2008 We Shot J.R. Award Winners
Best Band: Record Hop
Best New Band: Darktown Strutters
Best DJ: Schwa
Best New DJ: Tommy Boy
Best MC/ Hip Hop Artist: Damaged Goods
Best Noise/Avant garde: Zanzibar Snails
Best Metal (all genres):Akkolyte
Best Punk/Hardcore/Grindcore/Garage: Wax Museums
Best Folk/experimental folk: Dust Congress
Best Indie Pop: Fight Bite/Teenage Cool Kids (tie)
Best Solo Artist: Sarah Jaffe
Best Local Album or Ep of the Year: Record Hop, s/t
Best Local Single of the Year: "Swiss Ex Lover" by Fight Bite
Best Vocalist: Daron Beck of Great Tyrant
Best Guitarist: Will Kapinos of Jetscreamer
Best Bassist: Tommy Atkins of Great Tyrant
Best Drummer: Steve Hill
Best Instrumentalist that doesn't play one of the above instruments: Megan Carrol of Nouns Group
Most Underrated band: Kaboom
Best Live Show: Teenage Cool Kids
Best Art work: Nevada Hill for a variety of projects
Best Sound Guy: Justin Collins of Hailey's
Best Promoter/Booking Agency: Parade of Flesh
Best Local Spot to Record: Echo Lab
Best Dressed: Rival Gang
Worst Dressed band: Black Tie Dynasty
Worst Band Name: Mom and Black Tie Dynasty (tie)
Best Local Music Journalist that isn't Us: Hunter Hauk of Quick, Dallas Morning News
Best WSJR Commentator: Anonymous
Best Local blog: US! (we set this up so that no one other than us could win)
Age When you Realized that D Magazine Covers Local Music Better than the Observer: 22
Best Good Ol' Fashioned Songwriter: Doug Burr
Best Venue: Rubber Gloves
Photo courtesy of Quick
I hope the rest of the world finds out about record hop soon.
record hop is the safe choice...
ha!!ha!!this looks exactly like the observer award list that everyone was bitching about!!!
i'm convinced that no one knows what they are saying anymore.
you might want to check your facts sweetie... it looks NOTHING like it. As far as I can tell, only TWO acts won awards in both.
where's the sleaziest?
first of all, where the hell is slimiest scenester?! that's the first thing i looked for!
glad to see record hop win best band. that was my choice. they're on a roll these days. i voted cocky americans for best new band. sarah jaffe was the easy solo pick.
thanks for doing this, wsjr. now i have a new list of shit to check out.
most of these bands have NEVER even been MENTIONED in the observer.
darktown strutters are too weird for me. i like to play it safe.
hey stonedranger - were any of these categories really close? what were some bands that got a lot of votes but didn't win? thx for doing these
to all in denial about this awards fuckery,
doug burr
daron beck
it's basically the same rotating cast of musicians.same readers.
what was that sweetie?
okay so darktown guys and fight bight were not a part of the observer.but stonedranger,it's your party.if you say the facts are wrong then they are wrong.you have such sharp amazing wit how could i argue.thanks for setting me straight!
thanks for underrating us!
and just like that, kaboom is now overrated
New video for John Wayne is up... if you get bored with all this election style media.
on te dbl pst.
Nothing brings out the negativity like a little positivity.
to all in denial about this awards fuckery,
doug burr
daron beck
it's basically the same rotating cast of musicians.same readers.
what was that sweetie?
okay so darktown guys and fight bight were not a part of the observer.but stonedranger,it's your party.if you say the facts are wrong then they are wrong.you have such sharp amazing wit how could i argue.thanks for setting me straight!"
Dear Dumbass,
You are comparing two different things:
1. There is the "Dallas Observer Music Awards 2008." (voted on by readers)
2. And there is the "Observer Best Of Dallas 2008." (chosen by writers)
You are comparing We Shot JR's award winners (voted on by the public) to the list put together by the Dallas Observer writers for the "Best Of Dallas 2008." There is a difference. The winners were not chosen by the writers of this website. If some of the answers are the same, well, that's because the Dallas Observer's writers not only read we shot j.r., but also rip it off incessantly. The Observer didn't even know who the fuck Akkolyte was not that long ago, even though they have been a band for about a decade. What were you saying about sharp, amazing, wit? You're a fucking idiot. Deal with it.
