But it looks like Texas liberals actually have a say in something this year. Can't wait. And by the way, the primaries are open in our state, meaning that as long as you're a registered voter, you can go to your polling place on March 4th and ask for the primary ballot for either party.
what you know bout bein poor, seein most of yo kinfolk be on dope? ain't nobody in the hood got no hope in this fucked up system, and that's why we don't vote.
Exactly! I don't vote because my family's poor and on dope. I do, however, spend time at poetry slams and posting my skills on message boards. And in this way, I hope to change this fucked up system.
Asshole 9:24- please provide said charts and shit.
Anyone with a brain knows better. For the rest, if you want more of the same politics, vote McCain or Clinton. If you want a voice for change, vote Sen. Obama.
Yes, you will not get everything you want. The country will not transform into paradise. But we can change the dynamics of the last 20 years by rejecting the idea that only Bush-Clinton polarization can run this country.
Or maybe it's easier to sit it out and complain and feel smug about being "above the process."
The level of your ignorance is embarrassing. Osama Bin-Laden was born in 1957, just 4 years before Barack Obama was born. Why would they name their child after a 4 year old. And while Saddam Hussein was born in 1937, he had achieved nothing by 1961 when Barack was born.
People like you are an embarrassing plague on the earth. You cite no facts, no truths, and want to indict someone for no good reason. I can only conclude you are a Hillary Clinton supporter since everyone knows the Clintons will stop at nothing in their naked power grab for their own selfish means.
Your entire post is why no one should ever vote for Hillary Clinton. None of it is believable. None of it is truthful. It is just a sham to try to make your point, which has nothing to do with making this country better. None of it produces the evidence you claim to have. You avoid these points entirely.
What charts are you talking about? If you actually shared them with Sen. Obama and they say what you claim, there should be no problem letting us now. But we all know, the truth is this is a Hillary joke.
Jesus Christ dude! I was making a satirical joke about Obama being Muslim. Obviously he is not. Obviously we all know that. If we can't laugh at idiots who perpetrate these kinds of rumors, then we'll go in fucking sane... which is what you seem to be intent on doing. Lighten the fuck up.
Thank you, WSJr, for reminding us that (finally) our primary votes in Texas might count, and that (finally) we don't need to be registered party members to take part in a primary.
And, hey, did you know Obama was a muslim? Because he is.
"You are the idiot who perpuates these types of rumors. Don't hide behind someone else. Stand behind your ignorant words. Because they matter. Otherwise explain their point. Which you can't."
Ummm.... sure I can. The muslim rumors have gone on since the beginning of his candidacy. Being an Obama supporter, I've watched in amazement as the viral-rumor story unraveled, including the lengthy rebuke that is still on his website.
I made a joke because I thought some people who are Obama supporters might have a sense of humor. But if you have to explain the joke... it's obviously not funny... my bad.
I am an Obama supporter and campaign contributor. Explain to me how your callous remarks help us in any way.This has been addressed over and over again and no one can site facts to support it.
It is still my belief you are a Hillary backer in disguise.
agree with 1:53 - what exactly is the platform obama is running on? does he have any sort of non-superficial take on any? foreign policy, education, health care?
his response to everything is "Yes, we will change health care in this country!" "Yes, we will change education in this country!"
well first of all, we can ask the same question about every one of the candidates. Certainly Hillary Clinton hasn't made her positions any clearer than Obama's, and I don't think John McCain even knows what his positions are at this point, other than more of the same Bushesque foreign policy, corporate handouts, and rewards for greed and national self destruction.
Do I support Obama? Yes. Do I know the specifics of where he stands on every issue? No. Do I even know exactly where he stands on most issues? No. But the fact remains that at the end of the day, the specifics of his health care plan won't really matter since there is no way that any president's proposed health care plan will be implemented without specific changes. I just know that he is planning on an open and wise foreign policy, and that he somehow manages to inspire people who haven't felt a part of American government for a long time. And the more people that wake up in this country, the better.
This is just a brief summary of my thoughts on him, but we all know how corrupt and inefficient our government has become, and at this point, any candidate that is able to make a message of change resonate among voters is a step in the right direction, if not a solution to our myriad of problems.
1. Nobody has ever stood for anything. They just get into office and try to shape things. Since he is young and smart, I support the generational shift in American Leadership.
