
Don Caballero/DD/MM/YYYY/Hawk vs. Dove/Magnets (Rubber Gloves): Oh, I hate writing about Don Cab shows. It's 2008! You peaked in '97 or '98, I can't even remember. It's weird because I remember around that time, seeing little dudes with shorter girlfriends haunting Bruce Hall, and they'd both be really scruffy, and one of them would have the Don Cab "fist" shirt on. I see the exact same couple now in Denton, and they are totally wearing Deerhunter shirts. Funny. Anyways, this band has one of the greatest drummers ever, Damon Che, yet, I was always very suspicious of this style of music. He went ahead and proved me right by just replacing his entire band with metal-heads. I KNEW IT!
Don Caballero/DD/MM/YYYY/Hawk vs. Dove/Magnets (Rubber Gloves): Oh, I hate writing about Don Cab shows. It's 2008! You peaked in '97 or '98, I can't even remember. It's weird because I remember around that time, seeing little dudes with shorter girlfriends haunting Bruce Hall, and they'd both be really scruffy, and one of them would have the Don Cab "fist" shirt on. I see the exact same couple now in Denton, and they are totally wearing Deerhunter shirts. Funny. Anyways, this band has one of the greatest drummers ever, Damon Che, yet, I was always very suspicious of this style of music. He went ahead and proved me right by just replacing his entire band with metal-heads. I KNEW IT!
ADD: Disqo Disco/Keith P/Schwa (Pastime Tavern): No cover.
Will Johnson/Cory Branan (Double Wide): I'm not that much of a Centro-matic person to be honest, but Will Johnson's solo shows, of which I've seen two in the past year, are certainly everything that a Centro-matic fan would hope for.
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Slobberbone/The O's (Dan's Silverleaf): Everyone reading this blog probably already knows enough about Slobberbone to avoid having to talk about them, but the O's, John Pedigo's new project and the latest Idol Records signees, are a relatively new group that has sort of become the Observer's latest "buzz" band over the past couple of months in addition to making it on to the cover of Quick recently, meaning that they've received about as much local ink as one band possibly could short of having a top 40 single or something. After listening to the O's brand of No Depression-era twang infused indie folk/pop/rock, it's pretty unsurprising that they have become darlings of the local music media-- this is just the kind of music that the Dallas music establishment has been embracing since the early 90's, and will probably continue to embrace for the foreseeable future. This certainly doesn't make it BAD music per se, even if it does set up something of a barrier for anyone who has grown suspicious of successful Dallas bands over the years. Truth be told, The O's are competent and do what they do quite well, and anyone who's ever had an Uncle Tupelo or Gram Parsons fetish will probably enjoy this music. Nothing earth shattering or particularly forward looking, even for their genre, but that doesn't appear to be the intent here, and you'll probably get exactly what you're expecting to from these guys.
Au/Florene/Hawk vs. Dove (The Lounge): Portland's Au has consisted of many different members in its history, presently including personnel from Jackie O Motherfucker, and their music, falling somewhere between Animal Collective and a marching band, contains exactly the kinds of musical risks, atmospherics and true unhinged enthusiasm that would probably make Mount Righteous ten times better. Pretty interesting stuff.
The Unbearables/Mount Righteous/The County Lines/Van Buren Boys (Chat Room): One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes. I'm not sure what that says about the band or this show, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Teenage Cool Kids/Deep Snapper/Uptown Bums (Rubber Gloves)
Steel Hook Protheses / A Smile Full Of Ale / Ashes / Yatagarasu / No Music Plays In Hospitals /Necronomycunt (Wasted Words House, 2404 S. Fielder Rd., Arlington): Loud, harsh show in Arlington at a place I'm completely unfamiliar with. Yeah, I know driving out to somewhere like Arlington sucks, but honestly, sometimes shows like this are the most fun of all... when you have no expectations whatsoever.
