It List: Monday
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job (The Loft): Doors are at 830 for this, and I can't tell whether or not there is any opening act, so I'd try to get there around 9. And yeah, I AM actually going to try to get there, because these guys create my favorite show on television right now, and maybe one of my favorite shows of all time. I won't try to get all intellectual about the show ( even though people throw terms like "dada" around when discussing it), but I will say that this sketch made me laugh harder than anything I've seen on TV in years, and I can think of a dozen other things they've released in the past couple years that have been just as funny. I'm hoping that their live show will be similar to some of the live performances I've seen on Youtube, which have featured the insane cast of vagabonds that they have recruited for their show. This could also end up being awkward and really bad, but secretly, that is kind of what I'm hoping for.
Minus the Bear/Annuals/27 (the Loft): Here's an idea-- Annuals are pretty good and Minus the Bear are pretty bad, so why don't you go to the in store at Good Records at 7pm and call it a night?
Cool Out (the Cavern)
Young Doc Gooden (Hailey's): Whats up with all the Monday night weeklies around here getting featured in national glossies lately? First the photo shoot at Cool Out last week, and now YDG being featured in URB? I get chills down my spine thinking about how much this pisses off all the tired old Dallas indie rockers.
Buckethead (Granada): Is this that dude with the KFC bullshit who played with Guns N Roses that one time or is it that techno shit from the late 90's? I didn't really care enough to find out.
this has to be the worst monday i've ever experienced. fuck today. end now. thanks.
buckethead is buckethead?
Tonight is going to magical.
why is buckethead bad? i'd like to be schooled. please tell me. im not trying to start an arguement... i really want to be informed.
Hamburgers and hotdogs too...
They won't have the cast with them but I can tell you it won't be will be incredible.
Open up ladies, I am ready to make some babies.
buckethead, while very technically gifted, has alot of output that is either really gimmicky or kinda boring. however, there are a couple of things he's on that i like or find interesting:
1)praxis- sacrifist. berserk psychedelic industrial metal album featuring john zorn, bill laswell, and members of napalm death, funkadelic, blind idiot god and the boredoms. not too well versed in other praxis, but nothing else i've heard by them even touches this album.
2)zillatron-lord of the harvest. wierd ass stoned out industrial funk album by bootsy collins. maybe not the most consistent album by certain people's definition, but certainly a wild ride with a good amount of baked and heavy moments....
3) company 91- company was an improvisational collective founded and loosely curated by derek bailey, that played semi-annually starting in the 70s. buckethead seems almost like odd man out in this grouping of company, which includes more seasoned veterans of the avant garde, such as john zorn, paul lovens, and paul rogers, as well as modern classical violinist, alexander balanescu.....
my 2 cents, for those who wish to investigate....
tim and eric make buckethead for breakfast
"i get shivers down my spine when I think about how much this pisses off tired old Dallas indie rockers..."
are you really talking about somebody getting their picture in a magazine? are you serious? How is that New York Times article about Denton working out? Anybody able to leverage that to get the fuck out of town and actually do something significant?
I didn't think so.
It's gonna take a lot more than a photo in the back of a magazine to make somebody's Monday night DJ gig anything other than what it is... another insignificant diversion.
If you aren't at the Amsterdam Bar on Monday nights, you may as well be at home... looking at pictures in magazines to try and find a fucking clue.
funny you should mention that. it actually is giving leverage to get the fuck out of town. have fun at the amsterdam
kid crotch - do yourself a favor. Light up a blunt, have a beer or five, and look up the definition of the word "facetious".
i like parties i like fun i want to live in a hamburger bun
"I get shivers down my spine when I think about how much this pisses off tired old Dallas indie rockers."
Actually, we tired old Dallas indie rockers haven't heard of those magazines and really wouldn't give a fuck if we had. Because good for them. We're not competing with DJs, as much as you enjoy trying to pit the area's musicians against each other.
there's pizza in my hair.
I would go to buckethead for the same reason I would go to T&E.....
Is it just me or is this the shittiest blog ever?
I wear my dad's socks when I'm alone...
7:34, it is just you because I'm pretty sure any reasonable person would elect DC-9 as shittiest blog ever. Want some Calhoun updates? Go read that blog, then decide if it's better than this one.
Ever met an Observer music writer? The biggest most uninformed idiots of this scene, not to mention square as fuck.
I agree with you except for Daniel Rodrigue. He's cool. At least one or two others are okay, the rest look really perplexed like they're trying to "get it."
No, he sucks too.
jesse hughey pooped on pete freedman's dashboard.
