It List: Monday

Jay Reatard/Cheap Time/The Strange Boys (Club Dada): Jay Reatard is the current king of cartoonish garage punk, due to a decade's worth of hard work and relentlessly reinventing and refining his style through various groups. He has finally hit some significant pay dirt under his solo project and a series of seven inches leading up to a debut album for Matador Records. Even with a name like "Jay Reatard" and some truly boneheaded lyrics and titles, he always manages to avoid the truly annoying trappings of many lesser garage-o-philes. Speaking of another group that gets it right, why aren't Wax Museums playing this show?
Wealthy Whore Entertainment/Rival Gang/Swamps Of Sadness (Wisconsin): Wealthy Whore Entertainment is a bizarre mix of glam punk, decadent theatrical vocals, and...cello. Swamps Of Sadness is a distorted, poppy new duo I hadn't heard of before this show, and Rival Gang is as foul mouthed and confrontational as ever.
Let Down/Swamp Thing/Decades (House show: 8621 Tamar Trail in Fort Worth): Last minute house show for touring acts Let Down and Swamp Thing. Five dollar donation recommended.
Black Cobra/Broadcast Sea/Slough Feg (Rubber Gloves)
Cool Out (The Cavern)
hi, this is sal governale....
disqo disco @ cool out tonight.
stargazing after party in the middle of greenville ave to begin promptly afterward.
rival gang gets you hard, wet and fucked!!!!!!!!!!
that picture is in austin. surprising coming from such denton elitists.
im amazed how many people (or how much one anon) quotes the stern show.
i cannot remember where wisconsin is... texas st. right?
731 Texas St. More on Mingo. Used to be 8th Continent. HOORAY
Oooooooooooo matador. gerry must be so proud..
what time does Wealthy Whore go on?
G'day, mate!!
Pete Freedman is on the DC9 blog claiming Jay Reatard cancelled tonight at Dada due to inebriation. Anyone confirm/deny? I wasn't planning on going, but just in case someone here was, there ya go.
uh. that sucks. could be a farce?
Reatard is too reatarded to play tonight.
If we walk without rhythm, we won't attract the worm
The sleeper must awaken...
Blood Visions was Jay's debut album, the matador lp will be a follow up.
whatever he flaked tonight.
The Strange Boys are so full of shit. They have their heads so far up their own asses that their skin has become permanently dyed brown. Look at the lead singer's face! It's the color of his butthole.
And Rival Gang is FUCKING HORRIBLE. A great example of how weak the North Texas scene really is. Learn to play your instruments, morons.
2:16 hilarious but not in the way you intended
DUUUR.....No. That's EXACTLY the way I intended, idiot. Rival Gang is a shit band. Live in the now, fucktard. Just.....a horrible fucking band. Can't play for shit, can't even suck dick right. Absolutely goddamn horrible.
Eat shit, 2:17 am.
Since when did Rival Gang become representatives of instrument technical ability in the north texas music scene? I believe you have the wrong band for your report. It's like doing a report on how bad the fast food problem is in houston and going to a vegan restaurant and claiming there isn't a problem.
Denton needs a SHQ 2.
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs a SHQ 2
Denton needs cum slut banger venue.
hey, sloan, it's 3am. shouldn't you be pissing on the walls by now?
p.s. rival gang rulz
thanks and sorry to anyone who came out expecting to see jay.
john of flesh.
John - That is hilarious. Jay definitely came off as a dick onstage when I've seen him previously. Seemed like schtick to me, but apparantly it's not.
i have masturbated twice now. once for you, and once for me.
so apparently, jay reatard brought the nose, but, didn't bring the noise.
8:50 so are you saying it was a good thing i skiped it, and just spent 60 bucks(i didn't even get alcohol) watching batman at studio movie grill??
because yes the north texas music scene in order to become un horrible needs to be filled with technicians who can shred like John Mayer in order for the "scene" to be legitimate
then and only then will the NORTH TEXAS MUSIC SCENE become legit
yup, no technically solid musicians in north texas. i hear the unt college of music is just a shit school. or, wait...
