droolz.
no soul comin' from the Toadies?
do you hear "soul" comin' from Ghosthustler, Telethon, Blixaboy, Vorvadoss, Ghostland Observatory or any of these other twerps who enjoy such high praise on wsj?
please. at least the toadies play real instruments instead of programming a fuckin' sequencer with the free loops that come with garageband or protools.
Jealous much? Why waste time dissing the toadies? Who cares?
what next, loco gringos?
Yells at Eels!
check the toadies myspace page comments section for a snapshot into how people feel about the new album and show last night in dallas. over 2000 spins today on their mp3 player and it ain't even seven o'clock. (compare that to Robert Gomez - 6 or Mount Righteous - 45)
i think they're gettin' plenty of love without the twenty-five people who post their juvenile potshots on weshotjr. and you can't chalk this up to the toadies being on a major label either. they're on an indie this time and they're still blowing all of your favorite stuff out of the water.
hate on 'em if you want, but you're an idiot if you think that raises you up above the "lowest common denominator" that you mistakenly attach to the toadies' success.
the lowest common denominator listens to shit like john mayer and josh groban. the toadies new record has no radio songs, no music videos, and no expensive production job. just admit that you hate them because they're doing something you're not - reaching for and connecting with people outside your overrated little comfort zone of denton, texas.
4:38- Yeah, Toadies are a watered-down bore. Yes, lots of music this site mentions has soul to spare, though noone should ever blindly agree with everything this site has to say. Why are you so trapped? What the fuck is a real instrument?
how about my little comfort zone in fort worth?
new toadies record is good
the toadies are from fort worth. it's ok to like them.
jpt - wtf does "watered down" mean? that they made a calculated effort to make their music accessible to more people? how so? give us an example. i bet you've never even listened to the album.
a real instrument is something you actually have to play - a guitar, a bass, a keyboard, a drum set, even turntables... basically anything you don't program and stand there and stare at while it plays your music for you.
i don't think i've ever really noticed WSJR shouting the praise of Ghostland Observatory. i don't even know what they'd say. that band puts on an entertaining show but not interesting enough to listen to twice.
who gives a fuck about the toadies: old dudes that should have moved out of denton 5 years ago
if being old is a non-starter for relevance on wsjr, then why include news items that say "jerry wexler dead at 91" or issac hayes dead at 65"?
the toadies are actually younger than greg ginn, doug burr, silver apples, negativland, sonic, jandek and more than half of the shit that has been featured on wsj.
if being old is a non-starter for relevance on wsjr, then why include news items that say "jerry wexler dead at 91" or issac hayes dead at 65"?
the toadies are actually younger than greg ginn, doug burr, silver apples, negativland, sonic, jandek and more than half of the shit that has been featured on wsj.
the toadies never lived in denton
this goes straight to stonedranger -
what is it specifically that makes you so reactive/dismissive to the toadies? i'm just curious, nothing personal. i just want to know why you don't like them. weak songs? don't like the lyrics? can't play their instruments? too popular? too old? too white? come on - tell us why they suck.
everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but as a music critic, the least you could do is explain your position with some measure of specificity. i could see dismissing something that has been beaten to do death in the mainstream media, but this is band who have over 1.6 million plays on myspace without the support of MTV, a major label or hired publicist.
come on. tell us why they don't matter. is it just because todd was in the burden brothers and they sucked? because lisa umbarger isn't in the band anymore? give us a little insight...
as far as the toadies being "old dudes", it ain't like they're running for president or anything.
hahahaha burden brothers
toadies street team - represent!
har har
will the toadies ever play in denton?
Ok, I don't have a lot of time, but let me say this--
First of all, Tomas, I appreciate you engaging in a discussion in a mature and thoughtful way. I really do. Despite what people say about us, these are the kinds of comments that we prefer any day.
As far as the Toadies, I used to like them quite a bit as a matter of fact, back in the mid 90's, and I'm not nearly as snobby as many people seem to think. The Toadies were exciting to me back then because they were loud, fast, aggressive and catchy, but also because I was 15 years old and I really hadn't heard much music outside of 1) classic punk rock and hardcore stuff that everyone knows 2) "alternative" music that got played on the Edge and 120 Minutes, 3) classic rock. I guess now when I hear the Toadies, I can appreciate them for what they are-- fairly standard, straight forward rock music that doesn't really take many chances or go to many interesting places. Of course, I'm not suggesting that the band could only win my approval by making a krautrock record or something, but that kind of music really doesn't do it for me anymore. There have been SO MANY BANDS throughout history that have done more or less the exact same thing and done it so much better that if I'm ever in the mood to listen to straight ahead rock like that, there are about 3,000 bands ahead of the Toadies on my list.