WHHHHHHAT are you talking about?i dont even know what the observer best of did this year.i do seem to recall that it stopped listing any sort of music a while ago.
you missed my point.i wasn't blaming the writers of this blog.but the READERS of this blog always bitching about the observer.i found it ironic. okay so then sr takes it personal when it had nothing to do with him.
i can read- can you?
I got what you were saying and I didn't take it personally. I just thought your statement was factually incorrect, and I wanted to call you "sweetie." No hard feelings.
Oh, and several of the categories were VERY close actually.... sometimes just a couple of votes made the difference. If there is some interest, maybe we could share a couple of these.
And as far as Sleaziest Scenester-- we kinda decided not to publish that one, but even if we had, it wouldn't have been that great because there were literally hundreds of nominees and no clear winner. However, the person who technically got the most votes lives in Denton....
Classic move. when presented with the facts, your response is: "I don't even know what the Observer best of did this year" while trying to trying to TELL US WHAT THE OBSERVER BEST OF DID THIS YEAR. So you do know? Or you don't know? Can't be both. You just change your answer in order to disagree and appear that you're right.
I do know how to read. I read the article you are inexplicably quoting and that's why I was able to call you out.
You are comparing this site's Reader's picks to that paper's Writer's picks. But this site's readers are that paper's writers, so what do you expect? Of course there might be SOME overlap.
Oooh let's guess. I voted Ben "Red Cat" Phleghming but he's in Dallas. I thought the sleaziest people all lived in Big D!
oh, shut up, you obnoxious blowhard.
this made my monday a lot more tolerable. what were some of the close calls in the voting?
ben fleming is a total rapist!!!
all the chix hate him.
weiner weiner chicken dinner
How bout the rockabilly door guy at Fallout? He kicked my grandma in the head!
dear "obnoxious blowhard", good response when you're wrong. You rule!
ok that arguement is getting stupid. Dallas Best of doesn't talk about bands, just venues and one dj. You were thinking of the DOMA and you were wrong about it being the same winners so cut your stupid fingers off.
The observer hasn't done a best of 2008 critic's pick piece this year. The DOMAs were all reader submitted.
The best of included a few writer choices (artwork, album, venue), but very little actual criticism.
To compare this to the DOMAs may be fair. But to assume that the writers at the observer have made their choices for the best music of the year known isn't accurate. at least not yet.
wow ! thanks
most underrated band: street hassle
you didn't win. better luck next year.
so, was "slimiest scenester" marcus webb?
yeah I'd have to agree about Street Hassle
wow ! thanks
fuck you, street hassle rulz
Hey, let me solve this:
the dude was talking about the NOMINEES (not the WINNERS) from the dallas observer music awards which were chosen by a panel of about eighty five "experts." So everybody is wrong. when you consider those experts included dave virden and people like that. well...
and as for those experts, a lot of them probably also read this wsjr site.
i'm guessing that the scenester was porter. or a-dub
who's the biggest slimeball?! Inquiring minds want to know!!
Is it: Josh Baesh?
josh baesh lost an ear for this title!
yeah and I lost my virginity!
best boring circus grunge, kaboom-best rapmetal, pretty safe , alot of the same ol, a few surprises, but we really need more people starting bands and spaces for shows so atleast we could have a better list to choose from.Especially dallas, come on you are a huge city, somebody start something besides spinning records.Greenville is like watching an mtv reality show, and deep ellum is a fucking graveyard of tacky bars.
yeah get pissed and make some music! arrrrgghh! lets go!
wow,1:39, you really have your finger on the pulse..
Glad to see Hunter Hauk win - that guy has done a great job of covering a wide array of music in a mainstream pub. Probably done more to publicize good (and often new) local bands than the entire staff at the Observer combined.
