It List: Wednesday

Rob Viktum/Schwa (Fallout Lounge)
Felili Rincon/Paul Baker/Free Form Film Fest (The Cavern): The Free Form Film Festival (FFFF) is a traveling film fest, free of any strict scheduling or location parameters. Paul Baker is of course, known for the visual work he did with Sub Oslo, and might even bring out some people you usually wouldn't see at The Cavern. I can name a few. Felili Rincon currently resides in Brooklyn, but apparently has some DFW roots. Felili's rhythm section will include Brad Dale of Ishi, and Adam Pickrell, DJ and member of White Lotus Society.
Short Film Screening/Akkolyte/Vorvadoss (The Lounge): This is another multimedia show with a couple of great bands, an art show, and a short film entitled You All Fucking Deserve It. Sounds like a good time.
ADD: Wanz Dover will also be performing at The Lounge show. He has a pretty impassioned speech about Breakcore on his blog. Just click on his name.
AND: Matthew And The Arrogant Sea/Robert Gomez (Dan's Silverleaf)
ISHI are amazing!
That show at the Lounge is listed as Free on the Lounge myspace page.
I hate to bitch about a free show or that I am old and like to sleep. However, I'm not staying up til 2am for local bands(even good ones like these) on a Wednesday when I can see them on a weekend next week. start that shit at 7 and make it all ages.
now back to the senior home...
Robert Gomez
Matthew @ The Arrogant Sea
@ Dan's Silverleaf 2 Night
haileys tonight if you like hip hop
scuba team go
MC John-e specs
oh my god the kids found matches
new tracks i produced debuting in bangs' set
Tonights cavern show is also a part of the weekly DETUOR. Which barley ever gets mentioned, even if the show is posted unlike say cool out or disco disqo who are posted every week. Detour is put on by JTMudd and Brad Dale of Ishi, they have been putting great shows on every week for months now. They deserve some credit.
somebody call the wahhhmbulance!
would you like some cheese with that whine?
whats a weekly detour? is that something?
paul baker is adorable
How can you start a show before Guitar Center closes?
eh. its about the talent and people that make up the wednesday nights at the cavern.
7:42 - thanks for the recognition!
DL - thanks for the listings!
oh and 7:42... its spelled "DetOUr" ;)
last night was fun.
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chat room got a write up in the observer
Yeah, way to go, Hughey. Yet another thing we shot jr brought to the observer's attention. It's good for that bar, but man, if the observer isn't the most pathetic waste of space with the most unimaginative squares for a staff.
They can block Kyle and fail comments but not the spam?
jar jar
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