Akkolyte/The Genuine Imitations/Summer Salt/The Gravestones/Gorge/Rocket for Ethiopia (Carrolton Plaza Arts Center): The always fierce Akkolyte headlines this suburban punk rock show organized by members of the excellent Rocket for Ethiopia and some of their crew from Carrolton. Be sure to check out RFE's quality new material on their Myspace page.
Hieroglyphics (Granada Theater): Hip hop crew founded by Del Tha Funkee Homosapian in the early 90's makes an appearance at the Granada this evening. The group had a HUGE influence in late 90s underground rap circles, and you can hear this loud and clear in their music. You could maybe call this stuff a bridge between Tribe and Guru and later backpack heroes suck as Jurassic 5. Some of this stuff might sound a bit plain and watered down to today's hip hop audience, but shit is pretty solid.
Febrifuge CD Release Show with The Fuzzy Coos (Art 6): We'll have more on Denton's Febrifuge next week, but for now we can tell you that they'll be celebrating the release of the debut Febrifuge full length this evening. It's a pretty interesting CD too.
Beauty School Drop Out with The Fire Nation/Sticky Buns/Small Town Ruffians/Swamps of Sadness (Rubber Gloves): Last minute show put together by Promohomo that will apparently help him pay to go to Beauty School or something. Fuck Darfur man, THIS is charity.
Febrifuge CD Release Show with The Fuzzy Coos (Art 6): We'll have more on Denton's Febrifuge next week, but for now we can tell you that they'll be celebrating the release of the debut Febrifuge full length this evening. It's a pretty interesting CD too.
Beauty School Drop Out with The Fire Nation/Sticky Buns/Small Town Ruffians/Swamps of Sadness (Rubber Gloves): Last minute show put together by Promohomo that will apparently help him pay to go to Beauty School or something. Fuck Darfur man, THIS is charity.
Paper Jam feat. Schwa (Public Trust): This thing goes from 6-9pm and features a big sale of prints, some up to 40% off.
Brothers and Sisters/Faceless Werewolves/Bridges and Blinking Lights (Hailey's)
Time Bandits Party (Time Bandits): This party at one of Denton's quality botique stores (they focus on vintage fashion and a fantastic little vinyl collection) will feature free beer and vegan food, as well as 20% off clothes. Goes from 7-11 pm.
Brothers and Sisters/Faceless Werewolves/Bridges and Blinking Lights (Hailey's)
Time Bandits Party (Time Bandits): This party at one of Denton's quality botique stores (they focus on vintage fashion and a fantastic little vinyl collection) will feature free beer and vegan food, as well as 20% off clothes. Goes from 7-11 pm.
Nasher Sculpture Center Friday Night Films (Nasher): They'll be playing 80's classic Big this evening. The website is unclear as to when exactly it starts, but it says 6-11, and I'm guessing the movie will begin at sundown, right around 9pm.
Dub Assembly 2 Year Anniversary feat. Hatcha (Green Elephant): The highlight of the weekend for us here at WSJR HQ. As Mundo discussed in our interview with him today, Hatcha is one of the original English dubstep pioneers, and could probably be considered a visionary within the genre. He is often credited with compiling and releasing the very first dubstep compilation mix (Dubstep Allstarts Vol. 1), and was a major force at Big Apple records in London, which served as the epicenter of the movement at its inception. Not only that, he was a regular on the legendary London pirate radio station Rinse FM, as well as a resident at Club Forward >>, which is widely considered to be the first club in London to concentrate on the bass heavy dubstep sound. Basically, you couldn't have this music without this guy, and it's a real privilege to have him here in town.
Marked Men/Birthday Suits/Wax Museums/Bad Sports (Rubber Gloves):If you've ever wanted to see the Marked Men, definitely make it out, as this is their last show for two years and it could even be longer than that due to guitarist and singer Jeff Burke's move to Japan. Arguably Denton's most successful punk export besides The Riverboat Gamblers, The Marked Men have made quite an impact with the diehard garage extremists that swear by distorted barre chords and two minute sing-alongs while absolutely hating everything else. That's somewhat of an exaggeration but the proud mood will be elevated, and this is the perfect lineup to send The Marked Men out on a locally supportive high note.
L'Antietam/Pools/Mako/Sinister Ghost (1919 Hemphill)
That's What's Hot (Fallout Lounge): After hearing a 20 minute Italo/synth pop/space disco/acid house mix from That's What's Hot like six months ago (it is not posted on their Myspace page), I've been wanting to hear more from these guys ever since. Tonight's free performance at Fallout is certainly one worth checking out, especially if you want to try dancing to something new-- which in this case is very rare old school dance tracks. No one else in DFW is doing quite the same thing these guys are.
