House by House Fest Line Up Announced

Wed. March 18th 7PM
@ Bunker Hill
Box Elders/The Weakends/Frustrations/Bass Drum Of Death/Outer Spacists
Tues. March 17th 7 PM
@ 715 Panhandle
WAVVES/AbeVigoda/Fergus & Geronimo/Fungi Girls
Tuesday March 17th 11 PM
@ 818 Hickory St.
Psychedelic Horseshit/Thomas Function/Yuppies/Lover!
Mon. March 16th 7 PM
@ J and J's Pizza
Magic Lantern/Pocahaunted/Robedoor
Mon. March 16th
@ Bunker Hill
Lil Daggers/Deserter/ + TBA
Mon. March 16th
@ Muscle Beach
Viking Moses!/Pictish Trail/Golden Ghost/Rozi Plain
Sun. 15th
@ 818 Hickory
UH-OH + TBA, +1, etc.
Sat. March 14th 8PM
@ Muscle Beach
The Shivers/Weird Weeds/Shiny Around The Edges/Champagne Kickoff
The houses ask that you please donate $5 per show. Seems like a pretty good deal to me. We'll have more on this soon, but something tells me you better get to that Panhandle show pretty damn early....
this will be too great
i shouldn't have turned down playing that show at jnj's.
nom. nom.
i cannot wait to see fungi girls!!!!!!
yeah, right.
Terrible Two's- badass
Terrible Two's- badass
Magic Lantern, Pocahaunted, Robedoor, also Zanzibar Snails, Monday March 16
thank ye,
-|zs|- & the Mayyrh corporation
nah Ghostcar > Swirve
but both are real good
Don't forget about Porch X Porch Mess at NX35E.
swirve > ghostcar
most definitely.
nope. definitely.
how come you guys rejected my show on the calendar??
because you suck ass
All of you are pansy bitches. Your music is WEAK. It's pussy music. Vagina grooves.
yea fool you suck... where you from david corti?
you spell it wrong
dallas' mountain house has a pretty sick line-up too...
i heard phosphorescent is playing. how the hell does that happen?
sodium hexametaphosphate.
tool playing at dans
no wayyyy dudes. you should TTLY pay $60 to see local bands at denton clubs where you have to pay bar prices for drinks that week.
Two words:
Human Eye and Box Elders! (when are the Eye guys playing?)
Two words:
Human Eye, Thomas Function, and Box Elders! (when are the Eye guys playing?)
Polack, the wednesday show with Human Eye and Terrible Twos is still being worked out, what's likely to happen is we're going to split the 18th show with 818 Hickory. We'd put it up, but there is a slight possibility the guys from Hickory will be in Austin(pfft) since SXSW dick people out of a schedule until the last minute.
I think I am banned to the DIY nation because I haven't heard back about my very early and prompt NX35 Volunteer application with good experience throwing festivals and music art nights. Uhhhhhhhh... uhh........ Stranger in a Strange Land?
And by banned I think I mean exiled.
Exiled on Austin Street, Denton, TX.
I have a real easy guide to living, Sloan:
Don't be an out of control, disrespectful, trespassing, violent, vandalizing dickhead and you don't get banned from people's houses/anywhere.
every diy situation needs some sloanaide
sloan does non of these things, seriously. he's one of the coolest motherfuckers in dfw. go live your conservative ideals douchebag
sloan does all these things. seriously. go back to lampasas tx
oh, give me a fucking break. I'm the most law abiding person in the world, but I think sloan is great. lighten up.
when sloan isn't drinking, he's a nice dude. but i can't remember the last time he wasn't piss-drunk, shitting himself and chopping off fingers.
wanna see a swivel chair be thrown into a ceiling fan? wanna see a couch be thrown thru a kitchen window? wanna have diarrhea splattered all over your girlfriend by a fall-down drunk weilding a
shit-covered plunger?
if you have ever witnessed sloan doing this shit, it may be admittedly amusing--BUT! inviting sloan into your home would be like inviting an army of drunk, schizophrenic seven year olds with home-made weapons and leaky colostomy bags.
1:35 post of the day!
Sloan 11:06am: "I think I am banned...Stranger in a Strand Land?"
But isn't that sort of what you want?
people like sloan make the world interesting.
Sloan is boring. Every college town has a Sloan. Big deal.
oh little denton, no one cares.
you'd be surprised.
I think sloan's biggest problem is he has nothing, so doesn't have the value of respect for others and their things.
Or it could be the shit load of drugs?
oh but hey, you don't want to sound materialistic man. things are just things, remember. It's just money, it's not real. ....those fucking ladybugs all over the corner of my eye.... whoa man, that shit is real.
producte of ADD. yes every city has them.
1:31 is greatness. that is all.
sloan sucks
i played a show in denton and he made it shit
he yelled out racial slurs during geisheistler
and was all around annoying
and also he had blood on his face and a knife
hooray for us! thats why all you lame asses cant hang
"the sloan whisperer"
dallas have a sloan?
which 1:31?
tinny abrasive rock music. shreddin' man!
sloan is the only sloan, thers much more versions of people like you than all the people you bash
Okay, right... Every four years in Denton a new Sloan walks around, growing up, spreading his weirdo wings, and thinking he's the craziest thing in Texas. Most likely you goobers feel the way you do about Sloan because your young and you haven't experienced enough college cookie cutter wackiness to know any better. Seriously, pretending to be crazy in a college town goes with the territory... while your at it, spend a few years dressing up like Hunter S. Thompson too... or maybe if your lucky you actually develop full-blown scihzophrenia (your at that age), then people will have sincere sympathy for you, and you'll have an excuse for smelling like two-week-old guac.
I'm not young. I'm probably your age or older.
Acting crazy=crazy. What's the difference.
You sound like a boring fuck. You probably dress like one of the two guys in those Macintosh Ads. You're boring. Fuck you.
People just try too hard sometimes to be cool and noticed. Its fuckin lame. If you're pretending to be weird without naturally being soo you can be spotted. Its not hard. Watch your back. Either be natural or be plastic. It's all about being natural and not acting.
"watch your back"? are you the fucking WEIRD PATROL?
yes denton weird patrol. try me bitch.
"Lincoln was a fag!" - Sloan the Texas Brawler
Wiat, is Sloan the moron who dresses like Hunter S. Thompson? I almost kicked that guy's ass.
great line-up, think it sucks that it breaks from tradition of the best day parties and makes people pay. blah.
I wish I could participate with stuff this weekend but I got too much pussy to lick. Oh BTW, I'm an alkie not a druggie, douchebags.
"watch what I can do!"
damn. i wish i was as popular as sloan. i think i must get too stoned at house shows /parties to make an impression.
There wouldn't be a great line up if people didn't have to pay. All of the money goes to the touring bands for gas/food. If you're not down with that then go to "the best day parties". Or go organize your own festival free festival, let people trash your house and then do not pay the bands. Retarded.
There wouldn't be a great line up if people didn't have to pay. All of the money goes to the touring bands for gas/food. If you're not down with that then go to "the best day parties". Or go organize your own festival free festival, let people trash your house and then do not pay the bands. Retarded.
so wait sloan is playin... cool
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