
We Shot J.R. Records Party feat. Fight Bite/Darktown Strutters/Orange Coax/Secret Bangs/Animal Forces/Shane English DJ Set (Time Bandits Vintage): You already know that this is a free show with free drinks, and you should already know is that this is actually taking place in the lot behind Time Bandits, so if you show up in front of Time Bandits on the square, you'll need to take your ass around back to hear this totally kick ass music. Got it? Also, we scheduled this to start at 9pm, but since we have a pretty full line up, we are open to starting it a bit earlier (as early as 830) if enough people show up early. So, if you want this to start earlier, just show up earlier and make your voice heard! It's like voting except we give even less of a fuck about what you think. Oh, and you'll be able to purchase Fight Bite's new 7 inch at the party for $5.... help us move out of our moms' basements and buy one today!
Deerhoof/Experimental Dental School/Flying/Hawnay Troof (Granada): The last time I saw Deerhoof live, they played in the Tea Room and enforced their very own smoking ban in a club that typically allowed smoking. Who the fuck do these San Francisco liberals think they are coming down here and telling us when we can and can't smoke? Ok, you're gonna be in a club, and you might get a little smoke in your very creative and talented lungs. Boo hoo. Fucking deal with it. I'm about as far left as a person can get politically, but sometimes I can really see why conservatives think these people hate freedom. Anyway, aside from said obnoxiousness, I really enjoy all the bands playing, with the possible exception of the goofy noise hop of Hawnay Troof, and I'm not even sure that I really hate them. Oh wait, I just heard their cover of "Hollarback Girl," and now I'm pretty sure I do hate them. Anyway, my favorite parts of most Deerhoof songs are surprisingly the most traditional, classic rockish. I guess the more strange, abstract songwriting that surrounds Deerhoof's meatier riffs make them so much more of a pay off when they actually happen. Get there early for the excellent Experimental Dental School as well.
The Pharmacy/Death to the Doomriders/Tides (1919 Hemphill): Pretty big grab for Hemphill, as the Pharmacy have spent the past couple months building quite a name for themselves on tour and the web.
Bishop Allen/An Horse/Electric Owls (Hailey's)
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead/When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth/Dead Twins (Club Dada): The argument around here today has been whether Trail of Dead 1) have sucked for the past 6 years or 2) have always sucked. Guess who was on which side!
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead/When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth/Dead Twins (Club Dada): The argument around here today has been whether Trail of Dead 1) have sucked for the past 6 years or 2) have always sucked. Guess who was on which side!
Deep Snapper/White Drugs/Drink to Victory (the Lounge)
Diplo/Abe Vigoda/Boy 8 Bit/Telepathe (the Loft): Go see this Mad Decent show not only for the great variety of sounds or so that you can take a listen to the guy who basically started every major hipster dance trend of the past five years (MIA, reggaeton, Santogold, etc.), but also to catch the much buzzed about Telepathe, who might just be worthy of the praise they've been getting lately. Also, if you haven't already, you should really check out Diplo's latest Top Ranking mix tape with Santogold.
Florene/Hotel Hotel/The Chimeneas/Dirty Water Disease (J&Js)
Calexico/Bowerbirds/The Acorn (Granada)
Diplo/Abe Vigoda/Boy 8 Bit/Telepathe (the Loft): Go see this Mad Decent show not only for the great variety of sounds or so that you can take a listen to the guy who basically started every major hipster dance trend of the past five years (MIA, reggaeton, Santogold, etc.), but also to catch the much buzzed about Telepathe, who might just be worthy of the praise they've been getting lately. Also, if you haven't already, you should really check out Diplo's latest Top Ranking mix tape with Santogold.
Florene/Hotel Hotel/The Chimeneas/Dirty Water Disease (J&Js)
Calexico/Bowerbirds/The Acorn (Granada)
Guy Klucevsek (Ft. Worth Modern, 2pm): Here is some info.
Parts and Labor/True Widow/Dogme 95 (the Lounge): Free show.
