It List: Tuesday 8/14/07
Here we have two events I can't really endorse at all.
Dallas Observer Music Awards (The Granada): The event everyone has been waiting for. All the controversy, all the hype, all of the showcases at poorly chosen venues, leading up to this one glorious night where we celebrate C-list Dallas celebrities and all the free Red Stripe you can drink. (bottled fucking water however is one dollar, even if you're VIP. ). Big D Little D had better not rip off the We Shot JR street apparel look from last year's awards, we worked really hard on those outfits. I don't know what we have in store for everyone in the event that we would have to an accept an award, but I do know that this year's ceremony has made me nostalgic for the general mediocrity of last year's, and that's something that's hard to admit considering I gave a somewhat scathing review last time around. The supergroup theme of this year's headliner is highly indicative of the current baffling and somewhat clueless state of the paper and not all of that group is what I would call super. And to think that their music editor had the nerve to call our anons "boring." Judging from their recent coverage, please let me be bored. All hangups aside, just try to have a good time.
Sean Hannity Freedom Concert featuring Montgomery Gentry, Lee Greenwood (Nokia Theater): This is what I like to see. A Hannity related event that was co-created and sometimes presented by Oliver North is definitely freedom in action. You too can become a felon on multiple counts in our country, sell weapons and drugs to a worldwide network of everyone from our supposed enemies in Iran to Central America, testify and be sentenced, and then get off the hook to not only become a FOX News correspondent (wonder if he has a Myspace?) but to also put together family-friendly events like this. If that isn't what real freedom's all about, I don't know what is. Yes, I know it's for charity but the irony here is amazing on a level that a kid with a colored bandana around his neck and an Alf t-shirt can't touch.
You're all wieners.
nice photoshop!
the graphic design staff at weshotjr has spent countless weeks doing that photoshop..
I think I get that alf comment...
bogus night.
gorilla vs bear won. who likes that Chris guy, anyway?
rest of the DOMA results are up at Dd in annoying liveblogging fashion
best jazz band-shangai 5???
are they jazz??? what about yells at eels, unconcious collective, monks of sat....notes from the undergound. Fucking clueless.
best venue? Granada. pfffffttt
best blues. Dallas is the home of blind lemmon and the fucking backsliders win. Jesus Christ bryant gumbel is more blues than the backsliders.
yeah either yells at eels, notes from underground, unconscious collective, or the forbes/young/gonzalez trio. duh.
funny how all those groups are somewhat related.
gonzalez bros and forbes rule.
this city is clueless. glad i'm moving
best jazz. how about ornette coleman.....?? fuck
black tie dynasty- give me a fucking rope right now.
ornette coleman doesn't live around here anymore...doesn't want to ever come back either. i think that's right.
don't blame him!!
surprise, surprise. the DOMAs are gayer than 8 guys blowing 9 guys. bring on the WSJR awards!!
wsjr should be happy they didn't win this crap award.
Look at the other winners.
DOMA. not even funny. disaster. stupid. think of the $$$ WASTED on that pile of shit! really. they could have hired a real music editor.
why is everyone upset? do people expect it to be a hispter blog fest? it's city papers award show.
Its really a shame the bands that need to be recognized are not. oh well not the first time.
the city of dallas has many people.
The good bands representing dfw are not the bands winning the awards or even the nominated shite.
the good bands are on tour or at least too busy to post vote for me message on myspace all day
besides, ornette was from ft worth
no i don't think we're upset because we Expect it to be good. people are upset because, yeah! it would be cool to see some real bands get recognized. i think hipster is an irrelevant term. you could even say black tie dynasty is 'hipster'. it's like saying 'indie'. it doesn't mean anything. the fact that this is an event that draws loads of attention from people that would otherwise be unaware of local music and this is what they get. shanghai 5 for best jazz? are kidding me? and backsliders for blues? WHAT!? it's completely irrelevant. even the nominations are ridiculous. it's to be point of offensive that such a large event is treated with an air of complete 'who gives a fuck' by the DO. and then when they get criticized people who have REAL interest in local music get talked to like a bunch of children acting up. it's fucking ass-backward, but you're right what would you expect from DALLAS fucking TEXAS right. what anyone does around here that is actually worth a damn IS pretty irrelevant when you live in this fucking part of the country anyway.
