It List: Thursday 9/13/07

Diplo/Switch (Suite): Diplo has had many critically acclaimed releases and remixes for the past few years working on everyone from The Decemberists to Three Six Mafia to more underground baile funk stuff on his own label. He is most famous for his work with M.I.A.. Hopefully this show being at Suite won't be as bad as the recent Kid Sister show where everyone got turned away, but we'll see. Opening act Switch has also worked with M.I.A., and I actually prefer his somewhat more minimal electro approach and lack of world music aesthetic.
Daniel Folmer/My Son The Astronaut!/William Blackett (J & J's Pizza): My Son The Astronaut is the solo acoustic project of one of the 715 Panhandle guys and that crowd's youthful exuberance can usually get me to let my guard down enough to even watch a set of borderline pop-punk. Miraculous. The ever expressive Daniel Folmer is also playing and I wonder if he'll enlighten the crowd with some commentary on how pickup hockey games are like slave labor.
Pleasant Grove/JD Whittenburg/Naptime Shake (Double Wide): Dallas Observer writer Noah Bailey must have totally used his powerful position at the weekly to score this sweet Thursday night show at The Double Wide. Good for him. Do what you gotta do in this highly competitive local music scene, bro! It's dog-eat-dog. Pleasant Grove has been playing music since before my voice completely changed and Clinton was still president.
The Ataris/Thorn VS Side/Brake Vegas (Rubber Gloves): I just posted this so I could put up that unbelievable press-kit gem. Do you think they had to drag that cheap rug like a fucking lake to find the band afterwards? They blend right in!
Man, forget Suite. All they do is turn away people. Girls, come with your tits out and your hair blonde, otherwise you won't get in. I hate to perpetuate stereotypes, but even at the Klever show I saw two blonde dudes with spiky hair take off their pre-distressed t-shirts and dance around while twirling them. The worst part was how they weren't gay and were instead doing this to display their virility to the "laydeez". I mean, Switch is the tits, but I'd rather wait and see him somewhere where I can enjoy myself than go and be drowned in fog and Burberry cologne. Besides, who the fuck calls their club an "ultra lounge" anyway. Don't even get me started on ?uestlove at Ghost Bar.
Or it could be that 3 of the five members of Naptime Shake are also in or have been in Pleasant Grove.
It's good to know how well informed you are you self righteous little bitch.
Woah, slow down there 6:21. I hate having to explain this but for your sake I will: This is a highly sarcastic joke.
what time do you think the diplo/switch show is going down?
trying to figure out what time to head over there.
diplo's myspace page sez 8.
no way.
what time for realz?
For your sake, let me explain this to you: your highly sarcastic joke doesn't make you any less of a self righteous little bitch.
Stonedranger should get his own blog so I don't have to weed through your bullshit sarcasm.
It's not their fault the photographer sucked. But that still doesn't change that their music sucks.
Try this:
"Knowing the Pleasant Grove/Naptime Shake lineage (and getting angry about it) makes you look really cool."
Take a shot at trying to weed through that sarcasm, little bitch.
And this is Stonedranger's blog.
Try this:
Stop writing like a three year old and pull the staples out of your cunt.
I find it somewhat telling that on the night that the President of the United States is giving an address about Iraq about creating a long-term military presence for the US in that region of the world that is anathema to most intelligent thinking people on this blog the primary comments are about a DJ at a luxury club.
2008 will not be different unless young people, artists, musicians are fully engaged. Please this is no personal indictment towards anyone. I'm sure many people here are quite engaged, but rather a statement of the stakes at hand.
Sorry if this intrudes on the music. 2008 is too important to lose and the lies just keep coming.
842, I agree with you 100%, and people who aren't interested in politics will probably start getting annoyed with this blog right around primary season, because we'l be talking about it quite a bit I think.
don't blame me.. i voted for kodos..
p.s. i'm workin right now.. honest.. things are lookin good!
Nothing wrong with pop punk.
Switch missed his flight.
Wes was cool, but Suite was full of CUNTS.
What are you taliking about? Suite was full of top notch Dallasites. hahaha!
I think it was football, not hockey. If I'm thinking of the right Observer article.
"I find it somewhat telling that on the night that the President of the United States is giving an address about Iraq about creating a long-term military presence for the US in that region of the world that is anathema to most intelligent thinking people on this blog the primary comments are about a DJ at a luxury club.
2008 will not be different unless young people, artists, musicians are fully engaged. Please this is no personal indictment towards anyone. I'm sure many people here are quite engaged, but rather a statement of the stakes at hand.
Sorry if this intrudes on the music. 2008 is too important to lose and the lies just keep coming."
Well fuck let me fly to washington real quick. What the hell do you think any of us can do? I'm sure the majority of the people that read this blog voted for someone other than Bush. Trying to fill our lives with some sort of excitement and joy is what the freedom we have left allows us. None of us have enough financial backing to dictate the course of this country sorry.
stop buying prozac!
Kucinich, Gravel & Ron Paul ... there's a triumverate that can un-jade a lot of you if you'll listen to them ... if Ruppert Murdoch will let you.
Cheers to Killtronix and cheers to Keith P. When can we expect their weshotamixes?
"Pleasant Grove has been playing music since before my voice completely changed and Clinton was still president."
True, and I hope they keep playing well into Chelsea Clinton's presidency.
I saw a sticker yesterday that had the W logo and an '08 next to it. I found it very disturbing.
You're a dipshit, Keith.
Saturday 9-15 10pm
XCW Wrestling Arena
on south side of 377
$5 BYOB plus 2 Free Kegs while they last
Last of the Interceptors
Koji Kondo
The Know
come party and give and receive high fives
we can go all night
jonodeath, the only thing worse would be:
Cheney O8
Saw a flier with Daniel Francis Doyle that appeared to vaguely say he was playing that. Is he? hmph.
Daniel Francis Doyle? From The Early Lines? Oh, shit dude. BLOG CONSPIRACY. Quick someone tell Gutterth and Daniel Folmer to make a flyer with his face on it. ONOZ!!!!!!
Daniel Francis Doyle?
Daniel Folmer?
Same person! YES OF COURSE!
yeah it's strange... it's been several weeks since I've received any "press releases" from Gutterth telling me about Sean Kirkpatrick farting on a snare drum or something.
Maybe they've taken to making un-funny nonfactual fliers on Microsoft Paint full time.
friday it list?
cat fight!!!!
Gutterth is not involved with and does not care about your 'conspiracy'.
Where is your evidence that butterth did this?
Innocent until proven guilty!
Gutterth not involved with the flier I saw. There was no venue listed on it though.
It's known that Folmer made the "ishotjr" flier that incorrectly outs some weshotjr peeps, but it does appear that it wasn't officially sanctioned by gutterth since no one anonymously posted how amazing the flyer was.
What flier?
AWWWwW that's cute. He's SENSITIVE.
Yeah, Gutterth didn't do it. That's some bullshit.
Gutterth is an important part of the area's music scene.
I don't understand why you guys need to put them down constantly.
They put on a lot of wonderful shows, and they actually care about the musicians in this scene, unlike most of you who are only in it to put everyone else down. Maybe more of you should be more like Gutterth, so we can have an even better music scene with great shows going on all the time. That seems more important than posting comments on a blog dissing the people that are actually doing something.
man, anonymous sure does post on this page a whole bunch.
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