2. There is nothing wrong with laughing at farts because farts are in fact funny.
Al Gore invented this thing called the internet. If you use it to go to
you will find details on every issue.
Don't wait for the corporate media to tell you what to think and know. Go do your research and find out for yourself. I woul;d reccomend doing similar research on all of the candidates so you can make an informed decision.
I am backing obama all the way. I hope he picks John Edwards(my first choice) as his running mate. That would be fucking awesome.
All this sounds nice, if only we lived in some sort of American dreamworld. I'm an idealistic motherfucker, but this is too much. All this Americanosity is making me want to vomit. You can't make America "stronger" without hurting people, within and outside your borders, no matter how you dress it up on your website. It's not possible. I'm all for turning people onto change...I just don't understand how the hell anyone really thinks the change can come from a god damned election. You wanna talk about some grassroots change, talk to your friends, live life how you wanna live it. That creates real, tangible change. And it works. It spreads. Why funnel human growth and change into an election process of the richest, most powerful, steamrolling government ever? The goal is to become more powerful. This makes no sense to me. Keep doin what you're doin, you know. This website is a great example of something positive with humanity. You can't beat the establishment. We will be taken outside and shot during the Big War before any President makes any sort of difference. Live life with love so more kids can rise from the rubble and keep the Earth movin.
yeah, 3:13. The president is merely a pawn. Sure. He didn't affect change when he signed off on bill after bill after after bill without veto for longer than any other president in history. he has no say on when and where when it comes to war, right? just a pawn. just a pawn in trying to deny healthcare to millions of children. yeah, no say in our everyday lives at all.
If you really think voting does not matter then think about how different the world might be if George Bush(and the truly evil corporations pulling his strings) had not been in office for the past 8 years. No Iraq war. America included in the kyoto treaty. Possibly a way smaller deficit increase.
I have personally made the leap of faith to get behind Obama. If he blows it and we have more of the same I will be right there with you, but in the meantime I choose to hold on to hope. Hope that things don't have to be as bad or corrupt as they are. That element is always gonna be there on some level, but Bush has taken the level of corruption to new heights never befor seen in this country.
At the end of the day I would like to see a Bill Maher/John Edwards ticket......kidding.....sort of.
want to talk about ignorance? what about the ignorance of that 4th post? poetry slam? are you kidding? its obviously hip hop you billary osamalama loving war monger. you really want change - talk about revolution. if you don't think it could happen think again my son, be prepared for the worst that's yet to come. we want freedom, prophecies, and ancient wisdom, a cataclysm, niggas be like fuck the system. see we all want peace, but the problem is crackers want a bigger piece. I'm down for my brothas and sistas, fuck the system, bust ya pistols, nigga I'm with ya. just put a rag on ya face when you ride, you don't want them satellites to take ya picture
My point, 3:21, is that George Bush did not make those decisions. Yes, he benefits financially, but he did not make those decisions. He is, in fact, a pawn. He's bought. Just like every other President ever.
3:25, the United States occupies the maority of countries on this planet, no matter who is in office. This does not change and won't until someone defeats usin a war, which they will. It always happens.
My point, 3:21, is that George Bush did not make those decisions. Yes, he benefits financially, but he did not make those decisions. He is, in fact, a pawn. He's bought. Just like every other President ever.
3:25, the United States occupies the majority of countries on this planet, no matter who is in office. This does not change and won't until someone defeats us in war, which they will. It always happens.
you expect me to vote for the lesser of two evils? never. its more like the evil of two lessers. thats like saying, "M - choose your oppressor. pick one - jeffrey dahmer or hannibal ector? you want crack, coke, pepsi, or dr. pepper?" its all fucked up and neither one of them better.
you really think your vote count? just ask my folk down in florida they straight threw that shit out.
no more tom runnin for office http://youtube.com/watch?v=FZSrxD6GBQs
"If you really think voting does not matter then think about how different the world might be if George Bush(and the truly evil corporations pulling his strings) had not been in office for the past 8 years."
