Shows @ Pastime Tavern

In case you haven't heard the recent rumblings, it appears as though venue starved Dallas will be getting itself a new (as in really old) place to see a few rock shows: The Pastime Tavern at 1503 S. Ervay Street, just south of 30 near downtown and the Ambassador Hotel. I'm not sure about the history of the place, and a Google search didn't really produce too much information, but what I can tell you from personal experience is that Pastime is a pretty cool little bar: serves cheap beer, allows you bring your own liquor, and is just about as relaxed an atmosphere as you can find in Dallas. The building itself is split in half, with a small, sparsely decorated bar on one side a pool room on the other (which is where I assume shows will be held). The neighborhood is, um, sketchy (have you ever noticed S. Ervay's army of zombie crackheads on the way to Lee Harvey's?), but then again so is every neighborhood in Dallas, and at this point I'm excited to try any new venue that doesn't involve a trip to Douchebag Greenville or lame duck Deep Ellum. Not sure about the sound situation (as in there wasn't one the last time I was there), but I bet about 100 people could squeeze into the place if they wanted to, and I'm interested to see what the owners can do with the space.
The first show at Pastime will be a good one, and it appears that a group of people called Parade of Flesh have handled the booking:
The Willowz and Sarah Reddington play next Monday, May 21st. We'll have more details on the show later.
the guys that are booking the space are really cool. They've booked for a while it seems and they've booked good acts (Japanther, Gibby Haynes, Stag Film, Some Girls, Madeline, etc.) before. Apparently, they're making the conversion to a venue this weekend with the Willowz/Sarah R show being the first show there. They're only going to charge four or five dollars and have the shows over by twelve so that people with jobs can save money and get to bed early. It sounds awesome. I'm excited. They seem really cool and want to get good bands out to Dallas.
Sounds cool. Thanks for the info. I remember the owner being a nice old cowboy guy too.
shit, he's gonna "LOVE" Tex then.
sounds good.
I hate to hijack this thread, but if anyone is interested in seeing Jello Biafra for free tonight, let me know. I have a couple pairs of tickets to give out. I'd save this for the it list, but I need to pass on the names before the it list would be posted.
When Tex says, "They're only going to charge four or five dollars and have the shows over by twelve so that people with jobs can save money and get to bed early. It sounds awesome. I'm excited. "
And SR says, "Sounds cool. Thanks for the info."
But then SR/WSJR anons bag on Dada for having the exact same set up during the week w/early shows and reasonable cover...
What's the difference? Just location of Dada? Some emotional baggage that you don't have to Pastime? A hatred for all things Deep Ellum? You like the bands that Pastime books better?
I'm just guessing at the point. Seems a little hypocritical. Not Falwell-level hypocritical, but's walking and talking like a duck...
why do the people with jobs need to save money? seems like the cheaper show benefits those who don't have jobs and want to see a show
They booked RTX on June 2.
kick fucking ass
I love Pastime & hope this can make people more aware of the place, without it getting overrun (you know what I mean). And I also hope that Willowz show on Monday gets more people at it, than when I hosted them at Dada a while ago. They're a great band & more people need to go see them, regardless of where they play.
I can't wait for Black Tie to DOMINATE this place!!!
1:31 PM,
people bag on bands because they can.
people bag on venues because they can.
people bag on me, Carlin, Sam, Ryan, etc...because they can.
its just what people do...and they have every right to do it...
you just have to accept that...even when you don't approve of it...and even if it isn't true.
Just trying to get this out to y'all in time:
Fri May 18 & Sat May 19 (Doors open at 5pm; free)
We're turn 10 YEARS OLD and we'd love to have you celebrate our birthday with us!
Two full days (Friday, May 18th & Saturday, May 19th) of bands, beers & friends, plus drink specials straight outta '97!
Doors open at 5pm both days, and it's completely 100% FREE!
So when you get through with the work week, c'mon by the RGRS for a birthday celebration you won't soon forget...
Performers include:
Friday, May 18th:
Civlian Outbreak
Medicine Window
Violent/ Oveo/ Squid
Burnt Sienna Trio
History at Our Disposal
Chief Death Rage
The Baptist Generals
Saturday, May 19th:
Swedish Teens
Bridges and Blinking Lights
Lo - Fi Chorus
Shiny Around the Edges
Current Leaves
The Undoing of David Wright
*Suprise Guest*
*Doors open @ 5pm. First band goes on @ 5:30pm.
Band sets run 30-45 min with 15 min in between sets.
Band list runs opener to headliner. For more info, please contact*
We'll see YOU out!
Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios
i am glad RGRS is so desperate for promo that they post this schedule on a thread about another venue.
'drink specials straight outta '97'
does that mean BYOB?
"serves cheap beer, allows you bring your own liquor"
like SHIPS!! beer, wine and setups i think.
yeah, it's pretty awesome to see people get excited over an even worse neighborhood just because it's "new" rather than just be excited about decent shows in established places. Can't wait to see you all shit on the past time as soon as somebody in dallas decides to start having shows at their own house.
it is all about ships. i mean, fuckin' c'mon.
looks like amanda learned her lesson, how about cindy?
meanwhile in gotham city........
emotional baggage? pastime? geeeez.
almost makes rgrs seem human by comparison. sad.
Learned her lesson? She's still working herself to death to shit for this budda-forsaken town.
Last time I checked what she stated was common sense, douche bag.
This comment has been removed by the author.
it's buddha, actually... common sense seems to be something you are sorely lacking ............
Thanks for the write-up. We just want to put on some good shows and hopefully wake some people up.
(and sorry for the delete, i hit enter before i finished typing).
nothing but mad props to pasttime & parade of flesh.
but i'm just trying to get the word out about the rgrs 10 yr annvrsry, yo...
don't matter if the thread happens to about a band, venue, mavs game...
leave it to assclown 3:24 to bitch about a free shows.
oh yeah, and please "add us" to your gayspace account. we all know you have one.
or the site
reply to 2:36/5:52, yeah i am actually going to the saturday show (i really want to see LORDS... (if it's the same lords from KY? b/c i missed the show they played in march at RGRS with Dead Child).
not so much. you're already boring me, buh-bye.
yep, same LORDS.
see you @ rgrs.
sorry, I mispoke. I actually don't think anything is cool.
I doubt it will be inside for just 100. The Gibby Haynes show was out back but was shut down early due to loudness. I guess that problem has been fixed. Super happy.
June 2????
For real?
Say it's so.
Love me some Jennifer H!
Is there a calendar for this space?
Pls. share.
there is a calendar up at
yep. june 2nd. pastime tavern
bob white and the f-electrics
fuck yes.
why is club dada being so aggro about another venue?
June 2nd is my birthday. It's also the birthday of The Marquis de Sade, Jerry Mathers(the beev), Charlie Watts, Johnnie Weismueller(tarzan), and Lydia Lunch. I'd trade it all to be born one day earlier though because that's when the coolest girl ever was born. She's so cool that they modeled Tinkerbell after her.
"why is club dada being so aggro about another venue?"
Just to let you know, Margaret Kerry is the real model for Tinkerbell. Her birthday is January 1.
No it's not. It's Marilyn Monroe. And her birthday is June ist.
Established 1937...
Older than most of you youngins that come and visit. Enjoy...
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