It's nothing personal against, them, and believe it or not, we have absolutely no issue with bands becoming successful. After all, local bands attaining success was part of the drive behind starting this website in the first place. I guess if you sense some kind of animosity towards the Toadies in our writing, it has more to do with the fact that the local media has been focusing on this band as the greatest thing Dallas has ever produced for the past 15 YEARS! It just gets a little old, and I think it paints a bad picture of a local scene (including denton and fort worth) that is actually a lot more exciting than its given credit for. Does that help at all?
big boys were good,,
will ja ja judas priest ever play in denton? cause that rule like teenager at sassy kats.
ha ha sassy kats
sr- fair enough. no worries...
This goes out to the so-called "Soul Power" dipshit from 4:38pm.
this is how laptop music works.
1.hook up a keyboard(which is very much an instrument) to the laptop. The laptop has virtual instruments like mellotrons, hammond organs and a wide variety of synthesizers which you can play with the keyboard. Or in my case you use Reaktor to create, customize and alter my own one of a kind virtual instruments.
2.hook up an audio interface so I can record the "real" instruments into it. In my case that would be bass, guitar, saxophone or Violin all of which I have played since high school or earlier.
3.Now I can fly and drive around to other states and cities and play gigs that I would otherwise not be able due to the high cost of having a band(i.e. Van Rental, rehearsal space, gas, hotels). We are in a recession you know.
4. I don't use loops or Garage band...ever! If I don't write it I don't use it.
5. It gets a lot more complicated than that, but you probably would not understand the technology even if I explained so I won't waste anymore of my time than I already am.
If you really think you just turn on a laptop and it magically makes the music for you then you are obviously as dumb as you sound.
For the record I also play in a six piece band that brings more gear than god on stage when we do shows. 3 guitars, 2 keyboards, a wide variety of "real" vintage synthesizers, bass, acoustic/electronic drums and 8 various kaoss instruments. And we all play the shit out of them.
I admit that there are plenty of people making music with laptops that are hacks and really don't utilize their laptops to their full potential as an actual live instrument. We call those dweebs "spacebar jockeys" and they get no respect in our community.
I'm sure you are just another old scenester dipshit who does not actually go see the many great bands that are in the DFW area because you are stuck on the "Good Old Days" which were really not that good in the first place.
Stax/Motown = Soul
Toadies = not so much
Oh yeah.... I don't think anyone that contributes or comments regularly on this blog likes Ghostland Observatory. That shit is truly whack.
my 2 cents.
Tomas, you didn't try to discuss things in a mature and thoughtful way. Like most people who comment, you felt like you couldn't make your point unless you insulted someone, in this case the bands you called "wanky goofball shit." So if wsjr are jerks somehow for not writing about a band that has sold millions of cds, what does insulting two bands who have sold maybe dozens of cds combined say about you?
Toadies show was so killer. Glad to see they can still rock it just as well as ever.
also wanted show some love to The House Harkonnen's Keith Hanson who has the most beautiful tattoos I've ever seen.
god damn, wanz. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK.
John. Why are you such an asshole?
According to you I am supposed to let people talk shit about me in public forums and not defend myself. I am noones bitch.
You are pretty much the meaniest person I think I have ever met. You really need to pull that stick out of that uptight ass of yours. I am pretty sure I have never done anything to you and yet you keep coming at me like a pitbull. You are an adult. Try acting like one.
and yes some people DO CARE. They are my friends that read this blog just like you. If you don't care then don't read. It's a public forum. I have never talked shit about you on this blog or to anyone despite our personal differances. Please just pretend I don't exist and I will be more than happy to do the same to you.
Grow up.
darktown strutters were OFF THE CHAIN last night. yells at eels were really good too. definitely better than the toadies. what a good local show.
haha i giggled. blow it up!
Silk Stocking was great last night.
to 11:21 if he had responded anonymously, then would we still get a long post about someone speaking up and being honest about not giving a fuck about you, what you do or your internet ramblings.
blix - why so defensive? i think you missed the point.
break it down to this - if you have to use the "quantize" button to make your shit happen, it ain't got no soul.
if you can (and do) play it live every time, then you got soul.
and yes, i know how to do it both ways. When I said GarageBand, I meant Logic, ProTools, all of the apps that come with pre-programned loops and synth patches.
if you know how to play an actual instrument, then i'm not talking about you. so ease up there, hoss.
john sucks. he is mean.
rival gang show was off the chain
fyi - there was 3000 people at the toadies show this weekend, and i bet less than a tenth of them were the same age as the band. my point? nobody cares how old the members of the band are... doesn't matter what band or what artist or what actor or what dj we're talking about. biz markie is ten years older than the toadies and he still packed out ghostbar. george clooney, brad pitt, denzel washington and jennifer anniston are all older than the toadies and they make ten million bucks a picture.
the toadies obviously still have it. just like ornette coleman, erykah badu, robert plant (motherfucker is 60 and is still selling out shows with allison krauss), david bowie, iggy pop, and dozens of others.
if you need your favorite band to be your age, them embrace miley cyrus or the jonas brothers. i'm sure they're reppin' little kid shit to the fullest!
sorry, but this younger generation of musicians ain't bringin' nothin' to the table. anyone who dismisses the toadies as "old" better have a ready example of someone young and important who is displacing them.
whatcha got? bright eyes? he's almost 30.
come on, people. somebody name a current recording artist under the age of 30 who has actually done something - ANYTHING. During the 60's Bob Dylan had motherfuckers burnin' american flags in the streets. The Beatles had thousands of people burning draft cards and marching in the streets.
kids these days can't be bothered to step away from their fuckin' x-box long enough to stand for something, anything.
the only artist from dallas who is under the age of 20 who is actually doing something real is emily elbert. sarah jaffe is gifted beyond her years. but who else are we talking about?
come on, people. if you wanna dismiss the toadies as "old" on the same day they sold out the palladium, then surely you can provide an example of a younger artist who justifies your opinion, right? either make your case or shut the fuck up.