Elderigde....not taking issue with the rest of your post, 'cuz that's a larger argument, which I'm still having with myself, but in my own (limited) understanding, Bush was not voted into office, at least the first time....hell, all the investigation into voting machinery, allegations of corruption in the ranks of the democratic and technological processes, suspect persons involved with the ballot process, the above mentioned florida situation and others like it, and such, calls into question the legitimacy of many American elections in the 21st century, and in my own paranoid mind, probably before... So, not to rain on any parades, but I believe the fact that W is in the White House at all, far from being proof that your vote counts more than ever................is proof that your vote counts less than ever. Not to disrupt the audacity of your hope....it was, after all, the final morsel released from pandora's box...
p.s. this entire political situation IS a joking matter, 'cuz it's the only thing one can do to keep from crying....
What does hope, a human feeling, have to do with American ideology or the Presidential election? Why express hope in something that will never give back? It won't ever happen, ever ever ever ever...put your hope somewhere it could be useful.
Talk is cheap. How many of you have actually volunteered or donated to a campaign? If not, this is all pointless theory. Please step up and choose a side and participate.
Or just complain about how the process is wrong and your voices are not heard crybabies.
Hey, obama08. You keep sounding like a dick. Not helping your man, you know? You keep telling us what not to say, what not to do, what to say, what to do... That's some real nice freedom you got there Lou.
"With all this "joke" talk I thought maybe y'all were talking about Ron Paul."
12:02, do you even know what you're talking about? If anyone wants any real change, they'll do a little research on him. But I'm sure we'll all be just as happy to stay in a perpetual war, and watch our country's economy collapse (more). Please educate yourselves.
yeah, good one Ron Paul dude. Let's get the troops out of Iraq and...mobilize them on the US/Mexico Border to turn our fucking country in a Soviet Cold War styled nightmare. Funny how libertarians believe in leaving people alone, as long as they're white. From that idiot's own website:
"No welfare for illegal aliens. Americans have welcomed immigrants who seek opportunity, work hard, and play by the rules. But taxpayers should not pay for illegal immigrants who use hospitals, clinics, schools, roads, and social services. End birthright citizenship. As long as illegal immigrants know their children born here will be citizens, the incentive to enter the U.S. illegally will remain strong."
Since when were hospitals, clinics, schools and roads considered "welfare?" Americans welcome immigrants who "play by the rules?!" And you're telling US to educate ourselves. If you support Ron Paul, you support institutionalized racism, and you support yet another home school advocacy right wing nut who has somehow convinced a bunch of young internet dudes that's he's cool and shit. A republican is a republican. Don't dress it up. Don't try to put one over on me because you don't support the war, mostly for selfish economic reasons than anything else.
I don't really like Bill Maher but he did say this:
On College Republicans-
"Doughy losers who, at age twenty, care more about tax cuts than girls. And lately they've been holding these "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" parties around the country where they basically play hide-and-seek with one lucky player posing as the wetback. Usually you have to be older and married before you start hating life so much you try to blame the Mexicans for all your problems, don't you?"
Wow, you're so angry, I almost felt for a second like you put me in my place. I simply offered material for you to read an make your own decision. Thanks for the insults though, Genius. That's the kind of unity we need! Keep dividing yourselves up, more and more, and hating one another. That's gonna set this country in the right direction.
We'll see how this all pans out. McCain, or Obama? While I feel Obama is the lesser of two evils, I'm kinda tired of voting like that. I'd rather vote for someone I agree with. Sorry if that doesn't suit your beliefs, or you believe everything you read and think I'm a rascist. Maybe some day we can meet for a beer and you can start a fight with me. I can feel peace right on the horizon.
Sure I do. That's why the dollar is worth so much now. In any of our lifetimes', can you remember a time when the CANADIAN dollar was worth more than ours'? Me neither.
Not trying to be combative, but rather than people jumping to conclusions, looking at all of the bad things the limited media coverage tries to exploit, why not do a little research and find out why so many have supported such a campaign? Do you agree with EVERYTHING Obama or McCain stand for?
But I digress, the Constitution IS a pretty silly document, that we no longer need to adhere to...
Sorry about the tone. I don't mean to come off as violently angry. It's true that things are very polarized and these are touchy subjects. I don't think you're a racist by default. Unfortunately with almost anyone we support, somewhere along the way you're supporting something you don't really agree with. Like most candidates and big business.
When I see someone so blatantly using the same language that the segregationists used to dominate poor, white, rural southerners decades ago, I think people should speak out about it. It is this sort of manipulation that keeps us truly divided. Peace.
