It List: Monday

Punk Bunny/Andrew Burntette (The Lounge): It would be hard for Punk Bunny to top the show they played on Friday night; the lineup, the setting, the crowd, even the music between acts was so appropriate, it bordered on being absurd. Not to mention the fact that much of it was willfully absurd. Punk Bunny was even more of a spectacle this time around, with prepared videos accompanying their songs, and choreographed dance moves by three men in lingerie. Even the most hardened punk rocker I know had to crack a smile.
The Lounge on a Monday night is certainly the opposite of Mabel Peabody's on a Friday, but I don't know of a group more capable of having a good time in spite of the weeknight odds. Opening act Andrew Burnette is a touring member of Punk Bunny, but the self-described "electronic softcore" of which his solo project consists is undoubtedly more of a subtle ride.
Paul Slavens (Dan's Silver Leaf)
Cool Out (The Cavern)
ADD: New Science Projects/Dustin And The Furniture/Big Spirit/Daniel Folmer/Spooky Folk (J & J's Pizza)
i can't wait to see the pixxx from mable's!!!!!!!!!!!!!
violent habits
DL looked so pissed off when Pocket Change was playing at Mable's
Did not.
vega is playing at dj set at cool out tonight
vega vs doug bore
george neal vs Jeff Liles
colgate vs assrub
say nigga stop your shit
Is it just me or is the chat room line up on saturday a little bit weird?
i think they all fit except for farah.
When are the Mable's pictures coming out? I need a new Myspace picture
i'm not going to another j&j's show until Episode XXXIV with drink to victory
Tired old silly gay mustache schtick, replete with bad dance music? Seriously, in this economy?
welcome to texas!
dwight loves him some judas priest.
dude, if you're this much of a baby about your fucking drums, maybe you deserved to get your shit fucked with. pussy.
there was cake? damn I missed out!
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