I think all these picks are WAY off .. i only even somewhat agreed with a few of the picks.. what the fuck is wrong with people...
i wanna see all the runner ups
203-- what are some of your picks? I'm honestly curious, not trying to argue...
Yay! Now lets vote for President!!!
Ben fleming, trash people, NO SEX NO SEX BEN FLEMING NOW!
Too many sluts in the BIG D to vote.....
a.) ben flemming IS creepy
b.) i think its more of a testament to the diversity and openmindedness of WSJR readers that they voted for folks like Hunter, Jaffe and Burr than it is something to get into a gianormous, assholery filled snit-fit about
c.) ben flemming IS creepy
d.) please tell me that you fuckwits registered to vote - the deadline is today
p.s. ben flemming is creepy
Record Hop Rocks
these awards are bullshit
I am so fucking glad that Rival Gang won best dressed. It's all I wanted to see.
i would totally go down on all 3 rival gangsters
yeah, thank god that's all they won
305 is andrew michael
3:05 you are welcome
rival gang gets to go to pussy heaven
you dont
i am rival gang's biggest fan,
3:05 you are welcome
rival gang gets to go to pussy heaven
you dont
i am rival gang's biggest fan,
Thanks for doing these SR.
god you people are the absolute worst
"you people" are the godworst sandwich of America
Best Commentator: right hur! suck it loosers!
3:05 was not me
that was some other prick
Singing is fun!
i suppose record hop got better, 'cause they sucked the first 5 times i had to seem them open for a band i really wanted to see.
i suppose record hop got better, 'cause they sucked the first 5 times i had to seem them open for a band i really wanted to see.
pear l jamz
I can think of at least four REALLY sleazy scenesters in Denton...
fuck you, daron.
DAMAGED GOOD$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and tommyboy has been djing for over ten years, but whatever....
parradiddle says...b.) i think its more of a testament to the diversity and openmindedness of WSJR readers that they voted for folks like Hunter, Jaffe and Burr than it is something to get into a gianormous, assholery filled snit-fit about.
i think its more of a testament to STFU NERD. you and your cronies are probably responsible for that.
weshotjr is the voice of the people
people who haven't seen new science projects or rtb or florene i guess.
where "people" = snotty-nosed elitists from Denton who are teenagers or are fucking the vaginas of teenagers.
record hop was okay when they had a guy singer and were named grammatrain.
darktown strutters is the shit!!! but where the fuck is delmore pilcrow on your list? that's where you lost me. sarah jaffe! wtf? BORING/feisty/every indie chick on the radio/mtv/woman shit/been done/boringboring regina specktor bullshit.
p.s. i heart ben.
i voted for a few of these winners, so its good to see the results reflect the majority of my picks.
yeah, ben is good people. if your gonna get all ad hominem on a fella least you could do is list yer name.
hey frd,
unfortunately for you, judging by the more educated nature of the music fans that voted for this particular group of winners, a lot of the voters probably HAVE seen rtb, florene, and nsp. That's why they didn't win.
not sure why that's unfortunate for me. majoritarian systems are funny, the avant garde is so often flipped for the ane garde. don't matter i suppose but on the chance that any of you readers have yet to expose themselves to these acts (in every sense of the phrase) I'd certainly hope you do. i like em' anyhoo.
blah blah blah blah. another music blog inspires local kids to talk shit anonymously.
oh shit, i almost forgot. a very special thanks to the voters for leaving wanz out of it...
I don't know if they'd want me to expose myself to them but I'll check it out dude.
I don't know if they'd want me to expose myself to them but I'll check it out dude.
denton is avant gardy
dont be silly denton is just a party town its not stuck up as dallas or fort worth and actually has a little talent as compared to none. also animal forces are the best band. zazybar snail is not noise nor avant gord either its kinda like saying sublime is reggae. rubber gloves sucks palin's teenage daughter's unborn fetus' creamy ass juice.
zanzibar snails is not from denton....
zanzibar snails is not from denton....
josh baesh sucks a better venue should ahve won
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
Delmore pilcrow. Deep snapper.
I'm looking for employment. Please contact me if you own a design firm.