If one more person mentions how someone else is not looking at the issues without mentioning which issues they themselves are so well versed in... I might freak out.
I have to admit, there are a few things I don't agree with Ron Paul on, but the things I do agree with outweigh those. For instance, he is pro-life, which I am not. However, he wants to put those issues more directly into the states' hands, rather than deciding that on a federal level. That's my biggest issue, this huge out of control government we've gotten lately.
I'm still not sure exactly how I feel on the whole immigration issue, as there are pros and cons to both views. We're just in a dangerous position right now, as far as the future of our country goes, and it seems like scaling back and focusing on our own problems are what's most important (I realize this is an extremely general statement, but don't wanna get long winded on this).
That's my rock the vote speech. Glad we can discuss things without fighting sometimes. Now let's talk about some local music!
Why even discuss Ron Paul at this point? He's statistically out of the GOP primary race, and he's already stated that he won't run as an independent if he doesn't win the primary.
If the Prolife vs. Pro-Choice debate (on either side)is the most important issue to you, you desperately need to rethink your priorities.
For one, that shit was settled decades ago. People need to move on and worry about the issues that haven't been dealt with like Education(including sexual, which would lead to less abortions), Health care(Less abortions through birth control), and ending that stupid fucking war(an abortion of diplomacy). Everyone could get what they wanted(less dead kids), if they focused on the real problems, and not bullshit wedge issues.
seriously , no one is getting angry at the don't vote guy? you are all squares.
and guess what, i'm voting republican because i'm for tax cuts for the rich because one of these days i'm going to be baller status and will be spending my tax breaks on gold toilet seats while you queer hippies bitch about hummers and free trade or war or tax cuts for the wealthy or whatever i won't care cause i'll be rich bitch! (this is totally not sarcastic, i seriously care that much about myself)
Obama is sorta like the Pink Panther. You are not too sure why you think he is cool, you just do. Really, his campaign theme should be "Talking Loud And Saying Nothing."
since this is a music blog, would anyone like to say anything about these campaign music videos? Hillary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FvyGydc8no Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjXyqcx-mYY&feature=related
I think Hillary's might just be the best song ever recorded.
If you are looking at this through weshotjr.blogspot.com, then switch over to www.weshotjr.com
because we are no longer using blogspot/blogger.
now at www.weshotjr.com
imma gonna do my parts!
Voting is very important even when it isn't a high stakes vote, but yes this is a high stakes vote so get out there and vote dudez!
what you know bout bein poor, seein most of yo kinfolk be on dope?
ain't nobody in the hood got no hope in this fucked up system, and that's why we don't vote.
I don't vote because my family's poor and on dope.
I do, however, spend time at poetry slams and posting my skills on message boards.
And in this way, I hope to change this fucked up system.
Obama 2008.
A 24 yr coworker noted that a Bush or Clinton has been in charge in either President or Vice President office as long as he has been alive.
No more dynasty politics.
go vote.
Obama is a muslim. It's been scientifically proven with charts and shit.
Asshole 9:24- please provide said charts and shit.
Anyone with a brain knows better. For the rest, if you want more of the same politics, vote McCain or Clinton. If you want a voice for change, vote Sen. Obama.
Yes, you will not get everything you want. The country will not transform into paradise. But we can change the dynamics of the last 20 years by rejecting the idea that only Bush-Clinton polarization can run this country.
Or maybe it's easier to sit it out and complain and feel smug about being "above the process."
I think it's funny that even though the guy said "he is a mulim", and then the guy said "prove it" nobody pointed out that it's legal to be a muslim.
ask some of the detainees at guantanimo bay...it's almost illegal to be muslim
No... for real. He is a muslim. I've seen the charts.
Do the research.
And like, his parents named him after Saddam and bin Laden.
Are we gonna accept this? Hell maybe.
Being muslim didn't hurt Yngwie Malmsteen's career.
The level of your ignorance is embarrassing. Osama Bin-Laden was born in 1957, just 4 years before Barack Obama was born. Why would they name their child after a 4 year old. And while Saddam Hussein was born in 1937, he had achieved nothing by 1961 when Barack was born.
People like you are an embarrassing plague on the earth. You cite no facts, no truths, and want to indict someone for no good reason. I can only conclude you are a Hillary Clinton supporter since everyone knows the Clintons will stop at nothing in their naked power grab for their own selfish means.
