Thursday: 5/17/07

The Rapture /Shiny Toy Guns (Granada): A lot has happened since 2002. Some people made the argument that The Rapture were just following in the footsteps of fellow revivalists Radio 4, but when a limited edition single called "House Of Jealous Lovers" became a somewhat unlikely club hit in Summer of '02, a definite line seemed to have been drawn in the sand. You no longer had a group that was just hinting at dance music with the occasional disco bassline or dance beat. You had a group that was making a legitimate attempt at releasing a single intended for club-play, with tongue extremely removed from cheek. If you're a scraggly indie rocker wondering where all the pedal-hopping J.Mascis solos went, this is the group and single to blame. The minute I heard it, I remember thinking: "This is it. These guys aren't kidding. A lot of things are about to change." And boy, have they ever. Keep in mind that this was less than a year after The Strokes were somehow "saving" Rock and Roll. Nowadays, The Rapture seems like a needle in a stack of needles. It's hard to stay relevant when your revolution goes so smoothly, but they certainly have come a long way since releasing an EP of Cure rip-offs. By the way, the opening act is a prime example of the Rapture's blueprint completely watered down and done all wrong. They sound like Maroon 5 with a vintage synth. Actually, I bet even Maroon 5 already has a vintage synth. Thanks, Rapture.
Lost Generation With Wanz Dover (Fallout Lounge): Tonight's set is supposed to be heavy on Soul Music with a guest spot by DJ Panda Flower of Lollipop Shoppe.
Emil Rapstine/Stanton Meadowdale/Glen Farris (Rubber Gloves): I thought I had already made up my mind about Stanton Meadowdale, but I don't remember their recordings sounding as good as they did when I checked them out again today. Pretty mournful sounding stuff, but really aesthetically nice and slightly-murky recordings. Emil Rapstine will be backed up by a group of capable musicians featuring members of Current Leaves, Baptist Generals, and Raised By Tigers.
Violent Squid/Will E. Lee/Sinevil (Cool Beans): On the roof of Cool Beans tonight, an interesting little show that begins with Violent Squid playing a short set followed by the quick-tongued folk ramblings of Will E. Lee. Denton's Sinevil of Burnt Sienna and Brokenizer will play a set of improvised banjo music accompanied by a drummer. This show starts at 10 pm sharp.
80's Night WIth DJ G (Hailey's): Even your little sister knows about this shit.
is that david hasselhoff?
I think the Rapture is really freaking good. has that late-night, maybe you're alone feeling to it.
I like The Strokes. I hope you will all still come to SHQ.
I promise to act aloof.
sorry, but, you know the rapture ISN'T headlining tonight, right?
Please tell me why that's relevant. Why should I give a shit who's headlining? I'm not a promoter, booking person, or sound guy. So tell me, why?
its a double headlining bill they both play the same amount.
You're right. I shouldn't have assumed the equally well-known Shiny Toy Guns was the opening act. The fact that the bands are sharing equal stage time doesn't really change anything I wrote. It just means that they have an absurd agreement on this tour. You've got to love booking people. And publicists. And managers. The music business in general. Do you work for the Granada? Why do you care?
Without the DFA The Rapture are shite. I just don't like the new record. I love everything else. They kind of blew both times I saw them too. They could not pull it off live and their DJ set was one of the worst I have ever heard. It was like the worst 80's night ever. Poo on them.
No need to get defensive, Defensive.
"Please tell me why that's relevant. Why should I give a shit who's headlining? I'm not a promoter, booking person, or sound guy. So tell me, why?"
Because if you want to come for The Rapture and not for Shiny Toy Guns, then you'll want to know in what order the bands are playing.
Defensive indeed...
It's weird: I go ahead and admit that I will most likely have defensive opinions and everyone thinks they're clever by pointing this out. Even though I admitted it in the first place by moniker alone. It's actually a course I teach at a local community college, similar to defensive driving. If I catch you listening to a shitty band, you can take the course and avoid it being on your permanent record. You get a little certificate and everything.
Your revolution is over. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did: get a job.
"By the way, the opening act is a prime example of the Rapture's blueprint completely watered down and done all wrong."
That's why, missy. Because the opening act IS the Rapture. FUCK. I was pointing it out to make sure if people were going to see the Rapture they'd see them. Because you didn't know what the fuck was up.