Armchair-Critics and other keepers of the "Cutting Edge" please put your $$$ where your mouth is so we can all be schooled as to how to make art, music, literature, etc. that will be taken seriously by those whose opinions matter so much!
What's considered old in indie rock?
how can we put our $$$ where our mouths are, by freelancing at the Observer? I'm not telling you what to think about art, music, literature, just trying to tell you that the DO sucks. I've read the Observer for years and it's never been as bad as it is now. Even though I didn't always agree with Robert Wilonsky, Zac Crain, and Sam M., you could tell had some kind of passion for music unlike the interchangeable hacks they have working for them now.
citizen polack, that's what this entire site is about.
why can't you just admit that the whole reason you bag on the observer is to draw attention to yourself? you fuckers just phone it in most of the time. you aren't "better" or more interesting than the observer and you know it.
this isn't about quality or quantity... you're jealous of the fact that their writers get paid to do this and you don't. end of story.
Well its all a matter of personal taste, 1230. If you're a boring person who is into stupid music like Forever the Sickest Kids and Deathray Davies side projects, then you're down with the Observer. If you're into reading about good stuff that we wrote about a year earlier, then you're down with the observer.
If you're into being bad ass, then you can roll with us. Jealousy about "getting paid" has nothing to do with it... if we were looking for a way to make money, then we'd probably do things a lot differently around here.
rage against the pachinko machine thinks everything is about getting paid.
I hate both of those bands and I'm not "down with the observer".
i'm just of watching you guys make fools of yourselves doing stupid shit.
*if we were looking for a way to make money, we would probably do things a lot differently around here...
like starting a record label?
rage against the pachinko machine, stupid shit like trying to give some recognition to small bands that will never show up in mainstream publications like the Observer and Quick? Or, stupid shit like trying to start a label with bands that wouldn't fit on some boring label like TXMF? whether you like the bands that weshotjr write about or not, at least they are trying to do something different in this area full of bitter aging musicians and writers who are journalists first and music lovers second.
as someone who is currently on the wsjr label, i can personally guarantee that no one is making any money from it. it will be just enough to cover the cost of doing so, if we're lucky. all done outta love, hater.
so, yeah. you apparently have no idea what it's like to do something out of the passion of doing so. well, except maybe rant in the comments section of the blogs you pore over obsessively yet claim to hate.
p.s. the dallas observer is an embarrassment to its community. and as a part of the community, we're rejecting it.
you have to admit--if the music writers were able to do their job at the observer, you and i wouldn't be having this stupid conversation.
as someone who is currently on the wsjr label, i can personally guarantee that no one is making any money from it. it will be just enough to cover the cost of doing so, if we're lucky. all done outta love, hater.
so, yeah. you apparently have no idea what it's like to do something out of the passion of doing so. well, except maybe rant in the comments section of the blogs you pore over obsessively yet claim to hate.
p.s. the dallas observer is an embarrassment to its community. and as a part of the community, we're rejecting it.
you have to admit--if the music writers were able to do their job at the observer, you and i wouldn't be having this stupid conversation.
all of you are idiots.
there are at least a dozen music blogs in dallas that are better than both wsjr and the dallas observer.
but carry on...
1:34, what are they? not being antagonistic, i just really want to know. we need more people writing about music in this area.
"as someone who is on the wsjr' label, i can personally guarantee that no one is making any money from it. all done out of love, hater."
you guys hear that? the artist, speaking on behalf of the label, is saying that once the label recoups their investment, all of their records are free.
a dozen? really?
Ghost of Blind Lemon
Pegasus News
Gorilla Vs. Bear
Dallas Does Indie
KERA Art and Seek
The Sub-Rosa
The Boogie Spot
Ancient Chinese Secret
A History of Dallas Music
Halz Has a Say
Dallas Music Guide
You're Soaking In It
Fine Line Live
there is 15 to start...
That list is hilarious. a couple of those are good, but a good portion don't update, don't exist...or worse yet, SUCK.
1:57, you're the fucking idiot if you think those are better than weshotjr. bigdlittled, finelinelive, dconstrustion, to my knowledge haven't been active for quite a while. pegasus news and history of dallas music are not blogs. gorilla vs bear covers more national than than local music. did i call you an idiot yet? the others are just people with mediocre taste who have blogspot accounts. The very first blog you mention Ghost of Blind Lemon lists crash that took me, black tie dynasty, here, in arms and a bunch of other shitty bands "cool." you're gonna have to do better than that. you're an idiot by the way and you have horrible taste. i can tell.