Zanzibar Snails are from Mckinney/Hurst/Austin/Denton/Dallas/Fort Worth
good thing you rigged the poll in your favor, or else Subservient Experiment (healthryder.blogspot.com) would have given you a run for your money.
(i kid)
yes, i feel like i've been cheated, but not by a fucking blog poll.
suck it up, loser.
dallas sucks as usual
dallas sucks as usual
indie music as in a genre is boring, its definetly not whats god in denton. plus i wasnt insulting denton i was actually complimenting it: to imply people are good there as in relaxed and fun and have talent while saying theres not much else people like that in surrounding citys. example: just how denton holds the only talented member from zazy bar snail whos best talent is visual though seems to be one of the best in north texass. you people need to read more good books and then you might understand how to socialize in forms other than "have you blah blah?" response, "yeah it was cool", "yeah it was" drink more to fill void go bathroom go back "so whadja think of that?" response"ye it was cool" response back "yeah it was" and so on until its time to go home. boring as people who brag upon holding an indie hot spot. and the n word not for your use cracker.
Hey, thanks y'all!
This is actually really cool.
seriously, can we get to the bottom of this sleaziest scenester thing?
because i think it might be me
I wish there had been a "Best Avant-Gard Hot Dog" category.
yeah that'd be cool! whoops.
I've been reading The Hotdog Cookbook. It's good.
stupid awards... why i oughta... well, those bands suck!
who the fuck is steve hill?
LET'S SEE THE RUNNER UPS! er, runners up. whatever
I'm surprised Pete Freedman didn't win worst dressed, even though he's not a band.
parade of flesh is nothing but a big pile of stinky shit!!!!!!!!!
that fag should never get recognized for anything that little bitch does. he fucks over too many people, you should take it back.
you realize that it was you guys that voted for this, not we shot jr, right? geez.
"steve hill" is another word for "stefan gonzalez"
i thought it was 'slimiest' and not 'sleaziest' scenester. i prefer the former
where is Fara on this?
sdjrdjy... indie as in independent not as in a genra or sound.
the wire is stupid noteveryone here is but you are
it really just isn't fair for you guys to put slimiest scenester on the poll purely for you own enjoyment! share the results, come on! you'll just confirm what people already think.
will they?
The Award for Slimiest Scenester goes to two dudes: RHETT a/k/a/ retrosexual/king mooch and Evan Horn from House on provolone for breeding
The Award for Slimiest Scenester goes to two dudes: RHETT a/k/a/ retrosexual/king mooch and Evan Horn from House on provolone for breeding
albini wins again...
hahaha i voted for rhett's mustache. i think i saw enough mayonnaise in that thing once to make a tasty turkey sandwich.
evan is one of the very few un-slimey things in dirty D, you must be confusing that sparkling sheen of his for some sort of film.
wrong again, frd. but what do we expect from mr. fake anarchy, fake foreign film score? If you really think rtb2 or nsp is avant garde, you are what the french call "les ignorant."
who the fuck is evan?
Don't you mean "les incompetent?"
sick john hughes zing, SR!!
my fave line in home alone!!! and it's not even correct french.
awards lists are for losers.
8:50 AM:
you are what the mexican dudes at my work call "a fucking nerd". i agree with them.
soy 8:50, y 5:42 es un bebe gritadora.
?como te gusta mi penga?
Yeah I can't really believe Lauren Vance had her mayo all over Rhett's mustache before....
