It List: Tuesday
Florene/Power Animal/Lite Brite/Sunnybrook (J & J's Pizza): This show is themed "Rivers & Tides," and I'm just wondering what makes all these kids so calm. Aside from some static and noise elements in Florene's music, this is a fairly serene bunch. How do they do it? Did they have really fun childhoods or something? Did they "participate" in extra-curricular activities growing up? I'm amazed that they can keep it together so well. I can't. I should mention that this show features Lite Brite, the side-project of Sleep Whale's Joel North, and I think I prefer these looser pieces to Sleep Whale's painstakingly constructed music.
Disqo Disco (Fallout Lounge): Tonight is special like Lowenbrau for Disqo Disco now that they have had their Tuesday at Fallout Lounge for one full year. Which is really bothering me, because it seems there is no way that could actually be true. Anyways, they have a playlist picked out for their event which Hunter Hauk has posted on his Quick Blog. Extra points for that Pointer Sisters track at the end. With all of the extra effects on it (courtesy of Pilooski), it winds up sounding like some reworked Les Stances A Sophie-era track by Art Ensemble Of Chicago. Tommy Boy, Schwa, and Keith P will all be guests tonight as well.
90's Night (Hailey's): Tonight's guest is Sober, along with Yeah Def.
u konw taht u lkie seelp walhe
Aside from taking our daily dosage of Flinstones chewable vitamins and participating in nightly prayer, members of Florene grew up with just the right amount of family camping trips, wallball games, suicide (the mixed soda beverage), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed sleepovers, "Saturday Night Out," soccer games, and Mineral records.
im not dj'ing 90's night yo! just going cause its my bday.
thanks for saying everything I've ever thought about that crew.
Thanks for clearing that up, Florene. I really like that summary. Some of it even sounds like my childhood. Except for that part about Mineral. They almost single-handedly ruined my high school years.
so, florene, what you're sayin is that it's 90s night wherever we go in denton tonight?
Here's the link for Power Animal:
They're in town for a few days recording their new album with the guys from Sleep Whale.
Show is free and starts at 9.
power animal will kick your ass if you're not careful. i hear they got chicks in the band, too!
mmmmm. andy goldsworthy...
So, um, why did y'all delete that post...?
dear wsjr
please do everyone a favor and go back to being informative and helpful and stop being overly critical, holier-than-thou assholes with a musical superiority complex. if i wanted to hear people talk shit id go to a playground. anyone can talk shit about a band they're not familiar with. speaking of, start researching touring bands you post on your itlist so you'll at least have something to add alongside the local-act-trashtalking.
but then there wouldn't be any comments OR people at the shows, 1:06.
oh, we're pretty familiar with the local bands discussed here.
Dear Denton,
Where were you three years ago? I wish someone had told me that I should start researching touring bands. I could have learned so much!
I don't think there was anything overly critical in this post, but we'll turn into a Zagat's guide to local music if that's what you really want.
Ravioli? Holy Cannoli!
dear wshotjr,
please go back to discussing tuna fish. we like it better when we could get spektor 45 on your hot dogs. until than get fucked bro.
uh oh, you guys pissed off the denton instrumental/electro/acoustic/our music would suck without loop pedals scene. if you don't support them, they might stop playing those shows that consist of 4 hours of music that could be made by the same band.
We now give the distinguished gentleman from Fort Worth the floor.
your girlfriend is a slut
yeah, you're right. just wishful thinking.
I'm changing my band's name to Powerbook Five Thousand.
*tight-lipped slurp from a snifter of sherry and a puff from a potent tobacci pipe, smirk, and slow head shake*
Dear WSJR,
I don't like how you suck every band's dick. I don't like how you hate every band. I don't like how you talk about art; stick to music. I don't like how you ignore art; there's so much to not ignore. Why don't you review the theatah? Don't you understand that dance is a true artform? Fine cuisine is the new performance art. Why don't you cover craft fairs and antique shows? It's like you guys have better things to do than make commmentary on every single facet of the local artistic scene. If you truly were what we all expected of you, you'd quit your jobs, stop giving all these lame excuses and give the people what they desparately need: constant information about all things at all times! Bullshit!
*sucking down an outlawed stogie with one inhale and downing a bottle of Congac*
you had me at theatah. hilarious.
dear weshotjr
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