Marnie Stern

Quite possibly the most annoying musician I've ever had the misfortune of hearing. Talk about an overrated piece of shit. If its a joke, then the punch line is too squeaky to be funny. And if its not, then the Pitchfork people really have turned into a bunch of douches.
Weekender coming a little later.
Labels: drama
nice guitar though.
Fri Jun 29 (Doors open at 9pm; $8)
Marnie Stern
Her debut record, In Advance of the Broken Arm, is culled from songs written by herself in her bedroom over a two-year period, with production and drum work by Hella's Zach Hill. Her songs are of the earth, birthed in an organic process where the finished product is much more striking than the individual parts: created in solitude, the songs contain a staggering number of layers, each one winding its way around the others, then counterpointed by Marnie's feminine, echoing, powerful vocals. Despite the artful pretensions of some of her influences, Marnie's lyrics are her secret weapon... every line has an understated elegance floating above the mindnumbingly complex guitar work. What makes Marnie better than any of the other hundreds of nameless and faceless tech guitar wizards is her uncanny ability to somehow transform the most complicated guitar acrobatics into beautiful and concise 3 minute pop songs. Hers is an inspired, forward-moving art that you can take home to mom, and play for your kid sister. In Advance of the Broken Arm transcends any gimmicky "recluse" label because it is so present and immediate, and is certainly the most vibrant, original, empowering, and groundbreaking record released in a long time.
411 East Sycamore
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 387-7781
If i hear another person try to upsell something because Zach Hill was involved in it... I might, I don't know, stab my ear with a pencil?
i fail to hear any "shredding."
all i heard was single 8th notes. kind of slow, retarded. annoying.
I just can't stand all of that high end. The voice and the guitar. Take it down a few octaves and well talk.
This sounds like the equivelent to an autistic child banging away on toy piano and screaming. But it IS on kill rock stars, so i'm gonna give it a chance. <-(sarcasm)
I hate to plug the Tarfuti show at SHQ another time, but the girl that is on guitar/bass/vocals does a much better job of mixing progressive elements with noise. (also their drummer is fucking amazing)
EDIT: the name is actually spelled Tartufi.
it's actually spelled TOFUTTI! SRRY!@ME
oh yeh, and apprntly, she just plugs in her cdplayer and shreds along!
that's cool! or it can be, but I've also heard that she is MOTIONLESS the whole time. REAL SHOW WOMAN, y'know
Wow. 10 seconds of her myspace page and my head exploded.
Pure awfulness.
haha... Yeah, mr show came to mind after i saw my mispelling. I could use a tofutti break.
Sounds like Eat Avery's Bones
I'm suprised to hear that from you SD, her shredding is way overhyped by the press but that album is really decent its a good mix of the experimental and the accessible, I will definitely be in attendance at RGRS it should be a packed sweatty high energy show.
I've already had the misfotune of seeing her live in Austin, and lemme tell you: she blows live.
I didn't even realize she was playing at rubber gloves when I posted this, but she's terrible. Sorry.
She didn't play with a band at SXSW, it was kind of a rough set up she had, the album def sounded better but at RGRS she is going to have a backing band. I'm looking forward to it.
Hey Ren I want to hollar the loud funny words!
good gravy, that was fucking awful!
Triple bill with Farah and Laura Palmer?
I actually like her
Since when were the pitchforkmedia people not big douches?
sounds like she should be playing at tinnitus.
when did anything that ever souned like this ever play at House of Tinnitus? please tell me
yeah i would be good i bet if she had a band and dident just play guitar to a pre-recorded band on cd...
First song is o.k. but the second one giving off some strong "Thunderstruck" vibe.
that's funny,tim and eric came to my mind when i saw it... t'urd.
ok--that music is just stupid.
I couldn't disagree with you more, 3:05 PM. Eat Avery's Bones blows this shit away. Can't wait for the show at SHQ tomorrow!
And no, i'm not in the band.
Well, it's interesting in an EAB/Truman's Water kind of way. In fact, I hope they're opening. EAB that is.
I think it would be listenable if she didn't sing.
She being Marnie Stern of course.
oh i think with a backing band she might be decent. but at sxsw with her ipod playing it was almost a little embarrasing.
how does that sound anything like eab?
Damn. I didn't know so many people were annoyed by her. There was a crapload of hype on pitchfork?
embarrassing is the new credibility
very true.
and marnie stern sucks ass
I think Marnie Stern's MUSIC isn't very good. To me. I'm sure she's probably a nice person though.
i didn't think it was that bad based on her myspace songs. i can see how she is hyped. sounds like other popular acts. her top friends list is a good example of some the 'sounds like'
it's nothing to rave over but it isn't as horrible as i expected. seems average. or a slight mark above average but nothing special.
It's shit like this that makes me frown upon We Shot J.R. Going out of your way to pick on someone whose music you dislike?! Don't do that. It's a low blow which makes you look pretty fucking childish in my eyes.
yeah i don't like boy george either but i'm not screaming it at the top of my lungs.
she makin me all hot in my panties
its ok to like her.
its ok to not like her.
Quite possibly the most annoying musician I've ever had the misfortune of hearing. Talk about an overrated piece of shit. If its a joke, then the punch line is too squeaky to be funny. And if its not, then the Pitchfork people really have turned into a bunch of douches.
Weekender coming a little later.
Now THAT'S good journalism!
i dont think wsjr gets paid for this blog, so its not journalism--its an online diary of sorts...
an online diary? Blow me. What you do on here is an online diary.
dear diary,
we shot jr blew me!
p.s. i dont like marnie stern. she makes me a debbie downer.
like billy childish?
Finally listened to it. I thought it was pretty good. Then again I take whatever KRC feeds me. Please sir, I want some more.
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