Barack the Vote.
10:28... your passion is wonderful. however, your "internet sarcasm detection device" is completely out of batteries or something. Haha.
"People like you are an embarrassing plague on the earth.... I can only conclude you are a Hillary Clinton supporter..."
Well... people like you don't recognize satire. I can only conclude that you take yourself way to seriously.
Obama is a muslim. I actually showed him the charts and he was all "shhhh. don't tell these niggas squat. I'm fiddin' to hijack this shit."
Just thought y'all might wanna know what we're up against.
HILLARY '08 y'all!
Better my " internet sarcasm detection device" be out of batteries than my brain. Explain the point of your specious argument or go home.
Your entire post is why no one should ever vote for Hillary Clinton. None of it is believable. None of it is truthful. It is just a sham to try to make your point, which has nothing to do with making this country better. None of it produces the evidence you claim to have. You avoid these points entirely.
What charts are you talking about? If you actually shared them with Sen. Obama and they say what you claim, there should be no problem letting us now. But we all know, the truth is this is a Hillary joke.
Jesus Christ dude!
I was making a satirical joke about Obama being Muslim. Obviously he is not. Obviously we all know that. If we can't laugh at idiots who perpetrate these kinds of rumors, then we'll go in fucking sane... which is what you seem to be intent on doing.
Lighten the fuck up.
Thank you, WSJr, for reminding us that (finally) our primary votes in Texas might count, and that (finally) we don't need to be registered party members to take part in a primary.
And, hey, did you know Obama was a muslim? Because he is.
And no I don't have any charts because they don't fucking exist because it was a goddamn joke.
not a joking matter.
not a joking matter.
not a joking matter.
it's not? Do you have charts to prove it?
With all this "joke" talk I thought maybe y'all were talking about Ron Paul.
vote or die bitches
now get me some cambodian breast milk
I figured it was a joke from the start, but either way, I guess we all agree that the obama muslim thing is dumb, so thats good i guess.
everything's a joking matter. for instance:
Q: What is 18 inches long, stiff and makes women scream at night?
A: Crib death.
(and you thought I was gonna say Obama's penis.)
"You are the idiot who perpuates these types of rumors. Don't hide behind someone else. Stand behind your ignorant words. Because they matter. Otherwise explain their point. Which you can't."
Ummm.... sure I can. The muslim rumors have gone on since the beginning of his candidacy. Being an Obama supporter, I've watched in amazement as the viral-rumor story unraveled, including the lengthy rebuke that is still on his website.
I made a joke because I thought some people who are Obama supporters might have a sense of humor. But if you have to explain the joke... it's obviously not funny... my bad.
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That bar graff turned up stupid.
Dammit people.
I am an Obama supporter and campaign contributor. Explain to me how your callous remarks help us in any way.This has been addressed over and over again and no one can site facts to support it.
It is still my belief you are a Hillary backer in disguise.
Wow. This is so sad. We're all so used to being mean to each other that absolutely nothing can slip by without someone getting pissed.
Something something first amendment.
Thats true... this blog needs an injection of unity and humor. Where's Black Tie Dynasty when you need them?
OK, I'll start. How is Barack Obama a voice for change? A change from what? To what?
"no one can site facts to support it. "
Here's your facts:
His name's Barrack Hussein Obama.
Sounds kinda muslimy don't it?
But he's not.
And we all know the rumor was stupid.
that's what makes it funny. humor lightens up a bad situation.
you didn't get the joke. I'm guessing your sense of humor can be summed up in two parts:
A.) Adam Sandler
2.) fart sounds
"OK, I'll start. How is Barack Obama a voice for change? A change from what? To what?"
Please dude. Start a politics blog.
this is a make fun of stupid people blog with an occasional side order of music.
No shit dude. I'm just giving it the college try with you knotheads. It didn't work in the Clinton thread either.
ps, I'm asking because I am trying to prove that politics don't accomplish anything, so a politics blog wouldn't really serve my purpose.
agree with 1:53 - what exactly is the platform obama is running on? does he have any sort of non-superficial take on any? foreign policy, education, health care?
his response to everything is "Yes, we will change health care in this country!" "Yes, we will change education in this country!"
well first of all, we can ask the same question about every one of the candidates. Certainly Hillary Clinton hasn't made her positions any clearer than Obama's, and I don't think John McCain even knows what his positions are at this point, other than more of the same Bushesque foreign policy, corporate handouts, and rewards for greed and national self destruction.