I've seen plenty of bands that play their own instruments not have soul. You know nothing about soul. If you did you wouldn't think that it lies in an old formula of bass, guitar, drums. BTW, turntables play recorded music just like programs do. If you want to get really technical, guitars only play what they're programmed to. The string rattles a predetermined note that goes through a pickup and then is amplified through a speaker. Sorry to make the guitar a little less "soulful" for you.
prison mike, quit saying "come on, people" No one cares. And by the way, the strange boys are under 25. go take a nap old man. your friend, tim.
prison mike: lots of people also BURNED beatles records and all those folk-loving, acoustic-adoring bob dylan fans rioted when he plugged in that electric. people and fans are all fickle and no one should give a shit if someone doesn't like the toadies.
age ain't nuttin but a number, yet...
the gonzales brothers are young as shit and they blow the toadies out of the water musically and creatively.
soul is an intangible and unquantifiable dynamic. if you're into science fiction, then machines have soul. and, sure, there are plenty of musicians playing real instruments who have very little soul. those bands who stand onstage and recite the same sings in the same order every night are sacrificing whatever soul their music had to begin with -they're basically machines with skin and blood.
soul is also measured in subject matter - if you sing or rap about stupid shit, it isn't a reflection of your intellectual soul. or, perhaps, it is a reflection of a person who would rather deny their own soul. whatever.
james brown had soul. bruce springsteen, prince, leadbelly, woody guthrie, bob dylan, radiohead, amy winehouse, john coltrane, etc... these people have/had soul.
the toadies, while they are certainly not funky, have soul. just look at their lyrics - "backslider", "little sin", "away", "no deliverance", "i am a man of stone", "one more", "pressed against the sky", etc... these songs are a reflection of the human condition. that is an abject connection with a spiritual conduit that represent the the existence of a "soul" that may or may not exist.
and you know what? i agree with tim duncan. nobody here (save stoned ranger) cares enough about music to actually have a real opinion. and that sucks. it's like fuckin' romper room up in here.
please add myspace.com/dallasshowlist tons of shows recently added
superbligged84, that's what i'm talking about. if people burned beatles records in the streets, that meant they were affecting change. that meant people cared that they existed - even if it did come from a place of hatred. my point was this - is there a band out there that transcends the music genre enough to make "regular" non-music fans want to riot in the streets? is there an artist (like Dylan) who could inspire people to burn their records when they change their presentation?
nobody gives a shit about younger artists because they don't even care enough about themselves to stand for anything other than superficial bullshit. sorry, but until you can provide an example of one that does, i ain't changing my opinion.
and yeah, the gonzalez brothers are hotshot musicians, but they ain't that young. they are great players because they grew up in a house where their talented father encouraged their development as musicians. Todd Lewis from The Toadies grew up in a house where his Baptist preacher father forbid him to even listen to popular music. all things considered, i think both The Toadies and Yells At Eels turned out pretty good. but still, still... the toadies are plaiyng for 3000 people a night, and the gonzalez brothers are playing for 30 or 40.
that kinda speaks for itself.
People that care about music don't feel like they have to defend a band that was popular in the '90s, that already had radio hits, and is riding on the coattails of that.
My cousin says he loves music. He went to the Toadies concert at the Ridglea two months ago. He also listens to radio country, radio rap, and nu metal. We used to burn stuff together when I was 12. He is 24 now and he still burns stuff with his friends. He considers himself a Right Wing Christian Republican.
I'm pretty sure that most of the people (stonedranger included) thinks of this type of person when they think of Toadies fans. By the way, there are a lot of those types of people that live out here. Possibly enough to sell out Toadies shows? I would say so.
What does Britney Spears playing for tens of thousands of people say about her? Not "everything speaks for itself." How 'bout the boy band boom of the late 90's? Does it really matter now? Not even The Strokes, who obviously made some sort of impact earlier in the decade, could sellout shows the way they once did.
Oftentimes history will often work out who really matters, not always, but often enough. The truth is, when people close the book on 20th Century Pop music history (finally), The Pixies will be noted for getting ripped off by Nirvana and that's that. The thousands of meaningless bands that followed-major label paint-by-numbers alternatripe like Sponge, Dig, The Toadies etc. will never really matter in the grand scheme of things. Which is completely justifiable and how it should and will be.
