It List: Tuesday

Shannon Murray/Bully Gote/Tammy Gomez featuring Ramsey Sprague/Baby Talk/Crystal Casey (1919 Hemphill): This show is partially a tribute to the late Devin Adams, a Fort Worth artist and musician who served an under-credited role in the development of 1919's mission, in ways both physical and philosophical.
Blitzen Trapper/Delmore Pilcrow/The Parson Red Heads-Evan Way (Hailey's): I always get stuck describing the Blitzen Trapper show. This band recently described their sound as less about music and more about authors; Zane Grey, Italo Calvino, and Frank Herbert. Look, I'm not really going to buy that some indie pop band sounds like these, or any, particular group of authors. In that case, I'll pick a new handful more representational of their quality and intent: Sandra Brown, Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, Tim LaHaye and Dean Koontz. I would respect a band so much more if they gave that little list to an interviewer with a straight face.
PS-We Shot JR is off for the next two days, and we might have one brief post tonight letting you know about a couple of shows taking place during our break.
CoLab (live hip hop) free tonight at Zubar.
Every other song Warren Zevon recorded makes up for the travesty that is Werewolves of London.
For anyone that cares, Strawberry Fields is going to be calling it quits effective immediately. Expect to see some bad ass stuff at Recycled and EBAY real soon!
Fallout on TUESDAYS is more fun and less ghetto than The Party
bring food donations at Fallout tonight for North Texas Food Bank
bring food donations at Fallout tonight for North Texas Food Bank
Dean Koontz, HA!
The Party has become the equivalent to getting your photo taken at a college frat party. The only difference now is its a bunch of scensters, low-level drug dealers and old ravers. But its not ghetto. It wish it was.
hahahaha your thoughts on blitzen trapper are dead on
offensive glistening
cut loose w/
yeahdef / its what we get / billinghams D-FENCE system
photoboof / pix on teh site next week
hang out / hung over dranksgivin
Wrong, Chad -- "werewolves" is a GREAT song. Not Zevon's best (that would be "Desperadoes Under the Eaves"), but great nonetheless.
Send lawyers, guns and money to Chad. Help him out of this.
chad's struggle is worth its weight in empty DVD cases.
motherfuck. fuck the world. strawberry fields is the coolest shit this side of the motherfuckin mason dixon. fuck all this shit. i hate life.
cumbattered fish fry dallas lock down on denton street sauce
Dub Invasion @ The Whiskey Bar
Thanksgiving Night
Blixaboy(guest set)
Lots o'Bass
doesn't wanz run the stereo on strike blog? if so, how is he a guest??
bobert the cuminmouth
You guys are boring the hell out of me.
dub invasion is not a stereo on strike night. I am the guest DJ for the Dub Invasion crew. They do a weekly Drum and Bass night at Whiskey bar every thursday. They do dubstep on the last thursday of every month. They invited me to do a guest Live PA set for this week.
Easy enough....
Who Believes In The Occult?
But have you read any of those authors that they say they sound like cuz you should if you haven't, just throwing that out there.
mr. crowley.. duh duh duh
did you talk to the dead???
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