Our New Show Calendar
Next, even though we don't plan to change the content of the It Lists all that much, we do feel that it might be important to give you guys a more comprehensive look at upcoming shows, including shows that will occur a few weeks in advance, without having to write about all of them. Furthermore, we receive dozens of email and Myspace messages every week from people telling us about their shows, and unfortunately, we sometimes overlook these messages completely by accident, resulting in shows being left off our lists, and occasionally, a few hurt feelings to go along with it :-(. So we wanted to do something that would help us with both of these issues, which is why we are introducing the We Shot J.R. Show Calendar.
If you click on the link above, you'll find the simple beginnings of what the show calendar will become. We'll be adding all different kinds of shows to this list in the next few days, including some of the bigger shows that might be happening months down the road. The show list features all the usual show info you'll find in other places (time, place, cover, venue, bands, etc.), as well as links to bands' Myspace pages and venue websites (all of this will develop over the next few days, so please be patient). And perhaps the best part, especially for bands, booking agents and venue operators, is the "add show" feature in the top left corner of the calendar-- you can click on that and submit information about an upcoming show of your choice using a very simple form-- there's even a space for you to include a line up list with hotlinks to Myspace pages, and you'll also be able to describe the bands, copy and paste short press releases, and share any other information you'd like to provide about the show in the "description" section. As long as your information is legit, we'll add the show to the calendar without considering whether or not we personally like the bands involved. If it's a real show, we'll add it to our calendar ASAP. This doesn't mean we'll talk about everything on the calendar in the It Lists, but the information will be there for all to see in that section.
Essentially, this will be the best way to alert our staff about an upcoming show, and it will also be a great resource for readers too. Give it a try... we think you'll like it.
And PS-- if you have any technical problems, please email richardsonheights@weshotjr.com to let us know. We'd also like to thank RH for all the hard work and long hours spent making this thing a reality.
is it because of ntxshowlist.com ?
i wish u guys had done this a long time ago, but good job anyway
@ exploding house feb21st
yes, the calendar is a great idea~
ntxshowlist.com is better
this is great!
I think ntxshowlist is good but it's also nice for readers of weshotjr to be able to check out information right on the site. Also-- it gives a bit more detail for bands to input their info.
Both are valid resources.
i didnt see the cool out for next monday on there. is the cool out cancelled? oh my god,oh my god, oh my gooooood. whatm i gonna dooo.
I think this is hilarious. You guys have no imagination do you?
As usual.. Dallas is 5(maybe 10 in this case) years behind everywhere else.
well this is cool for the 6 or so people who rely on this site for actual information, since they couldn't find the other obvious more objective sources.
i like how people always have something shitty to say. no matter how trivial. sad.
Good job. Good idea.
as per usual
i love the fact that people constantly talk about how only six people use this blog. if it's more, who cares? What are you so afraid of?
I know at least seven people who use this blog. I enjoy the new calendar.
I know at least seven people who use this blog. I enjoy the new calendar.
ha. you guys are like pepsi.
the seven people who will use the calendar are well worth the effort.
I don't even know 7 people who read this website... I know like, 4 maybe.
make that 8
Gutterth or whatever they are called got you scared?
is this a case of gutterth influencing weshot jr? i don't see the fine print.
i mean lameson are you 2 of the 7 people?
Gutterh has always been a HUGE influence on us, duh.
i'll probably only use this if you guys still do all the snarky remarks about the bands
your list sucks balls dude
We'll keep doing everything we've always done, don't worry!
wow yeah oh goody giggle giggle there is so much to enjoy enjoy oh enjoyous calendaritis
Michael from gutterth is probably devistated
ill come back if i cant think of any "snarky" remarks of my own, and thats gonna be rare. im thinking vapor.
that was a quik re ak shun...
i take back all o that stuff i said bout ntxshowlist being the end.
but until u get smell-o-vision like that other local music blog then u'll still b number 2 n my book.
the calendar is awesome.
keep up the good work.
who cares if the idea isn't original.
have you thought about perhaps putting some kind of star or something next to the shows ya'll recommend as opposed to only listing them in the 'It List'?
oh, and i can think of at least 4 other people that read this blog, and i doubt more than two of them are overlaps with Mr. Giggles.
so that brings us up to what?
about 10 people that read this blog.
and lets not forget the assholes in austin and portland that think their city's music scene is the mecca of all music scenes.
believe people get their music info from a dude who looks like a young Santa Claus
weshotjr is different. ntxshowlist is a love thing. And you should give ntxshowlist props for inspiring your change. or for doing first what you've been thinking about doing for a while.
