Our SXSW Day Show
Gorilla vs Bear and We Shot J.R. SXSW Day Show
Friday, March 20th @ Quacks' Bakery (1400 E. 38th 1/2 St., Austin,TX) FREE
Pre (UK)
Aids Wolf (Montreal)
Jeremy Jay (Los Angeles)
Ducktails (New Jersey)
Los Llamarada (Monterrey)
Nite Jewel (Los Angeles)
Fight Bite (Denton, TX)
holy shiz nice 1
schweet.. just asked for that day off like five minutes ago
this is the best you could do? fucking lame.
Fuck yeah! Ducktails!
ducktails are a "filler" band with a shitty name.
raise your fucking standards, guys.
1046 and 1054 (probably the same person): Why don't you make a few suggestions of bands at sxsw that you would like to see at our day show? Something tells me you don't have the brains or the balls to do so, but I'll wait....
So in less than two years wireless electricity will be available to the public. 5 years from now I can't even imagine...
Fuck yeah Ducktaiiiils! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frGLMtGsotc
you should get fight bite. i hear their rad.
i can't (make any suggestions). i think almost all new music is crap. most of it sounds the same, isn't innovative.
it's not like i can just spew out a list of better bands--i mean, what am i supposed to say, "hawkwind", "grace jones", "hall and fucking oates"?
i'm saying that there's no standard here. none of these boring, snoring bands do shit for me. and most of them shouldn't do shit for you. i think there's such a thing as being too open-minded. raise your standards. not just you, but everyone.
aren't you sick of listening to music of little or no distinction that could put you into a coma?
my answer is:
if this is what i have to choose from, i'd rather not listen to it at all. i'm gonna make my own goddamned innovative music. and it will not involve a mother fucking laptop.
yeh a lot of those bands on that list play music that is played out
I mean if ur not including any scars on broadway ur list is shit
1115, you had me interested until you revealed yourself to be one of those people who hates laptops because they aren't real instruments or whatever. snooze fest.
I dont think the laptop thing is relevant. you can make just as innovative music on a computer as you can without one. the laptop isn't the problem here. The people, the music, the scene. That is the problem. I make weird fucking music on my laptop that many people probably wouldn't want to hear. You can also basically do anything on a laptop you can do without one.
thats why tool rules because they make that music with their non laptops.
that fucking list is atrocious
dude, he is a journalist of course he has no spine. I'll give him credit for being able to be more objective and more "middle of the road" than I am. I'm too subjective to do what he does. I would have people hating me in a day. Especially, since half my opinion involves intuition rather than fact. Its just what I do.
I think you probably hate the people associated with laptop music more than you hate actual laptops themselves. Very understandable. I think the more interesting people/music are always the people locked in their homes on Friday nights being creative instead of playing socialite at a bar or whatever it is the cool Dallas/Denton kids do. At least Denton girls are pretty reliable for a lay if you ever need to go out and get one.
can we just forget i even mentioned a laptop? you shitheads have missed the point entirely.
no shit man. fuck the laptop comment. get over it. continue on with the rest of the point that matters more you shitheads.
hey if wanz plays with a laptop it must be a good thing right?
get joe strummer to play
What im trippin out on is the amount of young tang in Denton
Oh shit, you need to get that dude who plays his guitar on the square drunk as fuck on this show man. That dude is punk rock.
1149 has proven that you don't have to be in college to live in a college town
Why cant you play my band? We're pretty good.
11:51 has confirmed the proof that you dont have to be in college to live in a college town.
How much young denton tang does wanz get with that laptop of his? Im curious? Whats his number? I need to call him up and ask him straight up. Think he would be okay with it guys?
Dude, I'm just talking...stop being such a dick. I don't care about the show. I'm not going to go. As far as new music sucking...well that is way too subjective for me to even comment on. I agree people can be too open-minded. That is because people want to fit in and feel like they belong and music is one way to connect with other people. At the same time I can sympathize with creative people and how difficult it is to be successful. On the other hand I have met quite a few people who are way too opinionated about music and basically tell you everything you like sucks. That is much worse too me. It is one thing to differ in opinion...
Hey man I know mostly everything I like sucks and Im okay with that. I need to meet a couple of music snobs a month to confirm this. That way I know im on the right path to salvation.
okay suggestions...
blows anything on that shit list away.
I agree. I'm still pissed I missed them last time.
Can someone send me a link to dl some Los Llamarada. I like what I heard.
same person wouldnt know innovation if it slapped his mama
i agree with 12:04
wow people are talking semi (at best, but still) constructively about music and opinion? i must be on the wrong blog..
los llamarada is fucking rad SOOOO good live... what are you guys talking about? this will be one of the best free days shows that weekend for sure.
upload some los llamarada and put the link up here.
nouns group is so cool they dont have a myspace
1210, what makes you say that?
because i think fightbite=snorefest? or because i dont play the didgeridoo?
if you don't care about new music, then why should anyone listen to what you have to fucking say. Geez. If someone is really into dixieland, then DON'T GO TO THE FREE JAZZ FESTIVAL AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
it appears that the music scene is becoming quite homogenous. it seems that because of the availability of the internet, and other media, people start to think too much alike and therfore have too many of the the same influences and then finally, THEY ALL SOUND THE FUCKING SAME. am i full of shit? well maybe my lower intestine is. but then again whose isnt?
so nite jewel sounds like los llamarada? Ducktails sounds like aids wolf? Interesting.