Do I support Obama? Yes. Do I know the specifics of where he stands on every issue? No. Do I even know exactly where he stands on most issues? No. But the fact remains that at the end of the day, the specifics of his health care plan won't really matter since there is no way that any president's proposed health care plan will be implemented without specific changes. I just know that he is planning on an open and wise foreign policy, and that he somehow manages to inspire people who haven't felt a part of American government for a long time. And the more people that wake up in this country, the better.
This is just a brief summary of my thoughts on him, but we all know how corrupt and inefficient our government has become, and at this point, any candidate that is able to make a message of change resonate among voters is a step in the right direction, if not a solution to our myriad of problems.
Two things.
1. Nobody has ever stood for anything. They just get into office and try to shape things. Since he is young and smart, I support the generational shift in American Leadership.
2. There is nothing wrong with laughing at farts because farts are in fact funny.
Al Gore invented this thing called the internet. If you use it to go to
you will find details on every issue.
Don't wait for the corporate media to tell you what to think and know. Go do your research and find out for yourself. I woul;d reccomend doing similar research on all of the candidates so you can make an informed decision.
I am backing obama all the way. I hope he picks John Edwards(my first choice) as his running mate. That would be fucking awesome.
All this sounds nice, if only we lived in some sort of American dreamworld. I'm an idealistic motherfucker, but this is too much. All this Americanosity is making me want to vomit. You can't make America "stronger" without hurting people, within and outside your borders, no matter how you dress it up on your website. It's not possible. I'm all for turning people onto change...I just don't understand how the hell anyone really thinks the change can come from a god damned election. You wanna talk about some grassroots change, talk to your friends, live life how you wanna live it. That creates real, tangible change. And it works. It spreads. Why funnel human growth and change into an election process of the richest, most powerful, steamrolling government ever? The goal is to become more powerful. This makes no sense to me. Keep doin what you're doin, you know. This website is a great example of something positive with humanity. You can't beat the establishment. We will be taken outside and shot during the Big War before any President makes any sort of difference. Live life with love so more kids can rise from the rubble and keep the Earth movin.
The President does not affect change. The President is merely a pawn, always.
yeah, 3:13. The president is merely a pawn. Sure. He didn't affect change when he signed off on bill after bill after after bill without veto for longer than any other president in history. he has no say on when and where when it comes to war, right? just a pawn. just a pawn in trying to deny healthcare to millions of children. yeah, no say in our everyday lives at all.
If you really think voting does not matter then think about how different the world might be if George Bush(and the truly evil corporations pulling his strings) had not been in office for the past 8 years. No Iraq war. America included in the kyoto treaty. Possibly a way smaller deficit increase.
I have personally made the leap of faith to get behind Obama. If he blows it and we have more of the same I will be right there with you, but in the meantime I choose to hold on to hope. Hope that things don't have to be as bad or corrupt as they are. That element is always gonna be there on some level, but Bush has taken the level of corruption to new heights never befor seen in this country.
At the end of the day I would like to see a Bill Maher/John Edwards ticket......kidding.....sort of.
want to talk about ignorance? what about the ignorance of that 4th post? poetry slam? are you kidding? its obviously hip hop you billary osamalama loving war monger. you really want change - talk about revolution. if you don't think it could happen think again my son, be prepared for the worst that's yet to come. we want freedom, prophecies, and ancient wisdom, a cataclysm, niggas be like fuck the system. see we all want peace, but the problem is crackers want a bigger piece. I'm down for my brothas and sistas, fuck the system, bust ya pistols, nigga I'm with ya. just put a rag on ya face when you ride, you don't want them satellites to take ya picture
My point, 3:21, is that George Bush did not make those decisions. Yes, he benefits financially, but he did not make those decisions. He is, in fact, a pawn. He's bought. Just like every other President ever.
3:25, the United States occupies the maority of countries on this planet, no matter who is in office. This does not change and won't until someone defeats usin a war, which they will. It always happens.
My point, 3:21, is that George Bush did not make those decisions. Yes, he benefits financially, but he did not make those decisions. He is, in fact, a pawn. He's bought. Just like every other President ever.