I hope the people you get your music info from look like paris hilton becuz that's HAWT. People who know about music should be ssooooo hot.
test post to trigger new comment time stamps
bitchin'. it worked. comments now have time stamps! as do new blog posts. i love you.
it would be nice if the time zone were CST, wouldn't it?
Nice job ripping off people who don't get their jollies by tearing people down
I appreciate weshotjr. I hope all the bad comments and negative criticism in the comment sections doesn't get you down about what you are doing Collin. People do appreciate this blog. Please never go away. Keep rollin.
I appreciate the drama going on over there in that above thread address used in the name box.
electric vengeance
division of power
rocket for ethiopia
@ exploding house sat feb 21
okay im ready for the it list wednesday
ok... first off, different people go to different places to find different information. if people want a list of who is playing where, they go to the Observer or the newspaper. If they wanna see people talk shit about each other, they come here.
i think the fact you're inching closer and closer to the observer's territory says something. ready to ditch the parasitic teenagers and idiots who poison this blog every day? you could start by deleting all the posts that announce ridiculous shows that aren't happening... you know, the stupid shit like "Tool at Dan's Silverleaf".
Until that stuff is gone, I wouldn't expect that anybody is gonna believe WS Junior as a source of valid info.
i dont really give a fuck unlike 1:33 as long as i can call him a douchebag anonymously
Well thanks for the advice, Mr. Helper. The fact is that all of our actual posts, aka It lists, reviews, etc. are ALWAYS based on facts, when appropriate, and almost never contain incorrect information. The show calendar will contain the same level of accuracy.
yeh the tool listings are ONLY in the comment sections. Why those lines are being blurred by 1:33 is beyond me. Someone should get a checkup.
with that being said Tool is playing at Dans this saturday.
you're such a sweety colin, thanks for clearing that up!
You're welcome pumpkin.
hey 1:28PM - be a sweetie and use the "Add Show" button the calendar if you want to add a show. this is all like Web 2.0 and shit.
sexy sexy
the calender is great! much needed.
I really have been wondering if people really think this blog is titled We Shot Junior? I have always assumed it's a play on the show Dallas and am constantly surprised that people don't pick up on that. I know there was the video made by whoeverthefuck...about we shot junior....but is the joke on me or what?
dont be mad cause electric vengeance is the best band on earth
i just picked up an observer for the first time in two years yesterday.
i needed packing paper to move out of denton...
the observer fucking sucks, by the way. i am shocked anyone could possibly compare that clueless, "last-to-know" press to what is, in not only my own opinion, but my peers as well, the most solid source for upcoming shows and new music in the area (wsjr).
wsjr, you fucking rule. the people that hate wsjr are the ones that never leave the house and couldn't care less about seeing shows, and find it easier to judge from their dark rooms through the window of the internet.
yes, 205, the joke is on you.
According the people who own JR's in Oak Lawn, you guys had better hope the name of this blog is "We Shot Junior" and not "We Shot JR"... especially if you aren't deleting the comments which demean or verbally assault the homosexual community here.
You're just asking for it. These guys might put you on the map after all - and it won't be in a way that you will enjoy. So, yeah. Best of luck with that.
Oh, and Quick has a more comprehensive and accurate show list than either your blog, or the Dallas Observer... that must hurt.
