
The Party (Zubar): Ahh... the August Zubar Party. This shit is always so fucking hot that you just forget about what you look like and get trashed. Or dance. Or whatever it is you do when you go out. On a related note, I caught a lot of DJ Nature's outdoor dancehall set at the Loft a few weeks ago, and after spending a few minutes outside listening, I pretty much decided not to go back in again, other than to get more beer. You'll hear more of that stuff at Nature's weekly Taxi Fare than you will tonight, but shit, you have to respect the guy's diversity. I think I recognized like three songs the whole time, and that's a very small number considering how hip I am to all the white label shit.
Stay Cool Swag School Denton Beard Pageant with Mom DJ Set/Young Doc Gooden/Yeah Def/Mount Righteous/In Dot Dat (Rubber Gloves): Well, Denton Beardos are drawing a line in the sand tonight, much to the chagrin of certain people in Dallas. This party will feature some sort of beard contest that will probably be won by the guy who appears on all the fliers for this thing. In addition to the fact that you'll hear very diverse Dj sets this evening, this will also be your chance to catch all the Denton scene sleaze out in full force, and we know how much you enjoy that. Oh, and everyone's favorite pals Mount Righteous will be playing too! Maybe they'll inject a little joy into your life you cynical jerks!
Nouns Group/The Frenz/Fight Bite (Rubber Gloves): I wonder if Fight Bite's parents finally stopped telling their kids what a waste of time "this music thing" is when they saw them mentioned in USA Today last week. I know my mom didn't think this website was worth shit until we got a write up in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, and USA Today has WAY more colors and stuff. I tried to tell her about "blog buzz" and the importance of "time on site" statistics once, but it really didn't help.
D Town Booty Bounce with Scuba Team Go/Click Claak/DJ Fishrpryce/Damaged Good$/Prince William (Fallout Lounge): Vigilante Productions brings their set to Fallout Lounge, which seems to be turning into quite the little dance spot on the weekends. Dallas' Scuba Team Go is an accessible electro/hip hop duo that would be better if they didn't like rock music. Still pretty decent and way better than a lot of similar groups that receive national attention (looking at you, WHY?). Click Claak's "ghettotech" material reminds me of like Tag Team and Miami Bass stuff mixed with early pop house, and Damaged Good$ might be my favorite local hip hop act. This is going to be a great show I think.
G.B.H./Whole Wheat Bread/Krum Bums/Greyskull (The Prophet Bar): I know everyone likes to pretend that they were all into gutterpunk in the mid 90's while they try to forget about that Pennywise CD they used to own, but I actually thought GBH were overrated even back in high school, and I imagine that they haven't aged well. I'll just listen to Crass if I'm in the mood for this kind of stuff. Don't hate me. Of course, these opening bands make GBH sound like The Fall, so, uh, get there late if you're going.
Zest of Yore/Ume/Record Hop (Hailey's): I just spent a little time listening to Zest of Yore, and they reminded me of a band that I haven't thought about in like 10 years-- Jellyfish. You can decide for yourself whether or not that's an insult. I didn't really mean it as one. Their song "The Rejects" is actually great, and most of their other tracks have that nice late 80's pre grunge college rock kinda feel to them.