the observer sucks nuts.. bad writing.. made up storys!!! and a horrible web page
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Red Stripe was not free, goddammmmmmmit!
you wrote how i feel.
no i don't think we're upset because we Expect it to be good. people are upset because, yeah! it would be cool to see some real bands get recognized. i think hipster is an irrelevant term. you could even say black tie dynasty is 'hipster'. it's like saying 'indie'. it doesn't mean anything. the fact that this is an event that draws loads of attention from people that would otherwise be unaware of local music and this is what they get. shanghai 5 for best jazz? are kidding me? and backsliders for blues? WHAT!? it's completely irrelevant. even the nominations are ridiculous. it's to be point of offensive that such a large event is treated with an air of complete 'who gives a fuck' by the DO. and then when they get criticized people who have REAL interest in local music get talked to like a bunch of children acting up. it's fucking ass-backward, but you're right what would you expect from DALLAS fucking TEXAS right. what anyone does around here that is actually worth a damn IS pretty irrelevant when you live in this fucking part of the country anyway.
Ornette has not lived in Fort Worth for decades and he's hardly local. He played his last show in Dallas in the 60's.
i disagree w. this portion of 11:39's comment:
what anyone does around here that is actually worth a damn IS pretty irrelevant when you live in this fucking part of the country anyway.
it's what you make of it. and irrelevant on what level? nationally? maybe. locally? absolutely not. i think if more people push and try to make positive things happen in the music community, then it is worth it in the end for the kids/fans/anonymous.
i wish people would stop reading the absorber and not give these stupid awards any attendance.
to paradeofflesh,
i was speaking nationally. or maybe not nationally but in a sense more broad than local/kids or the few hundred people that always get into or somehow find the actual badass shit that happens in the north texas consistently on and on forever and ever. but never gets shit from any big press mechanisms from the area.
You are Ornette Coleman's best friend.
what about Dabney Coleman? wasnt he from here? but i believe he passed away. any validity to any of the non-sense i am typing.
i wish.
of course, Dabney Coleman was born in Austin, TX. Imagine that.
it always seems like the people who legitmize a dumb papers music awards are the shitty bands trying to go national and the papers themselves.
just mediocre people with time and money that care too much about the wrong things and have bad taste and don't really treat the local music scene like a community anyways so you know fuck em
Ornette Coleman named a puppy "Ft Worth" and then shot it
and raped the bullet hole
To Be fair......
Backsliders acceptance speech:
"We are not a Blues band" followed by knocking over the mic.
Shanghai 5 acceptance speech:
"What's wrong with you people we don't play Jazz"
The whole thing is bullshit. If The dallas Observer did there Job and did better coverage the then at least the people that should get nominated would get nominated. Leaving the nominations up to an uneducated public is the dumbest idea ever. The Public does not pay attention to what is going on locally. The Observer barely pays attention. All it would take to turn this town around is a few smart people that truly want to inform the public and put together and promote interesting bills in all types of genres. Until the people that control the media and the clubs are replaced all is lost.
No free booze for nominees this year. it blew. im pissed i sat in traffic on 35 for that. lessons learned i guess.
CANT WAIT for the We Shot Jr awards... hopefully, Black Tie Dynasty will get a (much deserved) ribbing
Oh gee you think that will happen?
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Ribbed for our pleasure!
you could've nominated your favorite bands, it was all voter driven this year.
" Anonymous said...
why is everyone upset? do people expect it to be a hispter blog fest? it's city papers award show."
- 11:07 PM
The thing is, it just shows how much Dallas most major cities with culture even the local city papers ARE hip, and do speak the voice of the music scene, Dallas just dosent have not saying most cities awards are "hipster awards" but i am saying that hip artists/bands do get recognized and are more "in tune" with the actual art/music scene....