And I'm not a booking agent. I've got no association with this show. In fact, I won't be attending because I'll be playing at my own.
Check. And mate.
"That's why, missy. Because the opening act IS the Rapture. FUCK. I was pointing it out to make sure if people were going to see the Rapture they'd see them. Because you didn't know what the fuck was up."
I still really don't care that I didn't know what was up, but thanks for trying to be helpful. There probably is another way to do it besides your original cocky little comment. We can only tell you who's playing, where and roughly when. We're not always privileged enough to get set times and what band plays first. So I often just talk about the most interesting band first. This is not an exact guide on when to show up at a venue. You should know that's a mysterious art largely lost on the typical Dallas crowd. It's really cool to show up when a band is loading out.
And please, tell me where you'll be playing tonight and in what band. This isn't a challenge. I would honestly like to know. You mentioned it, dude.
I'm Justin. I play in Hardin Sweaty and The Ready to Go and 3 other bands in this town on a regular basis, and tonight I'm playing at the Cavern. Its a redo of a house party that got shut down by the cops, one of the bands set it up at the Cavern. Later this weekend we're playing at Rubber Gloves and the Darkside Lounge, which I've heard is an alright place. And I think if you came and saw us, you'd probably enjoy it, despite whatever argument we might have here.
I wasn't trying to be combative. I was trying to make sure people see good bands they want to see, because its hard enough, especially in Dallas. I checked the calendar at the venue because I was thinking of trying to catch them before I played myself, but don't think I will get to.
Bring the shit. I'm practically begging for it, now.
I forgot to mention that show. Thanks for answering the question.
quit the worry on who headlines or not. Fucking dumb concept anyway. Go to the show and watch all the fucking bands!
WSJR just posts about good bands, in their opinion, that are playing. They sometimes don't list all the bands on a bill. I've noticed they never list times, price, etc... That's for you to figure out, if you're interested. And it's the responsibility of the venue, promoter & bands to let you know all the info you need. Seems simple enough, but then again, guess you need another reason to bitch.
did someone say bitch?
are you on a diet or something?
We will now. Fuck off, bitch.
She's anorexic. Duh.
The day Defensive Listening admits to being half-way wrong about something is the day that bitch finally eats something. Farah too.
Are you going to cry now?
The dogs shall not be called off until justice prevails by the way.
I think The Rapture is as lame and pretentious as Wanz, Farah, Nancy, Emil(well he just rips off Josh Pearson), Josh Pearson, and stonedranger combined. And that is REALLY FUCKING PRETENTIOUS.
defensivelistening is cool though.
wow!!! that's pretty pretentious.
geez. settle down people!!
Defensive Listening needs to blog with Sam M. They can be clueless together.
"The day Defensive Listening admits to being half-way wrong about something is the day that bitch finally eats something. Farah too."
I had two donuts and pork lo mein for dinner. No joke. And it's not that I won't admit to being wrong, it's just that I don't give a shit. I really can't think of anything that I give less of a shit about than when bands go on at the Granada.
In Fact:
Top ten things I don't give a shit about:
1. What time bands go on at the Granada.
2. The Nasdaq.
3. Drink specials.
4. Your Ipod.
5. What fancy vintage amp you're playing out of that you overpaid for on Ebay.
6. Tone.
7. Taste.
8. This singer has such a good voice.
9. This singer has such a bad voice.
10. You.
And to the person who says I should team up with Sam M. Really? I mean, I'm asking you point blank : Seriously? Please tell me what we have in common.
i wish "the rapture" would snatch you motherfuckers up into the great beyond. and that ain't just wishful thinking. i thought i told you fuckers to leave wanz alone for awhile. DL, yer having a bad day, no?? i like the strokes too, but i hate you, fucker... SHQ, that is...
p.s. how 'bout them mavs...
p.p.s. btw: justin, kind of a douche.............................
Let's see... what do you have in common with Sam M?
Let's start with the fact that you are both horrible writers without a real clue about what's going on around you.
But hey this is Dallas, you get what you get when it comes to music journalism around here.
I only read this blog to find out the WHO/WHEN/WHERE of the happenings concerning music in this area. Seeing how you aren't really interested in the 'when' part leaves more of your uninformed and pointless opinions.