PVC Street Gang/Beauxregard/Rivercrest Yacht Club (Hailey's)
Etacarinae/Akkolyte/Division of Power/Deskonocidos (Exploding House): The two out-of-town acts sing mainly in Spanish, only Etacarinae has come all the way from Spain to play The Exploding House. You have got to admire that. Personally, I love it. It really makes me question what I'm doing with my life. As in, why am I not hanging out in Barcelona's version of The Exploding House rather than taking the DART Rail to a brutal little building with no windows everyday. Anyways, Etacarinae plays a kind of anthemic style of crust that I'm not so big on, but they probably make up for their shortcomings in energy, as do many bands in this genre.
Deskonocidos is a little closer to more effective, basic, hardcore with less long-intros and other melodic punk unnecessities. Akkolyte and Division of Power are the locals here, and for some reason DOP being on the bill pisses some people off. What doesn't piss you guys off? We're just trying to hang out with you guys and be cool. Why does everyone have to be so mean to us? :(
Tre Orsi/Shiny Around the Edges/Geistheistler/Delmore Pilcrow (Majestic Dwelling of Doom): Located at 731 Texas St.... homies should post the address on that Myspace yo.
Will Johnson/Cory Branan (Double Wide): I'm not that much of a Centro-matic person to be honest, but Will Johnson's solo shows, of which I've seen two in the past year, are certainly everything that a Centro-matic fan would hope for.
Uptown Fridays with Select (Zubar)
Slobberbone/The O's (Dan's Silverleaf): Everyone reading this blog probably already knows enough about Slobberbone to avoid having to talk about them, but the O's, John Pedigo's new project and the latest Idol Records signees, are a relatively new group that has sort of become the Observer's latest "buzz" band over the past couple of months in addition to making it on to the cover of Quick recently, meaning that they've received about as much local ink as one band possibly could short of having a top 40 single or something. After listening to the O's brand of No Depression-era twang infused indie folk/pop/rock, it's pretty unsurprising that they have become darlings of the local music media-- this is just the kind of music that the Dallas music establishment has been embracing since the early 90's, and will probably continue to embrace for the foreseeable future. This certainly doesn't make it BAD music per se, even if it does set up something of a barrier for anyone who has grown suspicious of successful Dallas bands over the years. Truth be told, The O's are competent and do what they do quite well, and anyone who's ever had an Uncle Tupelo or Gram Parsons fetish will probably enjoy this music. Nothing earth shattering or particularly forward looking, even for their genre, but that doesn't appear to be the intent here, and you'll probably get exactly what you're expecting to from these guys.
Au/Florene/Hawk vs. Dove (The Lounge): Portland's Au has consisted of many different members in its history, presently including personnel from Jackie O Motherfucker, and their music, falling somewhere between Animal Collective and a marching band, contains exactly the kinds of musical risks, atmospherics and true unhinged enthusiasm that would probably make Mount Righteous ten times better. Pretty interesting stuff.
The Unbearables/Mount Righteous/The County Lines/Van Buren Boys (Chat Room): One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes. I'm not sure what that says about the band or this show, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
Teenage Cool Kids/Deep Snapper/Uptown Bums (Rubber Gloves)
Steel Hook Protheses / A Smile Full Of Ale / Ashes / Yatagarasu / No Music Plays In Hospitals /Necronomycunt (Wasted Words House, 2404 S. Fielder Rd., Arlington): Loud, harsh show in Arlington at a place I'm completely unfamiliar with. Yeah, I know driving out to somewhere like Arlington sucks, but honestly, sometimes shows like this are the most fun of all... when you have no expectations whatsoever.
PVC Street Gang/Beauxregard/Rivercrest Yacht Club (Hailey's)
Etacarinae/Akkolyte/Division of Power/Deskonocidos (Exploding House): The two out-of-town acts sing mainly in Spanish, only Etacarinae has come all the way from Spain to play The Exploding House. You have got to admire that. Personally, I love it. It really makes me question what I'm doing with my life. As in, why am I not hanging out in Barcelona's version of The Exploding House rather than taking the DART Rail to a brutal little building with no windows everyday. Anyways, Etacarinae plays a kind of anthemic style of crust that I'm not so big on, but they probably make up for their shortcomings in energy, as do many bands in this genre.