I don't know if everyone is "upset" either. I think people were just afraid that the whole thing was going to be a joke, and guess what? It was.
We didn't even send someone this year because we just didn't have the time, energy or desire to do so. I think a lot of people felt the same way.
In other news...
there are these other local music awards you can vote for at
This person is clueless
you could've nominated your favorite bands, it was all voter driven this year.
9:27 AM
voter driven for nominations where people don't get proper coverage of what is going on in their backyard is kind of like a national election where only the republicans are allowed to have access to the media. The Observer does not even cover Jazz, Blues, Electronic music, indie, local Club DJ's or anything remotely undergroun. People have to turn to blogs and message boards to find out about anything that does not suck. There are just as many good bands here as there are in Austin. Except in Austin they have good record stores, promoters and media that really pay attention to their local scene. A true sense of self awareness.
Hey Mr. Seman:
I put up some Blind Melon live/rare stuff today.....just for you!!!
bobby patterson killed and ppt doing a cover of “no one can do it better” was worth the price of admission…which was free…as were the drinks….uh why are you fucks complaining again?
the observer is one part of a big corporation and many of the decisions that are made regarding music content and content providers have been made by old people far away from dallas so any hopes of you getting a write up on your little brothers band who played in your parents garage last night is minuscule
the awards are a popularity contest run by an organization that isn’t very organized so if you want fair go play a video game
seems to me that this thread is a perfect embodiment of what the local scene is known for…blow-hards sitting around and bitching about things sucking and instead of doing something about it they just look for someone to blame….so sure lets blame some company in phoenix for the local scene sucking…sounds good to me
besides who needs the observer when we have blogs like weshotjr that define themselves by what the observer is not
drex ftw
drex go back to ddm where you belong
man, those awards were such a fucking joke. AND ten minutes into the awards they decided there were no more free drinks.
the backsliders openly laughed at the "best blues" thing.
honestly, the whole night was cringeworthy.
Thanks for the Blind Melon tracks!
define ourselves based on what the observer isn't? If by that you mean "hey, we're we shot jr, we actually know what the fuck we're talking about and have an active interest in music," then I guess you could say that. But honestly, we've pretty much ignored the Observer throughout most of our existence.
Sure, we've written little comments about the paper here and there, but really, we ARE doing our own thing, every day, and like it or not, you can't say for one second that we spend any significant time fighting the observer or detailing our problems with it. They are the ones who write articles about us, not the other way around.
And PPT playing a cover song is your argument FOR the awards, right? You sound pretty lame m'man.
And furthermore- everything you said about the observer as an organization is true... which is why it sucks so bad. I don't think anyone blames the observer alone for the negative aspects of local music, but they are certainly part of the problem.
"seems to me that this thread is a perfect embodiment of what the local scene is known for…blow-hards sitting around and bitching about things sucking and instead of doing something about it they just look for someone to blame….so sure lets blame some company in phoenix for the local scene sucking…sounds good to me"
I think if you look at the local "scene" throught he eyes of the observer, it does suck. However, if you read this blog much, you'd realize that there actually is alot going on locally, worthy of mention. Which I think, is cause for much of the complaining about the observer. Which, being the main public resource that covers this sort of thing (locally), is totally clueless. I think alot of these "blow-hards" you speak of may surprise you, as they most likely ARE doing something about it. It just sucks to work hard on being creative, and have your primary local music publication spit in your face, by way of writing articles about transvestite cover bands, or whatever else bullshit they write about these days.
My 2 cents.
Oh, and aside from the free food, and limited-unlimited free booze, the whole thing was one disappointment after another. That was for you Drex.
If it was such a joke, why'd you all go?