Not every band aspires to get dropped by Interscope and have songs on shitty movie soundtracks, believe it or not.
Stefan Gonzalez is like 21 or 22 at the most. How fucking young do you want him to be?
These people bringing up Dylan and The Beatles and all that shit don't know enough about music to even be properly addressed. There are many histories on why the 60's are not the be all/end all of music and I recommend going to the Library or even your local Borders to figure it out. Good luck!
People that care about music don't feel like they have to defend a band that was popular in the '90s, that already had radio hits, and is riding on the coattails of that.
My cousin says he loves music. He went to the Toadies concert at the Ridglea two months ago. He also listens to radio country, radio rap, and nu metal. We used to burn stuff together when I was 12. He is 24 now and he still burns stuff with his friends. He considers himself a Right Wing Christian Republican.
I'm pretty sure that most of the people (stonedranger included) thinks of this type of person when they think of Toadies fans. By the way, there are a lot of those types of people that live out here. Possibly enough to sell out Toadies shows? I would say so.
to the haters....
i dont know wanz personally, ive had a couple of conversations w/ him here and there, but ive been watching him play for almost 15 years and the dude has never been anything but the real fucking deal. he seems to genuinely give a shit about what hes doing and whatever bullshit 'scene' there is around here, and hes never given up, even when said 'scene' deserved to die.
not to mention, hes a pretty fucking talented musician.
to to all of you who slag him off, fuck you. the guy doesnt deserve it.
john does suck and is mean. get over yourself, you're a faggot.
britney spears would be lucky to draw a thousand people to one of her shows. as far as the boy bands, nobody gives a shit about them.
as far as the toadies getting dropped by interscope, that didn't happen. they broke up first. and as far as shitty movie soundtracks, i'd have to argue that "basqiuat" wasn't a shitty movie. the sound track (except for the tripping daisy cover of Pil) is pretty fuckin' good.
Stefan Gonzalez is an instrumentalist and not a lyricist. not saying he isn't great, but few people outside of North Texas know who he is.
no one said anything about the 60's being the all/end of music, but compared to today's current crop of gimmicky bullshit, i'd take jimi hendrix or the beatles over anything this generation has to offer.
who was the last really great band to actually have a real impact? the pixies? and didn't they get back together to do the same kind of tour the toadies are doing?
rage against the machine had a political impact.
and they're doing a reunion tour too. just in time for the election...
rage against the machine had a political impact.
and they're doing a reunion tour too. just in time for the election...
hmmm... the police, amnesty international anyone??
Aha... now I think we're getting somewhere... we're judging a band by who their audience is.
That's what this is all about then, huh? A few nut jobs in the crowd and that invalidates their music?
You're a sheep - only your hipster/indie/insider flock is a little smaller than the bigger one that you hate.
well nirvana definitely had an impact, and i would'nt be pulling out those visa's for reunion tickets just yet...............
I don't think The Police inspired anyone to do anything but another line of blow.
If you want a riot, start one. You don't have to be in a band or a musician.
If we're judging bands by their audience, it should be noted that Cobain blew his head off because he hated the scumbags in their fanbase.
?, this generation of kids will only riot if their parents take away their x-box.
If the invasion of Iraq wasn't enough to inspire a riot, kids are fucking oblivious.
gee... how many people turn up for yells at fags, mikey? o.k. just hit a liquor store or something already, it's getting kinda old. kinda like you, big boy...
"britney spears would be lucky to draw a thousand people to one of her shows. as far as the boy bands, nobody gives a shit about them."
Are you fucking kidding. Let me put it this way, Britney Spears would need a place a little larger than the Palladium if she played here this weekend. Boy Bands, nobody gives a shit about them? New Kids On The Block reunited and it was on Extra! I didn't see the Toadies getting that kind of coverage.
"as far as the toadies getting dropped by interscope, that didn't happen. they broke up first. and as far as shitty movie soundtracks, i'd have to argue that "basqiuat" wasn't a shitty movie. the sound track (except for the tripping daisy cover of Pil) is pretty fuckin' good."
Oh, okay. How about, not all bands dream about getting their sophomore album turned down by a major label. Does that work? Basquiat sucked. I watched it in art class.
"Stefan Gonzalez is an instrumentalist and not a lyricist. not saying he isn't great, but few people outside of North Texas know who he is."
What the fuck does that mean? Not a lyricist? I believe he is, by the way. He has toured the wold, so I wouldn't be so sure of myself on people not knowing him outside of North Texas. Man, you are truly ignorant.
"no one said anything about the 60's being the all/end of music, but compared to today's current crop of gimmicky bullshit, i'd take jimi hendrix or the beatles over anything this generation has to offer."
This just in: Hendrix and The Beatles were good. Big deal. What's next? Oh, yeah forty something years of music that you don't know anything about so you probably aren't someone who should comment on it.
"who was the last really great band to actually have a real impact? the pixies? and didn't they get back together to do the same kind of tour the toadies are doing?"
