Weedeater/Little Big Horn/Blood of the Sun/Lychgate/Turbid North (Rubber Gloves): So, lets play a little game. Only those who have never heard Weedeater are allowed to play. What do you think a band called Weedeater signed to Southern Lord might sound like? If you guessed Sabbath stoner rock riffs the size of fucking boulders, then you're correct! You win a free package of
Azo to help you pass your upcoming Papa John's drug test with flying colors. Anyway, my little guessing game wasn't mean to be a diss, because really, whether or not they sound like other stoner rock groups doesn't really matter to anyone who would go to this show, right? And furthermore, Weedeater really does this stuff better than the vast majority of bands that cling to the aforementioned genre-- their rough edges and raw power come through quite well on their Myspace page for Christ's sake, so I can't imagine what this will be like live. Pretty weird line up otherwise-- Fort Worth's Blood of the Sun sound like some weird combo of Foghat, the Oak Ridge Boys, and 80's hair metal, and somehow, it doesn't bother me at all. I have no idea why. And although Weedeater will certainly be powerful this evening, I wouldn't be surprised if Denton's Lychgate came off as by far the most frightening and interesting band of the evening-- their harsh noise performance at Wisconsin a few weeks back absolutely killed. I wonder what the male/female ratio will be at this thing tonight?
TOP NOTCH with Sober/Rerog (The Lounge): This is the beginning of a new weekly residency a the Lounge, the new venue that has opened in the space formerly occupied by Darkside Lounge. Sober will be heading Top Notch up each week and will usually add a special guest-- this week you'll be treated to Rerog, a guy who has been DJing in the area for quite some time, most notably with DJ Nature at Rubber Gloves back in 1998 and 99, when Rubber Gloves was BYOB. Those were the days, huh? Wait, what am I talking about? I bet a lot of you couldn't even read back then. Anyway, Rerog will be spinning a lot of 90's west coast and dirty south type of stuff, and he even remarked in his
interview over at Central Booking that he's looking forward to playing Keak da Sneak this evening, which is weird since I was actually listening to Keak da Sneak when I read that. Totally trippin's balls, man! Anyway, as we've said in the past, the Lounge occupies a somewhat awkward but somehow comfortable space, and if they can actually get people to party in Deep Ellum for a night, this will be a lot of fun.
80's Night with DJ G (Hailey's)
weedeater..oh yas!
party all night long!
you forgot Huey Lewis!
Id like to know about the late 70's (and possibly early 80's?... no?) Orange County to the Dallas suburbs similarities of today.
Lots of Republicans.
Lots and lots of Republicans.
ive been out of town. good to see nothing is going on here.
why would there be?
i just listened to weedeater... i cant understand why they need all those band members to sound like that.
lol no shit 7:02.
lol no shit 7:02.
they are (or were) a three piece
to hull n back ...hull england i guess
acoustic git n fx
songs are depressing//powerful as fuck
he makes some good//bad musician jokes on track 3
Josh T Pearson live album:
"What's the difference between a musician and a large pizza??"
'A large pizza can feed a family of four'
"What's the difference between a drum machine and a drummer??"
'You only have to punch a drum machine once to get it to play what you want it to'
my review: lame and possibly will induce 5 pg nostalgic thread about said dentone legend
Chad (from strawberry fields) i need another mix comp from you. Hook it up!
the stonedranger voted for g.w. Bush. And u bloggers should be hung. This is the worst blog in the country. Makes Dallas look terrible cuz we have a bunch of bitches hiding behind a keyboard expressing views that are so jaded it makes wish lived in waco. Sad sad sad
I can't wait for the day these assholes DIE!!! Dec.21.2012. Fuck anonymous whores
I can't wait for the day these assholes DIE!!! Dec.21.2012. Fuck anonymous whores
Nerds stay out of Deep Ellum.
Also: No Cokeheads.
dude brahs stay out of greenville. yeh right like that will ever happen.
I'd rather deal with nerds than deal with dude brahs.
How did you know? I DO hate good music!
Papa Johns doesn't drug test.
i hate even better music then stonedranger hates
yeah, you hate the toadies, right?
Lychgate destroyed!!
dont hate on prison mike's favorite band!
tim and mike, sittin' in a bunk, F-U-N-K, funk funk funk...
dood, the toadies are great but not even in my top ten.
Big Black
Scratch Acid
Buck Pets
Sonic Youth
Pleasure Club
Dinsouar Jr.
Don't be like me. I rob. And I stole. And I kidnapped the president's son...
The Dork Town Strutters can swab my coin purse.
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