Deskonocidos is a little closer to more effective, basic, hardcore with less long-intros and other melodic punk unnecessities. Akkolyte and Division of Power are the locals here, and for some reason DOP being on the bill pisses some people off. What doesn't piss you guys off? We're just trying to hang out with you guys and be cool. Why does everyone have to be so mean to us? :(
Tre Orsi/Shiny Around the Edges/Geistheistler/Delmore Pilcrow (Majestic Dwelling of Doom): Located at 731 Texas St.... homies should post the address on that Myspace yo.
God damn Don Cab is going to be awesome.
Everyone else have fun with your boring noise pop bullshit
pvc makes my pussy throb
pvc makes my pussy on the back throb
DOP won't be hated if they wouldn't be on the bill every god damned time.
So go fuck off uninspired punk pieces of shit
tonight disco disqo, kieth p, tony shwa @ pastime tavern FREE!
4real? Didn't hear about that. We'll add it.
fungi girls! fungi girls! fungi girls!
if y'all weren't familiar with the members of the o's you'd totally textually rape their music...
I honestly don't know either one of them, and I don't think anyone else from the site does either.
its people like the second 356 that make me ashamed of the human race
If you guys are super bored or get time between all the other awesome shit tonight, me and jason (females) will be playing some fun stuff for a new bi-monthly party. bi-monthly and bi-curious. its at the cavern 10p-2a. TANKS!
sr: fair enough. color me surprised.
tonight- assault on nicklemania
8pm on the corner of midway and trinity mills carrollton tx
free energy drinks and pizza
no trendy ass squares allowed (unless you come)
sat- noise show
justin robbins house
not sure who all justin ran out of flyers and knew i'd be there
2404 s. fielder arlington tx
dop knows how to thrash, shove it
i had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating ME.
Slobberbone is playing Sat night too at the Barley House.
where's potato gone??? i miss him!
potato is d.c. now. (don't say his name allowed, or he will APPEAR)
Darktown Strutters sound like being in the biggest K-hols and listening to Stereolab's dots and loops. In other words perfect.
Darktown Strutters sound like being in the biggest K-hols and listening to Stereolab's dots and loops. In other words perfect.
bi-lame.....GOOOOOD ONE!!! did you come up with that on the spot?!
Why do you think about Fungi Girls every time we make love DL? You know I only have third eyes for you. You're going to have to make a choice! It's either me or them DL. You know I'm a one best bro type of bro, bro. One bro only, or no bro at all.
(hopefully) your one and only best butt buddy,
-James Maynard
damn, fungi girls aren't bad...not bad at all...needs something to set it apart but what they are doing they are doing well.
fungi girls are terrible
fungi girls are terrible
that james maynard comment was funny. and, i agree with all of you guys that don't like us. i don't like us all that much either. i just enjoy playing shows and music in general. and if people like our band, then that's cool.
anyways, it gives me something fun to do rather than leave comments on every we shot jr post talking shit about some other shitty dfw band like ourselves.
its 2009
i love me with everything
wasted words looks pretty damn good.
anyone know of anybody who has live recordings?
i don't like all the denton country/folk bands
i don't like all the denton country/folk bands
fungi girls still suck
that's mean. i don't think they suck, per se, i just want them to go away.
They won't go away unless you do something about it yourself. You gotta stand up to 'em. Say, "Hey, Fungi Girls, I don't think you're a bad person or nothing like that, but could you just leave all of us alone? We didn't do anything to deserve this. I got a Pepsi we can split."
i gotta tampon we can split
you guys are my only friends
DD/MM/YYYY was fantastic.
I just wish that they wouldn't be described as having "impressive drumming". it's not very impressive.
The drummer from the red faced laughter is impressive.
Fungi Girls drumming, while not bad, is mediocre and not impressive.
Wow, you no talent cock suckers are certainly jealous of two sophomores in high school, aren't you? Give me a fucking break. You're making yourselves look pathetic.
it's kind of hard to show off my drumming talent in a simplistic pop band.
we're more about having nice, catchy melodies, anyways. if we wanted to show off what talent we have, we'd be in another math rock band like we used to be. that shit gets boring, though.
DD/MM/YYYY was fantastic.
how fantastic?
