We Shot A Mix 2.1-- Shane English

Starting with a mysteriously ominous and decidedly UNdanceable track from American jazz great Dick Hyman and cherished collaborator Mary Mayo, Shane takes us on an adventure through tons of rare, mostly European tracks from the early 80's that shoot off in so many different directions that I won't even bother trying to explain them. Let me just say that there are some real gems on here, and I'm not sure if anyone else in town would turn out a selection like this-- both highly challenging and highly listenable. Be sure to keep tabs on Shane over at his blog, Soundhead, where he has written about some very interesting projects he's been working on lately with Lars Larsen, including constructing their own synthesizers. Here is the download link, and here is the tracklist:
1. Dick Hyman/Mary Mayo - I'm Glad There Is You
(1963, US)
2. Indoor Life - Gilmore Of The Fillmore
(1980, US)
3. Philippe Laurent - Exposition Partie 5
(1983, France)
4. Eazy Teeth - Her Blade
(1980, US)
5. Portion Control - Thrust Angle
(1983, UK)
6. Kevin Harrison - All Night Long
(1981, France)
7. Pseudo Code - Memories
(1981, Belgium)
8. Somnambulist - Things I Was Due To Forget
(1983, Belgium)
9. Geins't Nait - 4
(1986, France)
10. Autumn - Reach You From Behind My Walls
(1982, Belgium)
11. Muslimgauze - Trans-Time
(1984, UK)
12. Body Electric - 5595
(1984, Scandinavia)
13. Nasmak - Not Your Living Doll
(1982, Netherlands)
14. Monoton - Teil 2
(1980, Austria)
15. Metro Pakt - Neuen Strassen
(1985, Germany)
16. Doxa Sinistra - Modern Age
(1982, Netherlands)
17. Cold In The Head - Corrida Humaine
(1984, France)
18. Instant Music - Joyboy
(1980, Germany)
19. Trop Tard - Les Ràves De Peur
(1988, France)
1. Dick Hyman/Mary Mayo - I'm Glad There Is You
(1963, US)
2. Indoor Life - Gilmore Of The Fillmore
(1980, US)
3. Philippe Laurent - Exposition Partie 5
(1983, France)
4. Eazy Teeth - Her Blade
(1980, US)
5. Portion Control - Thrust Angle
(1983, UK)
6. Kevin Harrison - All Night Long
(1981, France)
7. Pseudo Code - Memories
(1981, Belgium)
8. Somnambulist - Things I Was Due To Forget
(1983, Belgium)
9. Geins't Nait - 4
(1986, France)
10. Autumn - Reach You From Behind My Walls
(1982, Belgium)
11. Muslimgauze - Trans-Time
(1984, UK)
12. Body Electric - 5595
(1984, Scandinavia)
13. Nasmak - Not Your Living Doll
(1982, Netherlands)
14. Monoton - Teil 2
(1980, Austria)
15. Metro Pakt - Neuen Strassen
(1985, Germany)
16. Doxa Sinistra - Modern Age
(1982, Netherlands)
17. Cold In The Head - Corrida Humaine
(1984, France)
18. Instant Music - Joyboy
(1980, Germany)
19. Trop Tard - Les Ràves De Peur
(1988, France)
Good to see you guys keepin' shit fresh in Tejas.
smells like cat piss
Kick ass mix Shane. Love'n it.
i love flexipop and the ilk, nice to see someone representing these rare jems in TX.
1) norah jones
2) the eagles
3) meat loaf
4) brave combo
i love shane. you should check out his music!! his new project is 'life functions terminated', and he'll be playing on the square at j&j's in denton THIS SATURDAY!
go see him before he gets famous so you can tell your ugly grandkids about it!
life functions terminated smells like cat piss
Dick Hyman and his Organ Antics
is the ratio of fake/real Shane is sometimes. Is he genuine?Sometimes I don't think so and other times I do. He has given me more mixed signals than a Obama and Hilary campaign. I just don't understand people who act like they're totally cool with you about half the time you see them and the other half they won't even acknowledge your "HELLO", A SIMPLE gesture that uses minimal breathe.
Good Comp!?!?
is the ratio of fake/real Shane is sometimes. Is he genuine?Sometimes I don't think so and other times I do. He has given me more mixed signals than a Obama and Hilary campaign. I just don't understand people who act like they're totally cool with you about half the time you see them and the other half they won't even acknowledge your "HELLO", A SIMPLE gesture that uses minimal breathe.