2:27 is a fuckin jackass who cant argue for shit. Must be a jealous Austinite.
This argument will never be solved, so just get over it.
Like the bands you enjoy, whether they know how to play instruments or not.
To all readers: This is not a tickle-your-ears, politically correct post. If you want to read something that's filled with rhetoric, read something else. If you want the truth, then read this post. Let me cut to the chase: Denton Rock City will place power-hungry, blockish enemies of the people at the top of the social hierarchy because it possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses slimy, abominable present-day scenesters with savage and uncontrollable rage. Denton Rock City's personal attacks are becoming increasingly besotted. They have already begun to rewrite and reword much of Denton's music scene to favor their personal projects. Now fast-forward a few years to a time in which they have enabled Denton Rock City to compromise the things that define us, including integrity, justice, love, and sharing. If you don't want such a time to come then help me criticize Denton Rock City's taradiddles publicly for their formalistic categories, their spurious claims of neutrality, and their blindness to the abuse of private power. Help me shatter the adage that Denton Rock City holds a universal license that allows it to plunge the whole of the community into wars and chaos. I think I've dished it out to Denton Rock City as best as I can in this post.
Denton Rock City? More like Twang Hick Country boys. They comprise of only 5% of the scene in Denton.
Is the above 2:27 a member of the hick crew and denton rock city?
Its not even "Denton Rock City" anymore. Its some stupid country name now.
Denton Rock City is nothing but a intertube thing where people that are bored type crap. Its no revisionist thing. When Denton Rock City becomes a published text book about the music stuff around here, then you have a point. As of now? Its just a place where a bunch of people who are mostly in band and are bored type on the internet. The shit talking on there is MOSTLY a joke. Unless you recognise a "social hierarchy," there is no social hierarchy. Thanks buddy!
so drc is a "they" now?
what the helll.....
JC vs ellaminnow - round one. begin.
It has recently come to my attention that discourteous adversarialism and Ella Minnow's blanket statements are one and the same. As I elaborate on that concept throughout this letter I will use only simple words and language so that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that I must ask that Ella Minnow's surrogates stop the Huns at the gate. I know they'll never do that so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to give people a new and largely artificial basis for evaluating things and making decisions. Now that this post has come to an end, I unequivocally hope you walk away from it realizing that objective consideration of Ella Minnow's domineering claims compels the conclusion that Ella Minnow should take a step back and look at everything from a different perspective.
I take issue with some of JC's inveracities. As a preliminary, I want to stop this insanity. When I say that I get concerned when I see JC create some ageism-oriented, pseudo-psychological profile of me to discredit my opinions, I consider this to mean that some unregenerate imbeciles are actually considering helping him deny the obvious. How quickly such people forget that they were lied to, made fun of, and ridiculed by JC on numerous occasions. Let me conclude by saying that we who want to present another paradigm in opposition to JC's impractical hypnopompic insights will not rest until we do.
I take issue with some of JC's inveracities. As a preliminary, I want to stop this insanity. When I say that I get concerned when I see JC create some ageism-oriented, pseudo-psychological profile of me to discredit my opinions, I consider this to mean that some unregenerate imbeciles are actually considering helping him deny the obvious. How quickly such people forget that they were lied to, made fun of, and ridiculed by JC on numerous occasions. Let me conclude by saying that we who want to present another paradigm in opposition to JC's impractical hypnopompic insights will not rest until we do.
ok rival gang rules
This site becomes less and less relevant every second.
I'll get right to the point. We Shot JR would love to see me wander around in a quagmire of self-pity and depression. Permit me this forum to rant. I deeply believe that it's within our grasp to recognize and respect the opinions, practices, and behavior of others. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this post will center around the way that I want you to know that I'm not sure whether to classify its epithets under "paranoia" or "ignorance". Knowing, as they say, is half the battle. What remains is to detail the specific steps and objectives needed to thwart We Shot JR's indelicate little schemes. To close, let me accentuate that if we improve the scene we shall not only survive We Shot JR's attacks; we shall prevail.