Los Llamarada/Orange Coax/Fungi Girls/Wu Fru De Lu (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St., Denton)
Martin Iles Videos (Dan's Silverleaf): This free show starts at 1030PM and will feature videos selected by Martin Iles. Here is what he'll be showing--
Unknown Denton Parades
Courtesy of the Denton Public Library, 1940s (11 min.)
Transferred from 8mm film, this film footage features WWIl-era parades and public events surrounding the downtown square in Denton, Texas. Includes a parade of white clad physicians, a monkey riding a horse, a dancing donkey, and appearances by Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes.
With music selections from "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" (Mississippi Records).
Doin' Time in Times Square
Charlie Ahearn, 1992 (39 min.)
"Doin' Time in Times Square documents the view and action outside Charlie Ahearn's 43rd Street apartment window from 1981 to 1983. Ahearn, whose 1983 film Wild Style was a cult hip hop hit, was 'blessed' with a generous view of the sleaze emporiums up Eighth Avenue and down 43rd. His window provides a view into midtown New York's street brutality in the dark years before it was 'cleaned up'... capturing rip-offs, drug sales, police stake-outs and fist fights."
And This Is Free
Mike Shea, 1964 (50 min.)
"During its heyday in the early to mid-1900s, the Maxwell Street Market area represented one of the most fascinating chapters in American urban history. People congregated there by the thousands to shop for bargains in junk stores and on pushcarts... They went, too, for the street musicians, hucksters, rousing preachers, and street entertainers."
Mike Shea's only film, "And This Is Free" was recorded over sixteen Sundays on Maxwell Street in 1964.
Parts and Labor/True Widow/Dogme 95 (the Lounge): Free show.
Los Llamarada/Orange Coax/Fungi Girls/Wu Fru De Lu (Muscle Beach, 907 Denton St., Denton)
Martin Iles Videos (Dan's Silverleaf): This free show starts at 1030PM and will feature videos selected by Martin Iles. Here is what he'll be showing--
Unknown Denton Parades
Courtesy of the Denton Public Library, 1940s (11 min.)
Transferred from 8mm film, this film footage features WWIl-era parades and public events surrounding the downtown square in Denton, Texas. Includes a parade of white clad physicians, a monkey riding a horse, a dancing donkey, and appearances by Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes.
With music selections from "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" (Mississippi Records).
Doin' Time in Times Square
Charlie Ahearn, 1992 (39 min.)
"Doin' Time in Times Square documents the view and action outside Charlie Ahearn's 43rd Street apartment window from 1981 to 1983. Ahearn, whose 1983 film Wild Style was a cult hip hop hit, was 'blessed' with a generous view of the sleaze emporiums up Eighth Avenue and down 43rd. His window provides a view into midtown New York's street brutality in the dark years before it was 'cleaned up'... capturing rip-offs, drug sales, police stake-outs and fist fights."
And This Is Free
Mike Shea, 1964 (50 min.)
"During its heyday in the early to mid-1900s, the Maxwell Street Market area represented one of the most fascinating chapters in American urban history. People congregated there by the thousands to shop for bargains in junk stores and on pushcarts... They went, too, for the street musicians, hucksters, rousing preachers, and street entertainers."
Mike Shea's only film, "And This Is Free" was recorded over sixteen Sundays on Maxwell Street in 1964.
Atmosphere/Abstract Rude/Blueprint/Dj Rare Groove (House of Blues)
No write up for Los Llamarada?? Best show here this weekend.
agreed ^^
not so much. it's bishop allen, dude..
nice attitudinal, sr. i could'nt have said it better myself.
i was contacted for the first time by my estranged father today. how come no write up for that?
The pharmacy has played 1919 five times. They like us. Or just me. Come wish them a happy fifth!
Rick doesn't like to return email. Its true!
way to leave off the best show of the weekend. Young Widows at Lolas Friday.
i played the first show the pharmacy played at 1919
they had a really fat keyboard player who looked like a clown
apparently he's no longer with them, so i am going to refrain from seeing them.