Maybe you were part of the joke.
i didn't go.
well the “define yourself” comment was a backhanded compliment designed for the mind of someone intelligent enough to discover its super secret hidden meaning….the decoder ring is in the mail….and cmon you guys bitch about the observer…and shit with the sucky output there an easy mark and it is well deserved…you could argue that its even necessary…but last night was just a party and shouldn’t been weighted as anything more significant
i should probably go ahead and state that im an ex-observer employee….so just to keep anyone from doing best encyclopedia brown and act like they discovered nixon was an alien…ill just throw that out there
as far as why we all went, i will reiterate the open bar (for a brief time anyways) portion of my comments. then follow them up with the free food portion.
drex. i don't think you understand what the fuck you are talking about when stating things about this blog as a bunch of blow-hards that bitch about shit sucking. actually this blog and a lot of what it covers is all about shit that doesn't suck and promoting lots of badass shit that doesn't get covered at all. it's not a little brother's basement show dick-munch. it's people working hard at DIY venues and putting on great shows. the fact that the relevant media outlet in the north texas area is doing a great job and with almost NO rewards is fucking amazing. the Dallas Observer is a widely distributed newspaper with new readers picking it up all the time. people from out of town etc. and it's sad when those people don't have access to a paper or media outlet that gives a shit about the local arts and music scene. and the Dallas Observer makes money for not giving a shit too! wow. wtf. yeah it's something for some anons to bitch about but actually weshotjr the blog itself has done little to no bitching. this blog and the people it represents are hardworking badasses. so fucking shut the fuck up you blow hard helmet wearing wiener.
i love autism.
your right...i dont understand
but the helmet comment is more than i can stand so....its on
i got niggerdickz come'n out of my earzez. someone hand me my hedge cutters or chainsaw. niggerdickz is big.
Does the Observer even have regular Art coverage? Wherever the artists are that's where the musicians are and soon that's where everyone wants to be and that makes a scene whole. One of the reasons why The Observer sucks is their scale is tipped. So Dallas is all about restaurants, shopping and cover bands according to DO anyways. Paper media is dead in Dallas.
When I visit family in Portland, I pick up their version of the Observer to find shows to see while I'm there. I find good ones most every time.
I cringe at the thought of having to do that as a visitor here around and ending up at a Salim show when there is something badass and ignored right down the street.
But seriously, congrats to Shanghai 5 for best jazz act. Bravo, Observer readers.
Why do people hate salim?
His music may not be your cup o tea... but he at least has tried to do something here with the music community and has brought together alot of artists that normally wouldnt go together at all.
He is living an artists dream.. he gets to record artists all day long..and not work a lousy day job. He plays a few shows now and then when he feels like it.. not because he wants to "make it", but because he genuinely enjoys playing music and just having fun.
In the past 2 years all this anti-salim sentiment has risen for no good reason.
my issue with this whole thing is not THE OBSERVER but the music section. as people have already pointed out, the DO is a business and it is kept afloat by ad revenue. we all happen to live in a city that has more resturants per square centimeter (go metric USA!) than any other US city. also, dallas is full of wealthy people who like to shop at places like the galleria. so it's to be expected that a dallas paper would focus on food and shopping more than the arts.
my issues is with the poor quality of the music coverage. sandwiched between the movie reviews and ads is usually two or three pages of worthless drivel. i'm further annoyed that instead of trying to improve upon said section and listening to the tips coming from people who do have their ear to the ground, the music editor has instead chosen to ridicule those people, discard their tips and generally write with a laughable mix of ego and cluelessness. it's one thing to be way off the mark and have your finger miles from the pulse but it's another thing to be cocky about sucking.
oh and "cocky about sucking" would make a great headline for the next she dick write up. it's been a couple of weeks now. we're dying out here.
Salim doesn't have to work a day job his Pops is loaded dude.
no.. his salim's studio is packed everyday.. every week...
so fuck off with "his pop is loaded shit"
which is still a retarded argument.. retarded being the defining word of choice..
even if you are just joking around.. its a lame thing to joke about.. who cares if his dad is loaded?
good for his dad
Poor quality of music coverage, poor quality of art coverage. The two go hand in hand. Music is an art. The only reason why there is even a music section in that forsaken paper is because bands play at bars and it's all about alcohol. Don't fool yourself into thinking anyone cares. Bars making bucks and the world turns round and round.
