It List: Tuesday

90's Night with Yeahdef (Hailey's): So I made a little trip to Backyard Beach Bar the other night to check out the party that was put together by the Etc. Etc! group, and aside from having to deal with what might have been the worst bar tenders in town, as well as being forced to watch one BBB employee pour a bucket of water all over a still-plugged-in speaker after it caught on fire (I'm no electrical expert, but this just didn't seem right to me, especially considering that Backyard Beach Bar has already burned down once), the party itself was a pretty good time. I mention this only because the DJs (Billingham's Defense System, etc.) were spinning a lot of (formerly?) guilty pleasure 90's dance pop at the party, and I wonder if Friday night was a pretty good indicator of what most "90's nights" are like around here, considering that I've never been able to bring myself to go to one. If so, then they aren't as bad as I thought, because I think I'd often rather hear this or this or this kind of disposable early 90's hip house and pop house (all of which I believe were played on Friday, and many of which seemed to be based on this critically acclaimed Chicago House masterpiece) as opposed to some no name local jackass playing "his own real songs with real instruments that he wrote" and blah blah "puts on a good show" support local music brah. You know? Apparently a lot of other people around here agree because there were probably as many paying customers at Backyard Beach Bar on Friday as there were in all of Deep Ellum that night, for better or worse.
Disqo Disco (Fallout Lounge)
New Science Projects/Big Spirit/Baby Talk/A Smile Full of Ale/Neil Corbett/Roy Robertson (1919 Hemphill): Most of our readers are probably familiar with the oft gigging New Science Projects by now (I have a really funny picture of that dude getting in my friend's face during a performance, but I'll spare you), but some might be both unfamiliar AND interested in the fragile folk of Detroit's Big Spirit-- yes yes, Iron and Wine and the Microphones and K Records and everything else you think of when you read the phrase "fragile folk," but this group is pretty enjoyable once you get past the "spot the influences" game.
New Science Projects/Big Spirit/Baby Talk/A Smile Full of Ale/Neil Corbett/Roy Robertson (1919 Hemphill): Most of our readers are probably familiar with the oft gigging New Science Projects by now (I have a really funny picture of that dude getting in my friend's face during a performance, but I'll spare you), but some might be both unfamiliar AND interested in the fragile folk of Detroit's Big Spirit-- yes yes, Iron and Wine and the Microphones and K Records and everything else you think of when you read the phrase "fragile folk," but this group is pretty enjoyable once you get past the "spot the influences" game.
There are more events listed on our show calendar if you want to take a look.
fragile golf!
A smile Full of Ale canceled and Roy Robertson will probably be playing as/with the smitten kittens tonight. Despite the goofy name, I think their good.
Baby Talk will probably be scary.
And you should come to this show to keep me from being bored.
Dude, you totally used the word "their" wrong!
hello fred
i think fight bite wouldve gone better with lykke li than jaffe.
Def the worst bartenders in town. I think its because they had to check and see if their sharpie eyebrows were coming off between pouring each drink.
Sound was all DIY too but nothing was peaking on our end or on the board. Then again, there is nothing better than having a guy who had been noticeably not dancing all night come up to you to say:
"You're my new favorite DJ. You just set two speakers on fire."
I literally set the party on fire. The vibe was really fun though. A lot of good people and minimal pretentiousness hence maximum dancing. We need more parties like that in Dallas.
DJ Teenage Wolf tonight @ Disqo Disco.
After the buses from Austin were shut down a few weeks ago due to ice, we've rescheduled and it's time to wobbly-bass your face off tonight.
Thanks for comin' out, ya'll. Next time you're at a shindig, please say hello! Would love to chat. We won't use Backyard Beach Bar again, unless its for an epic Mr. Bubble Pool Party...?
youtube key word : PUNK V DAY
insane birthday\after party this past v day
instruments are dead they say.. long live instruments!
cuz, ya know, they're like, instrumental......................
i hate cake
it's really depressing that you write for a so-called music site and you'd rather go hear djs play bad 90s pop and r&b than go see ghostcar, jack with one eye and frenz. but its pretty typical around here. jwoe blew minds that night. sorry you missed it.
thith ith a lykke li producthion
1919 was awesome
yeah, 1919 was fun and awesome. But crazy awkwardly quiet.
ghost car is awsome. i like the name ghosthustler better though. but the music is nice. thnx.
Yeh its nice to know that people still deal with the void (musically) around dfw and make it sound sexy like ghostcar does.
there is no musical void in DFW. seriously. Its fine. Just because there aren't 10 shows every night like in Austin, doesn't mean its a void. Its not a CLUSTERFUCK, if that's what you mean. You like clusterfucks? I don't.
howsabout a link to the calender under the "sections" heading?
JACK WITH ONE EYE? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. You just completely voided any respect for your opinion.
I would rather see a DJ than frenz and jackoff in my eye
1919 was cool. jack with one eye was awesome. the frenz are everywhere, but can get you a discount at guitar center. ghostcar turns ghosthustlers faces to melded shit.
ghosthustler was better actually. how old is jazz? that shits really outdated unlike the 80s and powegloves.
jackoff in my eye is actually a better name
Touch & Go is dead. RIP.
are you saying ghostcar is jazz? welp you like ghosthustler so anything you say is retarded so i should just ignore and give you a lollipop made of alloy.
what the fuck are you talking about? jwoe is fucking awesome. i'm surprised they're getting dissed. unless, that is, you moronic shithooks haven't bothered to even listen to their music...
health class
ghostcar hustlers!
Our "sections" list does have a link to the calender... just click on "shows." Thanks
cant wait for new ghostgirls album. fungicar. wait. where am i.
i got a fight bite in my frenz ghost car on mount righteous or was that drug mountain? my friend is a baptist general and he knows a little about ghost mice. he's been jaffe-ing around so that might be a reason.
jack with one eye are awesome. and a couple of them are from cleburne, as well! we were surprised.
who gives a fuck where you're from. i only care if you know how to rock.
fuck cleburne
s5bV8W bziysxjhqtus, [url=]iulkqlhzvlxy[/url], [link=]dttqqtzfnhms[/link],
fuck celburne kids i hope they all drive their moms f150 and/or mustang into a car wash and wash them! take that!
hey where you from daivd corti?
actually they're from alvaradah
god, shut up, all of you.
dirty diaper?
i heard potato drives a f350
arent the fungi girls daivd corti??
I am
the above comment was not me
home garden plant
home garden plant
smoking cigarettes
smoking cigarettes
when pregnancy
when pregnancy
nails extension
nails extension
playset toys
playset toys
nah thomas you drive a ford taurus. get fcuked
its techno math idm dub trance reggaetone played on two dulcimers by my computer while I look sexy
wanz don't know shit about blokus.
red sea
tClnB4 rpivyykyrnfy, [url=]oybogmoeezux[/url], [link=]oemktjllwyzm[/link],
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