1:57, wait, are you joking? or are you really that stupid?
12:53. Do you really think selling 7 inch records is a way to make money? It's a way to maybe break even while spreading music. Noble.
stupid is idiot people posting spambot ads for paris hilton sex tapes and yammering on and on about keg parties and fuckin' deerhoof.
at least all of those other blogs are actually talking about real music instead of wanky shit like fight bite.
Yes, "real music!" Finally somebody brought up REAL MUSIC again. I have heard of this legend. Please, tell me where I can hear this music that you speak of, that is apparently...not...fake.
dude, you guys can bitch about the dallas observer all you want, but the reality is this: we shot jr could disappear tomorrow and maybe 50 people would give a shit.
if the observer went to ever go out of business (which it isn't), thousands of people would actually notice and miss it.
so, yeah. good luck bringin' it down.
Yeah, because where would all of those strip bars and restaurants advertise? Of course people would notice--it's an institution just like the Dallas Morning News. Stupid example. Try again.
more perspective, if every one of the writers from the Observer were replaced tomorrow, no one would notice. Quick, try to name at least three of their music writers, besides Pete Freedman. They're nameless poor excuses for music "journalists."
a little perspective,
people would miss the "business" of the observer. miss it as a business. the music staff however (which is what matters in this case), is like a bad baseball team that keeps getting replaced with worse and worse no-talents.
the fact is, we shot j.r. has made more of an impact (positively, sometimes negatively, but still) in the almost three years it's been around, has had far more significant an impact on the local culture than the observer has had. it has even significantly had a direct impact on the DO's coverage.
all the people that were at the we shot jr shows, which looked like a lot more than 50, would certainly disagree with you.
the observer has history, money etc. but it's real significance is long gone, always spoken of in the past-tense.
Here ya go, DL...
REAL music: Sonic Youth, The Beatles, Slayer, Bob Marley, Talking Heads, Fela Kuti, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis, Bjork, Tool, John Coltrane, Butthole Surfers, Sigor Ros, DJ Krush, Roy Hargrove, Black Uhuru, The Stranglers,The Roots, Willie Nelson, Massive Attack, DJ Spooky, The Pixies, Ornette Coleman, etc...
FAKE music: Ghosthustler and Fight Bite
Just sayin'... you asked.
To 2:34
Noah Bailey
Daryl Smyers
Jesse Hughey
all of whom are every bit as competent as anything you'll find here.
and if you honestly thing that zac crain is/was a better music or film critic than robert wilonsky, you're insane.
wilonsky has been writing about music in dallas for over 20 years. crain writes for a magazine that thinks jackopierce is the best band in town.
Noah Bailey - the go-to guy when anyone needs to know the history of pleasant grove
Daryl Smyers - who? probably champions 1111100000 springs
Jesse Hughey - his desperate attempts at recurring features on DC-9 (poster of the week and clearing out the mailroom) are complete and utter failures
dorktown strutters, so are there any new local bands on your real music list or is every local band fake?
241 was the "weirdo" in his fraternity at OU.
dorktown strutters, so are there any new local bands on your real music list or is every local band fake?
yeah, dude, i've been totally getting into tool lately
what's really worse... a terrible writer like Pete Freedman working for an established arts paper like the Observer, or a really decent writer like zac crain writing for a republican ad pamphlet like D Magazine?
and how does one person like freedman demonize a whole paper, whereas someone like crain, by himself, manages to legitimize a magazine that never gave a shit about local music to begin with?
You guys sound like a atheist club.. spending more time knocking other people than promoting something of value.
I always look around at different sources for event information and the Dallas Observer is so loaded with crap I find it one of my last choices. Even though I don't attend ninety percent of the events posted on wsjr, it is a valuable source and definitely holds its own against other local blogs and the Dallas Observer.
Ok. Movements are like bowels which, in turn, is like insanity, which is actually a dead metaphor. Quid pro quo: You get the same outcome most of the time but you keep pinching them off--day in and day out, forever. . . .
Real movements take a serious plunge--like 12 inches. I fucking hate all of you right now. Srsly.
liles, you forgot to sign your name.
Local music is in pretty bad shape. I like The Paper Chase, Yells At Eels and a lot of the stuff Aaron Gonzalez is involved with, but other than that, I can think of anyone around here doing anything else that isn't embarrassingly derivative of something else.
And you guys know it, too. Pretend otherwise, but we really got nothin' new or original here.
Dallas/Denton would be a very very very sad scene without WSJR.
Even if you don't agree with what the editors here have to say, you can tell they are passionate, educated, and interested in music.