Jerry Seinfeld (Fair Park Music Hall)
My Education/Zanzibar Snails/Hotel Hotel (Hailey's)
Animal House 2 with The Kul/Damaged Goods/Sydney Confirm/Uzoy/Rayne/Prince William/Fishr Pryce (Doublewide): Quality local hip hop heavy show this evening featuring several of our favorites, including Prince William and Damaged Goods, who contributed an excellent track to our most recent Projection Compilation. Sydney Confirm's dance oriented electro pop and The Kul's fairly straight forward dance rock add a bit of spice to the mix. The Kul is pretty heavy on cheese and recycled riffs, but shit, this show is solid pretty much all the way through.
Dallas Observer Music Awards (Various locations, Greenville Ave.): Well, the one thing the Observer might have done right is selling all access passes that get you into all the showcases. This will help make it easy to catch the scattered few quality acts while helping patrons avoid sitting through one of these horribly planned shows in full.
Dub Assembly 2 Year Anniversary feat. Hatcha (Green Elephant): The highlight of the weekend for us here at WSJR HQ. As Mundo discussed in our interview with him today, Hatcha is one of the original English dubstep pioneers, and could probably be considered a visionary within the genre. He is often credited with compiling and releasing the very first dubstep compilation mix (Dubstep Allstarts Vol. 1), and was a major force at Big Apple records in London, which served as the epicenter of the movement at its inception. Not only that, he was a regular on the legendary London pirate radio station Rinse FM, as well as a resident at Club Forward >>, which is widely considered to be the first club in London to concentrate on the bass heavy dubstep sound. Basically, you couldn't have this music without this guy, and it's a real privilege to have him here in town.
Marked Men/Birthday Suits/Wax Museums/Bad Sports (Rubber Gloves):If you've ever wanted to see the Marked Men, definitely make it out, as this is their last show for two years and it could even be longer than that due to guitarist and singer Jeff Burke's move to Japan. Arguably Denton's most successful punk export besides The Riverboat Gamblers, The Marked Men have made quite an impact with the diehard garage extremists that swear by distorted barre chords and two minute sing-alongs while absolutely hating everything else. That's somewhat of an exaggeration but the proud mood will be elevated, and this is the perfect lineup to send The Marked Men out on a locally supportive high note.
L'Antietam/Pools/Mako/Sinister Ghost (1919 Hemphill)
That's What's Hot (Fallout Lounge): After hearing a 20 minute Italo/synth pop/space disco/acid house mix from That's What's Hot like six months ago (it is not posted on their Myspace page), I've been wanting to hear more from these guys ever since. Tonight's free performance at Fallout is certainly one worth checking out, especially if you want to try dancing to something new-- which in this case is very rare old school dance tracks. No one else in DFW is doing quite the same thing these guys are.
Jerry Seinfeld (Fair Park Music Hall)
My Education/Zanzibar Snails/Hotel Hotel (Hailey's)
Animal House 2 with The Kul/Damaged Goods/Sydney Confirm/Uzoy/Rayne/Prince William/Fishr Pryce (Doublewide): Quality local hip hop heavy show this evening featuring several of our favorites, including Prince William and Damaged Goods, who contributed an excellent track to our most recent Projection Compilation. Sydney Confirm's dance oriented electro pop and The Kul's fairly straight forward dance rock add a bit of spice to the mix. The Kul is pretty heavy on cheese and recycled riffs, but shit, this show is solid pretty much all the way through.
Dallas Observer Music Awards (Various locations, Greenville Ave.): Well, the one thing the Observer might have done right is selling all access passes that get you into all the showcases. This will help make it easy to catch the scattered few quality acts while helping patrons avoid sitting through one of these horribly planned shows in full.
and even though you never come clean
you know it's true!
Lame Wang
why don't you guys post art shows here? did you know art is this weekend?
scroll down dipshit
why don't you guys post porn shows here? did you know potang is this weekend?
scroll down dipshit
You are all a bunch of neurotic, paranoid sociopaths. All of your opinions are veiled. You have no balls and no friends. Eat shit all of you.
sorry time bandits, i'm painting my apartment.
Let's all agree to ignore Kyle comments from now on. Starting.....now.
I don't think that is really Kyle.
why don't you guys post donky shows here? did you know freak donkey shit is happening this weekend in denton?
scroll down dipshit
is it the Night Game Cult donkey show? Kinky Kyle and the sexy stud?