...uber fantastic.
the world needs more fungi girls, whether we like it or not.
NO MAN REALLY! I am super bad ass at drums really man.
Please don't talk shit about me anymore, because I'm really good okay!
I need to validate my talents by clearing shit up on the weshotjr comment section.
Fungi girls is really good you guys.
So please, shut up about us because we are awesome and talented kids and you guys are just jealous of us, because every one on this bored was still picking their assholes for treasure at14.
NO OTHER 14 year old has ever written a song or played a show before god damnit! SHUT UP!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA
this shits fucking lame man. all this fungi girls shit. fuck that noise man. give it up already stonedranger its BORING. you give them too much credit. now they are on weshotjr 24/7 promoting their stupid ass gimmick. its retarted. dont feed the gimmick. enough already. its cool that they get mentioned.... but not to the point where you give them free reign like you are now to come in here and talk mad shit like they mean something special.... because you know they dont. its just their age that blinds you. their music is mediocre at best. if they were 27.... youd be ignoring them. so fuck it man. fuck it all. this shits lame.
I HATE THE FUCKING FUNGI GIRLS. their show was fucking stupid.
If you read our initial article about Fungi Girls, you'll see that I didn't know how old they were until after I'd already conducted an email interview with them.
but now its 24/7 fungi girls on this blog. you gotta do better than you are doing stonedranger... you know in regards to them. yeh okay i hear you on their first mention. but gotdamn how many times you gotta mention them after the fact? and how many times do they got to come on this blog and promote their retarded work on here without you saying anything about how retarded they are being? you've given people shit for things less than that. so what gives?
I like how just because people dislike fungi girls it automatically makes them jealous.
I hate roast beef... I'm not jealous of it.
I really hate my chemical romance. Am I jealous of them?
No not really. I'm not inclined to take some money to look like an idiot in front of the world.
I could maybe burn through it all doing tons of coke and then begging for money when I'm 35 by giving out blow jobs to anyone who will pay. So no. Not jealous.
You need a better argument.
the music i make is way better than anything ever mentioned on here.
NO FUCKING WAY MAN. Hatebeak was mentioned on the SXSW post and that is certainly the best music ever mentioned on Weshotjr
Hey you guys... I think everyone just needs to settle down and get really spiritual and shit right now, okay. Just smoke a joint and some meth and relax for a second and listen to my new project Puscifer. There are too many bad vibes rollin' through this blog and it's starting to cloud my third eye. Just sit back and let that consciousness expand into the cosmos!
always your best buddy james maynard
who the fuck are fungi girls?
I feel sorry for waste in Darktown. It sucks being in love with the other half of your 2 peice band. Then having to put up with her flirting and doing other guys
I learned this the hard way: If you really hate something, bringing it up every five minutes usually makes it much worse. Complaining is not going to make it go away, it's only going to empower it. If someone realizes they're getting to you, they are going to rationalize that into thinking they're doing the "right thing." So you guys are fucking up your shit by complaining like little bitches about this band you don't like constantly. If you really are above this band's music, why don't you just fucking ignore it altogether rather than letting it have power over your life? Also, I don't see how an interview here or a news item there constitutes hype. I don't think you guys know the definition of hype.
Let's be real though, Fungi Girls aren't that great, Darktown Strutters aren't that great. They are okay, not bad or anything, but just okay. It's like fucking an ugly person, at first you might be stoked on it, but once you do it a few times you are pretty much over it.
Darktown Strutters are still way better than Fungi Girls
i think this fungi girls thing is getting pretty childish. I think children might be involved. :(
oh look at this little kids supporting their band. no one can talk shit about their little fungi girls. no one. no way. not the fungi girls.
it would be "these little kids" not "this little kids"
or has your jr. english class not taught that yet
if your going to talk shit about immaturity maybe you should wait until your mature yourself
Music sucks.
It won't pay your bills or keep cancer out of your body.
Some noise in the background.
And a reason to drink beer.
That's it.
Porn is at least interactive.
fuck the fungi girls
isn't florene playing on the AU show?