Yeah, and if counting heads and dollars means so much to you, The Pixies reunion was BY FAR more successful than the Toadies. Because they were significant to people all over the world. The Palladium, okay. Try Reliant Stadium, Coachella, the outside stage at Stubb's, Nokia, Austin City Limits. Let's see The Toadies do all that. They can't and they won't ever be significant enough or groundbreaking enough to matter in all those places. Truthfully, it doesn't mean shit to me. But you're the one that wants to get into the numbers game and that's an easy place to lose.
no just the jocks. and courtney..
of a dark scottish lake...
many miles away
many miles away
many miles away
Yes, they are playing Stubbs, but all the other places...probably not. Even if they did it wouldn't be like the Pixies at Coachella with about 100,000 people singing every word.
jesus, mike. what the fuck were you in by the way? menudo? go fuck yourself. do it now.
shut the fuck up, wanz. no one but your "frenz" like your dumb ass. go suck some malice dick why don't ya?
The Toadies vs. The Pixies reunions:
The Toadies actually wrote, recorded and released a new album before they went on tour. The played right before RATM at Lollapalooza in front of 40,000 people, and they've already sold out two upcoming shows in NYC.
The Pixies, bless their hearts, did a tour strictly for the money... no new music, nothing but rehash.
4:55, I'm all ears. Convince me that any artist in the last 15 years is going to leave the kind of lasting impact that Hendrix, the Beatles, Bob Dylan or James Brown had. Come on, smart guy. Bring it. Just name one. That shouldn't be too hard. You can do it, dipshit. Just one artist that released something as culturally influential or significant as James Brown's "Say It Loud! I'm Black and I'm Proud!", or Hendrix's version of "The Star Spangled Banner".
Btw, I know Gonzalez, I've seen YAE, I know that he's done little tours in South America and Europe (all over the world is a bit of a reach, pally), and I'm aware that he is an above-average player. Same goes for his brother. Comparing Yells At Eels to the Toadies is apples and oranges. In a broad stroke though, people all over the world know who The Toadies are. Most people in D/FW have yet to discover Yells at Eels.
As far as your assertion that Britney and NKOTB still matter because they've recently appeared on Extra!, clearly you don't understand that merely hiring a publicist doesn't translate to actual demand.
Why the fuck are you watching Extra anyway?
interpol has that kind of lasting impact
Interpol? The Joy Division rip-off that nobody has ever heard?
Public Enemy there for a minute twenty years ago
Bright Eyes and Ben Harper when people look back in retrospect twenty years from now
ani defranco for the feminists
radiohead, even though they don't really stand for anything other than free downloads
i'd say u2 also, but they've been around thirty years now
what does it say about about popular music when the most dangerous political statement delivered in the last twenty years was by the fuckin' dixie chicks?
551 doesnt know a joke when he reads one
Why doesn't someone define "lasting impact" before we start trying to name bands that have had one.
Lasting impact: the kind of artist who manages to transcend the art form. When Dylan or the Beatles released records, they existed as political statements from the voices of a generation. When Hendrix slaughtered the national anthem, it drove older people crazy. When JB sand "Say it Loud, I'm black and I'm proud!", it lifted up and empowered an entire race. I'm talking about the kind of artist that even people who don't follow music know about and respect their influence. Dylan had kids burning their draft cards. Woody Guthrie questioned the political machine and landed on the FBI spy list. Even Led Zeppelin had kids camping out for days just to buy concert tickets. When Elvis appeared on the Ed Sullivan show, the only showed him from the waist up.
This is what I'm talking about. And before anyone calls me old, this all happened before I was born. I'm just waiting for someone from my peer group to come along and manage to have this same kind of impact. Do they exist? Will they ever? And why the fuck has it been thirty-plus years since someone has?
Well Marylin Manson inspired the Columbine High School massacre which...
"provoked debate regarding gun control laws, the availability of firearms in the United States, and gun violence involving youths. Much discussion also centered on the nature of high school cliques, subcultures and bullying, as well as the role of violent movies and video games in American society. The shooting also resulted in an increased emphasis on school security, and a moral panic aimed at goth culture, social pariahs, the gun culture, the use of pharmaceutical anti-depressants by teenagers, violent films and music, teenage internet use, and violent video games."
does that count?
I can still remember when the Dead Kennedys played right outside the Republican National Convention in downtown Dallas, a few hundred yards away from where JFK was shot.
That took balls. Of course, that was 24 years ago and Jello is a fuckin' joke now.
Marilyn Manson is actually a smart motherfucker, but I'll doubt he would ever claim to have inspired what happened at Columbine.
On the other hand, the Beatles did inspire Charles Manson. Read the book "Helter Skelter".
Yes he is a smart motherfucker. And he wouldn't claim to have inspired what happened at Columbine. All that being said it still doesn't negate him as an example of- someone from the last 15 years leaving a lasting impact that transcends the art form- as you define it right? Where am I wrong?
hey how about zz top? they were responsible for more men dressing sharply in the eighties, and women wearing more jewelry in the seventies. absolutely...