Good Comp!?!?
means double posts
"He has given me more mixed signals than a Obama and Hilary campaign"...
anyone who would say this is a total dipshit loser whose "simple HELLO" deserves to be ignored.
"s the ratio of fake/real Shane is sometimes. Is he genuine?Sometimes I don't think so and other times I do. He has given me more mixed signals than a Obama and Hilary campaign. I just don't understand people who act like they're totally cool with you about half the time you see them and the other half they won't even acknowledge your "HELLO", A SIMPLE gesture that uses minimal breathe.
Good Comp!?!?"
Sounds like a pretentious dime a dozen austinite.
Is Shanes cock in you ass or mouth
ratios not percentages. Just stating that there are in fact pretencious self absorbed ass holes in denton too, not nust austin. And i do live in Denton, not Austin. SO GET FUCKED
and my pants aren't skin tight and i don't smell like shit so maybe that is a deterrent. Maybe me muttering Hello in freshly brushed teeth is just to much for Sir English to take in.
the comment you made about shane sounds like it good be ment for a "pretentious dime a dozen austinite"
not ment for you.
Way to talk about people you guys TOTALLY know personally.
I'f someone can't reciprocate a cordial hello or take the time to acknowledge you back after you took the time to do that then they get what they desverve. Karmas a bitch and it remembers.
y'all are awesome spellers and very secure about your social status
How many casual situations would I have to be in to KNOW Shane personally? When I think about it we used to cross paths all the time whether it be at shows or mutual friends houses. We didn't grow up together or anything so I guess I don't know him "personally". I just use this judgment making skill of a brain of mine to ASSUME that he's a little pretenious, maybe hes just shy. I won't get my feelings hurt anymore. WAH WAH WAH
maybe you're just being too formal with "hello". maybe try a simple "hey" next time and see if that helps the situation.
hey and a head nod would be sufficient, cool ill try it next time.
if shane seems distant it is usually because he is focused on something... like synthesizers, minimal synth tracks or Arthur C Clarke. like plenty of artists, he is in his own world most of the time.
please give people you don't know well the benefit of the doubt before anonymously making wild speculations about their character qualities.
great fucking mix! EAZY TEETH!
Ive given him the benefit of the doubt since i met him in your band Undoing, so it's not like im speculating on nothing other than my ignorance. Okay, I can understand being preocupied but not to much to acknowledge someone you've had multiple converstations with. Its been a good three to four years, should I wait an additional three of four before I deem my self worthy of "making wild speculations about their character qualities?" I wish to remain annon because we have mutual friends and I know we will cross paths again. As for me I will not KISS his ass like I've seen others do.
you're all a bunch of whiny, pathetic, shit-headed nobodies. are you jealous? have you heard this kid play the fucking bass? he's earned the right to be cool. he doesn't have to appease to you droopy sadsacks. you're a bunch of miserable fuckwads, anyway. just because he may not have heard you say hi, or doesn't respond for the reason that you're a total smegma, isn't a valid reason to totally diss the guy.
and "karmas a bitch and it remembers"??? oh, eat my fuck, you pathetic hippie scrote.
uh, guys, you're kinda making me nervous.
you're all a bunch of whiny, pathetic, shit-headed nobodies. are you jealous?
-king of cliche
People still use that polarized term "hippe". Usually the people calling other people hippe have outdated ideologies.
Stop kissing his ass you fucks. Kiss Daves ass. Its more white.
HAHA0h. People got all rilled up after someone in their click gets attacked personally. Fuck your click. Nobody cares.
Face it,he does not respond to you because he hates you,people do that you know,not everyone likes you,I hate most people myself,and am suspicious of those who "like" me.Some people have an unhealthy need to be liked by everyone,even if they are dicks,or simply users(especially if they are users,since you can't use someone who does not like you)Reality.Get used to it.
you guys are a bunch of losers
Ive gotten some evil eye's in my time, and Ive had some "hello"s ignored, shit Ive even ignored some "hello"s, and its usually because ONE OR MORE PARTY'S IS REALLY DAMN HIGH, so chill out yo.
Next time, try PHYSICAL CONTACT as a way of getting noticed, instead of relying on you weak and insignificant voice to garner attention to your self... or call your mom, she would probably love to give you some attention.
shane and i make music in mistress and he hardly ever says a word to me. in fact most of the time he just gives me a glance. in the years since i've known him we hardly even speak at all. i mean why bother? we just look at one another with very sullen looks and then call each other fuck face and leave each other be. i used to wonder how could a friendship possibly blossom between two people who don't verbally communicate and not because we are mute, but just because we are pricks???...but we manage. and so what if the cat piss smell mixed with febreeze is a bit profound?
oh and to those who may have their feelings hurt by shane's non-response i wouldn't take it personally i would just meditate
No feelings hurt at all. Just making water cooler talk. Chill out and stop thinking its a big deal. Can't somebody talk shit about another person around here for shits and giggles without someones click sucking a members dick?