3:06 had his little nerve struck?
Im pissed because BOTH the captain of the Cheerleading Team AND the quarterback of the football team won Prom Queen & King!!!!
Everyone knows that they are both total jerk offs and that there are way cooler people like me and my friends who should of won that shit!
yeah she's a slut!
as much as an annonymous blog commenter can strike a nerve..yeah...I am not really going MATAS/bryce isbell on this, but..
Salim is a really good guy who I have had the privilege of getting to know pretty well over the past 3 years,
and it is bothersome to see people talk shit about him..
thats all.
Most D/FW artists that acheive any level of success especially air play, press, record sales etc. seem to fall on the shit list around here.
I love these people that think just because they're doing whateverybody else everywhere is doing that they are "doing something for" somebody.
salim might be a nice guy.. doesn't make his music not blow BIG fucking chunks!!!!!!!!! i mean really.. IT FUCKING SUCKS OMG!@@$*((*$U#*(@$U
there's nothing wrong with salim or black tie dynasty or any of that lot, but we can all agree that there is more the dfw music than that yet the same tired names are printed every week.
nobody should be upset though, it's for that group of people to pat each other on the back. It's not taking anything away from the people that arent involved and other musicians, it's just a different group.
I dont think any of them are going to blog about how they didnt show up on the we shot jr award
speaking of, when does that post?
i like salim just fine as a person. i've had several run ins with the man and he's never been anything but nice. i brought him up because its the kind of thing the observer writes about, and writes about every week, instead of some of the more - in my humble opinion - interesting options.
go back and read it again, the post wasn't about salim so you don't need to keep defending him.
Salim is a whiny cry-baby.
Prove me wrong.
Salim's a great guy and very talented. It's not his fault that the Observer chooses to praise him. He's actually one of the few acts that the Observer pays attention to who is worthy of being praised.
Yes, no need to keep defending yourself, I mean, "him".
Let's talk about someone else.
Hey justin,
I guess I mistook your original comment as a personal attack on him..
which it really wasnt..
my bad..
and these other posters above mine are different people...
Salim only writes on his own blog.
salim's pop is not loaded. at all.
and salim was ignored by the observer for the majority of his 20 year career here.
bottom line is - there was no free booze this year. blow hard.
'and salim was ignored by the observer for the majority of his 20 year career here.'
what i'm asking is.. why couldn't he have been ignored for 20 years more
Dood I LOVED Moon Patrol!
Especially the glowing crater-nuggets!
"there's nothing wrong with salim or black tie dynasty or any of that lot, but we can all agree that there is more the dfw music than that yet the same tired names are printed every week."
Just curious, who are the smae tired names printed every week? Burden Bros, who exactly are you talkin bout?
Bring back THE MET!
Bret McCabe was a BADASS.
That paper rocked and got it.
Someone needs to start another paper like The Met.
The only thing the Obserder is good for is Schutze.
The MET was much better when they had the staples.
Kevin McAlester was the man during the Met days, but Bret was also good after him. Kevin went to the Bauhaus reunion in white tennis attire -- shorts, sweater tied around the neck, and the whole bit. I'm not sure if they let him in with the tennis racquet, though.
BTW, it's Keven. And he was/still is fab, too. Both extremely talented writers. I just found/find Bret to have more interesting musical tastes. And while Keven's Bauhaus attendance will forever be entertaining, Bret's shenanigans usually aren't so staged. And usually include adult beverages.
Hmm, not surprised. I'm out of town so I missed that travesty but I wasn't going to go anyway. I didn't even bother to look at who was nominated, that's how much I cared.
The Observer has no relevance and rarely writes about anything I might be interested in anymore.
The whole thing is a joke and one worth laughing at.
booking agent at club who manages band
and drinks away with alt-weekly writer.
1. club where the booking agent works
2. band being managed by the booking agent
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