You're right. Manson does/did scare the shit out of the mainstream. And he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Still, aside of that, he's the only artist in the last thirty years whose breakthrough single was cover of someone else's song - "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)". It could be argued that if he had to rely on his own material, we still might not even know who he is to this day.
btw- Van Halen's cover of "You Really Got Me" was the last breakthrough cover before that.
look mike, the incoming republican power structure assassinated lennon in 1980. the following year jovan became the first corporation to sponsor a major rock tour, the 1981 stones tour, and furnished keith richards w/former fbi agents and an uninterrupted supply of smack.
the rest is pretty much history, mike.
you have not been paying attention
if corporations killed music in 1980, then why are we talking about it now?
are we admitting that this current generation of musicians can't let go of their joysticks long enough to create some meaningful shit?
that's just sad.
we may not agree on shit, but for those of you baggin' on wanz, at least that guy has the backbone to stand up for the courage of his convictions.
i will give the guy props for that.
fyi- people have been baggin' on wanz since the very advent of wsjr, and, i suspect, for ages before that. so there..
Whats with the cover song argument? We weren't discussing the originality of musicians in the last 15 years. We were discussing "someone from the last 15 years leaving a lasting impact that transcends the art form".
I mentioned someone but your only counter is to diminish the artist? Can you stay on point?
speaking of musicians inspiring people to do fucked up shit, there was a court case a few years back where a gang of teenagers beat the hell out of somebody while chanting "do you wanna die? do you wanna die?" from the toadies song "possum kingdom".
not exactly a badge of honor, but meaningful on some level, i suppose.
corporations? i said government, but an excellent point nevertheless. good on ya, cobba.
there was of course 2livecrew, not to mention ice-t's little metal act. i forget the name..
puff the magic dragon??
i did agree with you. people who have never even seen or heard manson hate his guts. that's the original point i was trying to make. however, his message wasn't really that constructive or destructive. his stuff is more benign and observational. can you name one of his originals that everyone recognizes as a "call to arms"? "The Dope Show" is an interesting take on the War on Drugs, but it didn't inspire people to smoke dope in the streets.
the cover song angle was merely a sideline observation. none of his original songs have managed to resonate with a huge contingency of people... not in the same way JBs "Say It Loud" or the Stones "Street Fighting Man" did.
Manson is close, but I'm talking about the kind of artist who inspired people to change their everyday behavior.
Ice T's song that frightened the FCC and government was "Cop KIller"
But can anyone even remember the name of his band? I can't.
I can't even name another one of their songs.
Vanilla Ice. That dude changed EVERYTHING>
The only thing Vanilla Ice ever changed was his clothes.
I'd say NWA.
They invented explicit gangsta rap, put the LA gang culture in the public spotlight, and Dr. Dre is the most prolific rap producer of all time.
halflings are under 24
prison mike 5:21
in the past 15 years? nirvana
i can list a lot more.. but u said just 1..
next question..
Prison mike im not sure shit like that - call to arms - can happen any more on that sort of scale and scope say as the beatles or dylan.
I think we need to take more of a look at perhaps the evolving nautre of "lasting impact". I think there can exist an artist that fits in your lasting impact definition but generates an impact that is more organic than your strict definition. You may need to observe the organic nature of "lasting impact" to uncover what you are looking for.
7:58 body count.. none of there other songs wore 2 memorable
8:16 if you quantify it based on number effected... the lolcats probably has a higher value then dylan.. and possibly the beatles..
please don't waste our time.. i'm eating dinner! thanks!
I wonder how many people have things like this tabbed on their browser that they refresh every five minutes. Scary.
The show at 1919 on saturday (mose giganticus/doomriders) was one of the weirdest, exciting and scariest shows ever. You should have came. Mad props to the four people that showed up. Especially the ones that stuck around afterward and watched guys get electrocuted when they answered a pop trivia question wrong.
Come to 1919 on monday and see Best Fwends cover "i come from the water".
Man.. I sure am glad I got out of the house and had fun this weekend instead of bitching online. Sure was nice.
Bob Geldof
the killers
bitching online is better than going out.
Prison Mike--
Another problem is that I think it's pretty difficult to measure the impact that artists like Dylan and the Beatles, etc. actually had at the time they were making music. I'll admit that what they did back then sure SEEMS like it had more of a social impact than any kind of music currently has today, but let us remember where we are deriving this notion from in the first place-- the legends, stories and framing of mainstream American media. The Baby Boomer generation, the generation that experienced Dylan and the Beatles first hand, is now the generation that runs this country, and on some level, I think many people of that generation enjoy having fond memories of their youth, and do so to the point of distorting what happened back then, even in their own minds. Am I saying there is some sort of conspiracy to make Bob Dylan seem more important than he was? Absolutely not. I'm just saying that this tendency to glorify the past, which is a phenomenon found within every society since the dawn of civilization, has an impact on the way events in the past are portrayed by people on all levels, particularly when there is a buck to be made in the thriving business of pop culture nostalgia.