2:14, aren't you judging people on the internet IN YOUR COMMENT ABOUT HOW THAT SUCKS OHHHH
scoff is filming a short movie about DFW and it's coming out tonight!! they are everywhere with a camera i saw them filming @ exploding house sunday
Thank you for all the hard work in putting this together
do people realise Stoned Ranger wrote for the Observer briefly a few years ago?
I bet that's why he so pissy about them.
Or maybe they didn't tell him about Dorito dust in his beard or something once
mmm..... a refreshing douchebag.
how nice.
2:34 - call me crazy, but I highly doubt "the people who own JR's in Oak Lawn" somehow own and control all references to a TV show from the 80's. And how long have you been reading the comments sections here? People post demeaning comments about everyone and everything under the sun, there's no specific targeting of the homosexual community.
do people realise that i have a fake name and I'm attacking someone else with a fake name and you have no idea who i am so you should trust what I say
because I'm a reliable source
and I'm one of many people who have failed miserably to take this blog down
and i'm a pussy that cries alone at night
and i'm doomed to the same irrelevant fate as the rest of them.
i think the writing on this blog has been more gay-friendly and shed more light on gay artists than any other piece of shit media around here.
2:34.....what planet have you been on? JR's has NOTHING to do with the name We Shot JR
but hey, thanks for proving that the joke wasn't on me. it was actually on you!
JR' started in 1969. That was a little before the TV Show.
yeah but the WELL KNOWN catch phrase, "who shot JR" began in 1980
it doesn't matter if the name came from "Dallas", "Hee Haw" or a gay lube ad. it doesn't matter if everybody gets shredded here, and it doesn't matter if the majority of the comments are "gay friendly" (which we all know they aren't, but whatever...)
all that matters is that these guys own a copyright, they were here before you were, and there exists the possibility that they feel threatened by the commenters on your blog promoting animosity towards their clientele.
the opportunity to make and prove your case will happen in a court of law, not on the comments section of this blog.
who knows? maybe they will finally put you on the radar.
so did the owners of JR's sue the show Dallas for throwing around the phrase Who Shot JR when J.R. Ewing was shot in the last episode of Dallas?
that must be what put that show on the radar
and are you the fucking attorney? Why do you care so much? you're making an ass out of yourself.
ooooh kay Mr. Intellectual Property Attorney, thanks for keeping us informed!
whats the problem?
is metallica not paying their attorney's fees?
even _if_ JR's decided to _try_ and file suit, they would fail miserably.
Ntxshowlist copied dallas show list bc they don't list denton shows. Then weshot copied ntx. Nothing wrong with making the same thing better and better.
you can sue anyone for anything.
that doesn't mean you will win.
Wow what a retarded faggot
I seriously doubt that would happen. Why would someone take a relatively unkown blog to court and make them more popular and also waste their money over something so trivial? I really don't see that happening. What are they going to do? Charge the blog owners with allowing anonymous people to post hateful comments? You're a fucking idiot. If the owners of this blog actually had negative feelings towards homos then they wouldn't post half the shows they do that have large amounts of homos in attendance. You my friend are a scaremonger.
lol this blog just got REALLY good again. Thank you mr Intellectual Property Attorney.
Yeh man.
it must suck to be so boring and uninteresting that you have to pretend to be other people. Who pretends to be you? Nobody I'm sure.
Yeh man.
just wonderin yalll
I think this blog is lively. All the other music blogs in texas have little to no comments. At least people give a shit on webspace!
I think the chinese are watching this blog.
colin carter
wanz dover
nevada hill
john iskander
kris youmans
pete freedman
colin firth
cody robinson
martin illes
jeff carter
noah bailey
jesse hughey
jonah fuckface
bobby valentine
ronald jerome dinkle
john w smoke, jr.
josh baish
glen farris
lance yocum
ben tapia
grilled cheese
natalie portman
shane engrish
warren g
the vain
what is "worst local band, ever"? for $300
voot cha
anything with wanz dozer
hey everyone! no one's going to read this, but:
you have to put http:// first in the links or else it'll just put your url at the end of the existing page url.
also, yay time stamps! yay site development!
is colin spelled with one or two Ls?
