Well it's about to be "that" time of year again... when hundreds of bands swing through DFW on their way to Austin, and everyone around here starts trying to figure out how to get out of work and which floors to crash on next week so that they can spend as much time as possible drinking for free during the day. It all tires me the fuck out, personally, but then again, I've hated music ever since I started this website, so you probably shouldn't listen to my opinions (EDIT: about SXSW... everything else I say is still right). The point is that today is a slow day (
Cool Out at the Cavern,
Paul Slavens at Dan's Silverleaf and Jazz at the Amsterdam are your regular, solid options), but starting tomorrow, things will be super busy for the next couple of weeks (including around here), so stay tuned....
I agree...last year SXSW reduced me to a drooling fetal position of which it took a good amount of time to recover
yep yep
what am i going to do without my wsjr for 3-4 weeks?? plz comment sxsw is making me sooooooo depressedd
...down in fraggle rock
Why is nx35 so country and so white?
is that emil rapstine from ten years ago?
hugh jackman.
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