It List: Monday 5/21

EDIT: And somehow, we almost forgot The Willowz and Sarah Reddington tonight at Pastime Tavern, located at 1503 S. Ervay. The cover is $4.99 (independent contrator, tax purposes), and the bands are great. You might be quick to dismiss Willowz as one of those early 00's garage rock/60's pop throwbacks that everyone pretends they never liked, but there is a hell of a lot more going on in their music than all that stuff. The band has really evolved over the past few years, and you might want to hear the result.
Mom, Treewave at Urbano Paninoteca. This $40 per person wine tasting/3 course meal eating/music listening event is somehow affiliated with Good Records.
Paul Slavens at Dan's Silverleaf. I have no idea who this guy is, but evidently he's been involved with various local musical endeavors for quite some time. Sounds like this could be an eclectic jazz, spoken word affair that might be of interest to those of the UNT music literati ilk.
Bad Ass Jazz Night at Amsterdam.
Open Mic Mondays at Fallout.
Here's a recipe if you want to stay home and have your own wine tasting music event. You should invite all your crafty friends over and make stuff for this.
You should check out Paul's set sometime. I wouldn't say it's that high minded or egg headed. Basically you give him money and write a song title on a napkin and he makes up a song based on the title. Sometimes solo, sometimes with a band. Usually pretty raunchy and almost always hilarious. The music is really quite good as well.
Of course, a five dollar song is going to sound a lot better than a one dollar song. I've seen them go for as much as $50.
Paul is the host of 90.1 at night on Sundays and also worked with the Four Day Weekend improv troupe for several years.
recipe? brilliant idea!
do this more often. make weshotjr my virual lifestyle one-stop shop.
You weren't serious about not knowing who Paul is, right?
think dumb bald fuck. kera's alright insofar as television is concerned, but 90.1 is fucking lifeless. really.
My buddy and I paid Mr. Slavens $20 one time to sing a song about eating a bowl of dick. It was quite brilliant and very entertaining.
usually, when people type bitchy things about people i know, i skip it and move on.
but this time, fuck you.
90.1 is just like any other npr station, if you think it's lifeless, then don't contribute.
I think, (can only guess) that mr. slavens would actually gracefully accept and use the moniker "dumb bald fuck."
I also love his radio show and I am very happy that it exists. Please, name one other radio show in DFW that sings the song of the unsung more than paul's. I think you'll have a hard time.
After Glenn Mitchell died, even Everything You Ever Wanted To Know got boring.
Paul is alright, though his show is sometimes a bit too schitzo for its own good... T Rex between Kate Bush and Mozart? Just makes it sound like you're trying too hard.
recent playlists, for the uninformed:
250p, I'd pay a lot of money to find out who the unrespectable FUCK you are so I can beat your face. talk about kera whatever you want, but don't talk about one of the best people dfw has to offer in terms of good heart and musicality like that.
ps, that was me just now.
agreed paul is really nice and his radio show has become a tradition for me.
Also he knows how to fix a roland piano in ten seconds flat!-s
Nice to read a series of nice comments on paul slavens. I once wrote "dick cheney's shotgun" on a napkin with five bucks (I realize now I was cheap) and he wrote a very funny song in about a minute at Barley House. I've regulary heard local music on his Sunday night show.
Kind of off topic here, but I'd be interested to know who Stonedranger, Defensive Listening, etc would recommend voting for in the Observer Music awards.
The Observer Awards don't Exist.
Nancy, will you please just be shhhhh for a second? You are not spreading good will and embarrass us sometimes.
A radio show "trying to hard" to play a wide range? You're one of those?
i like paul. alot. you really should check it out, mr ranger!
and the mom/treewave dinner/wine she-bang sounds wonderful! i cant wait til i have enough money to entertain the thought of doing such civilized and adult activities!
was badass jazz night penned by we shot j.r.? if so, i disagree. it is a good jazz night, but badass? those guys need to be on more heroin and play in the alley, drinking bum wine. that would be "badass."
I didn't write today's list, but I also haven't checked out Paul Slaven's Monday night thing. Its just hard to get myself to drive up to Denton on a Monday night... sorry. I'm going to try to see it sometime, however.
No... we didn't make up the name "bad ass jazz."
Last year we did our own awards as an alternative to the observer awards, and we're going to do the same thing this year, but this time we're going to have secret ballot and make it a lot better. Coming soon.
willowz (11PM) w. sarah reddington (10PM)
at pastime
only $4.99 while supplies last.
Wasn't trying to lecture or anything. Hell, I never go out on Mondays... Just saying that's its not some UNT jazzbo exclusive thing.
paul is the shit.
please, do your research on this musician,
mentor, legend, genius, north texas jewel.
"the big one is coming" ... "red rain"
"i want my baby back baby back"
immediately comes to mind.
hey 3:03, how about i beat you're faggot ass for free?
id pay to see nancy in a fight.
I think you should check 2:50 PM's IP address. So we can all beat the shit out of her. Or him.
Who's shaking now?
i love wine!
If you don't know who someone is, do us all a favor and keep that sweet fact to yourself. Then let it marinate in that secret place you go to when you're scared. After it marinates, wrap it up in a piece of cheesecloth. Then shove it up your ass. Gently at first, then much harder. Repeat.
dave little
yeah but Ten Hands sucks. This u cannot deny.
7:35, i thought i left you shakin'in the dumpster behind jack in the crack. oh, my bad, that was your mom.
oh come on now! do your mom jokes really feel good to tell? do they really blow up your nether regions to maximum confidence? come up with something wittier for the sake of emo!
yeah ten hands is really not that good.
especially lyrically
Anyone who says something mean about Paul Slavens has never met him.
On top of being a really nice guy and fun to hang out with, he is a tremendous musical talent. While his Monday shows are an event every musician should experience at least once to see how he handles improvising lyrics and music, his classical compositions are also really great. Track down the "Absolute" CD he put out a few years back or ask him to play some of his fugues.
AND… aside from all of the aforementioned, his radio show is the best because it IS so diverse. How someone could complain about that, I do not understand.
glad to hear that people are finally
starting to realize Ten Hands sucks.
Especially lyrically.
I should know, I wrote most all those
lyrics. How embarrasing. And yes I am a dumb bald fuck. Lets go have a shot!!!! Never left a comment on this thing, just came across this thread.
Thanks for all nice comments.
Give me money.
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