not new music tuesdays

My introduction to Curtis Mayfield is one of those indelible memories of youth that I recall every time I hear his music. I'll never forget watching Superfly on late night tv and seeing Curtis and his band playing live during the nightclub scenes. It was like watching Rock n Roll High School without knowing who the Ramones were... fucking spellbinding!
Having fronted the Impressions throughout the 60s, Mayfield was an established and well respected musician/songwriter by the time he released this album, his solo debut. This record represents a huge step forward in an already successful career, giving a funkier sound to the socially conscious soul of his former group.
black people make better music
I forgot about the fact that "Move on Up" is, like, one of the best songs of all time and stuff...
yeah, it was really great in that WAMU commercial... they went bankrupt about ten minutes later.
black people steal the best music
from who, eskimos?
it's quite simple: robert johnson AND willie dixon. that is all. some would say muddy...
don't forget about sydney portier.
News Section... "Touch and Go Stops Releasing New Music, Stops Distribution, Lays Off Workers"
Main Page... Free album download.
This album was released on Curtis Mayfield's label. He's been dead for 10 years. I don't think he's complaining. I buy every new record that I like.
i didnt know he made a krautrock record ....
I've never formally known who this guy's name but the lead track on this record is gold.
^^ delete the who
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