3:25, the United States occupies the majority of countries on this planet, no matter who is in office. This does not change and won't until someone defeats us in war, which they will. It always happens.
barack tie dynasty?
you expect me to vote for the lesser of two evils? never. its more like the evil of two lessers. thats like saying, "M - choose your oppressor. pick one - jeffrey dahmer or hannibal ector? you want crack, coke, pepsi, or dr. pepper?" its all fucked up and neither one of them better.
you really think your vote count? just ask my folk down in florida they straight threw that shit out.
no more tom runnin for office
Barack the Vote.....
"barack tie dynasty"
I love it!
"If you really think voting does not matter then think about how different the world might be if George Bush(and the truly evil corporations pulling his strings) had not been in office for the past 8 years."
Elderigde....not taking issue with the rest of your post, 'cuz that's a larger argument, which I'm still having with myself, but in my own (limited) understanding, Bush was not voted into office, at least the first time....hell, all the investigation into voting machinery, allegations of corruption in the ranks of the democratic and technological processes, suspect persons involved with the ballot process, the above mentioned florida situation and others like it, and such, calls into question the legitimacy of many American elections in the 21st century, and in my own paranoid mind, probably before...
So, not to rain on any parades, but I believe the fact that W is in the White House at all, far from being proof that your vote counts more than ever................is proof that your vote counts less than ever.
Not to disrupt the audacity of your hope....it was, after all, the final morsel released from pandora's box...
p.s. this entire political situation IS a joking matter, 'cuz it's the only thing one can do to keep from crying....
What does hope, a human feeling, have to do with American ideology or the Presidential election? Why express hope in something that will never give back? It won't ever happen, ever ever ever ever...put your hope somewhere it could be useful.
"A 24 yr coworker noted that a Bush or Clinton has been in charge in either President or Vice President office as long as he has been alive."
if i hear this factoid again (yes, it is creepy) i am going to die
i woke up just scream fuck the world
he won't stand still...
actually, he will stand still..........
anyhoo, i don't think it hurt savanteous q. malmsteen's career either.
stic man's a fag.
Talk is cheap. How many of you have actually volunteered or donated to a campaign? If not, this is all pointless theory.
Please step up and choose a side and participate.
Or just complain about how the process is wrong and your voices are not heard crybabies.
i vote for macaroni and cheese!
Hey, obama08. You keep sounding like a dick. Not helping your man, you know? You keep telling us what not to say, what not to do, what to say, what to do... That's some real nice freedom you got there Lou.
"With all this "joke" talk I thought maybe y'all were talking about Ron Paul."
12:02, do you even know what you're talking about? If anyone wants any real change, they'll do a little research on him. But I'm sure we'll all be just as happy to stay in a perpetual war, and watch our country's economy collapse (more). Please educate yourselves.
Yes! I knew we HAD to have a Ron Paul supporter here. No blog or website is complete without one!
yeah, good one Ron Paul dude. Let's get the troops out of Iraq and...mobilize them on the US/Mexico Border to turn our fucking country in a Soviet Cold War styled nightmare. Funny how libertarians believe in leaving people alone, as long as they're white. From that idiot's own website:
"No welfare for illegal aliens. Americans have welcomed immigrants who seek opportunity, work hard, and play by the rules. But taxpayers should not pay for illegal immigrants who use hospitals, clinics, schools, roads, and social services.
End birthright citizenship. As long as illegal immigrants know their children born here will be citizens, the incentive to enter the U.S. illegally will remain strong."
Since when were hospitals, clinics, schools and roads considered "welfare?" Americans welcome immigrants who "play by the rules?!" And you're telling US to educate ourselves. If you support Ron Paul, you support institutionalized racism, and you support yet another home school advocacy right wing nut who has somehow convinced a bunch of young internet dudes that's he's cool and shit. A republican is a republican. Don't dress it up. Don't try to put one over on me because you don't support the war, mostly for selfish economic reasons than anything else.
I don't really like Bill Maher but he did say this:
On College Republicans-
"Doughy losers who, at age twenty, care more about tax cuts than girls. And lately they've been holding these "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" parties around the country where they basically play hide-and-seek with one lucky player posing as the wetback. Usually you have to be older and married before you start hating life so much you try to blame the Mexicans for all your problems, don't you?"
