It List: Monday

Followed By Static/Little Teeth (Hot Box Pizza located at 214 E Hickory in Denton): Pretty sure this is the same Little Teeth I saw play in an Austin backyard last year, and their challenging music, specifically the vocals, should make for a pretty interesting time at this pizza place this evening. Show is free and starts at 7 PM. (DL)
Blues Control/Silver Shampoo/Darktown Strutters/Fungi Girls/Wild In The Streets (Mable Peabody's): Stellar line-up tonight at one of my favorite places to see a show in the Metroplex (despite the fact that the last time I was there, I was almost beat up by a very angry woman who thought I cut in front of her in the bar line.) The first time I remember Brooklyn's Blues Control coming through town (and I could be wrong about this) was at a house show in March of 2008, on the same night WSJR was hosting Times New Viking, Psychedelic Horseshit and Wax Museums at the sadly defunct Strawberry Fields. I remember simultaneously loving our show AND feeling disappointed that I had to miss a group that I had just started getting excited about after spending a couple months with every Blues Control recording I could get my hands on. For those who have yet to dive into their work, Blues Control is a group that is rather difficult to define outside of a few descriptors-- loop-based, psychedelic, atmospheric, repetitive, avant-garde; but bands like this can't really be contained by such descriptions, because at the end of the day, this kind of loosely structured, hypnotic material usually becomes highly personal for any listener who's willing to let it in. Furthermore, the group seems to change quite a bit from release to release-- whereas early material such as 2007's Puff reveled in stoner drones, their latest release on Siltbreeze, Local Flavor, seems to explore everything from lo-fi roots rock (complete with an appearance from Kurt Vile) to traditional avant garde, all with the kind of wild, primitive aesthetic found on the Angus MacLise records reissued by Siltbreeze in the late 90's. This is adventurous, new psychedelic music that's difficult to define but easy to listen to. Highly recommended, especially considering the all around excellent line up of local openers-- be sure to catch Denton's Silver Shampoo while you can, because they don't play out often and they aren't to be missed by anyone with an interest in catchy proto-punk. (SR)
Mayhem Mondays (Fallout Lounge)
Cool Out (The Cavern)
Whiskey Folk Ramblers/Sans Soleil/RTB2/Billy Ratcliff And The Economy/Vortexas/Yeah Def (Hailey's)
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