I don't see that point of posting which country/area a band is from, unless there are multiple bands with the same name. If the song is good, then it is good. Regardless of what year it was made, where it's from, the sex of the person, whether the guy says hi to you...etc.
I understand this is usually done to give some background, but it's still a pet peeve of mine.
chill out? you seem to be the only one who isnt chill brah! water cooler talk? what are you an fbi agent? well guess what suck wad i'm an ex president surfer. so suck my cob utah.
what a loser- i will make "water cooler talk" about some one and if that person's friends come to their defense like any friend should do it's time to chill out? passive aggressive weasel ass anon
keep blowing bubbles out your rectum captain spooge
oh yeah, and it's spelled "clique"
pet peeve:
let it burn sucko
the other day i was searching for a 7" by sluik. this brought me to a blog, where i noticed other good stuff that i was looking for (iniciados, ike yard). this article informed me that it was shane's blog. anyway, that blog has a lot of good downloads on it.
p.s. why don't you idiots talk about the music?
thank you pet peeve for pointing out the correct spelling of the word clique
i was just about to tell that numbnut how to spell it correctly
(2008 texas)
"keep blowing bubbles out your rectum captain spooge"
i love the anon who typed this gorgeous phrase. meet me tonight at rubber gloves. i'll let you join my clique.
p.s. i love shane's brain and pantaloons.
what a great elitist mix!!!
6:59 the country and year are necessary to show that its some rare shit (which translates to "good" in this crowd)
but in all seriousness, bravo sir.
This would be a good scene in Ghostbusters II, with the toaster dancing from all the anger and testosterone.
click click
Shanes cock.
what a great elitist mix!!!
6:59 the country and year are necessary to show that its some rare shit (which translates to "good" in this crowd)
but in all seriousness, bravo sir.
The mix is pretentious and self absorbed.
Yes that mix is lame. Needs more creed.
tits or gtfo
george neal? really? i wouldn't expect you to be on here talking shit about someone's music taste? wow. thought you had more merit than that. hope that's not really you.
nice pic, tough guy.
this mix rocks just because it isn't filled with glittery dance beats that make pretty & dumb people go to urban outfitters....
Your love, is lifting me higher.
And then the Statue of Liberty smashes Denton.
The End.
Your love, is lifting me higher.
And then the Statue of Liberty smashes Denton.
The End.
um... we talkin' shane here? or danny balis?
i gotta flask out in my car if you guys want an after hour drink..
seein's how you lost the bet, toned flanger, let's go outback tonite!
goodbye horses...............................................
Ironically my girlfriend just finished a cross-stitch thatis a picture from the J&J's basement facing the exit and shane is in it with the shlitz Mary. Its pretty cool maybe I'll show Shane one day
I've heard better in Arkansas.
All of this mix reminds of that band Suicide. I didn't dig it. To each their own. Hey look, being civil is easy!
nice mix shane.
horrible mix shane
shane doesn't deserve any of this criticism.
this isn't criticism.
it's hoop-la said vigorously in the tone of the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
sure shane does. when you act like a pompous smug guy constantly karma fires back. teaches all of you all a lesson on the art of saying hi.
are there any moderators on this blog. isn't this supposed to be a music blog?
i love how there's really only 1 or 2 credible critiques of this mix and the rest is nonsensical babble. Shows how little minds know little about anything past their reference zones. Maybe if everyone dug more and bit less this would be a more interesting forum to discuss MUSIC
research this http://www.minimal-wave.org/
and then get back to posting your opinions people
now where's the fun in that?
I don't acknowledge anything out of the US so I can't give an opinion.
i love how there's really a lot of credible nonsensicale babbles of this mix and 1 or 2 non credible critiques.
Yes, I would really love it if this were a place where intelligent people actually talked about music and art.
Yes, I would really love it if this were a place where intelligent people actually talked about music and art.
Personal. Educational. Fucking Cool. How these trax would infuriate anyone is baffling. It's as though your listening to a tape your friend made for you. At times you might dance, but it's not trying to make you. Really it makes me want to get so high and drive around all night. I have about 3 or 4 new favorite bands now. Thanks for sharing Mr. English!
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