^ ^
i think we are getting to a point on this blog to where the mention of fungi girls is equivalent to mentioning "kyle". could the term "fungi girls" please be put on the deletion list?
i fuck that chick in the mouth. that big fat chick from the fungi girls.
or you could be objective and go "oh look at COMMA this."
you may need to just go, oh hey man, sorry for being an asshole, but you forgot a comma.
fuck, I suck I meant "oh look at this COMMA"
stay the fuck out of people's business. that's not how it is between them anyway, nosey ass
wasted words tonight you dumbfucks
yea, just to put it out there again... it is 2009
What the fuck is with all these long-winded comments? Its fucking bullshit. You guys need to cut the shit and just get everything you need to say into three sentences or less. See? I just did that in 3 sent... oops. ..
i went thru your purse and found your shame.
screaming little kids randomly banging on trash cans and bottles is more of an art form than adults purposelfully twisting knobs on a machine to make noise. but dont let that stop you from having fun.
be quiet art creep.
be quiet art creep.
I know it's not saying much but Fungi Girls are way better than Florene.
calling bullshit on that 1:56.
man, i wish i go see au tonight. too bad i don't have a ride.
florene are ambitious and they seem to develop stronger sets from show to show. fungi girls arent doing anything special.
Stonedranger likes fungi girls because he is a fat guy himself.
Ha ha!!! This comment section always makes me feel like a million fucking dollars. One smooth million stacks of good-enough american dollars. I come here when I'm bored, and it always makes me feel REAL good about the problems in my life. Phew, it must suck to live for this shit... I mean, I live for this shit, but it make me larf when people get all sorts of wrought up. Guess I'm just glad to be fulfilled in life, and not to have to talk mad shit anonymously for some cheap twinkling feelie. I heart all of yr damn bands.
ben rogers is a stinky hippie
ben rogers is a sexy motherfucker. is he single?
art creeps are the ones twisting knobs on machines to make harsh noise and call it music and think theyre cool. now, you be quiet.
Florene is like the Postal Service trying really hard to rip off Fuck Buttons without any success. They make observer readers feel more sophisticated for liking you know, experimental, arty music. Self-indulgence all around.
i fucked that big fat chick from the fungi girls in the mouth
Whoever said that my comments were "funny" needs to get to know his buddy James Maynard. I am super serial business 24/7. I'm not trying to compete with my bros from weshotjr because those dude bros are some super serious business, let me tell you, but your buddy James Maynard? Darkness imprisons me. All that I see is absolute horror. There is only darkness after a landmine took my sight. None of these things are "funny".
lol 7:15
do people still read the observer? the last time i picked up that shitrag was to cover my beehive from the rain.
Yeah guys! Next time you think about writing something on the internet make sure it serves a constructive purpose, and that it's not SO MEAN!
bitches aint shit but god damn hoes and tricks
Anyone want to carpool to Coachella this year? Leonard Cohen AND My Bloody Valentine!
chatroom last night was pretty badass
don't touch me
i don't know
van buren boys were terrible.
fake wanz is wanz
fake wanz is fake
fake wanz is fake
went to the arlington show. took some great photographs of each the noise artists. it was surrealistic yet beautiful. getting crunk to obscure music really hits the spot.
A Smile Full of Ale was outrageously good, and one of my new favorite bands.
omgggg Blink 182 got back together!
best comments section ever
what's jc doing tonight?
man, i had to go to deep arlington last night. suuuuucked.
it takes 2 to make a thing go right. it takes 2 to make it outta sight.
everyone just shut the fuck up and die already
except for the wall of "persons". but the bands were fun.
copy and paste posts as well as stretch posts will ALWAYS be deleted, dipshits.
hey i took photographs of little kids playing at a park. those kids are surreeal yet beautiful. getting crunk to obscure kiddies at parks really hits the spot.
Smile Full of Ale is amazing. I didn't go to the show, but I have seen him a few times before. Its mind blowing as fuck.
you must be 15 years old
it may be mind blowing as fuck but its not mindfuck like rfe
cIOi3o hi! hooli?
AU was great, too bad only 12 people decided to come see it.
yeah.. too bad, ain't it????????????????????????????//
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