It List: Monday
Cool Out (The Cavern)
Soul Glow Monday with Young Doc Gooden (Hailey's)
Top Secret Robot Alliance/The Hormones Limited/Bueno Tornado/Giggle Party (The Lounge-- FREE): This free Parade of Flesh show at the Lounge is a little bit silly, but I guess thats why it's free. Aside from both having absolutely terrible band names, Hormones Limited and Bueno Tornado both share the distinction of sounding like bands clearly fronted by teenagers raised on a steady diet of post-hardcore. Unfortunately, neither of their diets have done them many favors thus far, and maybe it's the fact that I'm not paying attention, but I really can't tell these two bands apart. I'm not going to sit here and pick on kids (if these are in fact kids, I couldn't really tell), but I'd skip these for now. I think you'll have much better luck with Giggle Party's keyboard heavy, anthemic pop punk-- its actually quite solid and easily the best thing on this bill tonight, particularly if you're a fan of that Wham City sound. Top Secret Robot Alliance is like Lazer for English lit majors, but fortunately, I took enough philosophy classes to be satisfied with sitting at home and staring at a wall.
how long will their set be? keep it under 30
none of their diets have done them any favors? jeez dude, they've barely even started gigging. maybe you could give them a few gigs before you start ripping on them.
That's why I said "thus far," and noted that I wasn't going to pick on them anymore.
haha but that's like me going to your place of employment 5 minutes after you get to work and being like "well, well, well.... i see you haven't really gotten any work done thus far." That wouldn't be very fair, right?
i dont really see the point of detracting anyone from going to a free show, other than just to comment on ones own pretentious taste, but that last line was awesome.
actually, that'd be like me coming to your place of employment and jumping up and down on the bed..
oh and btw: telly called and said bald was'nt cool in his day, either.......................................................
Thanks for the decent words. The show was fun. Anyone come from the site? Anyone have pics?
its winter outside
hormones were great last night
i thought the crowd was great, but not many we shot jr readers: everyone was friendly and not bitter, OOPS, people are only rude and vindictive when posting anonymously on the internet.
LOL @ 8:18. So true. Last night was actually fun. I may start going to all the shows WSJR rips on.
PLEASE SOMEONE START RANDOM SHIT WITH AN INTERNET FRIEND TODAY. I would like to see the comments section removed for one week and see what this site really has to offer.
I thought the show was very good last night. also a good crowd and vibe for a random monday night free show. Props to Hormones Limited and Bueno Tornado.
Anyone want to talk about cheating girlfriends?
how about cheating boyfriends? has a lot of confessions about cheaters
i think we should all meet on top of the empire state building at midnight on valentine's day.
and jump.
I really like that site. It is raw. I feel like it helps me better understand some of the people in my life.
the onion isnt funny anymore
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