Jeremy Jay rips off Aids Wolf 24/7 because their influences are exactly the same...
1258 all the way!!
yeah, someone's speaking up for us people that don't anything about how to tell bands apart. YAY!
It's not about "hating" all new music, it's about raising your standards.
"new music" is a pretty fucking general term. but as far as there not being anything really impressive with this line-up, i can see their point.
Yall were born at the wrong time if you want some good new music.
i'm gonna blow my brains out now.
raising the standards to get what band? I'm really interested. how about you name three?
yall should be ashamed of yourselves. Fight Bite cant represent lil d worth a damn. Maybe at an insomnia conference yes but not at this show.
nite jewel is two hipsters on xanax doing karaoke...kind of a joke.
who gives a fuck about representing lil d? do they even really live there?
oh, and I think they want the show to run on time and not end at 4 AM, so no DTS.
Here is my SXSW list...
vertical horizon
collective soul
econoline crush
of montreal
got dammit thats a list.
sycophant 4....ouch that list hurts me..
1:35 It was ment to ease the tension on this blog. Not to hurt. I hope it can help someone. I was trying to be a bandaid. :(
Why are people who don't care about new music on this blog? And if you think your music is "innovative," why not share it with us?
sycophant 4 is DISQUALIFIED
Okay i will here is my new innovative music...
hey, 138, maybe i already have and you loved it..?
Yall im trying to help. My list is heavenly. It's a helping hand in hard times. This blog is hard times. My list was ment to help. Please accept my list for the cure of weshot jr cancer.
The Great Tyrant &/or Darktown Strutters should be playing instead of Fight Bite.
agree with 1:43.
looks like they asked bands that are playing sxsw. Just a thought. I don't know. maybe you guys should think before you type.
nope we think after we type. figure it out dude!
1:43, it's just a show, dude. It's not supposed to be representative of anything other than the tastes of weshotjr and Gorilla Vs Bear. If Fight Bite plays the most sleep-inducing set, people aren't going to write off all of Denton and North Texas, and I'm sure no one's going to be landing any major label record deals because of this show, so relax.
1:48 you're so right dudebro!
It suppose to represent collins taste?
I'll share my music with all of you when i have something concrete enough to share.
1:52, you really shouldn't have dropped out of middle school. What does that say?
hey cum face, if you think i'm a dude bro, then I guess we belong together! hence the name...
1:53 you really shouldn't have dropped out of lil d. What does that say?
of course we belong together. like ebony and ivory.
I never lived in that shit-hole, thank you very much. Try again?
ducktails and los llamarada! nice!
yeh you have dude.
oh and cum face is right.
FUCK AUSTIN. Thats a got damn shithole if i ever seen one. Corporate shit hole. PDX>AUSTIN.
ducktails and los llamarada! nice!
ducktails and los llamarada! nice!
austin blows my pubes off. is this good or bad?
wait a minnit-- i hate these fucking bandz!
can i get a little texas rangers talk in here?
odessa tx>austin
oak cliff>denton
lol yeh austin was like so 1980s like 5years ago. It's a piece of shit. Don't know what the big deal is. Austin tang is overrated.
lampasas tx>austin
87% White (Non Hispanic)
49% White (Non Hispanic)
yeh white people suck
Look at that Austin supporter up there. Must work for the austin tourist bereau. Gold star dude.
i'm naming my next band Rescue Rangers
75% potheads
90% midway mart-ers
fungi girls! fungi girls! fungi girls!
suck! suck! suck! suck! suck!
im watching this blog
i bet they have more talent at age 14 15 and 16
than you ever will
Darktown>Fungi Girls
wes is only 13
you call that talent? if taking a shit were a talent then they got it
haha i liked that.
i heard the people who own JR's in Oak Lawn saw this blog and are not pleased.
still developing...
you heard wrong
i've taken some talented shits in my time.
yea i call that talent
the fact that kids can write songs and book shows
what were you doin when you were that age
they are smart too i dont see people talking about your band
every day on this blog
and many others
or playing your music on XM radio
This website still exists huh? That's a shame.
yeh i have too. last year in austin i took a shit in some young tangs mouth. that was a special day.
yea i call that talent
the fact that kids can write songs and book shows
what were you doin when you were that age
they are smart too i dont see people talking about your band
every day on this blog
and many others
or playing your music on XM radio
finish your homework before you go out and play
I take some talented shits on meth.
if you take a shit when you're really stoned, it feels like it takes forever.
dude i can't totally understand that one...
I call it talent when some goofus can switch writing his paragraph in the name bar.
I'm really stoned and now i want to take a shit to try this thing out. Thanks for that.
ok i will. thnx.