Wow, you're so angry, I almost felt for a second like you put me in my place. I simply offered material for you to read an make your own decision. Thanks for the insults though, Genius. That's the kind of unity we need! Keep dividing yourselves up, more and more, and hating one another. That's gonna set this country in the right direction.
We'll see how this all pans out. McCain, or Obama? While I feel Obama is the lesser of two evils, I'm kinda tired of voting like that. I'd rather vote for someone I agree with. Sorry if that doesn't suit your beliefs, or you believe everything you read and think I'm a rascist. Maybe some day we can meet for a beer and you can start a fight with me. I can feel peace right on the horizon.
10:38, when you speak of the "economy", you speak only of corporations.
Sure I do. That's why the dollar is worth so much now. In any of our lifetimes', can you remember a time when the CANADIAN dollar was worth more than ours'? Me neither.
Not trying to be combative, but rather than people jumping to conclusions, looking at all of the bad things the limited media coverage tries to exploit, why not do a little research and find out why so many have supported such a campaign? Do you agree with EVERYTHING Obama or McCain stand for?
But I digress, the Constitution IS a pretty silly document, that we no longer need to adhere to...
Sorry about the tone. I don't mean to come off as violently angry. It's true that things are very polarized and these are touchy subjects. I don't think you're a racist by default. Unfortunately with almost anyone we support, somewhere along the way you're supporting something you don't really agree with. Like most candidates and big business.
When I see someone so blatantly using the same language that the segregationists used to dominate poor, white, rural southerners decades ago, I think people should speak out about it. It is this sort of manipulation that keeps us truly divided. Peace.
If one more person mentions how someone else is not looking at the issues without mentioning which issues they themselves are so well versed in... I might freak out.
Thanks for the reply.
I have to admit, there are a few things I don't agree with Ron Paul on, but the things I do agree with outweigh those. For instance, he is pro-life, which I am not. However, he wants to put those issues more directly into the states' hands, rather than deciding that on a federal level. That's my biggest issue, this huge out of control government we've gotten lately.
I'm still not sure exactly how I feel on the whole immigration issue, as there are pros and cons to both views. We're just in a dangerous position right now, as far as the future of our country goes, and it seems like scaling back and focusing on our own problems are what's most important (I realize this is an extremely general statement, but don't wanna get long winded on this).
That's my rock the vote speech. Glad we can discuss things without fighting sometimes. Now let's talk about some local music!
12:47, I have issues with you freaking out.
Let's never fight again.
for all you anonymous bitches: go to panther city coffee house tonight at 8 pm for obama meeting!!!!!!!!!
tonight meaning the 13th
Why even discuss Ron Paul at this point? He's statistically out of the GOP primary race, and he's already stated that he won't run as an independent if he doesn't win the primary.
If the Prolife vs. Pro-Choice debate (on either side)is the most important issue to you, you desperately need to rethink your priorities.
For one, that shit was settled decades ago. People need to move on and worry about the issues that haven't been dealt with like Education(including sexual, which would lead to less abortions), Health care(Less abortions through birth control), and ending that stupid fucking war(an abortion of diplomacy). Everyone could get what they wanted(less dead kids), if they focused on the real problems, and not bullshit wedge issues.
12:50 is pro-death! AWESOME
seriously , no one is getting angry at the don't vote guy? you are all squares.
and guess what, i'm voting republican because i'm for tax cuts for the rich because one of these days i'm going to be baller status and will be spending my tax breaks on gold toilet seats while you queer hippies bitch about hummers and free trade or war or tax cuts for the wealthy or whatever i won't care cause i'll be rich bitch! (this is totally not sarcastic, i seriously care that much about myself)
some of us want more dead kids, you know. should i focus on the wedge issues to get what i want?
like mandatory abortions for stupid parents?
It's hard to get angry with the don't vote guy when he brings nothing but love and common sense to the table every single time he posts.
Jerry "Don't Call Me Jerry" Stackhouse says "Stop voting, shoot for the stars".
Nader. That is all.
Obama is sorta like the Pink Panther. You are not too sure why you think he is cool, you just do. Really, his campaign theme should be "Talking Loud And Saying Nothing."
since this is a music blog, would anyone like to say anything about these campaign music videos?
I think Hillary's might just be the best song ever recorded.
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