Art List
Summer Smackdown [And/Or Gallery + House of Dang]
It's movie night in the yard behind the building and they're showing Clueless. Bring your own chair + booze.
UT Dallas Lecture on Native American artist Allan Houser.
I'm assuming this is some time in the evening, but no time is listed. [More Info] [UPDATED: it was at 10:00 AM]
Festival of Independent Theatres starts at Bath House
Admittedly, I don't know anything about theater/re, but I don't even remotely recognize a single title or playwright in the list except Václav Havel, and only then because of his significance in Czech history. So, I guess this is pretty hardcore independent.
Chiura Obata (featured picture)
Holy crap! I just found this in the backlog. There's an exhibition going on through August 23 at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art of Chiura Obata's woodcuts of Yosemite National Park done in 1930. See some of his prints here. It's kind of like Hokusai meets Yosemite Sam. Really nice.
Paper Jam [The Public Trust]
2-Day print sale benefiting other good stuff. Party Friday from 6-9PM.
Carrollton DIY at the Plaza Arts Center (more info)
Starting at 7:00 PM Friday, eight artists and six bands for $5. Promises to be "radical".
"cool artist talk" [Barry Whistler Gallery]
I swear, if I have to read one more summer event description that starts with "beat the heat", I'll... oh well: "Kirsten Macy and Robert Wilhite will both be talking about their current exhibitions [...] Topo Chicos* and chips will be provided." Saturday July 19 at 2:00 p.m. Unfortunately, the Barry Whistler site runs solely on Flash, and I can't really find much about Kirsten Macy because her name coincides with a b-list actress from the late 90's (same person?). However, Robert Wilhite's portfolio looks interesting, particularly the theater sets and housewares (check out the stainless steel place settings).
* this seems to be some kind of fancy bottled mineral water.
Through July 19...
Cory Arcangel + Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied [And/Or Gallery]
There's No Place Like Home & Twenty-One [Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery]
Takashi Iwasaki [Conduit Gallery]
As mentioned previously by El Tocadiscos, this stuff is amazing (see some samples).
Closing at Craighead-Green Gallery:
Jackson Hammack (great name, obvious Modigliani influence, still good)
Jason Brown (abstract IKEA shelving on wall)
Jeanie Gooden (nice acid-bath abstracts)
Maestros Tejanos: Benito Huerta Solo Exhibit [Latino Cultural Center]
The last event I attended at Latino Cultural Center resulted in my stumbling around drunk until I spilled an entire plastic cup of red wine all over my favorite blue shirt. And all down my pants. And all over the floor. So, I looked around to make sure no one saw, and then quietly left by the side door. But man this is a really beautiful building with an incredible view of downtown, and they've done some really unique shows there. You might want to check this out (or events in the future).
[game points in bold]
Diversity of the capacity to break monotony and engage the hiden realms of energies and causes them to arise to communicate with the hiden realms of nature; Energies which cannot be explained/taught, they can 'only', be experience to commune/learnt; Art awakens the realms of these energies and process/evoke them in dialogue...; The.'spirit'is higher than the 'mind' and 'body',its metaphysical,which I focus on because of its intense abstract, philosophical,imaginative transcendentical power; This'spirit' permeates the pores of my concepts; My art expresses, my deep awareness of global and urban issues is counterbalanced with my cultural heritage; Inspiration:Life and the mental energy that creates the dialogue,leaps and spirals into the imaginative energy and breaks the Monatony...; To paint reality,not dreams because I don't know what dreams are;It is always clear what belongs to the real world and what belongs to the dream world;I don't think dreams/paint them and I don't experience dreams but I know about life because life is visible, I can feel and touch it; I cannot discribe my process of creating, it's too spiritual to express, however, it is the same expressive energy as the work itself,transfused between energies...; Art defines itself.
Score: 14.99 points
.99 extra points (max allowed) for putting concrete concepts in quotes to make them sound abstract; creative use of spelling, punctuation, and spacing; and abundant use of the word "energy" in its various forms. This one was so good (and long) that I decided to break it up over two weeks. Stay tuned to find out how "art defines itself"!
god that art statement is a mess. shit. sound like a ut art dallas reject.
good to see a mention of Latino Cultural Center on here. big props.
you aren't gonna mention the show at hailey's this weekend? zanzibar snails is've mentioned them in the past! My friends hotel, hotel and My Education are playing too, they've got some serious ambient goodness goin on for them, its going to be a good time!