Okay hi my name is Amanda Normile and I was told to check this blog out from my coworker up here in Austin. They told me that it was this really amazing artistic thing happening. So im here checking it out. Just thought I would let you all know. So im here okay?
um, wow
Darktown>Every Fucking Band Ever! Keep thinking that, you fucking idiots.
damn already 116 posts and its not even a weekender. thats talent.
make that 136
plenty of people have written music at 14 assholes.
It doesn't mean it's good.
Why don't you all slide down conor oberst's pole.
He's been writing music and recording records since he was 13
Really innovative band right here guys: http://www.pitbullgrindcore.com
Brent Best shaved his beard 'cause his girlfriend thinks I'm cuter now that I've shaved.
He shaved his ass for entirely different reasons, though.
fungi girls fucking blow
fungi girls fucking blow
darktown fucking rulz
austin fucking blows
commets fuckin blow
coffee handles fucking blow
bookcovers fucking blow
whats this the afternoon special?
this will be a great show. great location too.
darktown strutters? you want to hear monotone singing for an hour? okay!
lol monotone singing!!! that was great.
11:15 has problems. The only acceptable taste is your taste, Nazi? Jesus. Fucking lighten up, tight ass.
fUCK yeh thats the only acceptable taste nigga. my taste. not yours, mine.
Hey man what an amazing line up. I never thought you all could do it!
hey can someone photoshop a cock in the place of the microphone?
So yeah. I heard there was all types of immortal art things, like, totally happening here. So far it seems, like, pretty grim. I heard Fite Bite on the radio. THEY ARE MY FAVORITE BAND. I think that sometimes poop comes out long and sometimes it comes out soft. I think that describes art. And that is why (I'm, like, so sure)my friend wanted me to check this blog thing out. I think there is some art on here. But not to much. Once I saw my dad's penis. It was a lump of pixels. Not really the big black cock my boyfriend uses to fuck me up the ass with. I never really saw much , what with his pubic hairs covering his protend like the naked men in Schindler's List -- his belly hanging in a frown like some pedantic professor. I am glad he played with me. I
only wsjr readers could complain about a FUCKING SHOW LINE UP! if you don't like it, don't fucking go! way to be supportive. i don't like all the denton country/folk bands but i don't go out of my way to trash them.
but it's DULL and TYPICAL and UNINSPIRED! we're BORED!
yeah, it did. all this hate is pathetic.
Over heard:
"Clover Turd;
Dover Word"
--Sober Bird
yeah i like that pussy
CHECK IT out <3
Over heard:
"Clover Turd;
Dover Word"
--Sober Bird
Genesis P. Orridge, advocate of Dandy Warhols and Brian Jonestown Massacre.
mork from ork fuckers
<3 I wrote the track for clinical derangement
took a nap and shit got sexy
i get that this is a music blog.....but I had to make a comment about the wireless electricity comment. 2 years? i'd put money that you won't see that in 2 years. I know a few companies are toying with the idea but that would be so fucking dangerous. think about living in a microwave. yeah, like that. don't go for every asshole idea you hear.
Yo Amanda wat dat pussy smell like?
I googled amanda normille. Nothing.
Ok, well 4:53 PM I am going to assume you aren't a golfer and you don't know everything there is to know abou electric current. These things will be available supposedly in April and products by the end of the year. So can give me my money then. I think you're an asshole by the way for using the word asshole while you try to make me look like an asshole.
P.S. Interesting points from the article. "Tesla was playing with these ideas during his time." "biological organisms are invisible to the magnetic waves."
thatnks for linking me to an internet article. you've really educated me, man. wow, like opened my eyes. haha. it's a completely volatile technology not to mention a huge waste of energy to the point that it won't be powering anything substantial anytime soon. i'm probably much more familiar with the physics behind it than you are, but the article did have some nice pictures!
So far you have given me nothing to back up your statement and I have given you a published article from a reasonably reliable news source. So when you have something other than your opinion to back up your point, for example, an article explaining how my article is bullshit then I will argue with you some more. K? Are you a professional scientist? Do you work with electricity? You have no credibility. Also, volatile doesn't mean it doesn't work. I personally feel that cell phones, laptops, and other devices are substantial. Once again you are putting your opinion before fact. You changed your arguement from its not happening to "volatile...wate of energy" please don't flop around like some fish politician. <3
wait, why aren't fungi girls playing this show?
their momz didn't give permission?
Fight Bite > Darktown.
can someone give me cliff notes on the comments.. this shit is too much for me.. k thanx..
darktown forever
i really need some info on Bob Seger.
I heard this was the place to come.
I'm here.
tell me about Bob Seger.
then we can move on to Jethro Tull.
why don't you go ask rhyner? then you boys can discuss some fine rangers talk whilst danny and corby remind us all about why we fucking hate the ticket in the first place. yeah do that, m'k!
cantalini vs. braincells
Quack's? That's an odd place for a sxsw show on more than one level.
Quack's? That's an odd place for a sxsw show on more than one level.
Really? Because there was a huge show there last year and it was the best venue for a day show that I experienced the entire time. Huh.
you leave dl alone. go on now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dl's straight-edge. he can handle it with a cup of hot cocoa and a bubble bath.
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