Maybe you can team up with Sam M. and Zac Crain and all run together in a useless clusterfuck of a campaign for office. I'm sure between the three of you that you could muster the power of one brain.
It's good to know that even people who are too cool for us still read this blog.
And do tell, what is REALLY going on around here that we're missing? I dare you to try and explain it.
I am starting a band called "People Who Argue About Things They Dont Care About"
I agree SR, you guys have always listed anything that was worth two shits. If the bands sucked, they weren't listed probably because they sucked and you didn't know.
Why are you fucking with DL so much? Your argument with him/her is so retarded. I think you just like to pick on him/her because deep down you are mad that you dont know who he/she is.
Oh and by the way, Weshotjr is all for you people so respect it. These people take time out to make this music blog, to take interviews and to go see shows. If you don't like their opinions then this blog isn't for you. And if the blog sucks so much or you hate DL so much, why do you keep coming back to read it.
"Let's see... what do you have in common with Sam M?
Let's start with the fact that you are both horrible writers without a real clue about what's going on around you."
Good answer. You didn't list one example. It's fine if you feel this way, but I can usually back up what I say. It seems that you can not. That's not surprising. You be hard pressed to come up with real reasons other than: "You're stupid. You can't write." Obviously, neither can you.
quote: "But hey this is Dallas, you get what you get when it comes to music journalism around here."
Nobody knows this better than I do. And thanks for using the word journalism. You give me more credit than I would give myself.
"I only read this blog to find out the WHO/WHEN/WHERE of the happenings concerning music in this area. Seeing how you aren't really interested in the 'when' part leaves more of your uninformed and pointless opinions."
You read this "only" to find out WHO/WHERE/WHEN? Really? Is that what you're actually trying to tell me? Why don't you just read The Observer's music listings or Pegasus Now? Because we hand pick the shows we write about. So you actually care about the shows I hand pick to tell you about. Thanks for caring so much about what I think is cool. You're not just coming here for sterile Who/Where/When. Nice try, though. Also, I'm sorry that I'm not going to hold someone's fucking hand to always tell them when a band plays and in what order. Someone else pointed this out and it's true: That's the promoter's job. If you want to see the band you like play then get to the show on time. Period. Quit expecting everyone to tell you down to the last detail.
quote:"DL = BORING & WHINY"
Guilty as charged.
quote: "Maybe you can team up with Sam M. and Zac Crain and all run together in a useless clusterfuck of a campaign for office. I'm sure between the three of you that you could muster the power of one brain."
You can hate what I write all you want. But to equate me with these two gentlemen, whose work I have known since I was a teenager is baseless, and you have yet to tell me why you think this. I'm not offended. If I thought there was any validity to your claim, I might be. I'm just fascinated that you would think such a thing. I usually get the "Oh, that's the annoying writer that only likes something if it's noisy or experimental." I didn't know I also got mixed up with the writers wearing "Chomsky's #1 Fan" t-shirts.
I was laughing at you and DL.
Let me continue... hahahahahahaha!
sure ya were
Still am...
and apparently Sir Laughs-A-Lot checks the comments every ten minutes. He must really be having fun after all!
fuck that, lets bash wilonsky...
To equate DL with a hack such as Sam M. is just moronic. Regardless of what you think of DL,he writes about interesting music that doesn't get covered by the completely irrelevant bigdicklittledick and the Dallas Observer. Sam and those idiots at the Observer are interchangeable. They write passionately about mediocre music and criticize the stuff they can't understand. There's not an original thought in any of their work.
drugs and alcohol, b/w extreme r'n'r, ranger... who is stoned. trust me, there's more than meets the eye goin' on. but i'll tell ya what, if THAT guy's become a problem for ya, then maybe i'll just read the exciting reviews, and leave it at that...
saucer of milk, table two.......
um ok dude, you do that.
uh, what just happened?
gee, i dunno, i suppose someone named alan is becoming famous or something.
i dont think wanz deserves to be put in the same category at farah.
that's just rude.
Why not? Please explain.
i thought christopher walken had already made the cowbell cool again...
LOL I need more cowbell!
10:58 AM
Well, you're a doodoo.
I second the doodoo.
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