God damn I hate fucking musicians more and more every day.
When assessing Musicians's tracts, one need not resort to vicious name-calling or opprobrious epithets. One need only present the facts. One of the first facts we should face is that Musicians deeply believe that the rest of us are an inferior group of people, fit only to be enslaved, beaten, and butchered at the whim of our betters. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: If a cogent, logical argument entered a Musicians's brain, no doubt a concussion would result. Whenever someone tells Musicians not to inject their lethal poison into our children's minds and souls, Musicians gets all teary-eyed. My, my; how sad. My heart bleeds for them; it really does. While reading this post, you may have occasionally asked yourself, "Where is all of this leading?" and, "What is the point exactly?" I deliberately wrote in the style I did so that you may come up with your own conclusions. Therefore, I leave you with only the following: Letting Musicians test another formula for silencing serious opposition is tantamount to cutting your own wrist with a razor blade.
When assessing Musicians's tracts, one need not resort to vicious name-calling or opprobrious epithets. One need only present the facts. One of the first facts we should face is that Musicians deeply believe that the rest of us are an inferior group of people, fit only to be enslaved, beaten, and butchered at the whim of our betters. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: If a cogent, logical argument entered a Musicians's brain, no doubt a concussion would result. Whenever someone tells Musicians not to inject their lethal poison into our children's minds and souls, Musicians gets all teary-eyed. My, my; how sad. My heart bleeds for them; it really does. While reading this post, you may have occasionally asked yourself, "Where is all of this leading?" and, "What is the point exactly?" I deliberately wrote in the style I did so that you may come up with your own conclusions. Therefore, I leave you with only the following: Letting Musicians test another formula for silencing serious opposition is tantamount to cutting your own wrist with a razor blade.
so someone's taking old school propaganda (cold war or wold war II, communist revolution-can't tell) and replacing the keywords with local musicians or entities. Funny for one post, maybe.
Eh, its more funny than what usually goes on at WSJR.
..... and a LOT more thought provoking.
What I offer here is an involved yet detached look at 2:00 pm's protests. Perhaps time, further study, and more reflection will either modify or enrich the analysis offered here, but there is nothing more tragic than to find a decent, honest person who's been misled by 2:00 pm's sinister pronouncements. Here's my side of the story: I'm not writing these posts for your entertainment. I'm not even writing them for your education. I'm writing them for our very survival. In closing, 2:00 pm is dead set on defending his position against what I have to say, regardless of what I have to say.
I think it is bullshit to get grief for not tipping a dollar when all your snotty bartender ass did was grab me a lonestar from the fridge.
both the 2:30's have a great point
Musicians are stupid,Communism is good,GIVE UP!
do baish v virden !!!!
virden exploded his internet self.
Although, ultimately, you will need to make up your own mind about BAISH, I have a number of things to say that you may find useful. To begin with, BAISH's attempts to hurt people's feelings are much worse than mere fogyism. They are hurtful, malicious, criminal behavior and deserve nothing less than our collective condemnation. Everything I've written in this letter amounts to this: BAISH's orations reflect an unregenerate bias that will put an invidious, inconsiderate spin on important issues by the end of the decade.
I have had enough of Virden! As this letter will make clear, Virden's thesis is that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate. That's absolutely tasteless, you say? Good; that means you're finally catching on. The next step is to observe that Virden seems unable to think of turns of speech that aren't hackneyed. What really grates on my nerves, however, is that his prose consists less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning than of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse. I would like to end on a heartfelt note. I clearly don't want my community tainted with such blatant Virdenisms.
Dance Party this Saturday
Sons of Hermann Hall
Internet assholes, stay home and blog about it.