Am I saying that this makes you wrong? Not at all. I tend to agree with you on many levels actually. But it's something to think about. Soon after those musical movements had an impact in the late 60's, a great number of people in this country rejected their values and actions and thus started the great shift to the right that our society has witnessed over the past several decades. The VAST majority of people, and even young people, in the United States in the 60's did NOT participate in that culture on any level, and for people outside of major urban centers and college campuses, it was probably difficult to gather any real idea of what those cultures were all about in the first place, considering the relatively lack of access to information at that time. The unfortunate truth is that the United States as a whole has never really bought into counter culture values, and I imagine that the way things felt back then was probably all too similar to the way things feel today, at least in some ways.
cliff notes possibly. you maybe right. however we are talking about a musician in this case not just general phenomenon. funny though- lolcats.
good fuckin points stonedranger. good points.
comparing us to the music scene of the sixties is ridiculous. times change. it's easy to be a hero amongst a crowd of cowards. we're the children of what the late 20th century had to offer. we take it and run with it... sometimes we run it straight into the ground. whatever. we'd do the same if we lived forty years earlier. we react to the overall evolution of culture.
we're not going to have any solid heroes like dylan or hendrix. Though we consistently pay homage to the fact that they gave birth to a movement that prides itself on individualism, and thus; regionalism. then comes the punk/hardcore scene. then the afterbirth. then the resurgence. then the current state of regional expression that is paraded throughout the indie culture.
we should thank our forefathers and re-invent their legacy to match our own needs.
my livur hurtsz
the sex pistols changed the face of the uk in '78, but that was thirty years ago
the beastie boys went from being a drunk party band to being advocates of tibet and the dalai lama
Bob Marley brought together opposing politicians in jamaica
Bruce Springsteen sacrificed his pop profile to make political records
i can't agree with cliff notes about nirvana... they may have sold 15 million records, but their songs were lyrically ambiguous and they weren't about raising the profile of any particular cause. I love their music for just that - it meant so many different things to so many different people. The first two REM records were the same way... the lyrics were more free association poetry than any call to arms. As REM became bigger they tried to take a political stance, but I really can't seem to remember just exactly what for.
SR - premised on your idea of a political transition to the Right, wouldn't that generate more of a motivation from creatives to leverage their talent to fight against this as such? you would think that with the tools we have now to disseminate music, literature, provocative artwork, etc., that it would be easier for a subversive music movement to mobilize a large group of highly motivated young people to speak up against it.
are we really that complacent?
Aside from the admittedly overbearing effort by boomers to romanticize their generation, you can't deny that there was real action/reaction dynamic by artists to document the proceedings. The shootings at Kent State happened, and two weeks later Neil Young had "Ohio" on every rock radio station in the country.
I still remember hearing The Beatles "Revolution" for the first time; it served as my introduction to the politics of mind control and the violent imposition of will. Later, Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" took that curiosity further. The Who's "Baba O'Rielly" and "My Generation" were revelatory, Pink Floyd's "Money" was Economics 101, the Stones' "Sympathy For the Devil" took down religion, etc...
You see what I'm sayin'? Recording artists offered profound insight and inspiration. Guys like Marilyn Manson are hiding behind a persona. Are his songs about Brian Warner's personal life experience? Or are they delivered through the prism of a gimmicky Alice Cooper rip-off?
I'll shut up now.
both neil young and ministry made records about george w. bush's presidency, but i'm not sure if anybody heard them.
the spores "big brother" is about the sacrifice of privacy. and bright eyes made records about the invasion of iraq.
john vanderslice's "trance manual" is about the american occupation of afghanistan.
To this day i can't believe nobody wrote a protest song about the stolen election of 2000.
the dixie chicks, almost by default, did a lot to define and reveal a culture of blind obedience to far right wing politics. i've never listened to their music, but i do remember when an offhand comment about made about bush onstage in london provoked mobs of people here to gather in the street to burn their CDs.
in a moment of weakness, they shifted into damage-control mode, tearfully apologizing to their label reps and radio DJs for alienating their fan base. these people had a field day raking the band over the coals in public.
of course, a year or so later the situation in iraq was revealed to be less-than-ideal, and the band flip-flopped back to being anti-war protesters.
no one ever seems to notice that their band name is both implicitly sexist and racist.
SR, Bob Dylan did more than just sing, he sang with voter registration workers in Ms, which could get you killed. He's a particularly enigmatic figure, so it's very hard to say how lasting his legacy really is. He passed on the legacy of Woody Guthrie, who I think was much more influential. Johnny Cash too.
Steve Earle has written explicitly political songs. So has Springsteen. (I saw him last w/end in St Louis, made brief political commentary about the war and this administration.) Britain's Billy Bragg has a long history of political music and activism.
All of these are more traditional folk artists. Yeah, I'm a baby boomer, although in the last couple of years I've heard a lot of local music.