You're REALLY into authors and their work. You like, care about stuff.
mr. intellectual property attorney does have a point. wsj might win a legal decision (I would think, anyway), but attorneys cost a fuckload of money.
they'll have to decide if it's it worth it to fuck with the expense and hassle... not to mention having to sacrifice the anonymity that comes with the aka screen names.
god who seriously gives a fuck who sr and dl are at this point? people try to call them out like 5 times a week on here and nothing ever happens because of it
so a bar wants to sue a lawyer? oh, that sounds like a good idea.
Wow... don't you little pussies get it? Whether it's accusing us of being different people every other week, or indirectly threatening us with a completely baseless and ridiculous lawsuit (from a third party who probably doesn't even have any idea we exist) that no lawyer in his or her right mind would file, or threatening physical violence against us (this has happened recently), or attempting to fuck with us in any number of other childish ways, WE DONT GIVE A SHIT, ok? What do you expect, that we'll just shut this blog down and run away every time someone says we're this or that person or threatens us with lawsuit? Think again. We're staying right where we are and we'll continue to do what we do, ok?
And if one of you has something to say to me and you're SO SURE of my identity, then feel free to come up and say it to me in person... just be sure to remind me that I'm supposed to give a shit first.
hahahahahahaha. someone threatened physical violence against you guys? who was this, if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah, but what you don't GET, Stoned Ranger, is that it's fucking hip to be obsessed with you and DL. It makes me look smart, emotionally healthy, confident, and makes it seem like I have a life besides making really shitty music.
oh, and i was laughing at the thought of someone doing that, not that you claimed it.
the fucking fact that you let this blog get the best of all of you is such a joke. you've been fighting it for years. shame on you, dallas denton fort worth.
concerning the new show list, who cares who did what first? pegasus news has show listings, but no one would ever accuse weshotjr of ripping them off, and the add show feature is a smart touch. how difficult is it to get your show in the club listings of the observer?
sr, i don't think anybody threatened you with a lawsuit, did they? i think they just want you to be held philosophically accountable for anonymously giving hateful zealots a safe venue to spew their bile.
no big deal. kinda like makin' a klan member take off his hood in public. you can do it.
oh, and congrats on the show list. about time...
haha... yeah, it's EXACTLY like that.
Oh, and thanks for all the compliments and positive comments.... we spend so much time fighting with the shitheads on here that we forget to thank the people who support us...
isn't it a beating knowing that the majority of your readers are gutless parasites?
inter gravissimas!
his name is josh whitley...he's one of the whitley brothers
there is no real JR at "JR's", and there is no real JR on this blog... so maybe they'll hold the trial in an imaginary court with an imaginary judge in front of an imaginary jury.
and a bunch of real gay people standing around wondering what the hell is going on.
assless chaps and mustaches in the courtroom
judge rob halford presiding will now sentence you to death by cornholing.
This calendar is pretty slick. Customizable sorting? Hell yeah. Way better than adapting Google Calendar. Congrats.
thanks bosephus
Sam M: it's the fucking magic of ExtJS (www.extjs.com). Like totally the best component-based object oriented Javascript framework ever!!!!
mmmm..... geek talk.
almost makes me look forward to the homotrial.
tell us who you are SR and i will definitely tell you about how you can do an actual service to the dfw art community to your preppy ass face. or are you scared?? we all can only assume you are until you let us all know.
tell us who you are SR and i will definitely tell you about how you can do an actual service to the dfw art community to your preppy ass face. or are you scared?? we all can only assume you are until you let us all know.
i wish evan horn had taste half as good as this site. and what's your face look like? what a hypocrite.
woah, so you guys are getting a lot of hate lately. shiza!
god, half you people are so stupid i can't believe you can even operate a computer in the first place.
Don't let them get you down SR. They're secretly doodling your name in their trapper keepers.
sr can suck my ass
even hornier says..
WTF is the DMZ?
Someone flushed.
somebody feed dwight.
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