The Observer can suck it, except for Wilonsky and Schutz.
They don't have to suck it.
Damn, I really just clicked back to this post to see if there were any comments about the Tim and Eric show. I'll settle for this cat fight.
dork town strutters, of course you like the paper chase. they sound like tool fronted by todd lewis. you love the toadies, right?
your opinion was duly noted by the half dozen people reading this blog.
I think 306 might be on to something here...
Well, I hope some of those half dozen are the writers in question because I was really trying to hurt their feelings. But they probably think that criticism goes with the territory of being badass rock critics in the mold of Robert Wilonsky.
the toadies are tired...
I like how time and time again, people claim "a half dozen people read this blog." That's weird. Because EVERYBODY I EVER FUCKING MEET HAS HEARD OF IT.
Yeah, and it's funny how Liles calls people out for anonymously posting and then does it here.
T&E was an overcrowded let down, the Loft might be the worst venue in Dallas, I wish they would stop booking good shows there.
I love how when people want to insult this blog, they comment on how few readers there are, as if they somehow know. Also even more popular is taking a band weshotjr likes and using said band to invalidate the whole blog: "Ya'll write about Ghosthustler and Fight Bite; therefore your entire is total bullshit!"
Yo suckas, thanks for making this work day a lot more entertaining than it would've been otherwise. Weshotjr does rule. I don't care what any of you Observer defenders say. Do you really want to be known as someone who defends the Dallas Observer's brand of music journalism? Did they write something positive about your band or something? Did Daniel Rodrigue tell you your band was awesome then mention you in North of the Dial? That fool probably doesn't even know the name of his column is a reference to a Replacements' song.
why are you people bitching? you live in a thriving rock metropolis with hundreds of amazing bands, tons of great venues, dozens of brilliant music writers, and the undivided attention of the worldwide music community focused like a laser on your hometown.
oh. wait a second...
we're talking about Portland, right?
3:23 I totally agree about the Loft. The shows are either sold out and the crowd is incredibly annoying or nobody shows up. Neither make for a good time.
3:23 I totally agree about the Loft. The shows are either sold out and the crowd is incredibly annoying or nobody shows up. Neither make for a good time.
i just looked at the observer's music blog, and it had items about merle haggard, atmosphere, deerhoof, trail of dead, legendary pink dots, matisyahu, lil wayne, an old blues dude, diplo, and tons of other music.
i don't get it. how is your blog any better or worse than theirs is again? did they pick on you or something?
it's about substance.
I can't believe there aren't more comments about Tim and Eric. Did it really suck that bad?
preference wars. motherfuckers. preference wars. you yall fight about stupid shit. just let it go. everyone has different taste. you think your taste is better than the others? join the fuckin club.
this shit masquerading around as absolutism is just ridicoulous.
So we're supposed to believe that people would rather read about Buckethead or Aids Wolf than Lil' Wayne or the Legendary Pink Dots? That's your idea of substance?
Not convinced.
bitch notes, you're clueless. stick to dc-9 because you're their target audience.
actually, i prefer gorilla vs. bear.
that makes you an even bigger pussy.
go swap some more stupid shit about austin, anonymous.
fucking republican.
actually i was at ffffest in austin this last weekend, and it was pretty easy to tell the labial stuff that chris from gvsb had gotten on there.
is that republican jab supposed to be an insult? not really working, ive voted dem every ticket in my life but not quite sure how it ties into you being a twat.
haha i said and did the exact same thing about the Annuals show... Minus the Bear is absolutely awful!
T&E were stupid. The Loft sucks. It might've been fun if there weren't so many tall, ugly dorks standing around (what's up with the no seats?) Lots of video from the upcoming season four (although I couldn't really see it cause when those big dorks weren't blocking my view, the pillars holding up the roof do a pretty good job). I did get a photo with Eric though (I'm a dork).
paperchase blooooooowwwwwwwwwws. shellac rip-off with a bassist that i've heard likes to hit/shove girls. worst band on kill rock stars and frankly i'm ashamed they're reppin dallas
aaron gonzalez on the other hand IS fucking badass.
dork town strutters?
you are our fucking hero.
except for the part about you being kind of a twat.
but, still.
i side with kyle i think.
the beatles suck.
aaron gonzalez and fam make me proud to be an american.
real music for real america! fukkk yeh
i think my dad is the writter on some of those other blogs. he likes the andrew sisters.
can you take the trash out and still be a badass??
lastly, and for the record: wilonsky is a TERRIBLE journalist, and sucks some serious dick behind his family's back. that's right..
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