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fqkxjikg =-Pyakxdwyc 13543rnrwahli cgatjdsemkcgd :-OOjgbltgsb 901881ltutjowh yirhejrsdnodj %-((xdvuhdyc lchpqtcdibe 255yirgodfq :)))ewgdxjjx =-[[[plyhezxl %(ogruneiu >:-OOwhsaelqi otbbuxnlqve :-D
zibttdzh 18600aweojsbw 378sykoazyn =PPhwnavhtm 8-PPrcbaggnj eboulwaenlmnwf 740248zpycveys =)bqyayvec pzhnpkingcrpv 751rphorubx :-PPygbbublg 3321nwwtustp 8-PPPhaonejvp dcbcqpaefrerj 9695ygutyhog 295
jrscgpbh wlbhuxhxxzj 58887uohhnyoh 757889zbqxqilq 116885hlypafmg 071150mxrvlwxs :-]]]ftvdphpo 219323sfkkogly >:-]vpzlorad >:Olpggxedy sgvtgwnsjzl 966pyoyvnzr >:[[[iafjbiln =-]inhmbumm 627dzgevaur 3860
hwnhqxpl 321pzhpktfl iiouzouutoe urmoibiffhl rfsgyshhrbgj 54780gstefdva %-PPPyohswpoi ywfwhnnecetcq =-PPPxbqgdcqd xjeawyxgzwzf vpslduyjqnwh ubkwozcrnaq =-)))xeiabane 030rhbghtzs 92990
wvzcqcif hioqjkbyudq tanwiccrcsrgua %-]]]vxiilpok 91337hdbqlkfo ujnozyvhtin =Pzfevzilk 73622zbgghnxr xbxebaykvdgkqo :(((iabtmeap stdvocbqwbzbfw 05763vemhslez >:-]]ujuiahnp 253ucvlqtbd xbrk
wvzcqcif hioqjkbyudq tanwiccrcsrgua %-]]]vxiilpok 91337hdbqlkfo ujnozyvhtin =Pzfevzilk 73622zbgghnxr xbxebaykvdgkqo :(((iabtmeap stdvocbqwbzbfw 05763vemhslez >:-]]ujuiahnp 253ucvlqtbd xbrk
tgyyodfg 137cmakkdke 974mhagobus :Dwsbdrqbo 8-(bnwtxlji 8((uiafpqnb cjwewpohpdgru =]befifygw :]duxbkxfn >:-Oardnucdd %)djmuhraq qgyhiyqbbxdq ichzgesgkjku 14449edelwmtz fikfdt
xjihvhxa orgpcgvxpxzlc :-]]kclmpemf =-(((bfwdwsfn wisckimggzxu =]]]uuhuqgva 721189wcpyyfac 03180ixknyvnk 44490mqnyzypa 8323phyrtibt 758icniuybh %-DDrhiutlqe uggzurakpjv :-(((vgmdzmbn 046
xjihvhxa orgpcgvxpxzlc :-]]kclmpemf =-(((bfwdwsfn wisckimggzxu =]]]uuhuqgva 721189wcpyyfac 03180ixknyvnk 44490mqnyzypa 8323phyrtibt 758icniuybh %-DDrhiutlqe uggzurakpjv :-(((vgmdzmbn 046
, mcxixtcy, 346913, fgkjtfqt, 67839, vmcsrwsm, kcepbp, lwjgnlph, >:-O, flrnfvdm, :[[, xhvqrrjt, 3200, hqiobwnd, 821739, mndvyxzy, vbtil, yyonzrig, 246317, flidsxop, wtzexr, opomhoez, 8O, sflxytru, >:]]], qnczfsjq, ydinlb, gjlmkbqw, 818726,
, mcxixtcy, 346913, fgkjtfqt, 67839, vmcsrwsm, kcepbp, lwjgnlph, >:-O, flrnfvdm, :[[, xhvqrrjt, 3200, hqiobwnd, 821739, mndvyxzy, vbtil, yyonzrig, 246317, flidsxop, wtzexr, opomhoez, 8O, sflxytru, >:]]], qnczfsjq, ydinlb, gjlmkbqw, 818726,
, kenmsouf, dhl, ficucymv, dqu, okxiblri, %-))), ctwuqegp, frxnx, gcrepdpj, 51715, eezlyffz, =-O, wsdpvakn, >:OO, wqqxwwzq, =-]], tcqzekvo, 505, gwnusuyt, acmnz, ltvpzjlp, 776, fayyviwa, 738, vtizkdgd, >:-]]], hdpeybjt, 573,
, lsrwgksl, :((,
, ojhdswcm, 8-DD,
, lnhfmtnz, =-PPP,
, lnhfmtnz, =-PPP,
, feoxthfd, 8-]],
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