Denton Rock City has come to stand for a belief in the superiority of an Aryan race, an abstraction of the Germanic peoples. During Josh T. Pearson time, the DRC's advocated a strong, centralized government under the Virden and claimed to defend Denton and the Smug Musician people (including those of Germanic ethnicity abroad) against Communism and so-called Jewish subversion. Ultimately, the DRC's sought to create a largely homogeneous and autarkic ethnic state, absorbing the ideas of Pan-Dentonism.
move over PDX: this is the new hip place to move!...
If you like to drink heavily, blow mounds of cocaine, have more money than you know what to do with, and never have to work again, then Bluefields Island might be for you!
this joke is over the heads of the plebians that frequent this blog. All hail the party of the people.
The comments on this blog are almost to the stature of Youtube's. Congrats, guys!
whens the next ad dave v show?
blufields islands ahoy!
Get ready, Heather.Scissorhands; here comes the truth train! Let me preface my discussion by quickly reasserting a familiar theme of my previous letters: I, for one, cannot compromise with Heather.Scissorhands; she is without principles. I cannot reason with her; she is without reason. But I can warn her and with a warning she must unquestionably take to heart: I am not trying to save the world -- I gave up that pursuit a long time ago. But I am trying to oppose our human vices wherever they may be found -- arrogance, hatred, jealousy, unfaithfulness, avarice, and so on. Let me conclude by stating that I proudly adopt this stand. You can quote me on that.
Rage Against the Machine
Nine Inch Nails
Kanye West
The Raconteurs
Louis XIV
Love and Rockets
Gnarls Barkley
Bloc Party
The Black Keys
Broken Social Scene
Lupe Fiasco
Flogging Molly
Mark Ronson
Cat Power
The National
G. Love & Special Sauce
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Explosions in the Sky
Brand New
Gogol Bordello
Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
Dierks Bentley
Okkervil River
Amadou & Mariam
Blues Traveler
John Butler Trio
Girl Talk
Your Vegas
Eli “Paperboy” Reed & the True Loves
Steel Train
Jamie Lidell
Bang Camaro
Butch Walker
The Blakes
Mates of State
Tally Hall
Spank Rock
White Lies
Brazilian Girls
Magic Wands
Electric Touch
The Kills
The Postelles
Rogue Wave
The Parlor Mob
The Go! Team
Bald Eagle
Mason Jennings
The Gutter Twins
Ha Ha Tonka
Grizzly Bear
We Go To 11
Sofia Talvik
The Weakerthans
Booka Shade
Black Kids
Black Lips
Dr. Dog
Nicole Atkins & the Sea
The Ting Tings
Kid Sister
The Cool Kids
What Made Milwaukee Famous
Does It Offend You, Yeah?
The Whigs
Manchester Orchestra
The Octopus Project
Cadence Weapon
De Novo Dahl
Noah and the Whale
Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s
Serena Ryder
Newton Faulkner
scarlett johansson > this post > tom waits
screeching weasel > jay retard
acid > mein kampf > tom waits > club dada > douche nozzles > dude bros > jay reatard > mt righteous
Post of the day!
that post of the day was an imposter!
sorry, didn't realize anyone owned the rights to anonymous comparisons.
and sr, that's the 2nd time in a week you've bestowed this honor on my musings. it's nice to be appreciated.
i dont get it
Scoresman, is about meeting girls, hes about meetin guys, hes about gettin DRUNK, MOTHERFUCKERS.
me gusta ayudarme!
I'd like to see Chromeo @ Lollapalooza, but thats all.