I don't perceive that people are that interested in changing the world politically, I see a lot of evidence that musicians want to push the definitions of what makes music significant. That's pretty interesting even for an old dude like me.
wow. intelligent discussion on this blog. I'm impressed.
quit putting Dylan, and the beatles on this pedestal.. if i hear one more of their songs during a cell phone advert i'm going line up all the baby boomers on their knees blind fold them, and put their commercialized counter-culture ass's into a mass grave..
at the end of the day.. real social change in the 60's was not brought by Dylan.. it was brought by a lot of hard working young individuals, and some radical political leaders who have had little to no notoriety. why? because the history we have been sold is that "the 60's wore crazy time, and bob dylan changed the world.. but he is white so it's ok, and did it with a guitar non-violently, the kennedys wore going to save us from any other probs we had left over, but they got killed, and nixon started vietnam"... which is a much happier history then what we should be taught.. which is "in the 60's just about every city had riots, our whole country was fairly close to class, and race wars, Kennedy was illegally bombing other countries, and his brother was trying to assassinate everyone he labeled a communist."..
the history the baby boomers have given us.. is a nice safe dylan, and a bunch of nice white kids helped change the world, and helped all the blacks out at the same time.. wasn't that nice of them!
fuck the boomer history..
sometimes i wish that nina simone could have had her dream..
"If I had it my way, I would have been a killer."
this entire conversation makes me want to kill my parents.
that, along w/ the fact that its the generation that spawned the eagles.
That's okay dtc, this conversation is why boomers wanted to kill their parents. Kennedy and LBJ weren't boomers. That and they spawned Lawrence Welk.
the generation that failed to stop the war and then voted for reagan.
Hey Bill,
What do you think about what I said earlier-- how different did the late 60's feel compared to now (in terms of the impact that rock and folk music had in society at large)?
I think the 60's 'felt' very different. Music motivated some young people to be interested in anti-war, feminist, and anti-poverty issues. Music was a part of protest. There were songs in Freedom Riders songbooks. YOu are absolutely correct that this was a small group of people who were actually activist and in counter culture (and in some cases these did not produce long term results), but in some cases things did change. I think anti-war protests did influence the end of the viet nam war and certainly a lot of us baby boomers wound up voting for Reagen, lots of us didn't.
I don't see that sort of think happening now. It might be and I'm too old to notice, but where is outrage against this war reflected in music?
I don't idolize Dylan, all I'm saying is that he wrote music that was song by people who died registering people to vote. Whether he even intended to have that impact, he did.
that was my answer to your question SR.
hey cliff notes... were you around during the 60's, or did you just read about it like everybody else?
you sound like a fucking republican.
and, for the record, bob dylan wanted no part of being a spokesperson for his generation.
the beatles were looking at it as outsiders, so their influence was limited.
and nina simone moved to france and never came back. if life in the united states is such a pain in the ass for you, why don't you do the same?
cliff notes: you're so full of shit, dude. what the fuck do you know about what happened 40 years ago? unless you were actually there, you've just read different books than everybody else. none of the artists who were around then could have ever foreseen their music being used within the context of advertising 40 years later. so you wanna hold their lack of clairvoyance against them? this fucking blog is named after a shitty TV show that was on 25 years ago. you think they could have seen that coming?
evoking a mass execution as a metaphor for your disgust with consumer culture isn't just insensitive, it ain't funny, either. and wrapping it up with "sometimes I wish nina simone could have had her dream of being a killer"? please. what was holding her back? what's holding you back? come on, tough guy. go kill somebody just to make your point. did you watch "60 Minutes" last night? they did a story about American troops storming into a housing complex in Iraq and executing 28 women and children. that kind of shit is funny to you?
you're a fucking dick. and referencing nina simone is not going to convince anybody that you have passable taste in music.
"if life in the united states is such a pain in the ass for you, why don't you do the same?"
Now who sounds like a republican?
To add to the conversation, I think there is an outrage amongst many young people. However censorship has come a long way since the sixties. Dissenting voices get silenced pretty quickly these days, or at least their character assasinated.
seems like a lot of artists are pissed off about how the country is going but do not want to become a parody of the concerned musician who is saving millions of lives while sitting behind his or hers godly guitar.
To many other ways to make an impact rather than strumming a gee-tar. Hell, write a fucking book that will surely change things.
I do respect the 60's movement, but a lot of boomers surely voted for Reagen.
I have met bill "the old guy" and he is one of those boomers who still is fighting the good fight...whatever that means.
Back to my couch now.
the names used in these comments sections get more and more interesting as time goes on.
Hey Streisand... what book written in the last thirty years actually changed the political dynamic in this country? It ain't just musicians who aren't stepping up to the plate, writers fall into this category as well. Sure, Noam Chomsky and Richard Clarke have written thought-provoking books, but is anyone reading them and then taking action?
For that matter, when have any creatives during the last 40 years inspired change for the better? And please don't answer "Oliver Stone".
as bill pointed out, Steve Earle isn't at all afraid to air his grievances with our government while strumming his guitar. he's not exactly bob dylan, but at least he isn't afraid of alienating critics or radio station program directors.
damn good songwriter too.
actually, now that i think about it, James McMurtry is in the same boat.
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