I absolutely want all of you to suck out of my dick. Surely there's a taker amongst you.
darcyneal- this particular post doesn't usually include bands. most of weshotjr does, and i would assume the show you mentioned has been listed.
Art shows,openings,closings,and while music is art(sometimes)not all art is music.The heading Art List should be a clue as to what the post is about.
Thank you,and have a nice day.
And Colin Carter IS stonedranger. Sorry, morons. I know it's hard to swallow the truth, but notice how he DOESN'T get on here to protest the idea. You're all just a bunch of fools. And Kyle rules!!! His songs destroy me. Bet.
true he doest get on to retort. LOL
Emil Rapstine is Colin Carter!
xander rapstine is xander claus
xander claus is satchmo.
Someone just sent the time for the UTD Lecture if you had interest -- it was 10:00 AM this morning...
a UTD art reject?? have you seen the complete shit that comes out of every art student in that school??
if you are serious about art, or had even an inkling of talent.. WHY GO TO UTD!
xander doo is robin zander is morris day.
jesse! now jerome!!
i've got an IP address for you. my fist your face. it's a fact.
nowadays every noise band thinks what they do is art.
how are we to know?
cliff notes 11:57... exactly! Thats why if you're a UTD art reject its worse and that was my point.
is this a battle between north texas art students and utd art students?
hurry the fuck up and graduate so you can get into the real art world .
we can smell student work a mile away.
who said anything about unt art students? someone got offended. utd at connections? i think so.
im offended
Looks like that quote was written in a different language and translated through Babel Fish. Maybe that's why it's so disjointed?
Here's some real art. Fags.
people still keep up with metallica?
nice fish.
metallica is working on a new album.
hey! there is also going to be an art show in carrollton on friday. by the way, all the confusion has been left aside about akkolyte playing. YES, akkolyte IS playing, i talked to aaron a couple days ago and he confirmed it's on!!
@ 1115 4th Ave Curlton(Carrollton) TEXAS
What's up with the movie selection at the Haus of Dang? I would go if they should movies that were good.
that fish kicks ass
3:17's got an excellent point.
'clueless'? how embarrassing!! how many idiots did that have to pass through to be ok'd?
what's next? 'baby boom'? how about 'jurassic park'?
3:29 what about 3 men and and a little lady..
this is also the term for how weshotjr is ran
topo chico is just mexican mineral, not fancy but it is bad ass.
they have flavors too.
indian sticking his head in river on front of bottle indicates that these are good for hangovers.
Fuck 3:29, Jurassic Park is awesome.
Friday :: Paper Jam (Print Sale Event)
@ The Public Trust (6-9pm) Schwa on the decks!
if you aren't hip to the topo chico it's time you school yourself.
not fancy, friend.
you can buy a case of it at fiesta for like $13.
fancy that.
3:06 and 4:46 -- your events were added to the list.
in my day, diarrhea ran for free!
kirsten macy is an emerging artist, so there's not much press out there yet, which is why there was a link to her most recent review. images of her current show are available on the barry whistler gallery website under "current". topo chico is probably 22 cents a bottle. do your homework, dweeb.
again with the art.
if you wanna make a real statement, go take a dump in the lobby of a starbucks.
I will not stop this until we shot jr is no more. I belive you paint a horrible picture of the north texas music scene, you promote sociopathy and urge people to hide hehind masks of anonymity instead of teaching them to be proud of who they are and what the have to say. I see no point to anonymous posting than to stir up the shitstorm/make life gererally more chaotic and promote overall trashtalking and vindictiveness. I suppose there is one more reason for anonymous posting and that is it(anonymous posting) paints us all the tricky picture that we shot jr is a "popular blog" with hundreds of posters/supporters, and therefore absolutely worthy of respect. But all these so called supporters ever do is trashtalk each other and pick on those who aren't on here, at the time, to defend themselves.
This blog is childish, ugly and sadly unbeknownst to most, dangerous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you can do some real damage to personal relationships on here by use of this "fill in the blanks with whichever name you choose" name column which precedes every comment box. So I urge you, the anons(no offense, but it's true) who run we shot jr, to end anonymous posting and help make north texas a place that outsiders can respect and admire; a place that us locals can be proud of. Thanks.
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