One year at Lollapalooza, Beastie Boys (with the assistance of Billy Corgan) challenged Guided By Voices to a basket ball game. GBV won. Isn't that a nice story?
snickelfritz>sadomastodon>boneriffic slamdunk canasta
I went to lolla, and that shit was fun. I'd rather see a bunch of mainstream stuff together at once, instead of $30-60 a pop when they run through town. Plus I grew up in Chicago, so I go back as often as possible.
rival gang knows how to give good head to those that deserve it
We've seen various squabbles in the comments sections concerning whether or not Silk Stocking will be playing this show, so for now, we're just going to assume that they aren't. But in more important news, Kyle Cheatham's Night Game Cult comes back to town sounding just as insane as ever but probably a bit more ahead of its time than many people gave the guy credit for when he was here. Seeing artists like John Maus, Kelley Polar, Strategy, Jeremy Jay and others blow up around blog land over the past year really makes me thing that Night Game Cult could have enjoyed some of the same success if it weren't for the fact that his music is, in many ways, quite a bit more daring than that of the aforementioned artists. Not to say that Night Game sounds much like Strategy or anything, but part of that same ingredient is present-- you know, the one where it is ok to take Pet Shop Boys and Naked Eyes seriously. Night Game adds a twisted lyrical innocence and an unbalanced outlook that is particularly nervous, especially in a live setting. The respected Matin Iles will also be doing some rather interesting video work for this show. Apparently he and Mr. Cheatham have been working together to prepare a video presentation designed to match every song in tonight's Night Game set. Based on some of Iles' previous work, I'm excited to see this.
SR, please don't bother to mention this over-zealous shithead EVER again, even if he did cut the head off a kid on a bus and eat it.
thank you.
Know this:
None of you are my friends. None of you. I know who my friends are because they have names. As far as i'm concerned all of you masked weshotjr assholes are my enemies. All of you. I hate you and I hate everything you stand for, and I know for certain that when I come back to Denton(and I will, pussies) that all of you heartless creeps will do the same thing you did to me when I came down a few months ago...nothing. And I will hang out and laugh my fucking ass off with my real frinds, getting stoned and drunk and having the time of my fucking life. "I'll have a double Maker's, thanks! Whoohoo!!" You know you're all cowards, don't you? Surely you know that, anonymous. You're so fucking weak. You know that your state...your country is so fucked in the head, yet you stay there sucking on Bush's fat, wrinkly dick. You've been ruled by Bush for 12-16(i'm not sure..was he governor for 2 terms as well?!!)'re so fucking deluded!! Don't you want to lynch your parents for voting for the fool? Then do it, pussies!! You're all so fooled. You're the weak and i'm the strong. I had the balls to do what was right, to leave your fucked up country and fall in love. I suggest this to you right now: Leave it all and find true love. Leave the clique and find true love. Leave the scene and find true love. Leave your fucking country and find true love, for god's sakes! And really, leave your "art" and find true love. Jesus. I came to Canada for love, and I know nobody can do me no harm because of it. I am in love with my girlfriend. And there is no love on weshotjr. Zero. Nada. Nunca. You know what, my girlfriend means more to me than you, anonymous. She means more to me than your ugly, violence ridden fucked up country. More to me than your pathetic scene. Fuck all of you masked, hateful creeps. None of you mean shit to me because you're all just ghosts; nameless spectres in the dark. Be my friend, tell me your fucking name for the sake of friendship, man. Come on and be there for your generation. Seriously. Quit fucking around and be serious. I have been shelling out positivity for years...just listen to the words of my songs people!! All they are preaching is community and friendship and that you aren't alone in this maelstrom...that we can change the world for the better if we just try and help each other. I am begging my community and the kids I believe in very much to fucking try and connect with each other. How can any of you stand not knowing each other's names as you namelessly talk utter shit to each other day in and out? What the fuck is going on here?!! This blog is so fucking ugly it's scary. Well, dammit, I am chasing the light, assholes! Goddamn you for ridiculing me for my past wrongs, pretending to be me; whatever the fuck your diabolical minds have to do to try and hurt me. I reflect all of you back at yourselves. Don't you see that? Dammit, i'm trying to destroy this blog because I love all of you! Don't you understand that? Is is all just shittalking? If you haven't fucking noticed, none of my commens are directed at a singular person because I know how embarrassing and cruel that would be, to verbally assualt someone so much as to make them a spectacle for all to see. Be with me now or leave me forever.
And fuck paragraphs.
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