I just wanted to borrow some money.
non hipster dance party @ zubar tonight
come 1 cum all!!!
80's, 90's, hip house, hip hop, classic house, reggae/dancehall...
non hipster dance party @ zubar tonight
come 1 cum all!!!
80's, 90's, hip house, hip hop, classic house, reggae/dancehall...
my fault 2 post?
my fault 2 post?
Isaw Mr. Peppermint in the grocery store and wanted to relive this moment.
Just go to youtube, type in Mr Peppermint and click on "I Feel Fuzzy!". A creepy-ass brainwashing show but my dad does the greatest Muffin impression ever.
moms basement? How bout pay our electric bills. Zing!
still no listing for The Legendary Pink Dots. Shame...
Sunday at Granada.
SWINGIN UTTERS and ADOLESCENTS sunday at the prophet bar
I'm spinning with DJ G at For Your Pleasure this sunday.
This blog has been missing quite a few good shows lately.
Checking in less and less.
What are some of the shows we've missed that you were interested in? I'm asking seriously here, not starting an argument.
shane plays some great shit.
No reviews/comments about your record release party? Details/the scoop pweeze!!!! xx
shane smokes a mean dick!
No reviews/comments about your record label launch party last night? Details/the scoop pweeze!!!! xx
it was ok. stonedranger was really drunk and beligerent, flashing his peen & pissing off the balcony onto the go-go dancing trannies. meanwhile, defensive listening "nodded off" in the bushes with the junkie sax player.
later, cliffnotes set pete freedman's car on fire, and we had an impromptu nude weenie roast. we froze our nuts off.
typical wsjr shit.
it was ok. stonedranger was really drunk and beligerent, flashing his peen & pissing off the balcony onto the go-go dancing trannies. meanwhile, defensive listening "nodded off" in the bushes with the junkie sax player.
later, cliffnotes set pete freedman's car on fire, and we had an impromptu nude weenie roast. we froze our nuts off.
typical wsjr shit.
I "nodded off" in the bushes once when I was 18 with a guy that looked like Slash. Real "high"point in my youth. The leaves and branches did nothing for my hair.
1256-- Only part of that is true.
Time Bandits ruled last night!
The Chimeneas tonight!
Death To the Doomriders is the best local band ever.
Garage Sale tomorrow (Sunday, the 9th)! Got all kinds of shit to get rid of- furniture, TVs, computer monitors, old nintendo/SNES games, records, music equipment, and other random stuff that we don't want anymore.
We live at 412 Marietta St, Denton TX, 76201. Google map it or give me a call at 940-395-1029 for directions.
Trail of Dead was pretty interesting at Dada.
Odd coincidence that the Fire Marshall and TABC would both show up twenty minutes apart.
Think they're both Trail of Dead fans?
aaron concurs that the legendary pink dots will be the roadshow of the weekend! ps thanx 4 tha deerhoof tix!
hey band! you are kiiind of in tune! its making usual set a touch more 'avant' congrats! :D
i went to time bandits expecting trail of the dead. WOW!
thank you for the deerhoof tix!
fuck deerhoof. fuck em.
bands were great, despite sound issues for some of them. shane played awesome shit. time bandits is cool. it was a fun night so thanks for putting it all together.
all the creeps will be at the dots show tonight. if you are any kind of weirdo you will be there too.
if you don't go, go see shane DJ w/ G, i'ts KILLERRRR
good performances by all acts and all in all a really fun friday night. glad we didn't get no static from the cowards. i agree about sound issues, though. (keg got floated too quick and i needed more bro-dro j's, too)
so you do agree about the sound issues?
my how terriblig interesting..
it sounded like a brick and mortar alleyway to me
florene was awesome
were they? i mean, c'mon man, were they really?? straight up?
Gutterth show was great, or at least what I caught of it. and jnjs looked rad!
florene lost the plot
true widow stole the show
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