I will not stop this until we shot jr is no more. I belive you paint a horrible picture of the north texas music scene, you promote sociopathy and urge people to hide hehind masks of anonymity instead of teaching them to be proud of who they are and what the have to say. I see no point to anonymous posting than to stir up the shitstorm/make life gererally more chaotic and promote overall trashtalking and vindictiveness. I suppose there is one more reason for anonymous posting and that is it(anonymous posting) paints us all the tricky picture that we shot jr is a "popular blog" with hundreds of posters/supporters, and therefore absolutely worthy of respect. But all these so called supporters ever do is trashtalk each other and pick on those who aren't on here, at the time, to defend themselves.
This blog is childish, ugly and sadly unbeknownst to most, dangerous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you can do some real damage to personal relationships on here by use of this "fill in the blanks with whichever name you choose" name column which precedes every comment box. So I urge you, the anons(no offense, but it's true) who run we shot jr, to end anonymous posting and help make north texas a place that outsiders can respect and admire; a place that us locals can be proud of. Thanks.
Fuck you.
Kyle, or whoever that is that is posting under "Kyle". Feel free to get over this at anytime. Sure there is some negativity here, but you should take it with a grain of salt. I'd rather have unfiltered opinions, than people pulling punches to save face.
By the way, you can choose to not click and read the comments.
Due to posts on this blog I was able to find a lot of bands that I've liked. I've found some that I didn't.
And remember that no one was talking shit about you before you decided to come here starting shit and outing SR(whether true or not). You bring up "hiding" as an anon, but SR could have easily chose to give his name for "cred" in the scene, but he didn't. There is two sides to that coin.
11:05 you don't know Kyle
not a word about Kyle is said on the DRC. EVER.
we had logins (not kenny)
parade of john
you could still keep the anonymous (maybe showing IPs)... but it would be nice to have real logins, to prevent 'fake posts'.
john of flesh
i am about to unleash some news onto this site that
will forever unite the north texas scene!
kyle is jesus christ
he is being beaten for his beliefs
so the first seal has been broken
i think all of you are taking blogs too seriously.
Why shouldn't blogs be taken seriously?
The Observer Showcases went really well.
Tons of people, good times.
RTB2 and Sean Kirkpatrick were both fantastic.
Why shouldn't blogs be taken anally?
weekend looked shitty. bummed i missed akkolyte. again. at least i watched some good movies
Dub Assembly was great. Quality sets from our hometown boys, and Hatcha was the shit. Good vibes and lots of bass all night.
i remember another time where the human race liked to refer to anonymous people as numbers.
it was called the holocaust.
lets just deal with the anonymity like big boys and girls shall we....
you know the nazis had pieces of flair that they used to make the jews wear.
whta what
anonymity is a tool of the minority to help fight those in the boring majority. it always has been, and always will be.
please don't relate even in jest the genocide of the holocaust to anonymous posting.
thanks, and FUCK OFF
Please suck the shit from my asshole, cliff notes. What a lame fucking name, dude. Cliffnotes... yeah, i'm Edge Scrawls. Fag.
kyle/s freaking hot!! I want to fuck his brains out
and yaah, this blog has had it
kyle is honesty and truth personified. He always signs off as himself whole all you asswipes hide in shame
Just drink up and get lost.
kyle is the only one of you who has honestly signed off as his true self
you just can't accept a guy who isn't afraid of being himself you dickless losers
Oooh...here's comes dicklessranger with a weak ass would be office space joke-quote-ripoff-bullshit line. fuck you, you fake anon piece of shit
I'm just glad someone acknowledged my joke!
my line wasn't in jest.
the numbers seered into my great-grandmothers flesh were quite unfunny.
wow the trolls wore out last night..
the marked men are the greatest band ever to exist ever, as long as you don't count anything joe meek ever did. a proud second then. great going away show.
No one says anything about Kyle on the DRC becuase why would anyone want to talk about a douche singing over a CD? Lame.
why do i get the feeling that "coleen" is kyle's tranny name-by-night?
i've never met a colleen in denton, or anyone in denton who'll still defend his crazy ass.
so you (if you're even a real person) are just as batshit/worthless as he is.
chip chip
1:16 - my sentiments exactly. Multiple posts, late at night (about midnight until two), stuck on the "honesty" of signing one's name, etc. So Kyle, who's integrity is compromised now? Posting under a woman's name is somehow better than posting anonymously? Either Canada is boring as fuck (which I know to be untrue), or Kyle can't make friends any better up there than in Denton. Surprising considering his sociopathic nature, isn't it?
Animal House 2 was good...decent turnout..highlight performances were from Uzoy, Sydney Confirm (blew my mind), and Damaged Good$. Dissappointed that Prince William wasnt able to make the show.
The owner was coked out and blamed the promoter because people got in without ids...and we all know thats the promoters job to check IDs right...buhahaha. Nonetheless cool event..
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
All anons are sociopaths. They are in fact the very definition of the word.
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