It List: Wednesday

Pattern Is Movement/Mothfight/Florene (Swiss House): Pattern Is Movement are apparently not fans of critic-speak that mentions the alleged polyrhythms utilized in their complex prog-pop, though I imagine they hate the word "prog" being applied as well. Anyways, it's probably next to impossible to pull off polyrhythms when you're operating as a duo, however they still manage to make it sound as if there still an entire extended group of participants, thus adding to the music writer's confusion. The critics probably meant to say "time-signature changes," which are undoubtedly involved. There is a certain broadway quality to some of the song-writing, which is a hindrance if you hate that sort of thing, but these factors combined definitely set Pattern Is Movement apart from your average indie pop group.
Monotonix/Best Fwends/Rival Gang/El Paso Hot Button (The Lounge on Elm): It will be interesting to see what Israeli rock band, The Monotonix will do in the traditional club setup tonight. I have only seen them play at the late Eighth Continent, or in somebody's living room. Their well-documented ability to transcend their surroundings, as well as their fairly straight-forward but entertaining classic rock sound, is really something you don't want to miss. To put it bluntly, they really know how to fuck shit up, and I would expect the stairs and couches of The Lounge to be fair game. I have seen every band playing tonight on numerous occasions, and if there is a single theme for this fairly diverse group of artists, it would be that the "crazy live act" description could be applied to every band here. Fortunately for you, the music tonight largely stands on its own, even minus the novelty factor.
Straight edge hardcore seems like it might be a lonely musical existence in Amsterdam, but Vitamin X play just that. There is a rich history of punk and hardcore in The Netherlands (groups like Rat Patrol or The EX), but Vitamin X sound like your standard American straight edge group. No Man's Slave has one of the funniest, and longest Myspace URL's I've seen in a few months.
When is SR coming back for his nightly updates? Two days of DL is wearing on me. Stale as Fuck.
I'm glad i got a chance to see them at the living room show in the pic, which I almost missed as I showed up as the cops shut the show down at 8th continent. However, they were tame compared to what they are like in a venue, and that speaks volumes.
I'm glad i got a chance to see them at the living room show in the pic, which I almost missed as I showed up as the cops shut the show down at 8th continent. However, they were tame compared to what they are like in a venue, and that speaks volumes.
pretty cool that pic of monotonix is when they played in julie's living room who is in rival gang so it will be a like a reunion
three dollar bills?? i think i'll pass...
Monotonix are one of the best live bands ever, ask anyone who has seen them.
what do you all think of intronaut?
4:21, your opinion matters to me. Let me know how what I can do to improve to keep it fresh. Any music you've heard lately that grabs you? Send it my way, and I'll describe the shit out of it.
will someone please tell me what time monotonix is going on? or went on? with 3 opening bands on a school night? i soooo wanna wanna but don't think i willa willa. and that so sucks. :::wishing it was the weekend::: sucks.
They will probably be on around midnight, as none of the four bands have started yet.
I don't know why it would be particularly hard for a duo to pull off polyrhythms.
mwah for the scoop 7:33. i guess i'll pop some ambien then. i hate to sound so but really, why can't dallas start having early shows on weeknights? i know it's partially about alcohol sales but if lots of other major cities can pull off early shows why can't dallas? i mean, not everyone can stay out until 2 a.m. during the week. jobs can really get in the way of a social life. if only it was as easy as skipping class. oh well. whatever. i'd love full reports of the show tomorrow from those of you that had the pleasure of going. okay? thanks.
looking back, tap dancing for that living room show was much better in theory.
most of the parade shows have ended around 12 or 12:30 for those during the week
there is video from the pictured show on youtube...
haha swampass
Vitamin X hardly sound like your average American sXe band. They draw more from thrash than youth crew, and are pretty disassociated with that scene. I don't know what frame of reference you are using for American sxe but, Vitamin X are more just straight ripping hardcore, whose practitioners happen to be edge.
Show was great though, they covered Negative Approach.
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